Preach Reacts to the Endwalker Trailer

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[Music] okay [Music] [Music] this is going to be crackpot theory marching forward why are we on the moon the final days were upon us the fabric of the star had begun to fray its land by tooth and claw [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you know and i've had enough of this [Music] there were those who stood in defiance of that fate that's him [Music] is [Music] you took your tis as we time the respite afforded this land was but fleeting the end [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] take care [Music] it's gonna lay the law may down shall live on we must do as you must then but we scions will fight until the heavens fall until our last breath [Music] is [Music] three [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there wasn't [Music] there wasn't much in the way of teases what's going on in that one like there was in the shadow bringers one uh launch trailer oh there's a different one things are going bad the large trailer is spoilers okay okay okay peggy's 16. so what we got the whole world is in chaos definitely fun daniel having a party and what's going on why are we on the moon why are we on the moon charlie's got something locked away like they know i mean i i kind of dig the idea that charlie and knows how the world ends i kind of like that idea that they know what's coming we start off on the moon right beasts are starting to rise and a lot of the world is burning i mean from the map a lot of the world what are all these the chaos is spreading it's almost like fun daniel's like a virus that he's spreading everywhere it just won't stop beneath the towers as the chaos spread the star seemed to unravel and yet so weird that estinian now fights alongside the dragons i'm so happy for this character i'm so amazingly happy for this character that he now fights side by side with dragons this is this is like the perfect as much as i love heaven's ward this is the exact ending i wanted for astinian he was so ruined we will do the taylor slayer but for me storm blood almost completely destroyed this character and this is the full-on redemption we needed that he's now come this way because that scene sticks out in my mind so much in heaven's ward when he fully accepts that everything he's been taught is utter [ __ ] and he went over the campfire and he's like looking around obviously everything i've been told he accepts it like he has to which i love about that character he fully accepts it and uh and now to see that this is the end result this is great there were those who stood in defiance of that fate the hour [Music] is just laughing that's the thing with this guy he's just [ __ ] laughing i just [ __ ] set a problem off over here i set a problem off over here and look at you look at you [ __ ] mice run around my little maze you [ __ ] mice run around go on go on chase the badness there you go [Music] is he needs us to do something stage is set but will our heroes deign to play their part needs us for something you took your it is as time feared the respite afforded this land was but fleeting the end voice lie a little disappointed not getting swollen though maybe it'll still happen but i was definitely uh definitely a thing i was really hoping we were getting smaller now i really was [Music] yeah old charlie this is gorgeous this looks amazing that looks beautiful i can't wait to run around in there that's gonna be legit that's gonna be so good yeah i cannot wait we're not going there today usually i'd do like the first introductory quests of the expansion but considering i'll do that and then be in mexico for 10 days i'm going to lose my [ __ ] mind thinking about it so i'm not gonna do that [Music] [Music] i wonder if they only let graham see her and you stole her in i wonder if kryl can only get them to win i also feel he's gonna get locked away if he knows something i knew it this star still has secrets to tell [Music] take care my friend this is perfect by the way this this this tickles my nuts in the right way she's the perfect person to come and tear these guys a new [ __ ] [Music] so charlie and would keep its council while the world is lost to ruin it would come what may we shall live on come what may we shall live on i think i've still i'm i'm not paying up on this bet yet they've struck a deal or something there's this i'm not [ __ ] coughing up those subs i'm not copying up those subs man i'm not doing it oh no no no no no no there's still a chance that i am [ __ ] right that i am absolutely right now the gambler still is on i will remember it and you guys can hold me to it until the day comes but i stand by i stand by they're they think they're gonna be all right they don't they're not worried we must do as you must then but we scions will fight until the heavens fall until our last breath [Music] oh [Music] such a [ __ ] geek this this game is made me such a nerd i'm trying to listen to the lyrics of the song i'm such a [ __ ] nerd i'm such a gigger nerd i'm trying to find the lyrics of the song come on me blah blah blah blah such a [ __ ] geek like what are the lyrics exactly to the songs [Music] green blades dark like light [Music] the coming of the end [Music] [Music] hmm towing the coming of the end towing the coming of the end all right let me ask chris what's up with the large trailer ah okay i trusted my team uh on that one yeah it's fine uh the guys who've checked it and i do trust in this uh that's the message uh the large trailer won't spoil you at all mike because you don't have context but it's less cinematic and more a preview of what you're going to be playing you knowing you you'd probably prefer not to watch it and rather play it i agree i will take knutson's advice on that [Music] i trust in my team that is that is what they're there for they're trusting my team i have ultimate faith that's fine [Laughter] praise be to god gamer prayed peter
Channel: PG Highlights
Views: 110,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike preach, mike preach wow, preach gaming, lets play, wow 9.2, wow warcraft, blizzard, activision blizzard, world of warcraft, creation catalyst wow, preach wow, preach wow 9.2, preach creation catalyst
Id: jdX4vxLOkrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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