FFXIV: Endwalker Monk Guide [Patch 6.5]

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do you like punching things do you miss the real riddle of Earth well then maybe monk is a job for you hello there my name is Julia and in this video I'll be going over the actions abilities opener rotation and utility of the monk job at level 90. in Final Fantasy a raid party consists of two tanks two healers and four DPS monk fills up one of the DPS spots in set party the monk job focuses on going in and out of different animal forms which enhance their punches and kicks all melees in the game have a system called positionals baked into a rotation which increase the damage they deal if they hit certain abilities from either the rear or the side of their target monk has two of these positionals in their rotation monk is known for having a highly flexible rotation allowing for easier adaptation to fights that have seemingly random downtime and to go deep into optimization [Music] the monk gauge consists of two elements the first gauge is your chakra gauge this gauge shows you how many chakras you have stored up to a maximum of life these chakras are obtained from several sources in your rotation the second gauge is your Master's gauge using one of your major cooldowns Perfect Balance you gain B chakras by executing your combo gcds each combo gcd has their own color and by performing different combinations of these colored B chakras you unlock powerful gcds these gcds also Grant you either a lunar Nadi or a solar Nadi you can store one of each in the second part of the Master's cage once you have one of each your next Masters gauge special gcd turns into a powerful nuke before we go through all the actions and abilities it's important to understand that monks go in and out of three different animal forms these forms are applied by certain gcds and enhance your gcities the first form is the Oppo Oppo form which is the form of a monkey the second form is your Raptor form which is the form of a Raptor the third and last form is your koir form which is a form of a panther monk has a plethora of actions so let's go over all of them Monk's core rotation revolves around 9 gcds that combo into each other the first part of the combo starts with any of the three Oppo GCS these are all enhanced if you are in the upper upper form and Grant you to Raptor form upon execution [Music] the first CCD is boot shine which has a moderate amount of damage which is guaranteed critically stricken if used while in the upper upper form the second gcd is shadow of the Destroyer this is the AOE version of boot Tran and also is a guaranteed Critical Strike if used while in the upper upper form the last gcd is Dragon kick which grants you the buff ladder and fist making your next boot shine deal increased damage as mentioned upon executing any of these three gcds you gain the second form the Raptor form once executing any of the 3G cities from the Raptor form you grain the collateral from the three Raptor gcds are through strike a simple gcd that does some damage twin Snakes which grants you a buff called the disciplined fist which increases your Damage Done by 15 for 15 seconds it also does less damage than true strike so only use this to maintain the damage up buff the last Raptor form gcd is four point Fury this is the AOE version of twin Snakes once you use any of these three Raptor gcds you go into your coil from once executing any of the following quality cities you gain the upper upper form three Coral G Series are snap punch HCC that deals increased damage if hit from the target's sides demolish agcd deals increased damage if hit from the target's rear the molish also applies a damage over time debuff to the Target that lasts for 18 seconds the last gcd is Rock breaker which is a simple aoeg City after using any of these abilities you gain the upper upper form which lets you restart your cycle monks generally go through these three forms on a loop and change which gcd they use inside the form based on what they need at that time their goal is to maintain their damage Buffs and debuffs from Twin Snakes and demolish while abusing the damage enhancement on boot shine that Dragon Pig gives out of these three forms only the gcds inside of Oppo Oppo can be started without meeting the correct form both Raptor form and the chloroform gcds require you to be in the correct form to execute the gcd alongside these 9 gcds monks have three more gcds that they have access to form shift allows you to execute any weapon skill from any form without you being in that form since this triggers the gcd it is only ever used before a pool or during extended downtime six-sided star does a decent amount of damage and increases your movement speed for 5 seconds this gcd does have a double recus type of any other gcd and thus is Mug's equivalent of a ranged attack or disconnects and also used as a lost gcd before a boss dies or goes untargetable before we continue with the next gcd I first have to explain one ogcd this ogcd is perfect balance Perfect Balance allows you to start any of your 9 combo gcds freely up to three times with each usage it stores a beast chakra in your Master's gauge this Beast chakra is related to the form of the gcd you use for example using boot shine will store one upper upper chakra once you have used up to 3G cities and fill the Masters gauge you can access to a powerful gcd ability based on the combination of Beast chakras that you have stored masterful Blitz is then the action that executes these gcds all of these gcds Grant you formless fist after using them allowing you to enter your combo chain from any gcd the first special gcd we will talk about is elixir field you gain access to Elixir field if you have three of the same Beast chakras stored this gcd does high damage around the monk this damage is decreased for any enemies hit after the first using this also opens a lunar Nadi the second special gcd is Rising Phoenix you can access to Rising Phoenix if you have three different Beast chakras stored Rising Phoenix does high damage around the monk this damage is also decreased for any enemies hit after the first it also grants you a solar 90. the first special gcd is Celestial Revolution this gcd does less damage than the previously two mentioned and also does not cleave like them it is obtained by using two of the same base chakra and one different chakra it grants you a lunar Nadi unless you already have a lunari in which case it grants you a solar nutty it is never worth using this keep that in mind the last special gcd is Phantom brush you can access to this gcd if you have both a lunar and a solar nutty and have any combination of free Beast chakras Phantom brush deals an enormous chunk of damage to her Target and half of that to all enemies surrounding them your goal is to build your way up to using Phantom Brush by alternating between Elixir field and Rising Phoenix this concludes all of the gcd actions monk have access to let's continue with their OG series Brotherhood is your red white buff it increases the damage dealt of all affected party members by 5 for 15 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown it also grants them the buff meditative Brotherhood which has a 20 chance to Grant you a regular chakra whenever the affected uses a damaging dealing weapon skill or spell however whenever you the monk use a weapon skill you are guaranteed to gain one chakra it's extremely important to keep this ability on cooldown and synced with the rate Buffs of the rest of your party riddle of fire increases your damage stealth by 15 for 20 seconds this ability has a 60 second cooldown and should be used on cooldown after your opener aligning it with Brotherhood every second usage it is key that you always weave riddle of fire late as this allows you to get 11 gcds under the damage increase buff riddle of wind reduces your auto attack delay by 50 for 15 seconds this ability has a 90 second cooldown and thus will desync from brake paths this is okay simply keep it on cooldown and it will resync for your third minute and sixth minute bursts meditation strictly speaking is a gcd once you execute it it grants you one regular chakra after recast time of one second this is one of the gcds you should use during downtime but never when the boss is targetable outside of downtime once you have five regular chakras the gcd turns into the Forbidden chakra an ogcd that consumes all five chakras in trait of a powerful strike the AOE version of forbidden chakra is Enlightenment which in set deals moderate damage to all enemies in a straight line in front of you Thunderclap is your Gap closer and movement ability it can be used to dash towards any targeted party member or enemy lastly an Atman extends the duration of your damage above disciplined Fist and your current Beast form to their maximum and halts their exploration use this during extended downtime to maintain your form and Buffs foreign [Music] into this section I want to mention that the rotation we are about to cover is called the looping rotation there is another rotation for monks floating around called optimal drift this rotation can be more difficult to learn but learning it is very rewarding I recommend trying monk out using the explained rotation from this video and if you enjoy Monk and want to dedicate more time into the job then learn the optimal drift rotation before we dive into the opener we first have to talk about the rotation slightly as this should make the opener easier to digest the rotation of Monk can be as complex as you want it to be but for this guide we will be only covering the basics of the monk rotation the general filler can be explained by the flowchart listed in this beautiful graph made by marasa if you have to buff lead and fist which increases the damage of boot shine then use boot shine if you do not have this buff use Dragon kick simply put you alternate between these two gcds with each cycle if you're a damager buff discipline fist has less than 5 seconds remaining you want to use twin Snakes to reapply it else you can use true strike probes from extra direct damage the same concept of alternating between these two gcds with each cycle applies here the last ecd you use is either demolish or snap punch if your damage over time debuff from demolish has less than 5 seconds remaining then you want to use demolish to reapply this buff else you can use snap punch and restart your cycle at the top for monks there are several openers however we will only cover the standard lunar solar opener as the others are only used for fight-specific optimization the opener starts by using form shifts at any point forward pool use Thunderclap before the pull to dash towards the boss so that your gcd hits the boss when the timer reaches zero open with dragon kick if using a tank control arm pull drink it here continue with twin strikes and late weave in riddle of Fire finish your first combo with the molish and weave in the Forbidden chakra using this forbidden chakra is very important as you are currently capped on your chakras and your next gcd will generate another one start your second combo with boot shine within Brotherhood and Perfect Balance use Dragon kick within riddle of wind use boot shine again and finish perfect balance with another Dragon kick spend your Beast chakras on a lecture field and use another boot shine within your second perfect balance and use twin Snakes Dragon kick and demolish spend your last piece chakras on Rising Phoenix here's an example of the opener being done [Music] thank you foreign [Music] this is the basic opener and applicable to most encounters take some time to get familiar with it before continuing to the next section of this guide the rotation after the opener use twin Snakes and snap punch to end your current combo cycle then continue to follow the priority graph from marasa shown earlier while doing the following things since your perfect balance has a cooldown of 40 seconds you gain free charges of it every two minutes you ideally want to save two of these for your rate buff Brotherhood to increase the damage you deal with your special gcds this means that you have one spare Perfect Balance to use every two minutes this perfect balance usually comes off cooldown around the odd minute Mark together with riddle of fire you stamp together and then save the next two charges for the upcoming red buff window with Brotherhood in full up time your op minute bursts with rhythm of fire and the single Perfect Balance will look like this here's an example of the up minute burst being done [Music] on the even minute Burst when we have two perfect balances riddle of fire and Brotherhood your burst will look like this one thing to note is that in the even minute burst you use the form shift buff from Elixir field on Twin Snakes to maintain the rotation Loop here's an example of the even minute burst being done foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in these two examples of the burst you can see that there is an option to use either boot shine or dragon cake you generally want to alternate the uses of these two gcds and whichever you use will depend on if you already have the Latin fist buff or not use Dragon kick if you do not use boot shine if you do in Encounters of three or more targets you can start using all of the previously mentioned AOE skills [Music] monks bring some of the most powerful utility to the rate out of any melodepias arguably only a rifled by Reapers we've already talked about their insane movement potential with Thunderclap so let's move on to the next abilities Mantra increases the healing recovered from healing actions onto yourself and all of your nearby party members by 10 for 15 seconds this ability is insane coordinator healers where they would like you to use this as it can save them a lot of Mana riddle of Earth places a buff on you that reduces the damage You Take by 20 on a two minute cooldown once you take damage it also places a heal over Time Buff onto you gradually healing you back up alongside these three abilities monks also gain access to the melee roll actions the first being second wind which heals you for a considerable amount of Health on usage leg sweep stands to Target if they are sustainable which most bosses are not this ability does not see much usage outside of Niche content next is block path which places a buff onto you healing you every time you deal physical damage to the boss paint lowers the target's physical damage dealt by 10 and magical damage stealth by five percent for 10 seconds this is great to combo with physical rate whites or hard-hitting tank Busters if it goes unused for a while though do not feel afraid to use it on magical damage rate whites as well keep in mind that most parties run two melee DPS and both have access to faint if used at the same time they will override each other so spread them out accordingly if you're into static then try to coordinate the usage of faint with your healers as they generally will know where they need it the most armed length is your knockback community it also doubles up in usage by making anyone that strikes you slowed reducing their Auto attack speed lastly you have True North which allows you to ignore all positionals for 10 seconds use this if you're ever Force out of your positional spots but you have to use your positional gcds thank you for watching my guide I hope you learned something new if you enjoyed it or found it educational then please consider subscribing for more content a special thanks to the balanced staff and especially perfect balance in helping me make this video guide foreign [Music]
Channel: Juliacare
Views: 66,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 14, ffxiv, guide, job, rotation, opener, level 90, lv90, endwalker, the balance, raiding, raid, 6.2, 6.1, juliacare, julia, patch, 6.3, job guide, gcd, monk, mnk, perfect balance, pb, 6.5, 6.55
Id: ReYYKf7Pvqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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