FFXIV: Endwalker Dancer 1 to 90 Leveling Skills Guide

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welcome to the dance to 1-90 leveling skills guide and this guide will cover all of your skills as you train to tangle flamenco don quixote doflamingo better than the rest of them but also hopefully kill your enemies along the way watch as you go from this to this the series is framed in the mindset of plays completely new to final fantasy 14 or the mmo genre in general or generally just still inexperienced in that same vein this will merely be an overview of the actions and how to use them optimal rotations are better left to their own in-depth videos just due to how much complexity is involved in perfect openness and overall rotations this is not meant to be a purely optimal guide if you wish to be optimal at level cap they are afraid of the places you can research your job on we will however be crafting rotations as we go to help new players understand what goes through creating openings and gives them a foothold to push themselves into being able to do it on their own the goal is to draw players in on the ground level so they can make strides to improve themselves all tooltips will be shown at the level cap for each section level 60 for how we begin level 70 for storm blood stuff level 80 for shadow bring his levels and level 90 for and walker i also recommend all players add sprint and limit break to their hot bars both found in the general tab of your actions menu and as for how my hop bars build it'll make sense at 90 just put your skills on your hot bars in a way you feel comfortable using as you are leveling everyone has their own way of doing things if you want more info on how i set up my ui check the description or the card in the corner for a video on it and keep the following in mind patches can change jobs still be sure to check the description for any patch notes for minor potency changes with skill changes or any other special notes with all that out of the way let's begin dancing is almost entirely proc and priority based dps perhaps being one skill activating another your basic combo procs better combo hits randomly those better combos can give you resources to spend those resource spenders can proc an advanced version of itself that doesn't cost a resource that's three different procs for four different layers and there are so many procs it may even be recommended you mess with your ui to put procs into their own category and made bigger and while it sounds complex it's arguably the easiest job in the game to get into once you pass the initial learning curve you'll find yourself a low personal damage job with very high party support solo you'll find yourself doing pretty weak damage but in a party setting that is more than made up for with how much you support your allies you may not realize you have low damage though being made up for with very flashy very high damage skills on cooldown to obtain the dancer job you must complete your level 10 class quest and be level 60. that's it aside from owning the shadowbringers expansion that is with this done head to the lincello midsole 8th right plaza and head south first bluequest will be the dancer job let's get into the finer details of each skill dance this starts all the way at level 60 which is a lot of our toolkit to begin with first is our role actions this is a mixed bag of skills some way more useful than others but they're otherwise worth putting on your bars make room for these and see about where you can use them there's a video in the corner and in the description for a video about these skills specifically i recommend checking them out because i'm not going over them here level 50 and 60 increased action damage and increased action damage too these increase your base damage by 10 and 20 respectively given you start at level 60 you won't notice anything until you sink below these levels and even then your gear will be the real reason you notice any damage levels level 1 2 20 and 40 cascade fountain reverse cascade and fountain fall these are all paired together because they're functionally part of a single combo cascade does 220 pounds of damage to an enemy comboing into fountain that does a 280 pouncy hit both skills also have a 50 chance to get a proc cascade can proc silk and symmetry and fountain can proc soak and flow these activate reverse cascade and fountain fall respectively reverse cascade has a 280 potency hit same as fountain fountain fault is a 340 potency to an enemy they're much stronger attacking options these procs last for 30 seconds so you don't need to use these skills immediately however you will want to use them before using cascade or fountain again depending on the proc if you have silk in symmetry and use cascade you can get silken symmetry again it will end up overriding the first proc and lose you in entire use and because these are stronger you don't want to waste your procs plus they have a further proc we'll talk about in a moment because of how these work it essentially is a two-way combo that you can store as long as you aren't swapping to your main aoe combo a whole two buttons as well nothing will break these combos combos have a 30 second time limit to execute them across the board but the only buttons that break the main combo of cascade into fountain is your main combo aoe gcds and again there's only two of those so there's a lot of leeway of when you can continue to hit your combos but again prioritize them when you can because they're just outright stronger you get higher damage and a 50 chance at a four-fold feather these are useful for our next skill level 30 four-fold mastery and fan dance this introduces our first gauge four-fold feathers anytime reverse cascade or fountain fall gives a feather it goes here with an instant one second cooldown fan dance costs a single four-fold feather to do a 150 potency hit to a target this is why you want to use your silken procs as much as you can a 50 chance for an extra 150 potency every single time and you can store up to four feathers for burst phases or other such tactics but other than tactics like that this is just a bit of extra damage for you to weave in throw out feza's when you can moldanza is the lowest personal dps lowest doesn't mean low or none you still do plenty and as you level up you get extra benefits to using your feathers so get used to spending them sooner than later level 15 25 35 45 and 50 windmill blade shower rising windmill blood shower and fan dance 2. that was a lot of skills but these work exactly the same as your single target skills but these are aoe area of effect skills all of them have a 5 yard radius around yourself this makes you even more a melee job than all jobs already are yes you want to be near the enemies not far away windmill into blade shower is your main combo this is 100 potency into 140 potency aoes the procs they give are silken symmetry and silk and flow respectively these are the same procs as your single target skills if you use windmill and get silk and symmetry you can spend that on reverse cascade and the reverse is true so if the need arises you can easily swap back and forth between single target and aoe back to rising windmill and blood shower these are 140 potency and 180 potency respectively significantly stronger than the base combo when procs are available and these skills have a 50 chance at four fold feathers just like a single target however we instead use these on fan dance 2 still a 5 yard aoe around yourself costing one feather this is an extra 100 potency aoe you can weave in between attacks this is another reason why you may end up holding some feathers for later on aoe is a mix of being stronger than single target on its few as two enemies or three enemies three enemies is the safe spot for always being stronger than single target but the math can come out in favor of starting at two but point is if there are multiple enemies especially if there are a lot of enemies start using aoe same rules apply spend your procs as you get them spend feathers for extra damage and keep pushing out damage the only way to drop your aoe combo windmill into blade shower is to either wait 30 seconds or press either cascade or fountain so no matter which set of skills you're using the play style remains relatively the same level 60 closed position dancer is a support job with both party-wide and single-player buffing opportunities close position is how you choose the player for your single target buffing abilities this designates a dance partner which shares the effects of four different abilities with the player we'll be going over two of them now and two more as we go through skills beyond level 60. for now at the start of every duty we're going to choose a dance partner in dungeons it will always be your co-dps who is your partner but in eight player parties you have three or four other dps to partner which means you need some general ordering and if there are multiple dancers you can partner each other if there are no other choices like in dungeons and in eight player parties partner different people you can't stack all the buffs on one person when you can't rely on a friend to partner or you see someone you know for sure is a skilled player you have to just randomly choose for better results we can instead follow a priority this priority system can change wildly through the expansion small or large tweaks with more than one job already being announced to be getting some massive changes mid-expansion so take this chart with a pound of salt this is based purely on job choice skill gear and overall party composition are not being taken into account each tier is to be read left to right so jobs within a tier are not entirely equal but again this can be incorrect due to many reasons med battle if you take a look at the aggro in the party list you can estimate if you made a good choice other than the tanks does your dance partner have the highest aggro level if they don't consider swapping dan's partner to the person who is high aggro usually means high damage output just don't remove dan's partner and have no dance partner running a bad dance partner is better than none so let's look at two skills that help your dance partner level 15 standard step on a 30 second cooldown this involves our second ui element and is a whole system in itself first upon hitting standard step you will be put through a 1.5 second global cooldown this also changes your gauge into a pair of colored symbols then both your single target and aoe skills will also have changed into other skills these were named in the tool tips of all those skills those are the red rose amber white blue dove artra shay green leaf jay yellow crown piroway there are colorblind modes in this game and i would recommend trying it out if you have trouble getting used to it but otherwise you can rely on the symbols rather than the colors one will also be lit up with the combo border showing you which buttons you need to hit in order each one has a very short one second global cooldown when you hit them standard step is basically a game of simon says that you have 15 seconds to execute you look at the gauge when you start dancing then match the symbols from left to right green blue usual then on trache and again they will light up when you need to hit them jet will be lit up hit it entrerche will light up even if you hit the wrong symbols the only penalty given is delaying you it takes longer to finish your dance the only requirement is to hit the listed dance moves in order how many incorrect moves are between them does not matter so long as you hit the right moves and it will always be two different symbols never two of the same and just because the penalty is low doesn't mean you want to intentionally do the wrong moves after hitting the symbols you will hit stand and step again it is lit up and is now standard finish this is a 1.5 second global cooldown that does a massive aoe 15 yards in range the effects of this get stronger based on how many correct steps you took during the dams which you should almost always aim for two steps zero and one correct steps is basically pointless the first effect is damage a successful dance will do 720 points to the first enemy within range and 180 points it to all enemies beyond the first that is as strong as a blood shower plus the extra damage on one target which isn't all that great in both boss fights and in aoe you essentially want to use this on cooldown because of these damage values though the second effect is a big one you and your dance partner will be given a 5 damage up buff for 60 seconds and because standard step is only a 30 second cooldown you essentially have a permanent five percent damage up in high-end rating you can even buff yourself and your partner before a fight starts five percent is low on its own but the fact that it is essentially a permanent buff adds up very quickly this alone is enough for you to be 100 sure you have someone partnered in all duties 60 or higher big damage and bigger damage for you and your ally to sum it all up from there hit standard step hit going step buttons in order based on the step gauge hit standard finish just be careful of where exactly you are positioned when you use it 15 yards is a very big aoe so you could hit enemies you had no intention to hit i'm thinking arm veil first room by the way level 52 curing waltz on a 60-second cooldown this does a short-range aoe heal around you and your dance partner three arms in range this heals you both and anyone within range this can include each other assuming a tight stack this can be a 600 pouncy heel to everyone hit by it this furthers your reasons to stand in melee range as much as you can it's such a short range heal anywhere else it won't help anyone but yourself this isn't a heel to sleep on either at level 90 this is about an eight percent heal to myself 16 if you also get hit by a dance partner's heel as well this is significant and free since you can weave it between attacks you can help the healer out after the boss does some form of raid wide damage or try and specifically aim to hit the tank since they are taking far more damage than anyone else this is a tactic you can even use in trash pulls carefully make your way over to the tank between doing aoe attacks and hit carrying waltz to help the heater out a little just be careful you don't stand in enemy aoes and end up getting yourself killed many healers will incorrectly swap to heal you if you take damage despite the trash mobs currently murdering the tank but done right it is a helpful option level 56 shield samba while not affected by dan's partner on a two minute cooldown this reduces the damage of all allies within a 20 ohm range by 10 percent this buff lasts for 15 seconds and cannot stack with the barred or machinist versions of this skill this is similar to carrying waltz in what we just covered using it on just the tank in trash pools this is an under utilized strategy in dungeons since there's the motto trash is more dangerous than bosses sure you're only helping the tank stay alive but that's all you need in trash fights ten percent less damage means the healer has an easier time keeping them going otherwise for bosses this is made to defend against raid wide damage if everyone in the party is going to take a lot of damage due to mechanics or just plain raid wides hit shield samba to help people survive if there are multiple instances of damage in a row you're giving the healer a bit more leeway with healing between them be it surviving without a heal or not eating as much healing don't hold on to your support for no reason these are very useful for survival and just generally helpful it doesn't need to be the difference between life and death to be of help level 50 and avant this does a quick 10 yard dash in the direction your character is facing with a 30 second cooldown this isn't insanely useful but it does have some important benefits if you're slow to dodge an aoe you can hit enevant to dodge just be aware of the direction you are facing so you don't dash into more aoes another option is for keeping up with the party i mean you have sprint and should be using sprint but also peloton if it's not mid combat but if you are still for some reason falling behind the rest of the party and the tank and avant is a quick dash to catch up a little bit it's not the quickest dodge in the world and you are completely locked into the animation once begun but it's a little bit of extra movement when you need it but given your arranged dps you already have tons of movement for getting in and out of melee range and that is our starting toolkit it's not very expensive very very simple if you understand the idea behind your procs and how to do your dance with the dance partner chosen then you know basically how dancer is up to level 90 though there's always more specifics that can be gone over this includes openness which at 60 you don't really have one at most you pre-pull prepare your dance and that's it this is our opening you stand a step on cooldown and just hit your combo buttons hit procs when you can use your feathers or save feathers for your next opener which will only really come into play in later levels so let's just move quickly past this and talk about the skills we're getting in stormblood that will get a sort of bit of an opener finally level 62 devilment on a two-minute cooldown this increases both critical and direct hit rate by 20 each for 20 seconds and this buff also applies to your dance partner anytime you or your party is about to dish out a barrage of attacks devilman ensures your partner shines above the rest you want to put this up in every opening or otherwise using it on cooldown you'll be using it after you dance since you want the guaranteed damage boost up first higher rates for big damage is great but still the only real worry here is using it late into a battle right as stuff is going to die if the battle is over you might be better off holding it for the next one just to make sure that one goes smoother but don't hold it just because you've done a bit of damage already there's a line to draw but using it consistently should be a habit to get into level 66 fan dance 3 this technically comes with an upgrade to fan dance one and two each of these now has a 50 chance to grant a three-fold fan dance proc these procs are the only way to use fan dance 3 similar to a normal combo it costs no feathers to use and is not a play-centered aoe it is an aoe of 5 yards on your current target this target will take a hit of 200 potency all enemies within range of that first target will get 100 potency of damage as well in all possible context this is a stronger version of both fan dances all while having only the cost in spending time to weave it between gcds this becomes something to worry about if you start trying to save feathers for burst phases you have to watch for anytime you are given a three-fold fan dance if you fan dance one or two before spending it you may end up just losing your next proc this leads to a good amount of weaving on top of what you already could build up otherwise we're just simply using it as soon as possible when we get it it's just like our main combo procs anytime you spend a feather be ready to use phantasm 3 and use it right away level 68 enhanced and avon this turns an avon into a skill with charges the moment you spend a charge it begins to recharge even with one stored so in total you have a 60 second cooldown for both charges but can store them for when it is needed so if you need back to back dashes for dodging or speed or what have you you can save them up for that moment or spread them out as needed this doesn't really allow you to do anything more than you already could though level 70 technical step this is our only job quest locked skill do your job quests technical step is a two minute cooldown starting off this works exactly the same as standard step but this one has all four dance steps activate the dance do all four dances then hit the button again for technical finish once again there are two effects the first is damage doing 1200 potency to the first target and 300 potency to all targets after the first the aoe size is 15 yards just like standard step 2. the second effect is a lot bigger than standard steps technical finish will buff all allies within range for 20 seconds by 5 percent this is not just you and your partner this time by this level you're not going to be accidentally grabbing extra enemies with aoes so you can run into melee blow up the enemies and buff up your entire team and obviously in bosses you're throwing this out in openers for making everyone else do a bit more damage combined with everyone else's buffs and big hits going out five percent gets multiplied several times and it's worth so much more than it sounds like we want to use this on cooldown every time it comes up which with these skills it's time for a real opening kinda dance it has an extremely tiny opening even at level cap and this will be half of it there's almost nothing to go over but let's go through it pre-pull closed position standard step dance dance standard finish technical step dance dance dance dance technical finish devilment cascade same as before we prep standard finish on the run up to the boss so we can immediately buff ourselves and our partner but we want our team buffed too so we immediately transfer into technical step by this point the entire party will be finished ramping up and start throwing out all of their big hits which is why we also immediately weave into devilman if they're not already there your partner will be approaching the apex of their opener here and be buffed further any crits they get could be thanks to you entirely but from there we can't really do much with our opener we do our normal combo hits try and get feathers spend them if we get any and use our cooldowns when they come back up save feathers for reopeners if you can but with how little there is for dancer that's it for an overview so let's do the karaoke opener that means i'm going to speak the names of skills as the buttons are hit so there may be some cutting myself off due to the speed of certain actions in the opener but otherwise skill names i said the moment the buttons are hit pre-pull closed position standard step dance dance standard finish technical step dance dance dance dance technical finish government cascade with that short bit of dancing done let's get into shadowbringers and the major additions that brings level 72 flourish on a 60-second cooldown and only usable inside of combat this instantly grants you all three of your procs but two of them slightly different we get threefold fan dance which allows for using fan dance 3. that's the same however we also get flourishing symmetry and flourishing flow these are the same as silk and symmetry and silk and flow allowing for you to use the procked gcds but they're different names so that means you can stack them let's do our combos and get both silk and buffs then hit flourish and get the flourishing buffs we can now use reverse cascade and fountain fall each twice or the aoe versions if you wish the fact these can stack means you can't accidentally overwrite your procs with flourish the only way you can override a proc with flourish is with fan dance 3. so just don't weave in a feather when you're using flourish and you're golden weave the fan dance 3 at the same time it's flourish even hit flourish on cooldown and use procs as you can you'll be getting a lot more feathers thanks to this level 76 s3 our fan gauge has expanded to now have a traditional gauge attached this is esprit and is only generated when under the effects of our dances both standard and technical step now grant is free when they go out lasting as long as the damage buffs on the specific allies on yourself s3 is a guaranteed generation of 5s3 every time you use a gcd from your main combos single target and aoe on your allies it has a much more theory crafting type of bonus when your allies cast spells oil and weapon skills there is a chance to gain 10 esprit this chance is different for every single job well there's some overlap certainly but no way to know what your generation chances are without a long time testing it with looking up charts it's work i'm sure has been done but i won't bog you down with the deeper details there point is it's a random chance to get esp3 from party members when you dance for them even when you use technical step you're not guaranteed any esprit would take astronomical odds to get zero s3 but still technically possible point is you're now going to start to generate a little bit of guaranteed s3 with every attack with random boosts of esprit during your dances but what about spending esprit level 76 saber dance on the gcd this does an aoe attack onto an enemy it has a 5 yard radius doing 480 point view to the initial target 240 to all enemies after the first it costs 50 esp3 to use and the s3 gauge begins to flash back and forth between yellow and red to signal it is usable but otherwise there isn't really anything more complex to it you can hold on to saber dance for a little bit but don't hold on to it too long that you hit 100 gauge the longer you sit on 100 gauge the more likely you're going to lose some gauge to overcapping throw out saber dance where you can especially in aoe big aoe long boss fight etc you just use it anytime you have the gauge level 78 enhanced enevant ii we now have three charges venovan a total 90 second cooldown 30 seconds per charge all the same uses apply but now slightly more level 80 improvisation on a two minute cooldown this is a support skill first off hitting this button will disable your auto attack automatically secondly if you take any action movement turning attacking will end improvisation early and thirdly all allies within 8 yards will be granted a 100 pouncy heal over time it lasts for 15 seconds healing every 3 seconds in total that's 500 potency however the big purpose of this skill is channeling it as hinted at by the fact this skill ends by moving if you stay still and continue to channel it the buff will continually refresh until the skill ends but that's not why we're channeling it the reason is that channeling the skill will cause you to accumulate stacks of another buff every 3 seconds up to a maximum of four if you channel the skill until time runs out you lose all of those stacks but improvise turns into improvised finish hitting the button at any point will extend all stacks and give all players inside the area a shield with a percentage of max hp up to 10 percent this shield will last for 30 seconds before falling off because of how this skill works it doesn't get a lot of mid battle usage though you can just for the regen but you'll still lose an auto attack the place you end up using improvisation most is anytime a boss has some form of ultimate attack you almost never can attack the boss during these events if it isn't a full-on cutscene you can plop down improvisation to give a regen and defensive shield for after the ultimate bosses can still do mechanics and raid wides immediately after so giving the healers a little bit of help makes it worth it plus what else are you gonna do stand there watching the cutscene while your party tries to keep everyone alive which brings us to our next opening all we need to do is simply add in flourish but this does potentially give us a use of sabre dance there is no guarantee so it might be saber dance but it could be fountain fall instead pre-pull close position standard step dance dance standard finish technical step dance stand stand stance technical finish development cascade flourish fan dance 3 fountain save a dance if available otherwise fountain fall it's this one at the end there could have been enough time to get saber dance but also have a very high chance of not having saba dance here if you do not have enough esprit for saber dance we found fall because it is our strongest possible attack we'll work through our procs or using saber dance the moment we can we could have two of each proc after all since we used our base combo too you might wonder why we don't use the proc before fountain well it's to try and give muscle memory for what comes at 90. we're going to replace the main combo in a moment but these will prepare us for the coming rotation and learning how to deal with it when we have tons of procs not going to karaoke this one since it's not that much added even if there is a bit of weave there we'll hear it at level 90 when we have our proper final opening in end walker level 82 enhanced technical finish and tilana this is a further action on top of technical finish technical finish grants this flourishing finish for 30 seconds turning it into tilana tilana is a 1.5 second global cooldown this has a 15 yard range like both of your dances it does a 360 points to hit to the first enemy and 180 potency to all enemies after the first further it grants you and your ally standard finish and s3 for 60 seconds acting like a standard step buff we'll be opening with standard step so this is a refresh to our time is at best if we want to go that far apparently at the high end we don't want to use standard step on cooldown or something like that and this would probably help with that but i don't know the details on that really but otherwise this is just something extra you want to use after tactical step you can hold on to it a little bit thanks to that 30 second timer but usually it gets used sooner than later it's more damage level 84 enhanced esprit our gcd proc skills have been boosted reverse cascade fountain fall rising windmill and blood shower all give 10 esprit when used under the esprit buff this speeds up how many saber dances we get but doesn't really change how we play at all and it's a very tiny buff level 86 enhanced flourish and fan dance 4. upon using flourish we are now granted four fold fan downs for 30 seconds this is the only way for us to use fantans 4 which makes it essentially flourishes version of tilana but a bit different this is a conal aoe with a massive 15 yard range this is as big as your dances but for a cone it is huge this does 300 points to the first enemy and 150 points to all enemies beyond the first unlike telana this is an ogcd like your other fan dances so you can weave this at will if you're not flooded with feathers and trying to make use of those so you don't over cap throw out fan dance 4 when you get it if you need to do some management of feathers you have time to throw it out in a little bit level 88 enhanced shield samba shield zaba's cooldown is dropped 30 seconds to a shorter 90 seconds mechanics and raid wide damage happen a lot in endgame and you can use this often to block some of it for your healers or if just dungeons spam it in trash bowls more than you already were level 90 enhanced devilment and starfall dance devilment joins the crew now and has a proc of its own devilment will grant flourishing starfall for 20 seconds this allows us to use starfall dance which is a 25 yard line aoe in the direction of your current target this does 600 points you to the first target and 150 points to all targets after the first there seems nothing special at first but the fact that it will always be a critical direct hit makes it a lot stronger consistently so while you can't get lucky crits like with other skills being guaranteed the direct crit means this is more functionally and over 1 000 potency hit with no chance to crit same as all our other procs we simply want to use these whenever they are available regardless of single target or aoe that's the same end walker for dancers aoe proc skills that have strong first target potencies and really that's all of dancer but that leads us back into our final opening all these new skills the big hits that we want to shove into the opening when all our buffs are up they're all worth a spot and we even prepared room for them as we leveled pre-pull closed position standard step dance dance standard finish technical step dance dance dance dance technical finish devilment star fall dance flourish fan dance three tilana fan dance saba dance if available otherwise fountain fall feather procs if available standard step dance dance standard finish reverse cascade i want to mention the pre-pull dance once again in ideal top raid level environments you're going to get a 15 second countdown timer this is when you start the dance you end it on pull as a result you cannot do this standard step here at the end without that 15 second pre-pull dance you'll have to go back to your main prox instead and push back the standard step which will still have a reverse cascade proc available to use if you haven't used saber dance or we're unable to hear that fits in too we throw out starfall dance first because ideally all buffs are up at this point any remaining buffs that could go out will be crit-based buffs and starfall is an autocrit anyway the flourish into fan dance 3 is the same as before using the proc asap but instead of the normal gcd we can use telana our next biggest hit we also have a free weaving slot for fan dance 4 from flourish so use it here then once again we come to sabre dance if we have saber dance available hit it if not we use fountain fall because it is our hardest hitting remaining skill if and only if we used fountain fall and only if we got a feather we immediately use it if that feather procs fan dance 3 we use that too normally i try to avoid talking about if situations but this is a major exception dancer is just too proc based to not go over if situations then as we went over earlier we have the second standard step only if you got to do the pre-pool dance properly 15 seconds before pull otherwise skip to the reverse cascade then from here on out it's using your main combo generating procs using your procs and managing your feathers if you get any for saving them for reopening windows and also your esprit gauge otherwise you just keep throwing them out that really is all there is to it too generate procs use them and all your cooldowns you use the moment they come off a cool down desert really is just low stakes when it comes to understanding a rotation there's plenty to learn at the high end but a basic go over i can't say much more than just use your procs as you get them so let's sing our song of hope to dance on the wind with our final karaoke opener free pull close position standard step dance dance skipping ahead standard finish technical step dance dance dance dance technical finish devilment starfall dance flourish fantasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t van dance four saba dance or fountain fall feathers if available standard step dance dance standard finish reverse cascade this finishes it off short sweet to the point and very supporters of the team but we all know you're just going to sit in limsa with the honeybee dance going thank you for watching this dance a one to ninety leveling skills guide feel free to give feedback or ask questions on what might still be confusing to you i am always seeking to improve as should you don't stop with this guide even if i succeeded in helping you improve please leave a rating comment sub those really do help creatives or even go follow my patreon have fun idiot adventures across aosia and may the power of annan hogsway waste to your enemies you
Channel: WeskAlber
Views: 77,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, beginner, learning, guide, endwalker, skills, leveling, opener, rotation, DPS, ranged, physical, DNC
Id: h0yhwoPWNxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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