FFXIV: Endwalker Bard Guide [Patch 6.4]

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hello and welcome to the final fantasy 14 end walker bart guide my name is julia and i will be covering the ins and out of the bar drop at level 90. part alongside dancer and machinist is one of the free physical range dps the bar chop focus on providing constant damage buffs to your party through the means of your songs alongside two major damage buffs every two minutes the job cycles through three songs which each slightly adjust its play style [Music] the bard cage is relatively simple to understand the first aspect is your song bar depending on which song you're currently in this will display the time remaining and the procs relative to your song to decide it shows you your kodas for your radiant finale path although this can largely be ignored lastly there's your soul voice gauge which fills up to a hundred this gauge fills up by five whenever one of your songs proc their corresponding procs having more than 20 gauge allows you to use apex arrow and having more than 80 gauge also allows you to use blast arrow after this apex error [Music] bart's playstyle revolves around rotating three songs wanderers minuet armies peon and mages ballad these each provide a party by buff and adjust your rotation slightly wondrous minuet provides all party members within 30 yums with a 2 crit buff and allows the usage of pitch perfect when using the song you will start stacking up repertoire stacks these can be spent on page perfect aim to cast pitch perfect when you have three of these stacks whilst avoiding overcapping armies peon provides all party members within 30 ohms with a 3 direct hit path the procs during this song decrease your recast time and your auto attack time ending this song grants army's mute a buff which keeps the effect going for another 10 seconds mages of allot grants all party members within 30 ohms a 1 flat damage buff repertoire procs during mages balot reduce the cooldown of blood ladder and reign of death these three songs naturally aren't just as strong as each other also armies muse is very valuable during your 2 minute burst this is why we have a satsang cycle within your 2 minute rotation you open with wondrous minuet and use this for 43 seconds the reason why you don't use its full duration is because it's unable to grant you more repertoire procs and the last 3 seconds of the song next up we enter mages ballad for 34 seconds this is simply because it's our weakest song lastly we use army's peon for the next 43 seconds and this leads us into the 2 minute mark where we use wanderous minute again and restart the song cycle starting off with your dots storm bite and caustic bite are both dots you want to keep running at all times once applied for the first time refreshing these dots becomes very easy simply use iron jaws when their duration is about to expire to fully refresh them both with one gcd next up we have burst shot this is your filler ability cast this when you have no other gcds to cast refulgent aero is a hard hitting gcd ability that can only be used when you have the buff straight shot ready this buff is granted by stormbite caustic bite burst shot barrage and iron jaws bloodladder is an ogc with a very short cooldown keep this from overcapping imperial arrow is another ogcd with a short cooldown this ability grants a guaranteed repertoire proc for your current song use this on cooldown drifting this ability is a huge loss of damage sidewinder is a hard-hitting ogcd with a longer cooldown simply use this on cooldown next up we have apex aero you gain access to this ability when your soul voice gauge hits 20. that said if you use it with 80 gauge or more you also gain access to its combo ability blast arrow we treat this ability as a 60 second cooldown use it if you have 80 gauge or more when there is 21 seconds left in mages belong then hold on to it for your next 2 minute burst even if this means overcap lastly we have our two minute buffs raging strikes increases our damage done by a flat 15 percent for 20 seconds battle voice grants all party members within 20 ohms a 20 direct hit path barrage instantly grants you a stack of straight shot ready and triples the potency of the next used weapon skill always use this buff on a revulsion error proc radiant finale grants all party members within 20 yarms a flat damage buff this damage buff is based on how many songs you've played prior to using this ability if you keep to the earlier mentioned song cycle they should always be six percent except for the opener since these three abilities have a two minute cooldown we have a set rotation to deal with them and you can largely forget about them outside of this rotation [Music] our two minute rotation is never exactly the same this is because bart's rotation heavily relies on procs from your songs and straight shot this is why we have a priority system instead of a rotation outside of your two minute bursts and openers try to keep up the following priority for your gcds use stormbite and castigbyte if your dots are currently not up else use ironjaws to refresh your dots if they're about to fall off use results and arrow if straight shot is ready or use apex arrow if you get between 80 and 100 gauge prior to being 21 seconds left in mage balad else save it for the next 2 minute burst make sure to always follow apex or up with a combo action blast arrow do this within 10 seconds or else the blast arrow disappears and lastly if there's none of the earlier mentioned gcds available fill her up with birthshop for your og cds there's the following priority make sure to keep your songs up at all times use the song cycle mentioned earlier to decide when and what song to use next avoid overcapping on your song procs by using pitch perfect 3 and bloodletter charges before you get more via the timer or imperial arrow try not to drift your imperial arrow the guaranteed procs this ogcd provides are very valuable and a huge damage loss if missed outside of your songs make sure to use blood letter on cooldown and that it does not overcap lastly also use sidewinder on coolman [Music] since your songs and straightshot ready procs will be different from pool to pull certain aspects of your opener and two minute buff windows also change try your best to meet the previously mentioned priorities after your buffs go out your opener and two minute buffs windows are also not the same so it's important to cover them both separately that said this is your opening cast peloton when there's 15 or 10 seconds left on the timer to keep your melees and tanks smiling next pre-paw one and a half seconds before the pull open with storm bite and weave in wondrous minuet and raging snakes cast caustic bite and use imperial arrow and blood ladder to get the cooldowns rolling before you either burst shot or welded arrow depending on your rng weave in radiant finale and battle voice before either another bird star or another refulgent arrow if this is a burst shot which proc straight shot ready then weave in sidewinder and use revulsion arrow and then finally barrage if this is a burst shot and does not proc a revulsion arrow or if you have revulsion arrow here already weave in barrage into another revelation arrow and finally within sidewinder after this try to keep your spells on cooldown and uphold the gcd and ogc priority list mentioned earlier in the guide finally it's important to use iron jaws once all party buffs are applied so your dots snapshot the two minute bus do this while avoiding overcapping pitch perfect and you got yourself a perfect opener this opener can feel somewhat stressful so it's recommended to practice it a few times before continuing into the rotation here's an example of the opener [Music] for your two-minute burst things are a little bit different this is because we are entering our burst window with army's peon's buff army's muse this buff keeps the skill speed buff from peon for an additional 10 seconds after you swap to wondrous minuet try to keep your gcd and ogcd priorities as mentioned earlier alongside this there are a few things set in stone late weave wanderous minuet into either burst shot or a vilgen arrow then use raging strikes and imperial arrow use burst shot or revelgen arrow twice before weaving battle voice and radiant finale then when all buffs are up cast apex arrow if you have 80 gauge or higher dump all bladder charges and refresh your dots with iron draws aside from this keep your cooldowns and procs from overcapping and aim to spend them all when the bus are up [Music] for bart there's a simple rule item level is always better yes even over pentamounted gear this is because none of the sub stats are bad enough on bart to warrant giving up on the extra dexterity item level gives our subset priority then is crit over determination over directed over skill speed however as mentioned the value of crit determination and direct hit are very close for sks and exceeding certain skill speed bart likes to be at about 2.48 or a 2.47 recast time this makes it so you can easily keep your imperial arrow on cooldown which allows it to better line up with your two minute bursts this guide is made with no specific tier in mind so for your exact business list please visit the balan discord or website where you can find an updated pest and slot list these will list the gear you're aiming to obtain bart brings also a fair amount of utility and a good part uses them all the first ability to talk about is tropodor this ability has a 90 second cooldown and applies a 15 second buff to all nearby party members that produces the damage taken by 10 this is one of the strongest damage mitigations a dps can bring as you do not have to target the boss to apply it and the duration is considerably longer than both faint and addle it is worth to note that both dancer and machinists have their own versions of troubador these were named shield samba and tactician these three abilities are functionally the same and do not stack instead they override each other keep this in mind when in a party with another physical range player next up we have nature's min this ability increases hp recovery by healing actions on the target for 15 seconds and by 20 throw this onto your main tank during pre-pull and onto the party members that are struggling to stay alive due to dots or debuffs or most importantly coordinate usage with your scholar healer and their deployment tactics if you have issues targeting party members casting your spell and keeping your gcd rolling then you can macro in specific targets before the pull such a macro looks like this where the number between the brackets is the specific party member lastly we have ward and spiel this ability is slightly niche and doesn't see regular usage when used it removes one detrimental effect from yourself or targeted party member you can also precast this to make the next enfeebling spell cast onset target be nullified aside from these three abilities bart also has access to the physical range job abilities these include leg raise a 40 slow that lasts for 10 seconds second wind a potent cell feel with a long cooldown use this when caught in a dire situation foot craze a 10 second long route that disappears when the target takes damage peloton a rate wide buff that increases everyone's movement speed this buff does not work inside of combat so use this buff during the pre-pull to help your melees and tanks get to the bars faster and use in-between dungeon pulls head grace an interrupt on a short cooldown and finally arm's length this will be your knockback immunity [Music] lastly i want to talk about a few smaller notes that i didn't believe fit in any of the previous categories if you have high ping you might have issues double weaving this makes the job perform significantly worse however there are ways to deal with this for pc users you can use no clippy or xmv alexander to increase the spell queue window for both pc users and console users you can use a vpn to get a better route to the server possibly reducing your ping that way for more information check the balances code xiv analysis is a useful tool to help you analyze your rotation simply put in your ff logs report to see what you can improve upon i recommend using this frequently whilst learning the job [Music] you
Channel: Juliacare
Views: 18,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy 14, final fantasy online, bard, guide, job, level 90, savage, julia, juliacare, endwalker, patch 6.08, the balance, 6.2
Id: 8Hsptmgh5Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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