FFXIV The Advanced Guide To Bard The King Off Support In 6.4

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good morning good evening and good afternoon I hope you're all enjoying patch 6.4 and today we are back with the next Advanced PVP guide featuring The One and Only Bard the class has always performed decently well however in patch 6.4 between resistance changes and its own personal births The Bard is in a really nice spot quite easily capable of dropping High kills and high damage games making it feel on par with the other physical range to DPS and The Bard support Factor has more impact than ever before making you a highly valued party member my name is salamander [Music] with no more delays let's get into it [Music] let's kick things off with the comparison The Bard is one of three physical ranged DPS the first of which is The Machinist in 6.4 The Machinist has become truly terrifying with their drill limit breaker combo dropping targets so fast they believe they were just one-shotted The Machinist is able to poison large groups while also applying heavy throwing your turret and your damage over time will devastate players not paying attention or your strong single Target abilities make machinist an ideal pick for those of you who just love to get in there and get slaying up next is the dancer seeing a lot more play time within patch 6.4 the dancer now has more resistance than the previous seasons and is the most mobile cluster play Within PVP you can easily Dash around keeping a safe distance while dealing decent damage but where they shine is their ability to end large team fights and shut down limit breaks using their own limit break to force all within range to lose control this opens up entire alliances to the mercy of your team and timed well you can force limit breaks such as the samurai to miss their timing all of this combined with a dancer's insane AOE damage will allow for you to dominate so what makes The Bard stand out to begin you are rewarded with more damage for keeping distance seeing your max damage when you are 15 yards away at any moment during combat you can release a volley of damage your AOE combo deals good damage and at the same time Buffs damage for both you and your party within 30 arms combine this with a barred warden's pay on nullifying the next CC increasing damage resistance and buffing healing potency allows the bar to set up a powerful push for your team and in 6.4 The Bard's limit gauge is more impactful than ever all within range get a 10 damage buff faster cooldowns and increased movement speed all while charging the limit gauges of those around you you don't have the burst potential of The Machinist or the AOE damage of a dancer Instead The Bard acts as a team initiator setting up kills turning battles in your team's favor preventing escapes shutting down targets and all around offering your team to give a difficulty level to each job The Machinist would be a one star with the dancer holding the two star and The Bard being a three star a good Bard can make it extremely difficult for enemies to achieve anything [Music] foreign we have the powerful shot dealing a base damage of 4000 which increases up to 6000 at max range Remember The Bard is rewarded for distance your max potential is when you are 15 yards away from your target there is never a reason to not be using your powerful shot as each shot takes 5 seconds from your Imperial Arrow cooldown the Imperial Arrow this ability can hold up to three charges each shot will deal four thousand damage up to 12 000 for all three when possible hold off until you have acquired all three stacks as this burst will allow you to finish off fleeing targets and set up easy kills for your team some situations will call for you to use one to two charges in order to secure the kill if you're looking to give another player a heart attack go for the triple shot next we have the Apex Arrow this skill helps push back against grouped players dealing 8 000 to all in a straight line your weapon skill cast and recast time will be reduced by 10 and will grant a 5 damage to yourself and all party members within 30 arms this power bonus lasts for the next 30 seconds while Apex arrow is on a 20 second cooldown meaning you are able to keep a permanent 5 damage boost going for the entire match the Apex arrow is especially effective in small chokes such as the center point on answer hack air or when a dark knight pulls groups together with their salted Earth mods that stand out from others will always be looking to combo this with other players as well as keeping up time on the 5 bonus damage following the Apex Arrow you will become blast Arrow Ready Blast Arrow once again deals 8 000 in a straight line and will grant these same 10 reduction in cast and recast times a second five percent damage before proc within 30 arms with a much shorter 10 second duration Landing the Apex Arrow into the blast Arrow gives you the opportunity to follow up with a triple volley of Imperial Arrows with a 10 bonus damage applied from your previous attacks even should the player survive this Onslaught they will very quickly be dispatched by the team for your single Target instant cast we have the Pitch Perfect 4 000 damage scaling to 8 000 once you reach the 15 yard distance threshold Pitch Perfect will also reduce your Imperial Arrow cooldown by 5 Seconds Pitch Perfect can only be activated under the effect of repertoire to gain access to the effect of repertoire you first need to use your crowd control silence Nocturne this skill in 6.4 has received an earth as silence completely shuts down a target's hot bar with no chance to purify the effects duration has gone from three seconds down to two seconds timed well silence is ideal to shut down limit breaks it can also set up a burst window prep your Imperial arrows wait until the target is around the 50 HP Mark shut down their abilities and healing then unload your Imperials your Pitch Perfect and even your Apex and blast arrows if you must used well silent Nocturne will often Grant you a free easy kill a second benefit of the silent Nocturne is its range has been reduced from 25 down to 15 yards meaning once you're arranged to use silence you will then know you are at your 15 yard radius to deal maximum damage potential for movement we have the repelling shot you must be within 10 yards of your target upon use you will deal 4 000 damage that Target will be bound while you yourself jump back 10 yards there is two ways to use the repelling shot you can play safe and hold on to the ability in case you get jumped and in other cases this can be used aggressively Rush the target binding them while putting yourself at a safe distance binding a Target will greatly help your tanks and your melee struggling to attack a fleeing Target keep in mind the jump back is based off the direction you are facing should you panic you can quickly find yourself accidentally diving into the enemy team next is your warden's pay on one of The Bard's strongest abilities while this ability will serve you well this truly shines when you cast it up on a tank or a milli once cast payon will remove one status of Affliction that could be removed by purify if an Affliction cannot be removed instead creates a barrier that nullifies the next status Affliction this means you can throw this skill onto a player diving in protecting them from the next CC ability and is wonderful to help a player Escape as this will remove one Affliction they are already struck with and better still once a cc action has been removed the player under the effect of pay on is granted warden's Grace reducing their damage taken by 25 percent while also increasing their healing via actions by another 25 percent this one ability allows you to help another team member set up a big play add this to a player who is already on a 100 battle high and you will make a friend for life it will always be tempted to use pay on for yourself but should only be done when it is needed for your own safety warden's pay on also grants repertoire granting you access to your Pitch Perfect and last up we have your limit break final Fantasia in 6.4 this is possibly one of the most underrated ultimates upon activation your cast and recast timers are reduced by 10 you will also be granted a 25 buff in movement speed the big part of this limit break for the next 30 seconds you and or within a 30 yard radius are granted a 10 damage buff and in 6.4 seeing a limit gauge charge rate changes final Fantasia is amazing as this will gradually fill up your allies limit breaks your main strategy as The Bard is to maintain your Apex Arrow buff that five percent damage bonus lasts for 30 seconds while the Apex Arrow itself is on a 20 second cooldown and thanks to the 30 arm radius you can keep yourself at an effective 15 yarn radius when able you should always be firing off your powerful shot to build Imperial arrows for large burst Windows a good hard-hitting opening rotation is using your Apex Arrow into your silent Nocturne giving you that bonus damage and the silence effect this allows you to burst down a Target along with blast Arrow Imperial arrows and Pitch Perfect the bod comes equipped with several shrimps a powerful silence to lock enemies a fast hard-hitting Burst window amazing team support negating or removing crowd control applying a damage resistance and granting bonus healing you can also maintain a permanent 5 damage boost thanks to your ultimate you can help your team acquire their limit breaks first [Music] foreign hitting as its other physical range DPS counterparts instead relying much more on a setup burst window you are also limited on movement getting caught out in the open with no repelling shot leads to a fast death with resistance changes if you are not paying attention you can be killed within a blink of an eye being a squishy Target it is not uncommon to be heavily focused and there we have it the fundamentals to know when picking up The Bard I would not be surprised if we see many more during this season of PVP so get out there and give it a go up next is a match of answer hakere with The Bard in play thanks again for clicking on today's video and I shall see you all in the next one get a little Peach see what comes I'm gonna take this bridge honestly which no one stops me a couple into the Pokemon too oh there's a lot of yellows there's two in cave at the minute that's because the rest of them are on the uh the bridge there's too many of them are pushing us um I got hit with death Barn at Full House songs about it what is he doing I'm better giving us a free knockout Black Mage I've been slept that's the entire yellow team I see I know that this is exactly what was going to happen yeah I mean I'd like to control my character [Music] on that repot ional back [Music] bruh Fatima's still sit on the beach [Music] there's another Point behind them that are just gonna cap now as well there's been AFK since its start we'll report them at the end of this go go to that Hill because we're gonna lose it coming up our team is still mindlessly on the beach give up the point s there's one gym now yeah I'm about the top of the hill it's critical I am more than likely dead after I think I know everything else really I've been downstairs trying to hold this hill still [Music] and Dad yep foreign [Music] please just give the up Let the red team have it they're on 12 points just let them have it oh dude I gotta go stop it Eva we gotta go stop it and cap it I'm then breaking yellow it's gonna happen yeah it was just never gonna end we don't have choice the idiots are still sat there that's somehow red or even lower on the box oh come on please I want to play the game you gotta payoff pulling them all in look at that I just scared the entire red team let me just half beautiful they're broken what if it was a cynical we flipped this one you up here she's driving I still didn't capture in that one team please I'm happy now one knockout some massage yay we got it as soon as it will turn to be flipped it now surely they're gonna look at the score please because like yellow at 700 points ahead oh you know what this idiot who's marked himself with number two they were following him Market yeah that's the self leader the market really can't really though it's gonna put it back here that might get really sorry when you take it off real solo done it him okay on top my motherboard what's up now nice cap it we cap it please we're getting North Cave straight after let's go I'm going into yellow you up on the way I got them from the wallet yeah but I made just half All In on the left is badly silenced nice that's nice got Breakers one I'm gonna break it back in him all right get into the North Cave this weekend it's more charge along the way okay because I was randomly attacked by a red ninja yeah like I'm swarming it's awesome he's gonna run now just like him looks of it that bottle new bunny fun Adam s that character AFK let's kill him won The Dark Knight already range finest damage silenced hold him back let's go let's go yellow team still on that again it's in the bound you got piano for the reaper next to him and I'm all in now it's nice it's nice um yeah the North Bridge and amidst has come in as well hopefully Reds get that yeah I don't care if Fred's get that because they're still on 200 points less than us we're getting there we're starting to catch up it's literally because they were all tunnel on that one they just really love the beach that bar just popped US Open House you have pale um I was just doing it just a red King cap able I'll be so happy if you ever come last place to reset it's not just aimlessly dyed to Yellow oh I'm to 64. it's a good I'm 33. noise what do you want but I died a few times started getting directed literally you'll want to flip this round you kept this in the game did you run down the beach literally that's what I heard as I was diving past our team we've kept that we've got um there's a couple of yellows in mid [Music] to back you up I'm almost limited well the Red's about to come up the ramp you have on the man I'll show us one look around the top on that black mage he shot down sir [Music] on the Dragon they're breaking is the Ninja behind oh on the way oh in the lead now [Music] you see a yellow on the gear and just ran away then [Music] mage come on captain bigger damage is one oh I just got out a little bugger red and ice 10 seconds next pay on science in the board oh yeah well he did you have him oh I might limb break Red Front that's actually okay now I'm pulling them in now um red lamp four seconds nice nice beautiful Chucky I'm about to back off all out of everything just yeah I've killed him kill him we're not paying for you I'm going back in I've got my already as well go go go so she's going on uh not pounds yours bonus damage but I may just bound for knockout tool Sans the bandage tickets I'm on the samurai in the middle we all just got slapped there cave game okay okay okay we'll flip that now I'll have a balloon break here pop in quick chocolate I think one yellow has noticed he's on the way cool cool do it for the dancer under the bridge back in hello sir nice got it right it's coming back season it's come back season I've got no break from Top I've almost got him oh the beach though [Music] Beach never mind I guess your generation quicker joking on the ramp come on I'm gonna buy him two one that's fine but now he dies El doesn't know he's walking in yeah uh yellow got next point in the base we've got next point in our base do not let everyone have this because look who's in last place by the way yellow foreign such a ninja [Music] Captain's still down you're trying to sneak up behind right down Reddit you gotta pound in five seconds we got it we got it Sun's in the reaper I'm jumping monkey s how long you left right oh keep it going because the yellows are down south oh we'll steal this from them hello God silenced [Music] watch out [Music] come back season and we've got one in spawn [Music] I'm ready for your next pay on okay um oh this one I asked for on the way Kevin simply wearing yellow is a nice place still we're just trying to blow me up get ready for North okay yeah that will mid isn't it [Music] or a potential Beach unless we just win it here now look at the score oh we might just do four points and it's next to us it's next to us on beach oh don't even need it let's go that was a comeback six zero 37 1.1 million five three twenty six one point zero nine million someone must want point one oh I did about five three twelve but only 770k I did 1.29 million healing God damn [Music]
Views: 739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv 6.4, ffxiv pvp tier list, ffxiv pvp guide, ffxiv pvp gameplay, ffxiv pvp beginners guide, ffxiv bard pvp, ffxiv bard gameplay, ffxiv bard guide, ffxiv 6.4 pvp changes, ff14 6.4 pvp weapon, final fantasy 14, final fantasy 14 2023, pvp guide, final fantasy pvp gameplay, final fantasy 14 pvp guide, final fantasy tactics pvp, bard rotation, ffxiv how to play bard, ffxiv 6.4 trailer, ffxiv 6.4 reaction, support in 6.4
Id: w3UZyxcP4xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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