FFXIV Beginner's Guide - Map Navigation, Free Teleportation, Gear, Combat Chocobo, Glam, & More

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hi friends etheria here and today I'm doing a bit of a beginner guide because we have a lot of players coming over from Xbox who are completely new to the game so welcome and if you're not an Xbox player that's also awesome welcome to the game and I just want to make it clear that this guide is first of all going to be for people who are probably still in A Realm Reborn you might still learn something if you're not but I'm kind of catering this to the newest of the new and then secondly this is not going to be a combat guide so if what you're looking for is combat then that's not what this is this guide is more so going to be about things that might be confusing when you first start or just aren't so immediately apparent so I'm going to be going over things like map navigation the teleport menu Chocobo Porters um combat chocobos gearing up and a little bit about Glamour and fantasias just things that you know there are some mistakes that people have made with these things where they wish they knew so I hope that I can tell you so that you'll know and you won't be kicking yourself for any of these uh I'll I'll be more specific about that later but let's let's get into it so the first thing I want to talk about is map navigation all right so I'm standing in Horizon and let's take a look at the map first of all if you hold down control you will see the etherite and you can actually click on that and teleport so it's nice because it's kind of hidden of course you can also Al zoom in but this is just a nice little trick if you're on keyboard to be able to quickly see the etherite and click on it now let's look at the map icons we have the world map which is literally the whole map and if you want to get back to your character you can Center on your player's location another cool thing is you can display the region or world map so this one's going to take me out to the region which is thalon and that shows me the whole map there's also these transparency settings so you will notice if I click off it's kind of transparent but if I change this it stays so you can do that we also have display or hide map icons which if we go back here oops wrong one if we go back here you will see everything nearly disappears then we also have text you can display or hide so if you're looking for something and things are a little cluttered maybe you'd use that I don't really know but it's there the more useful is locking the map so this is really great for PVP if you're trying to keep track of your teammates of the enemy or even of certain things that may be spawning on the map you don't really necessarily want to close your map so you'll see if I press Escape it won't close the map so that's really helpful as you can lock the map now we have these drop- down menus and this one will just show you the different regions that you have to choose from of the maps that you've unlocked so if we go to the black shroud we can see all of the different shroud locations we can click on them to zoom in if we like you can also use this drop down menu if you want to go to a specific one but even better you can look at if you want to the maps for some of the dungeons that are in this area so that's really neat too and now we're going to go back to my location because you may have noticed that there's some text that is blue and it's by arrows this means that that's like a different region or a different place within that map so if you go and you click it'll take you to that map so if we click here it's taking us to olda and you can see the etherite plaza and the grand company and all the things that are in Ula steps of n meanwhile I have the option to take a lift to go to husting strip or I can stay on the ground level and go to steps of Thal you'll see I have a quest here so it's looks a little bit different and now I am in the steps of Thal where we have the Sapphire Avenue exchange which which has the market board and all these different merchants and things and you know you've got bloomage stuff there's a bunch of stuff here and then you can see we can leave we can go to Central thelon through a gate we can go to the Goblet which is the housing zone or we can go to the upstairs area which is the husting strip where you will find the Royal prominade so here we see chamber of rule the Royal prominade is over here and you have The Alchemist Guild I know Ula is super confusing it was really confusing for me to read so basically now if we go back down the stairs to the merchant strip I wish it would call it steps of thall it doesn't but that's kind of where it's taking you is so we are right here we see these stairs we're going to come out right over here similarly we have we're up here here's the etherite thing here's the lift so we can take the lift back to steps of n which is again the same area that the big etherite is in but if we take these stairs over here they take us down to here and then you can run over here by the Weaver's Guild if you want um or you can run around through here and come back over here by Sapphire Avenue exchange so that's kind of how that works and how the map works so I hope that the map it makes a little bit more sense to you now I tried using Ula for the end here because it is really confusing and once you collect all the etherates once you attune to all these small etherates it's going to be a lot easier because you can just teleport to an etherite so I really recommend that you just run around and grab all the etherates so that you don't have to worry as much about fig figuring out what all these staircases and arrows and blue text means but I do hope that my explanation helped if you're playing on keyboard and mouse I believe this does not apply to controller just keyboard and mouse you might notice that the default movement is a little weird so when I press W she does run forward and if I move my Mouse holding the right click the camera moves and she runs and that might seem fine like that's what you expect right but let me press s she's walking backwards she's not running towards the camera she walks backwards she doesn't turn around and some people might like this but for me especially when I first started playing I cannot tell you how triggered I got by this because I would try to avoid a mechanic by running backwards cuz I expected her to run backwards towards the camera I was like let me just press s and run away and she's walking and when you're trying to get out of stuff that feels a little bit too slow that's that's cutting it close so how do you change this you go into your character configurations and you need to change the movement setting to Legacy so we apply that now let me press s okay she turns around and that's what I think is preferable so if that's been bothering you that is how you can change that next I want to talk about using the teleport menu it starts off on your hot bar but if you took it away on keyboard you can press P to open the menu of all the different commands and stuff and you'll be able to see this teleport shortcut so basically you just teleport places make sure that anywhere you go you attune to the big blue crystal called an etherite so that you can teleport back to it later so that might be a little bit obvious but I will tell you for whatever reason I didn't realize when I was a new player that I could teleport directly to the gold sace via the teleport menu same with the wolves den I don't know why but I was taking an Airship to the gold saucer until I realized I could just teleport there and I felt really dumb so there's that but there's some other things about teleportation that you might not know so first of all you can set favored destinations I believe you get three and what this does is it basically cuts the teleportation cost anytime that you are teleporting to that destination and you'll see like a little silver star next to it in the teleport menu and all you have to do is go to that place rightclick on the etherite and just set it as your favorite destination similarly you'll see that you can set something as a home point and this is what your return skill is used for return is a completely free teleportation to whatever etherite you have set as your home point so if you set lims Al linza as your home point you can return there for free the only caveat is that the cool down for the return skill is 15 minutes long so it is quite a long time now you might have noticed when I open my teleport menu and go to the favorite section I actually have four favorite destinations this is because I downloaded the Final Fantasy 14 companion app and with the companion app you get a fourth favored location that you can set along with that you'll also get the tomstone emote which looks like your scroll on a phone and there's also some things that you get for I think your portrait and your adventure plates but that's how you get the fourth favorite destination now you're probably like what's this gold one and it says zero if you notice this is my free destination which I got for registering a security token so when you log in using the launcher you probably notice there is a section that says onetime password and if you don't have this set up then you don't need to put it in at all but if you go through the motions of setting it up you have to go into like the Mog Station website you can set up this onetime password you can use on authenticator app for it and you will get a free teleport and you can set it wherever you want so if I wanted to change it and set it here all I'd have to do is register security token free destination and the great thing about the security token is obviously it's basically like two Factor authentification so it's a little bit of extra protection on your account in case you're worried about getting hacked which has happened in the past people have gotten their accounts hacked it's not like an impossible thing it is a thing that happens sometimes so it is worth it because you will get a free teleport location anywhere you want and you can change it as you see fits and you also get more security so that is what that stuff is now you might be thinking if I can teleport everywhere why would I need a chocobo Porter well there are some places that you unfortunately cannot teleport everywhere so for example if you go to cus I believe there's a Teleport there's an etherite encamp dragon head but if you want to get to any of the other small like little town places there they don't have ether rites you cannot teleport there and if you don't have I mean obviously you can run there and you have to run there but sometimes it's nice to just take a chokeable Porter I like to do that when I want to eat a snack so something to note about the chokeable porters is that you can only go to places that you have already discovered so unfortunately you do have to like run to each place the first time that you ever go there you have to just run and you also must talk to the chocoo porter in each area because if you don't talk to them let's say that I want to go from the cilum processing plant to Camp Blue Frog if I want to do that and I want to take a chocobo Porter if I have not talked to the Chocobo Porter in either of those places I can't get there so I have to make sure I talk to them both both places so that is something that is good to know and again it's not like the most useful thing once you get to a higher level or once you I guess get to further along in the msq you'll be able to fly but not going to lie even as a level 90 player occasionally I take a chocob porter just so I can eat a snack okay hands fre you can also rent a chocoo from any of the chocoo keeps in the main CI so Ulta Lim salom Mina or gronia and this just allows you to actually drive the Chocobo yourself and it lasts for 10 minutes this can be really useful if you're just wanting to maybe travel around any of these areas whether it be the Shroud tholan or lenosa maybe you want to go from this starting point all the way to South shroud and having a mount means that you get a little bit faster of a running speed now this isn't going to be useful for a very long time because you will get your own chocoo around level 20 and I say around because it's the msq level 20 that you're able to get a quest called my little Chocobo basically the main story Quest will lead you to the Grand companies and like make you join one and once you do do that you're able to get your own chocoo I'm not going to go over that really because I think the main story Quest does do a good job of like really like taking you there and like pushing you to do that and obviously if you're confused there's a lot of information online about it and if you're really confused you can feel free to ask in the comments but that's the other thing that chocoo keeps or chocoo Porters can do is that in the main cities you can rent a chocoo to ride around on 80 Gill for 10 minutes now next since we're talking about chocobos let's talk about something a little bit more useful than chocoo Porters that will continue to be useful into your endgame experience combat chocobos you can use your Chocobo to fight alongside you so it actually has three different stances which are healer Defender and attacker stances and I think the most useful one is probably the Healer stance because this way if you're playing a DPS or a t maybe you're doing Fates in the open world maybe you're going through your msq and part of uh the msq is that you stop in one of those little purple destinations and all these like mobs come out at you your chocoo will both heal you and attack them that's if they're on free stance if they're on healer stance they will focus on healing you and doing nothing else and then if they are on attack stance attacking defense stance is kind of similar to attack stance uh but they do have some different skills you can open up the companion if you go look in your menus and then click on companion it'll show you the skill trees for the chocobos so you can see which ones you want to level up first what skills look the most useful to you but guess what you're going to get all of them eventually because when your chocoo is Max Level you will have leveled up every single skill tree you'll have all of the skills unlocked so there will come a points in your game play that your chocoo is just max level and you have everything and you don't have to worry about choosing anymore cuz you get to have all of them so this unlocks in Camp tranquil you need to speak to an NPC named doet and get the quest called my feisty little chocoo so you just have to follow that quest line and you will be able to use your Chocobo your company Chocobo that you got from the grand company as part of the msq as also a fighting companion just be aware that once your Chocobo reaches level 10 to level them up after that you have to feed them an item called a tharian onion these can be a bit expensive however a lot of free companies are really helpful with this and are often willing to just give their members tharian chocoo tharian Chocos tharian onions for their chocoo a lot of free companies actually will do gardening so they can like raise their own tharian onions so like I said it can be a little expensive but maybe look for a friendly free company that is open to new players and you'll probably be able to get some of those for for free next let's talk about gearing up so before you get to level 50 you honestly don't have to worry too much about gearing up because the main story Quest is going to help you with that so the main story Quest will give you gear pieces as well as coffers so make sure that you look in your inventory and you open the coffers that they give you so that you can use the gear similarly when you're doing your job quests at certain points you will be given coffers with gear in them so again open those also whenever you run a dungeon you can roll on the gear pieces that they drop so you're going to want to do that as well so how do you choose between all of those gear pieces whether you got it from the main story Quest a dungeon or from the job quests basically just pick whatever has the highest item level so whichever one has the highest number use that you also want to be using stuff that fits your roll so sometimes at low levels you can use like dark light necklace of healing even though you are playing a tank which means you should be using fending what you want to do is look at the role so if it's disciple of War that's usually going to be for your physical players melee players for example ninja would be a melee player draon would be a melee player ninja starts off as Rogue I believe and draon starts off as Lancer in this game um and then if you're a disciple of magic that would be suff like Summoner which starts off as Arcanist uh scholar and the other healers are Disciples of magic and then the weird thing is the tank gear doesn't usually get a name like disciple of war or disciple of magic instead it's usually going to say something along the lines of gladiator Marauder Paladin Warrior dark gunbreaker underneath the item level but if it looks like it belongs on a like old school night it's probably tank gear you really don't have have to worry about it that much as long as you've got something you know you're using whatever you've got with the highest item level it's fine it's going to be fine however once you get to level 50 you can start getting something called alegan tombstones of Poetics and these are used for level 50 tomstone gear which you can get in mardona at Oriana who sells the gear or Aina who sells the weapons or you can go to this is easier in my opinion you can go to Rowena's representative who is literally just really close to the etherite in UA gonia and limsa lenza the tomstone gear once you're able to get it is going to be the best gear you can get for your level and as you level up um pretty much throughout the game you're going to be wanting to get Tombstone gear that matches your level even at endgame like level 90 you'll be getting Tombstone gear it's just that the Tombstones change at low levels you use tomestones of Poetics and at high levels I can't really tell you the names because they change they change with certain patches so it's not worth talking about them and it's really not something for you to worry about right now just know that once you get to level 50 you can use Tombstone gear and if you're curious how do I even get these tombstones well you can get them from level 50 dungeons like level 50 or higher dungeons the msq roulette in the Duty Finder gives like 350 tomestones of Poetics the alliance raid roulette I think gives like 150 or 120 somewhere in there and you can always just open the Duty Finder and scroll through the different Dungeons and things to see which ones drop Poetics so I also want to talk about creating a gear set and what this is is essentially your saved gear and if you play multiple jobs then you can save a gear set for each one and that way when you switch to that job or specifically that gear set you're not having to put everything back on again so open your character menu and then click on this here that says gear set list then if you want to create a new one cuz you don't have one yet you just hit this plus and if you want to you can also give it a a new name so let's see change set name and we're just going to call this I don't know show and tell so there now we have that created and if I wanted to toggle to a different gear set I would again open this menu and just doubleclick the one that I want to wear so if I want to change my job to Warrior I double click on it and there I'm at a warrior another thing to note about this is that let's say that I change a piece of my gear um actually let me go to show and tell real quick cuz I don't want to save that but let's say that I change a piece of my gear and you want to update it you just click these two little arrows and now you see that the gear is changed so if I go back to this it's there so that's just how the gear sets work and that's also how you can basically change your job and as you can see I can also update it to show or not show specific pieces because you can toggle your visor which I'm not wearing you can toggle your weapon on and off and since this weapon doesn't match right now I don't want it to show up so you can update your gear that way so yes this is how you can switch between your different jobs without having to constantly take on and off a weapon and put on a whole outfit before we move on to the next section the most important thing I can tell you about gearing is to wear your soul crystal once you reach level 30 you will realize that you can become something new so if you are an archist you can become a scholar and a Summoner at the same time if you are a Marauder you can become a warrior and you have to wear the soul crystal to become the other thing you will be given that soul crystal when you do that job quest but you absolutely must wear it because if you do not you will not have access to any of the new better cooler skills that you gained when your job changes from something like Marauder to Warrior or conure to White Mage so make sure that you equip that soul crystal now I want to talk about the basics of Glamour because glamour is the true end game and I know a lot of low-level players probably get a little frustrated with how ugly they look I actually made a video about this you might have seen it already that might be why you're here but if you haven't seen it I will be linking it there should be a card or you can look in the description and that video will tell you where to look for glamour like how you can find Glamour at your level even if you are a low level so that should be helpful for figuring out where do I even get glamour pieces now I'm going to tell you how to use them so let's start with how to unlock glamour so you need to go to swer in Vesper Bay the msq story will take you to vasper Bay I just said msq story but it's a main story whatever you get my point that will take you to Vesper Bay so if you're not there yet it will take you there so anyway there's a lady sitting on a bench named sine and she will give you the quest if I had a glamour which is how you unlock the ability to glamour your gear and then she will have a second Quest called color your world which will allow you to die your gear so you also want you want to do that Quest and then finally she has a quest called absolutely glamorous this is for disciple of hand level 15 which will allow you to make glamour prisms so you don't have to do that one there are other ways to get glamour prisms but if you want to you can so now let's talk about how to get glamour prisms so in my opinion the best way is through your grand company but not necessarily at low levels because at low levels you will need your grand company seals to level up your rank in the grand company and be able to even get access to things like glamour prisms so instead I would probably go with wolf marks but those are two of the easy ways that you can get them would be grand company seals which you'll get by doing things like running dungeons or completing your grand company hunting log you can also get grand company seals by turning in Dungeon drops as an expert delivery but you have to be a sergeant second class before you're able to do this which is also why it's better not to spend your grand company seals until you've at least leveled up this far in the grand company you can get wolf marks by doing any PVP whether you're doing crystalling conflict front lines people don't really do hidden Gorge or rival Wings unless there's like a m tomstone event happening so but you can get them that way too if you ever manage to get into one of those fights but really any PVP will give you wolf marks so you can get a few glamour prisms that way obviously you can buy them on the market board too but in my opinion it's not really worth it because there are ways to get them for free in the game and finally you can obviously craft them if you do that absolutely glamorous Quest on a disciple of the hand now how to use it because sometimes people get a little bit confused about this too so if you open your character menu and see the gear that you're wearing you can right click on any of the gear pieces that you're wearing and then choose cast glamour it'll open up another menu and on the rightand sign will be like all of the different things that you can choose to Glam that piece with if they are not bright like they're kind of grayed out that means that you cannot Glam over the piece that you're wearing with the grade out piece but anything that is like vibrantly colored normally colored you can use on top of this if you are in an in room you can use the drop- down menu at the top right to select items from your inventory your retainer inventory your glamour dresser or your arm wor so that'll allow you to Glam over your piece kind of no matter where the other Glam item is stored something to keep in mind is that if I'm wearing a level 30 outfit piece I cannot Glam over it with a level 50 meanwhile if I'm wearing wearing a level 30 piece I can Glam over it with a level one piece because the level of the piece that I'm wearing is higher than the level of the piece I'm using to Glam if that makes sense so that's important you can also go into your glamour dresser and right click on the glamour piece that you like and then click apply Glamour and it will make your current gear reflect that piece if you want to restore an item to its original appearance you need something called a glamour dispeller which you can also get for grand company SEALS or off the market board simply do the same thing right click the item and Click cast glamour but this time choose remove and it will be restored to its original appearance finally you can make glamour plates which will allow you to Glam over an entire year set or an entire outfit as long as you are in a city so basically you open your glamour dresser and you click edit glamour plates and then you just put together an outfit that you like and then if you're in a city somewhere you can open your character menu click the glamour plates button and then just click apply and that glamour that was on your plate will now be on your person and you will you will look beautiful and cute and wonderful so that's glaming in terms of Glamour prisms and stuff but sometimes when we talk about glamour we're also talking about things like hairstyles and hair color so let's talk about the esthetician now so the esthetician allows you to change your hairstyle and color your eyebrow shape your lip color your face paint and face color this is kind of similar to makeup some of them are eyeshadows some of them are cute little hearts on your cheeks stuff like that special features things like limbo rings that allows you to change those and the color of those other features um it allows you to change things like beauty marks because some races will have like you can put like a little Freckle or mole on your character and you can change whether that's on or off there's other toggle toggleable features like scales if you're on or ra so using the aesthetician allows you to change all of these things and this unlocks in limsa linza at the upper decks you have to speak with a NPC whose name I can't pronounce but it's something along the lines of SED do be and they have a quest called beauty is only scalp deep follow that entire quest line you'll know you're done because you'll get some vouchers that you can use to use the esthetician for free after the esthetician is unlocked you can summon him his name is John Delan with a crystal Bell which you'll find inside every single Inn interestingly enough you can also Place crystal bells in housing so if you have an FC room an apartment or you just like to visit your FC some FC's will place crystal bells but not all of them so those are places you can look for the crystal Bell and then you can use it and change your hairstyle or your hair color or whatever you want once you finish the Realm Reborn expansion so I believe after you do the quest the ultimate weapon you will get something called a Fantasia and this item is something that you can use if you want to change your race completely or if there are certain features about your character that maybe you're not happy with now I want to talk about what you can use this for and what you shouldn't use this for because this is what I was saying at the start of the video is that there are people who have used their Fantasia to change their hair color even though you can do that for free in the game at the esthetician so you do not want to use a Fantasia for doing something like changing your hairstyle hair color or any of the things that I listed earlier always check the esthetician to see if they can do whatever change it is that you want to make before you decide to use a Fantasia because fantasias are sacred and they are $10 so you will get one free one we're also going to get a free one if you purchase the dawn tril expansion but otherwise like you do not get a lot of fantasias for free in this game so it's really important that you use them wisely and do not use them for things that the esthetician can do this is something that I have seen people kick themselves over before so hopefully this will not be you because you've watched this video so what can you use a Fantasia for or what should you use it for so if you want to change your race completely that would be a time to use a Fantasia if you want to change your eye color because you can't change your basic eye color with the aesthetician you can change your limble ring color if you're an O ra but you can't change your base eye color similarly if you want to change your skin color or your height if you want to change something like some of the I believe some of the races have booby sliders so if you want to change the size of your boobies if you decide that you like large irises but you chose small ones things like that if you decide I don't like nose 4 I'd rather have nose 3 those are the kinds of things that you want to use a Fantasia for because the esthetician can't do that so that's kind of what you need to know about that just be careful like I said check the aesthetician before you use that Fantasia but you will get one at the end of your real reborn Journey which is really cool so I think that is pretty much everything that I have to say if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments or if there's anything that you're confused about I would love to know because I kind of struggled putting this together because it's been a long time since I have been a sprout so I was like what kinds of things would be helpful as always please consider leaving a sacrifice to Lord algorithm in the form of a life like comment share or subscribe thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Aitherea
Views: 2,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv online, final fantasy 14, final fantasy, aitherea, ffxiv beginner guide, ffxiv beginner's guide, ffxiv beginners guide, ff14 beginner, ff14 beginner guide, ff14 beginner's guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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