A PERFECT GAME OF THRESH! - Climb to Grandmaster | League of Legends

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hey guys this is bringing you another video bringing wait let me start that again hello welcome to the game I'm just going to continue this is being all included into the game uh we unfortunately just lost the game we played Cassio mid did fine our brakan bot Lane was Jesus he was very bad um anyway this game uh some of you I don't know what videos I'm uploading from today but we've had this Shaco in our game earlier he was on the enemy team and he did quite well um another Shaker one trick I'm seeing so many Shaker one tricks at the moment it's absolutely insane so it's just I don't know like hell I would even say I am seeing obviously yes I ban Katarina but on poor Professor I'd eventually see like main band I am seeing more Shaker one tricks than Katarina one tricks and that's insane because just to make the point clear Katarina is the most one trick champion in League so I know Shaco is pretty high up there as well but still we're playing thrash today we're against a vain seraphine which that lane doesn't really go and neither of them play the Champion by the look of it again Mastery isn't in the indication if you're good or bad but it's an indication if you play the champion or not um three wow that's a lot so yeah even our yone doesn't really play it our aatrox doesn't really play it I don't really play thrash to be honest as well so um this game might be a bit Fiesta because there's a lot of people that don't really play their champion and the rating wise it actually looked like a bit of a lower rating game a win Fang so hopefully we can get this win because yeah we did lose the last game which is annoying yeah 3.7 million Mastery points on Shaco he is going AP Shaco by the look of it he's got dark Harvest normally I wouldn't like that but we are full ad so I actually think it's a good thing to do this game because otherwise would be completely one damage type so this Lane I would not pair a seraphine with a vein typically spawn let's see if we can get an early flash or something if we get an early Flash from the vein she's screwed hey Neon Moon 37 wants tier two thank you so much my dude appreciate it appreciate it enemy team is not trying to mess with his Boxes by the way that's weird where's the aim at the snail I felt confident but there is the snail obviously there are indicators now for Wards so you could actually do it really easily that was weird they just okay what I'm very confused that was awkward we have such a big range Advantage well we have A.D carry range Advantage but they have support range advantage her wasting her double e is actually bad for her obviously oh one benefit I'd say about the high noon skin I can actually see the um the soles easier whenever I play some of the modern thresh skins they all have like a weird Hue to them that I can't really see the souls here I actually can which is good because they contrast nice they still got the kill I thought that orianna was going to live what random question do you guys like going to shopping malls I like a shopping mall me I like a shopping mall even if well I say that but even if I'm not really gonna buy stuff I like just going out to a shopping mall feeling like a little bit busy because especially with covid times obviously I still haven't built my confidence of being around a lot of people are like a massively yet it's why like I still don't know if I'm gonna go to MSI um I'm just a bit nervous about the amount of time the amount on the amount of people and stuff um but we'll see um but yeah I like them all I bought some things over the weekend actually me and queen Club went shopping I bought a new jacket um I bought three t-shirts as well absolute shopping spree and you know what then I did it was a nice fairly expensive new jacket that I've needed for a little while and then I do gardening yesterday and get it all muddy I don't know why I wore that well I do know why I wore that jacket is because the only it was the only one that was around as I ask her I'm not gonna go get a jacket I should have because now I'm gonna have to clean it really creepy thrash man why are you under people's beds yeah toaster trolleys in chat or uh Clash support player who obviously is an insane thrash so I've got pressure this game they're playing so defensive and it does obviously make kind of sense I don't think either of them really play their Champion but plus vayne you know getting even right said well Riot did the change of the vein buff to beat that I will say everyone was freaking out including myself about the vain boss of like old dude she's gonna take over Top Lane I actually haven't seen oh really that timing of Diana we need a run I'll go got him yeah that vein not good I tried hey wrong timing but to be honest someone just said how hopefully Maya's doing okay considering I normally can hear when it's not being a great day with Queen pleb and Maya I actually haven't really heard them at all today so I think it's going well a quiet dog that's just chilling is a good dog and considering it's being quiet I presume it's going well and that's good nice okay and I was like is he living oh Jonas dead oh he's still got the cat oh hang on I ain't about oh then Shaco could actually probably get this kill if dinos not careful oh my God yone that champion is something and dying is dead oh someone Mira just noticed that bill I did not notice that he is a jeweler he's a he's a he sells Jewels he's trying to sell you rubies he has the finest Wares [Music] foreign she sold all items she has no items and she just altered randomly you know items would have been handy there we win the game we just lost the game for free but now we're getting a free win dude I'm telling you man the closer you get to master the more people's mentals just go boom like it's worrying it it is a little bit worrying is he building like warmogs first or something trying to work out what he's doing hot steel uh oh oh he died hopefully like for the enemy team's sake hopefully the Diana goes AFK so at least they get the less LP loss but someone who's fairly toxic usually they don't like AFK they like to give suffering to oh that was a weird bite where did the enemy team get the sudden burst of we can kill them like you know they got like a sudden burst so we can win this and I don't know why where's it going mid [Music] kill the tower Maybe we haven't seen dinosaurs you actually might have rage quit by now I'm gonna have a look at the stats I'm spoiling myself okay so the Diane is a bought account Smurf so we will lpp it because that's the type of player that's probably been banned on millions of accounts and just keeps buying them some people will also like some you know I've heard it before it's like why would you report them then just because that there's the option that someone like him is gonna just buy another account and be toxic it doesn't mean you shouldn't just ban the account that's always weirded me out mate but what you can still punish the uh Behavior it still is an inconvenience to them how many Plushies did the count stop on uh 238 plushies there you go dude Chico like really weak bud I don't know what the hell they both yone and Shaco just did weird it's like we know it's a free game so they've just kind of derped out it does happen it's happened to me like the moment that you're like oh they've got a rage quitter your brain just turns off because it's like well this is free you'll be getting three other plushies thanks ashes buddy yeah 238 plushies which is incredible is incredible oh he's overstayed so yeah it does look like Diana's Gone Gone a bit Time Is Here they don't know I'm here laughs oh hello yeah it's fun hey no worries shimando yet again some people have said like obviously they couldn't get plushies at the time or I know a couple people were in the process of moving so they didn't want to order one because they don't know what their address is going to be in August um there is gonna be 38 available is it 38 yeah 38 that'll be no 68. it's a six how many of you sent to me we sold 238 therefore whatever the remainder of the 300 is is getting sent to me I've gone blank 62 there we go 62. I'm getting sent 62 of them I'm personally going to be keeping like 10 of them for the rest of my life like you know when I get kids and stuff eventually I want them to have one just keep them you know so 10 of them roughly are like reserved for me um I know family members want some as well so of actual ones that are going to be available I would probably roughly estimate it no she's back I'd roughly estimate it might be like there might be oh she's back and she's instantly died oh there we go um what was I gonna say yeah so I I'm roughly in my head that's probably going to be about 40. that's why the number 40 was on my mind 40 of them will be available for like order um which I tell there might be over 40 people that want one but yeah so signed ones will be available um if you want it signed no problem um but if there's like what I probably am going to do is I probably will kind of build a list of people that are like would you want one are you definitely gonna order one when we do the those sales and Bill will start building a bit of a list and if you're interested I'll put you on the list and then if there's over 40 we might have to like do you know hardened in the bag and draw people to get one I don't know wow this is just an absolute Stomp annoyingly I've done loldo already today so I guess we could do rankedal should we do ranked at the end of this because I don't imagine this game is going to last too much longer yeah we did destroy their bot Lane I'm joining in I don't understand why you'd play vain if you don't play champ well I'm guessing she doesn't blow rain to be fair but like well semi-guessing she has no mastery still haven't completed my support item because this game has just been a fiesta true Knight just said crazy that the Diana's trolling and still nearly kill the Jinx partially true Diner is just very strong I don't think she can do anything to a Yo Name because again I've kind of sport myself already uh the diner I was just trying to see like I'll be on a crazy loose streak nope they lost the last game and before then they won one two three four five they won five games in a row before the last game which they lost but one game has like tilted the player to Oblivion or something but if they are like a crazy toxic player it's possible get the little thumbs up mine this is warded oh my God it is shut down that is kind of crazy that my Jinx just died to the vein by the way they traded oh it's a time doing hello doesn't it feel like this person plays Tom Kenji though if I had to guess the five protect it let it charge yeah we got the value why didn't she flash my hook oh I have no Mana what happened to The Clash on Saturday did ever join hilariously actually did eventually go through about two hours after but I was in bed so like we all finished so again The Clash bugged we all agreed let's just leave our clients open because who knows we might wake up and we've won Clash but then I literally go to bed and then in about 10 minutes I get a ping from the guys in The Clash team going the game's gone through and I'm in bed so because yeah we were waiting two hours or something it was absolutely ridiculous so I just decided to not like I would have had to go out of bed get changed and then played boom I think mentally I was just kind of checked out by that point hey Mac yeah unfortunately it just bugged Apparently one of the rounds in game in round one of the games just didn't start because in Clash after 70 minutes the game automatically ends apparently at an hour in all the objectives start to crumble and whoever has the like more objectives killed they'll win because that by 70 minutes the the nexuses will explode so if you've lost more objectives you're yeah if why did she alt by the way I don't know um I guess she is just trolling but um yeah if you've taken more objectives your Nexus will die last it's whichever team has lost more objectives their Nexus will blow up first and we we waited for the 70 minute Mark for that game to end and it went past 70 minutes and I was like oh so I was speaking to a rioter and he just kind of also was like yeah the game oh look she's got Moonstone so yeah I will uh I will report the opp report the Diana the idea was though instead of the range your team yeah let's go on cars [Music] I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die die I'm gonna die oh I tried to end the game in time for her to live well there you go again it does show that troll stuff happens even in this rating to be honest it happens not as bad I will say like but the rakan last game was absolutely shocking but this Diana actually trolled that's that is a difference and I will give you there that is a difference um I don't know what on Jinx we played well together 22 uh we just lost 28 LP for a game by the way oh it's our MMR there's nothing we can do about it apart from win we just have to keep winning and it forces the MMR up oh it's just rough though it's just part of the process but yeah we went 4017 on Thresh an absolute perfect game uh I will do a in-game report on the Diana by the way uh so I think those three pretty much cover it um is she typing as well oh she's not typing I'm surprised but um yeah crazy game A drugs a lot of damage yeah what a what a weird one but at least we get that win back obviously we lost 28 LP last game we only gained 22. so we're still 6 LP difference which is there but uh not too bad if you guys enjoyed that do throw a like on it throw a comment oh am I doing rank till yeah let's do rank till let's do it actually it was a quite a quick game let's do rankedal uh we'll do League of Legends rank though all right so if you've not watched the video before that I've done this we're gonna watch three clips and we have to guess oh yeah I'll bring Professor up as well we have to guess what rank we're watching we're on na server I don't know why there's music on mute it just in case it's not copyright free so watching presumably the twitch she's 14.5 at the moment so he's incredibly fed the viego was over cocky shaco's gone for it twitch they haven't reacted really slow reactions good Flash yeah I mean twitch played that well enemy team did react very slow to it and he's also incredibly Fred from Lane phase where would I say rating wise this is that's the idea um scanner's a bit weird to see nice bubble nice wave go just got annihilated in the chain CC combo and then Gangplank did do a quick Barrel which I would then that to me means it probably isn't low low but then they focused forward and obviously it's stealth he could just stealth behind I'm saying I think we're in Diamond like people in chat you can see there Diamond plat silver I honestly when we're in Diamond okay we're in Platt so I wasn't too far away but yeah that wasn't low rating like the honestly the thing that gave me the idea that it wasn't really low rating was the Gangplank not the twitch the fact that he did a quick barrel and actually did it yeah that kind of that said a lot to me or we have seraphine mid yeah it's Saturday mid weird linear positioning into a triple seraphine ulti to be honest the enemy team just gave them that Warwick Mr zolti saraka didn't need a flash mode alts she's going to end up like with a triple kill or something in a sec I was a bit sloppy but she did get it I mean to be honest the enemy Team all kind of lined up for that played more than anything else that wasn't like her doing anything crazy the enemy team lined up in a straight line and there's a seraphine right there this is North America as well I'd say maximum this is gold maximum there's also a Warwick in the game I think I'm gonna go silver I'm gonna go silver oh it was lower damn it was bronze damn all right it was bronze and then last one oh it's a vein top icky so considering we're watching her she's gonna outplay both of these and get a double kill but they are she's two levels down on the ergot so what probably has happened is the Zack's probably camped her that's one she does have ulti that was pretty good but she is getting destroyed again she's still two levels down but that just one specific play was good this is EU Northeast hmm and the game itself both com no I was gonna say both Compass makes sense there's a malphite mid AP malphite mid this is probably quite low I'm gonna say Gold Max gold is where I would say but again whenever I'm on EU Northeast I have done it and it has actually worked for me quite well if I think a rank and I'm on a new Northeast you add one more rank so if I think it's gold because we're all new Northeast do I say Platt I think we'll do it I was gold no I should have kept with my original damn it well there we go so we wore one rank out each one which isn't too bad so that means we basically got three stars out of six maximum so I've only ever had one perfect round that I got every single one right hey swag turtle but anyway um and then also because I forgot to do it before uh the poor professor of that particular game uh book all right so he does play Tam but he this is like his autofill pick I guess but then what is particularly interesting to me level 59 account was a platinum one last season level 43 account no ranked history cold streak the diners the fort level 42 no ranked history so the Diana and the seraphine are on Fresh accounts probably bought accounts uh because very few people actually level their own accounts nowadays this was the Shaco that obviously we had earlier that did fine aatrox doesn't even play it he's also some type of Smurf he's in promo to Diamond with diamond one MMR uh the yone is also a Smurf jeez there was a lot of Smurfs this game damn all right well there you go um but yeah hopefully the Diana gets some foolish punishment I will do an lpp report about it as well because let's be honest none of us actually trust the report system do we uh which is sad it would be nice if we actually did a report system we could trust but it just isn't like gonna happen uh but anyway that's gonna be it if you guys did enjoy throw a like on it throw a comment throw a subscribe see you guys next time peace crawl down the Reckoning to bring back hope and peace restore our glory to live forever bring down the dark regime I know how to unleash eternal power feed us to I'm the lightbringer
Channel: HuzzyGames
Views: 7,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, thresh, thresh build, league of legends guide, league of legends pro guides, lol, thresh lol, lol thresh, how to play thresh, thresh support, thresh guide, lol coaching, master, soloq master, challenger thresh, how to get better at league of legends, how to improve at league of legends, season 2023 thresh, s13 thresh, unranked to diamond, u2d
Id: GWYr3XR9cHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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