FETTUCCINE ALFREDO UPGRADE (Creamy 2-Ingredient Alfredo)

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hey what's up fettuccine alfredo is both very delicious and a total gut bum but how heavy this dish hits totally depends on how you make it so today i'm gonna show you how to use only two ingredients to make a lighter more delicious fettuccine that isn't just a pile of gloppy carbs i mean technically it's still going to be a pile of carbs but it's not going to be gloppy to get started on the fettuccine part of this dish i need to make some fresh egg pasta dough for that i'll grab 280 grams of all-purpose flour and dump it onto my counter next i'll make a deep indent into that flower pile now it's a volcano and into that caldera i'll carefully add my egg so they don't flow over the side when i say eggs i'm referring to two large eggs four egg yolks and then 25 to 30 grams of water i'll stir that to combine until the whites and yolks are relatively integrated and there we go now using a fork i'm going to start to get the flour and eggs inside the volcano combined the idea here is to slowly incorporate the wet with the dry in a way that avoids clumpiness and overall messiness this is a tried and true classic italian granny technique but the problem here is that i always always go too fast and break the volcano and now i've got egg on my board and i'm a total loser the more rustico and less refined way to do this is to just smash everything into a pile this way of mixing is real shaggy and sticky at first but after five minutes or so of squeezing and kneading everything together it forms a nice dough like this that's easy enough but i'm feeling like this dough is a little bit dry so i'll add in a tiny splash more water maybe five to ten more grams and i'll knead that in the final amount of water in this dough depends on how thirsty your flour is on any given day so pay attention and be ready to add either a touch of flour to a wet dough or a touch of water to a dry one i'll keep kneading this for another three to four minutes or so and after eight to nine minutes of total work here i've got a tidy soft well-developed dough now this dough needs to hydrate a little bit longer and the gluten inside needs to rest so i'll wrap it up with plastic wrap and throw it into the fridge to firm up for 20 minutes while that does its thing let me take a second to clarify why exactly i'm making fresh pasta for this dish number one fresh pasta has a chew to it and variety of texture that plain dried fettuccine just does not number two fresh pasta grips this dish is very simple sauce a lot better than dried pasta but i'll mention that if you can get bronze dye extruded dried egg pasta like this you can sub that in and skip the whole pasta from scratch situation the bronze dye gives the exterior of the pasta more grip so the sauce doesn't slide right off after 20 minutes in the fridge this dough is relaxed fully hydrated and as you can see very pliable now i'll cut it in half into two eight ounce or 225 gram sized chunks and i'll take the half that i'm not rolling and wrap it in a damp paper towel to keep it from drying out now i'll lightly flour the dough on my board and then using a rolling pin i'll flatten it into a roughly three quarters inch thickness give or take i'm flattening it so that i can fit it through the mouth of my pasta roller speaking of which for sheeted egg pasta i use the roller attachment for my kitchenaid stand mixer overall i've had a really good experience with this tool specifically and i can definitely recommend it if you don't have the roller and or the mixer though this recipe will definitely work for the hand crank ones you see at the supermarket now i'll get this mixer set up perpendicular to my bod turn it on low speed and then open the roller outside of its widest setting that means wider than the number one from there i'll make sure my flattened dough is well lubed up with all-purpose flour and then i'll run it through the machine oh hey there's a poppy seed in there for my bagel whoopsies next i'll crank this roller down to the number one setting i'll roll the dough through and then crank it down to the number two and roll it through one more time once the dough is flattened and about 30 inches across like this we need to turn it into a useful shape for making square pasta sheets to do that i'm gonna fold the tapered ends together then i'll fold it in a way that gives me a rectangle that is roughly the width of the roller edged edge or about six inches if i had to guess see that now we've got two straight sides those sides are going to be the new edges for our sheet and that'll give us very straight sheets of dough that are easy to cut into noodles i'll finish this step by rolling the rectangle about three quarters of an inch thick so that will fit inside the mouth of the roller from here i'll open the roller past the number one just like before then i'll feed in my dough as you can see this sheet is almost exactly the width of the rollers themselves and that's great news for getting a proper yield of noodles out of this dough later on the next step here is to turn the machine down to number one roll it through i'll step it down to number two roll it through and then guess what i'll step it down to three and then roll it through after four passes through the machine the dough will start to get tacky and that's not good because it will stretch out unevenly so i'll stop dust both sides liberally with flour to keep things from sticking and then i'll roll this through on the number four by the way i use the back of my wrist to move this pasta sheet around the work area because the wrist has a lot of surface area and that kind of spreads out the weight of this very soft very pliable dough and that keeps the sheet from getting deformed or stretched out in a weird way now i'm gonna roll this through on number five then the number six and instead of going down to number seven i'll roll it through on six for a second time for this dish we want relatively thick pasta and number seven in my opinion is too thin thin pasta falls apart and just doesn't have the bite that we're looking for overall i'd say we're looking at about the thickness of a penny i don't know what is that maybe 1 16 of an inch next i'll cut off the pointy deformed ends of each sheet then i'll measure its length an 8 ounce chunk of dough when rolled to this thickness should give us a length of about 38 to 46 inches give or take this sheet's 40 inches so i'll cut it into four 10 inch size sheets next i'll dust those liberally with semolina flour to keep them from sticking together and then i'll stack all four sheets move them to a cutting board and i'll fold those sheets in half from there i'll turn it 90 degrees and then cut an eighth inch or so off the edge to clean it up now i'll cut these sheets into roughly three quarters inch wide strips and if you're thinking hey bry that's a lot thicker than fettuccine yes you're right but i think this dish is actually a lot more fun with a wider chunkier noodle like say papara dele or tagliatelle i actually got the idea for the papara deli from a fellow youtuber the channel is called sip and feast and it's awesome i'll link to it down below i highly recommend you check it out once these noodles are all cut up i'll fluff them up and again make sure they're well dusted with semolina flour to keep them from sticking together now would be the time to roll out the other half of the dough but since i think it's easier to illustrate how this dish comes together with just eight ounces of this pasta i'm only gonna cook half for this video but if you're feeding four people here feel free to do this all at once just double the amount of butter and cheese and use your largest saute pan so to get this pasta cooked i'll drop a strong grip of salt into about three quarts of water and then i'll drop in eight ounces or 225 grams of our pasta right away i'll jump into this water with some tongs and gently toss this pasta to keep it from being stuck together with fresh sheeted egg pasta especially sticking is a lot more of a risk than it is with dried pasta once this pasta is tossed up i'll drop a 10 inch nonstick pan over low heat to gently warm up this is gonna be the place where we make the very delicate very simple alfredo pan sauce if you haven't cooked a lot of fresh pasta i'll mention here that it cooks really quickly if you kept it thick like i recommended earlier this pasta should take only about three and a half minutes to get to al dente that's plenty of time for me to quickly thank the sponsor of this video surfsharkvpn surfsharkvpn or virtual private network keeps you safe online by covering up everything you do when your device connects to the internet whether that's a hotspot or some sketchy public wi-fi in the dallas airport all of the information going to and from your computer or phone or tablet is basically blurred to the internet also known as encryption so next month when lauren and i are visiting 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call it is ready to come out but i do need to give it a quick slurp to make sure it's not still raw and we're good the pasta still has a little bit of bite and it's perfectly al dente this dish is not gonna hit right at all if the pasta is overcooked i repeat do not overcook your pasta next the noodles are going to get moved over into my heated non-stick pan along with whatever pasta water they bring along that should be about three tablespoons or so behind that i'll add in another half cup of pasta water i'll probably need more but i don't want to make this too wet insert clip of previous total failure here it's too juicy dude those noodles are swimming in it so instead of repeating this failure i'll add the water into this pan as i go now i'll give this pasta a quick toss toss to loosen up some of the starch and then in goes 75 grams of nice tasting butter i'm using some kerrygold here because like i mentioned earlier this is a two ingredient sauce and the butter brings half of the flavor so i prefer something with a lot of it with the pan still over low heat i'm going to swirl and toss to get the butter emulsified with the starchy pasta water again keep an eye on the amount of water in the pan when done right there should be a nice glossy opaque shine to it all like this next i'll add in most of 75 grams of grated parmesan cheese just like for the butter i'm recommending that you use something of very high quality specifically this is a 24 month imported parmesan and it's deeply nutty almost sweet and very very umami don't use pre-grated parmesan unless you're 100 sure that there's no cellulose added to keep it from caking that won't melt properly and might actually curdle the sauce now i'll stir that all in and right away i can tell this cheese has thickened this up a little bit too much i want it saucier than that so i'll add in another quarter cup or so of my pasta water and then i'll stir that in to see where i'm at texturally at this point i'm off heat now because too much heat will cook this parm and it'll turn into a greasy mess so pay attention from this point forward i think this looks a touch loose now actually so i'll add in the rest of my cheese that's 75 grams of grated parmesan in total and for shibs and gibbs i'll throw in another pad of butter in there as well after one last shake shake and toss toss to get that butter and cheese fully melted into the pasta i think we're there if we did this right the pasta should be coated in a creamy but saucy opaque almost pearly looking cheese sauce it might not look like much but trust me this is really luxurious you guys and we did it without a bunch of heavy cream that makes these flavors way more in focus and way more delicious to finish i'll crack a bunch of freshly ground black pepper right on top and then sprinkle on some more aged parmesan cheese and that's it egg pasta nice butter and 24 month aged parm this dish is unbelievably flavorful and comforting and i think it will shock you how much lighter and more refined it is than the gluey white creamy versions from the mall i hope you try this soon let's eat this thing [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 327,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fettuccine alfredo, fettuccine alfredo recipe, alfredo pasta, alfredo sauce, alfredo recipe, pappardelle, creamy pasta, creamy pasta sauce, fettuccine, hot to make alfredo sauce, homemade fettuccine alfredo, easy fettuccine alfredo, pasta, how to make alfredo, parmesan reggiano, how to cook alfredo, making fettuccine alfredo, easy alfredo, best fettuccine alfredo, best alfredo, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, pasta recipes, fresh pasta, how to make fresh pasta
Id: OOzZwOwkI3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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