Fervent Prayer - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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[Applause] all right good morning good morning glad you showed up by the way eric sends his eric and candace and their love their orlando florida with cooleonesis speaking at their place today and i think tomorrow and we have a kingdom culture conference coming up june 26-28 it's the most unique conference that we do because it is all about sustaining a move of god through kingdom culture through learning the reality of that world how it affects this one and that's where we turned our own team loose so if any of you want to be a part of that any of those watching online would like to join us for that it's it's been a pretty pretty cool pretty cool event for a number of years now um let's see i i got a letter this week from the gal that was healed uh after being afflicted for 38 years bedridden mostly the last 10 years her and her husband sent me a note this last week they're in hawaii for their first real vacation in 34 years and she is they are just exploring life what life looks like now that now that she's been healed she was bedridden for pretty much 10 years been very not capable of functioning normally for 38 years ongoing pain issues because of lyme's disease and it was just the coolest thing ever uh to see the holy spirit just fill her body and flush that disease out that's exactly how it happened i i saw it happening so finally we had four others healed of the same thing within a couple weeks right after that so if there's anybody here with lyme's disease any kind of autoimmune disease stand or you have a family member with that stand up because we're going to pray first yes the good news is jesus has a track record of healing this stuff and uh so we we we want to see that done now church family i want you to join with me now go to somebody who's standing and and just begin to pray for them those of you that are watching by bethel tv join with us in the same way if you have this affliction in your own body we just declare divine health over you in jesus name just stand with us in faith right now if you can't reach somebody extend a hand join your faith to somebody who is standing and we just declare jesus heals lyme's disease yields every autoimmune disease fibromyalgia all of these different afflictions we declare this ends today in jesus name pray for the outpouring of the holy spirit literally for his presence to flood their body until every trace of affliction is gone just pray that pray that on them right now to flood their body until every trace of affliction is gone every trace of affliction gone in jesus name thank you lord amen just just pronounce over them the lord jesus heals you the lord jesus heals you beautiful go ahead and be seated please give us reports we're just going to tap this lightly this morning but please send us a report as as miracles unfold throughout your your own body or your own family um is is there somebody here that has some sort of a nerve damage on the right side of your body some sort of a nerve damage on the right is that back over here okay oh there's a couple all right all right well the lord jesus heals we're going to pray together again for at least one more issue here in a moment um a number of years ago i was in germany and um of course germany and uh i was praying with the leadership before the gathering and while we were praying i just caught this flash of a picture of somebody to my right who had arthritis head to toe and uh and in in this flash picture it's hard to describe it in this flash of a picture i just saw i had them stand and i pronounced over them the lord jesus heals you and i that's not a magic pill it's it's it's only powerful if he says it first and you repeat what he's saying you got it so but but that's what it was so i caught that picture so when i got up the first thing i did was said is there anyone here that is arthritis head to toe and a woman stood right over to my right and she stood up and i said the lord jesus heals you we didn't pray for it didn't do anything she began to tremble under the power of god she turned very red began to sweat profusely as the power of god was literally going through her body and in just i don't know maybe two three minutes i said what's happened and she's just weeping she says it's impossible it's impossible it's impossible because she was completely healed through the declared word i believe that we're going to see more of that sort of thing where we find out what he's saying and psalm 107 uh verse 20 says he sent his word and healed them so a big deal for you and me we're going to try to mess with this subject a little bit today is really hear what he's saying and then join our voice with his and make that decree um i want to pray for the ones with nerve damage is there anyone here with cancer or any other kind of terminal disease put a hand up you can stand in for yeah all right i want to have nerve damage and cancer or any other terminal disease i want you to stand if you have a family member oh there's somebody here you broke your right ankle didn't heal right who's that who's who is it is that is that you all right all right i broke right in this area here and it just didn't heal correctly the lord's healing that right now is that you as well all right so terminal disease of any kind you know what we've been seeing so many miracles by people standing in proxy uh this is we've never seen the level of breakthrough that i've seen just in the last six months to a year if you have a family member uh dying of cancer or something stand in their place we're going to pray together and again i encourage everybody in our bethel tv family join with us in this moment because this is a miracle moment bethel family you've got people standing around you i want you to go to them and just join with them find out if it's them or a family member and just begin to pray right now again for those at home we make this decree the jesus the lord jesus heals you if you can't reach somebody at least extend your faith extend your faith we declare for that family member right now in jesus mighty name that healing power would be released into their body nerve damage be completely healed and restored now the right ankle that broke bones be reset now in jesus name be reset now in jesus name thank you god there's someone else who has some sort of a numbness i think it's in the right shoulder especially in the back area just keep praying it's just if this applies to you i need you to stand there's some sort of a numbness maybe that nerve damage thing again but it's that it's uh is it right over here okay somebody lay hands on this this gentleman right over here a resurrection of that of that shoulder nerve damage be healed now in jesus name yep amen just to clear over them this ends today in jesus mighty name amen amen all right go and be seated if we get any more of that throughout the meeting we'll just jump on it um here's what i want to encourage you expect miracles during the preaching of the word i felt i felt like the lord really spoke that to me a while back and it just needs to be declared so expect god to touch you when any time his word is spoken because he sent his word and healed him all right i have something extremely important to read to you maybe not as important as what we just did i'll have to admit there hasn't been one single bacon recall in 2018 but there have been several vegetable recalls just saying [Laughter] doctors are saying that each piece of bacon you eat takes nine minutes off of your life based on that math i should have died in 1732. [Laughter] [Applause] and here's one i haven't read for a while it's the hormone guide i need to update them in every once in a while just to help you with your life there's three categories dangerous safer and safest dangerous what's for dinner safer can i help you with dinner safest where would you like to go for dinner dangerous what are you so worked up about i love feeling your pain what are you so worked up about safer could we be overreacting safest here's my paycheck dangerous should you be eating that safer you know there's a lot of apples left that's not much safer safest can i get you a piece of chocolate to go with that here's the last one dangerous what did you do all day [Laughter] safer i hope you didn't overdo it today safest i've always loved you in that robe all right open your bibles to acts chapter 12 if you would please acts chapter 12. it's amazing these friends that just healed i think i just mentioned it to you the letter i got there on their first real vacation in 34 years can you imagine that can you imagine the children or i'm guessing to be in their low 30s can you imagine being children that have never had a healthy mom and they were there when she got healed and suddenly she's able to do everything and they actually sent me a video they're running around the pool and they're in hawaii having a blast doing stuff that i normally can't do so i i just it just never gets old how many of you the lord has done a miracle in your body you've experienced an actual miracle anybody look around the room isn't that extraordinary it's amazing thank you lord do it again and again and again and again all right acts chapter 12. uh we're going to read a pretty long portion of scripture so i need you just to kind of hang with me my favorite parts of the bible are the stories where the lessons are easy to get you know like david and goliath anyone can get that one you know you got the little guy facing the big guy and he wins and uh it's just a good story daniel in the lion's den uh it's you know just that trust in god and and uh that you see in these stories well acts chapter 12 is actually one of those kinds of stories the lord makes note of something that we had better make note of and it's concerning prayer i want to talk to you about fervent fiery enduring prayer today because i i have felt the summons of the lord over my own life and corporately have felt the summons of the lord to engage in a level of prayer that is going to be new for many people and certainly at the at the um the measure i believe he's calling us into will be new for probably most all of us and so let's uh let's go ahead and read the story verse 1 of chapter 12 of acts acts 12 1. now about that time herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church then he killed james the brother of john with the sword and because he saw that it pleased the jews he proceeded to further seize peter also now it was during the days of unleavened bread stop right there just because i want to draw your attention to something please notice that herod was motivated by what pleased the jews and what's important to understand is both the religious spirit and the political spirit are governed by the fear of man both are manipulated by corporate public opinion and it's why as we pray as we uh elect uh officials and we pray for our leaders one of the things we've got to pray for is that they'll have the courage to to make decisions based on the values of god not on public opinion it's vital but also church leaders because you'll notice in jesus's day the pharisees would have a discussion they said well if we answer this the crowd will say this if we answer this this will happen and so they actually made their decisions based on public opinion and and we need courageous leaders both in the church and in the public sector that know how to make decisions based on what god values based on what's right based on what's wrong so my speech is over let's move on verse 4 once again when they arrested him put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him intending to bring him before the people after passover verse 5 peter was therefore kept in prison but constant prayer was offered to god for him by the church please take note of this constant prayer was offered to god for him by the church there's no record of any prayer for james i'm not saying there wasn't prayer but the lord took note of the fervency and the consistency the enduring nature of the prayers of the saints for peter verse six when herod was about to bring him out that night peter was sleeping bound with two chains between two soldiers the guards before the door were keeping the prison now behold an angel of the lord stood by him a light shone in the prison and he struck peter on the side and raised him up saying arise quickly and his chains fell off his hands then the angel said to him gird yourself and tie on your sandals and so he did and he said to him put on your garment and follow me when he went out and followed him he did not know that what was being done by the angel was real but thought he was seeing a vision when they were past the first and second guard post they came to the iron gate that leads to the city which opened to them on its own accord and they went out and went down one street and immediately the angel departed from him when peter had come to himself he said now i know for certain that the lord has sent his angel and has delivered me from the hand of herod and from the expectation of the jewish people stop right there for just a moment how many of you have read brother yun's book the heavenly man in his book he was in uh um in prison in china they had crushed his legs broke them so severely he was not able to use he had no use of his legs could not walk and he was in i think he was in the solitary confinement was in the prison and an angel came in touched him he's instantly healed raised him up and led him through a series of doors out of the prison into a waiting cab where he got into the cab the angel departed and he was led to safety the lord still sets people free from from prison i i don't know what the prison guards did you know after they saw the brother eunuch was gone but let's just say he's a wanted man but he has such a wonderful story one of the most humble men we've had him here a number of times what a gracious gracious man um his story is so similar to peter's let's read on in this story because i want you to see what else happened verse 12 when they considered this he came to the house of mary the mother of john whose surname was mark where many were gathered together praying and as peter knocked at the door of the gate a girl named rhoda came to answer when she recognized peter's voice because of her gladness she did not open the gate but ran in and announced that peter stood before the gate it's interesting the angel opened one gate but it took a little girl to open the next one so they said to her you are beside yourself she kept insisting that it was so they said it was his angel peter continued knocking when they opened the door so it was him they were astonished but motioning to them with his hand to keep silent he declared to them how the lord had brought him out of prison and he said go tell these things to james to the brethren and he departed and went to another place this is a such a great story to me it's kind of humorous and i i can relate to all the humans parts of the bible uh peter's misgivings all that stuff makes perfect sense to me but peter comes knocks on the gate and they're praying for him to be released from prison and so when they he knocks on the gate but it can't be peter because he's in prison our job is to pray for revival not have one some people become so locked into what they're praying for that they never become open enough to receive the very thing that god is releasing and that was the case here and so uh peter comes in and of course is the good news but here's the part of the story that i want us to kind of feast on a little bit this morning my my biggest concern and i bump it up against this wall quite frequently this theological barrier is that there are many that just assume that whatever happens is the will of god and they and they say well it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for a reason don't misunderstand me god can use anything but it doesn't mean he orchestrates everything he's big enough to reverse the effect of martyrdom we know for example that martyrdom throughout church history is is the seed of the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church there's no question there are several hundred thousand martyrs a year to the gospel of jesus christ in places all around the world it's astronomical the amount of people that are killed for their faith every year there's no question but that that causes it doesn't cause the gospel to retract it actually increases the focus and intensity we know from our friends the bishop of baghdad that how many people there have that when they come to christ and they uh get baptized in water the percentage is very very high how many will be martyred within just a few weeks of their water baptism it's just it's just a crazy world that we live in but the point i want to make is although god can use such a loss as the death of james when the church bound together with fervent prayer peter's life was spared i would like to suggest that oftentimes what we are missing in the realm of breakthrough is because of the absence of fervent prayer i'm glad that the lord answers so simple prayers short prayers brief prayers i've told you stories before how i've had a passing thought a desire that i it wasn't even worthy enough to be mentioned in prayer and in moments he answers it and i get so moved by his heart as a father that he does that for me i uh years ago i took on the challenge to study both nehemiah and ephesians because both of them are known for one sentence prayers and i thought it was fascinating that nehemiah could pray a prayer there was just one sentence in life that would actually affect the course of history over multiple nations extraordinary i love the fact that you can pray from a place of pain and god hears i love the fact that you can be angry and cry out to god and he hears you can even do be wrong and be bitter and cry out to god just don't stay there you know whatever condition you find yourself in that's a good place to start praying but pray until you come into a place where you can sense and taste the heart of god because that's where the breakthroughs begin and so many people use prayer as just the complaint session in fact i i i met with a bunch of intercessors once and i said how many of you battled depression and they all almost all of them raised their hand i said well you're the ones that don't pray then your intercession you don't pray because you're supposed to true prayer is where you come in and you make an exchange if you're praying there's no change in you then you weren't praying you were complaining he said come to me you are weary heavy laden i will give you rest what is he saying bring me the heavy i'll give you the light let's make the exchange prayer is supposed to be the exchange moments where we taste we touch the heart of god all right let's move on so here's this story where an answer came because of united prayer first of all united prayer is very difficult it's it's it's at the level of intensity we're talking about here is very challenging and i'll tell you why let's say i have 10 people together here and we're going to have a prayer meeting so we've got somebody over here we've got tom he's working with the youth we've got kathy who's working the school of ministry we've got jays working in counseling so we've got all these different people we've got people with children's ministry we've got people who work with the homeless and we have people work over here with the outreach and if we have a prayer meeting typically typically what's going to happen is each person is going to pray for their area of concern and burden is that right absolutely it's right but here's the problem when we only pray what we brought to the table so to speak we don't recognize when the favor of god is released over a specific prayer why is that important because we may be praying along and praying for um god we need provision for this youth camp or we've got kids that want to come that just can't afford god we just pray it's a right prayer next person praises the lord we just we've got to have greater breakthrough with the homeless on the streets and we pray that prayer somebody else then begins to pray for uh drug addiction in our county and all of a sudden there's this faith that enters the room every prayer that's prayed is valuable but when we learn to pray in unity it's because we're learning to pray what he's breathing on what he's adding favor on and what you do in that moment is you don't repeat the prayer you just find another angle to be able to pray again and lay add another layer on it does that make any sense to you if i just repeat the same prayer then it does nothing but i'm i'm praying i can sense the heart of god for this issue of drug addiction god i i asked that you would close up reading to the supply of drugs that you would cause people who bring drugs into the area that they would be caught that whole procedure would be stopped in its tracks and then somebody else prays god we pray even for those who are dealing drugs that that their christian background should there be any that they would come to a place of conviction for what they know is actually wrong and that you would deal with their hearts that they would come to a place of repentance what are we doing a lot line after line precept precept layer after layer of of praying consistent with what the holy spirit is saying and what the holy spirit is doing that is a key to united prayer and it's very difficult because we all bring our own stuff to the table and what happens in united prayer is everybody lays their agenda down to find out what he's breathing on that's that's the term that i use it's where you can tell he's extending his favor in the subject it doesn't mean it's the only thing we pray about it just means we pray until there's breakthrough i remember oh so many years ago my my my little brother was once actually little and he was i think 11 months old or so and he came very very close to death and i remember our obviously our whole family is concerned he's in intensive care at the hospital i remember the home we lived in i can give you the address but i won't i'll just say it was on flamingo way but i know the number i even know my phone i don't know what my number is now but i know my number then so i'm kidding i remember my grandfather my my mom's uh dad he went into the living room and he knelt by the couch you know i'm like 11 years old and so prayer for me was jesus heal bobby amen you know it's about the extent of my prayer life grandpa went into the living room our family was down here he went living he was there for quite a while i'll never forget it he got up and he announced to the family bobby will be okay why because he prayed until there was a breakthrough i don't remember how long i was there it's been so many so many years ago but he was there probably a couple hours and he was praying and when he could tell there was a breakthrough he got up and announced to the family bobby will be fine so he he literally came within hours i think it was eight hours 12 hours something like that of death bobby did and my parents went to the hospital went in and the doctor said something happened about two o'clock this afternoon which was when grandpa got up off his knees something happened and changed and he's going to be fine and they just helped in the recovery process it's that it's that it's that relentless prayer that has confidence because we know the heart of god see when you pray as a servant you beg for the master's invasion but when you pray as a son you pray as a daughter you are joining in a co-laboring role to see his heart manifest and demonstrated in a specific way i remember how many remember the or old enough to remember when president reagan was shot remember that day oh man it's horrible i i remember the day obviously for that reason but for another reason as well that particular morning i was sitting at my piano i was singing this little chorus i just want to see your face i just want to see your face so king of glory enter in i lift up the gate of praise and while i was singing this phrase i just want to see your face i looked up on the piano and we had a picture of my grandparents my dad's mom and dad sitting there and as i came to that phrase i just want to see your face i looked at that photo and the lord spoke so clearly to me he said that's your grandpa's desire i'm bringing him home today it so shocked me i stopped playing the piano it that was clear i thought this is exactly what i thought i thought well it shouldn't take too long to find out whether or not that was from the lord or that was from pizza or you know some something else and so i continued to play and just a little bit longer half hour something later my mom called and she said we just received news uh that uh grandpa went home to be with jesus today so it happened that that day that moment and so i told her the story of what i had just heard and experienced about the lord taking a grandpa home and and it was just a little while later we got the phone call that president reagan had been shot so of course we're you just you don't want that happen to any anybody and uh so we began to pray for him turned the news on and uh and watched uh the reports and i remember i would watch for a little bit then i'd just go back into my bedroom now kneel next to my chair and would just pray and pray and intercede for god to spare his life but something happened during this time i would be praying for president reagan and every time i would go to pray for him my heart would turn to pray for uh james brady the press secretary and and i i couldn't figure out why i i would pray for president reagan pray for him like i was like you're supposed to he's supposed to pray for you later but we're just interceding for god to spare his life help the doctors to do what they need to do and so we're just praying but then my heart will i can just feel it being pulled into prayer intercession for for james brady and and so i pray for him a bit i'd come back out didn't hear much news about james brady but i'd hear about reagan i'd go back in fact one time when i went back in eric had gone into his bedroom and he was kneeling next to his chair i'm not sure if he knew what we were praying for but he was just a little guy and he was in there praying as well so so that was good so so i went back in i praying that my heart again would be turned from praying for president reagan i prayed for him but especially just felt grieved a burden might be a good term to pray for james brady and and so i did throughout that day that that was my routine throughout the day and of course we got the news that president reagan was going to be fine exception fast forward several years i don't remember how long two three four years dick mills who was a wonderful friend of ours he's home with jesus now but a wonderful prophet friend he'd come to service frequently in weaverville and did the same here in reading uh he came to the church in weberville and he and he he told us a story he knew some i i don't remember if it was a friend of his i think it was a friend of his that was in the emergency room when reagan and brady was brought into the emergency room and brady they had covered with a sheet because he was gone there was no help for him they put him off to the side and they're working on the president and somebody looked over and saw some sort of movement and they went over and they were able to resuscitate him and and life life came back to him i i don't know the extent they just had just given up so the point was is the holy spirit sees what's going on and he knows how to lead us into prayers that make history and bring about significance through answers and i have no doubt but that thousands if not millions of people around the world were interceding and were praying in that moment for just that kind of a miracle to happen for god to restore life to this man that had been shot who was uh president reagan's press secretary the point is is i have an opinion on how to pray but when i get into the presence i tap into his opinion on how to pray and that's the whole deal is to learn how to pray from the one who is directing traffic from the one who knows the ins and the outs and the real issues you know you may be praying for example somebody has an obvious problem let's let's take drug addiction again and you start praying and every time you start praying for them you actually end up praying for them to be healed in a relationship with their father and you don't know why you keep going to that but you keep going to that issue and as you do eventually that reconciliation takes place and the drug addiction was only a symptom of what was actually happening the point is is in prayer he brings this you brings us behind the scenes to see what's actually going on a good excuse me good scripture for this is john 15 where jesus says i no longer call you servants i call you friends and then he adds a clarifying phrase he says because servants do not know what the master is doing so what's the point is that there is a point in a relationship with god where the lord let you go behind the scenes to see his motive his heart his thought his ambition his dream his desire all that stuff becomes exposed now let's change it from the friend to the son the daughter when you get into that position you start feeling the heart of god for something in a way where you know that there is an answer that is available and is possible but it must be pursued with relentless prayer i believe that the lord's about to give us a pretty extreme upgrade i've been feeling this for months i've made mention of it here and there but i feel like there's an upgrade being released over us as a body of believers in the area of prayer and let me be more specific unrelenting fervent fiery prayer that contends for breakthrough contends for answers until an answer comes i'm thankful for the things that happen so simply i am i i don't like the notion that i have to pray for three weeks to have something happen i i don't like that one of the things that i was so thankful for and being exposed to what the lord's been doing in the area of healing for example um i was just so encouraged to see that that you could pray simply i mean we've had we've had situations where you know somebody has a disease did i mention hepatitis c here i'm sorry it's the third time i've been talking so i um somebody was diagnosed with hepatitis c they did all the tests and they've got that disease and they shared it in a small group and one of our small group leaders went over and patted him on the shoulder and said well then be healed and walk down that was it and then went back to the doctor and there's no trace of it anywhere there's just no traces i'm i'm glad that that happens i'm glad that sometimes there's just the decree that's made that's long long term sometimes in a group like this pray for somebody sent a text and that person is healed i'm glad for that but that is supposed to give us confidence in his nature it's not supposed to teach us to be spoiled to only celebrate the quick answers but because we know his nature in his heart we're willing to stick with something until we see the breakthrough it's the revelation of his heart that is to endear us to the process of working until the breakthrough comes [Applause] i in my thinking and i'm in process like everybody else in my thinking when there isn't immediate breakthrough in an area is because there are circumstances that are wrapped around that problem that we don't yet know how to dismantle and the thing about fervent prayer is you never have to completely understand why you just don't stop you don't stop it's not prayer to ease my conscience but i said i pray it's not that kind of prayer it's the kind of prayer that lives from the conviction god's will must be done i remember years ago a friend of mine was was in a court case he was on a jury and the lord spoke to him when he walked into the trial room that justice must prevail and when it was a hung jury uh ten said guilty two said not guilty the lord still spoke to him said justice must prevail and so the judge asked everybody in the jury can you guys come to agreement and everybody said nope we are it's a hung jury they've been laboring forever it was 10 to 2. and yet in his heart he still had this word of the lord justice must prevail so when the judge asked him he says no i think we can come to a conclusion not knowing why he would say that but he still had that word that meant you can't stop what you were assigned to do you may not know how to fix the situation but you can't stop you don't have the luxury of stopping the assignment and the judge said okay i'll give you 30 minutes everybody in the jury is now mad at him because they've been working forever to try to come to a conclusion he walks out the door as soon as he does he looks at the two people who said no and he said you say he's no you you say he's not guilty because of this sin in your life and he had done identifies through a word of knowledge what he's got secretly going on in his life and he turns to the second one and he says and you say he's not guilty because of this that's going on in your life and these two guys their eyes are like this because they just got exposed and the word of the lord was justice must prevail and these two jurors looked at each other and they said i'll change my vote if you change yours and in moments of time justice was served you you carry out the will of the lord stop adding political opinions to to what's going on stop adding your own personal flavor the will of god is what we hunger for the will of god is what we have an appetite for jesus put it this way he said his food feeds me my food is to do the will of him who feeds me my dude my feelings my food is to do the will of him who who sent me who teaches me he speaks to me and it's the it's the will of god that nourishes and challenges us but here's the big prize at the end of the journey and it's not at the end of our life it's at the end of every day the scripture tells us that answered prayers gives us access to this realm in god called fullness of joy in god's economy there's a link between answers to prayer co-laboring with god seeing history change through your prayers and access to extreme fullness of joy it's in john 16 i think it's verse 24 jesus said ask and it will be given to you that your joy may be full the fullness of joy is somehow connected to you and me learning who he's made us to be in that place i'm not just praying occasional casual prayers but hearing the heart of god what's on his heart what's on his mind what does he have a passion for in this moment i join by praying what is on my heart but when i begin to sense what he's breathing on i cannot let go until there's breakthrough why because we're in the position of shaping the course of history and we shape it through prayer peter peter was spared because of constant fervent prayer father i asked you to release a mantle like that that garment that elijah carried that in the spiritual you would release a mantle of grace over this body of believers excuse me she'd release a grace over this family of believers over our bethel tv family for prayer that you'd help us to taste of joy through answers through breakthrough that at a level we've never ever known before that you would show us what it is to partner with you to co-labor with you to join our hearts with yours to see your will done on earth as it is in heaven this is our cry this is our cry pray this in jesus wonderful name amen all right you still on me seven minutes so don't go anywhere according to the clock i'm just going by the clock yeah i i really do believe that the lord is is calling us i can feel it my own life so uh i i don't always try to pass on to everybody else what he's doing with me but in this case i i feel a very strong mandate that he's going to give us access to some things in him that are new for us anybody else ready to learn some new things make some adjustments in prayer yeah i i pray for that it means change is in order you can't come into that kind of breakthrough without making some changes and so just the the fact that we have said yes means we're willing to make whatever adjustments and changes are necessary so amen to that now before we dismiss i want to give opportunity for anyone here that you would say bill i don't know what it is to be born again i want to be forgiven of sin i want to be a follower of the lord jesus christ i want to be adopted brought into his family i want to know what it is to be changed from the inside out i want to know what that looks like i really desire to have peace with god and if there's anybody in the room that would uh just say bill i don't want to leave the building until i know i'm at peace with god then i want you just to put a hand up right where you are we're just going to make a quick agreement with you put your hand up if that's you don't uh don't pass a moment where you can know what it is to be forgiven of sin real quick anybody is there somebody where i'm sorry is there a hand raised right over here okay all right anybody else put your hand up if that's you real quick okay i want you to go ahead and stand i i just uh anymore i don't ever want to have a meeting where we don't have opportunity for people to come to know jesus and uh so if anyone who raises their hand uh hold on just a moment folks anyone who raises their hand it would say bill i i really want to be right with god now we've got a team over here that we know and trust and i'm going to ask you to go to them i'd like to have our ministry team come up to the front and tom are you are you taking this down ministry team if you'd come up to the front we really want to agree with you and believe for miracles right now so if that's you in just a moment tom will release you and you still owe me four minutes and 48 seconds does that mean i have four minutes to say whatever i want i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm not gonna do that just kidding you know i was sitting there um just reminded of two weeks ago when bill spoke on a sunday night he talked about there was an invitation for fervent prayer and breakthrough specifically saw the next three months for just the biggest breakthrough we've ever seen but it's connected to fervent prayer and so i just wanted to release that he'd released that just two weeks ago so how many of you guys need breakthrough and things aren't moving in the thing that you need breakthrough in so lord we just declare right now the spirit of god for fervent prayer and those things that we would just turn our hearts and affections towards you that the fire of god would just burn just fire put you in the person next to you and just say the word fire fire of god amen amen well if you need prayer for a miracle in your body or agreement for something for breakthrough our ministry team wants to be here to serve you and so uh just go ahead and begin to make your way forward and we will get to you as soon as we can so god bless you guys have a great day enjoy the weather we'll see you tonight you
Channel: Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Views: 55,347
Rating: 4.8958654 out of 5
Keywords: faith, bill johnson, bill johnson sermons, holy spirit, bethel church, bill johnson 2020, bill johnson ministries, bill johnson bethel, bethel tv, bethel church redding, sermon bethel, is God good?, christian theology, Christian, church, miracles, bethel miracles, bill johnson ministry, prayer, prayer and fasting, prayer sermons, bethel tv live, bethel church live, bethel sunday service
Id: eKJXx8ebT0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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