The Winds of Favor and Trials (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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you know everything about you your personality your intellect your physical body your history everything about you is perfectly designed for obedience and disobedience violates design both favor and trial drive us somewhere it's like a sailboat where the wind drives me is determined by the way I control the sail in the rudder it's supposed to drive me deeper into God but I've watched both favor and trial drive away from the Lord that it was never designed for that monitoring my heart my value system attitude my confession is really the setting of the rudder the setting of the sail what is supposed to favor for example what is supposed to take me and to become the best possible example of Jesus I could possibly be when the rudder is wrong it moves into favor moves me into self-promotion but the wind wasn't designed to do that my liberty my freedom my will enables me to distort divine purpose possibly the best example of that certainly one of the best examples never before has one single gift one single person had such an impact on the course of history that Kings would leave their position to come and sit at the feet of another king as he did with Solomon the Queen of Sheba traveled an extraordinary distance with enormous amount of wealth to give to him to honor him for who he was he had the most unusual measure and level a favor maybe ever seen it'd be hard to be hard to find anyone in all of history that had greater favor with God and men favor was to drive him into becoming all he was designed to be and that is a perfect complete representation of the heart nature of God but something got into his heart something got in there where it says in 1st Kings it says but Solomon loved many foreign women though there was a but there was all this favor there was all this stuff coming at him that perfectly suited him to impact before New Testament times impact the Gentile world with the God of covenant the god of relationship but the setting of his heart the condition of his heart was setting the direction of his heart I should say was was positioned in such a way that all that favor drove him to counterfeit favor the appetite for favor somehow in him drove him to counterfeit favor why do I say that in in in those days it was known that Kings would marry the daughters of other Kings so there would be a truce there would be a covenant there would be no war and it's a counterfeit favor when you marry foreign women so that you have peace with all these nations he already had peace he is a man of extraordinary peace but he tried to do the same that Adam and Eve tried to do for themselves the serpent came to them and said if you partake of this forbidden fruit you will be like God they were already like God they're created in His image but they tried to obtain through their labor what they already had Solomon tried to obtain through false covenant what he already had and that's extraordinary favor and so this wind a favor because of the setting of his sail in the rudder the attitude of his heart actually drove him into something that took Israel from what I understand I've not been able to to verify this but from what I understand took Israel into a season of bondage that actually actually took them 300 years to get out of the more favored you have the more costly your mistakes are the more favored you have the more costly your your sins are I had lunch with a one of the generals in God's army here several years ago man I had admired from afar and we were speaking at a conference together and he asked to have private time with me so we met in a separate room and the two of us had a wonderful time together it's great to just finally meet this hero of the faith and he he gave this analogy that I thought was quite impacting impressive the bigger the boat the bigger the wake created and he loved he loved boating and he he was telling me of a time he he pulled into a Bay where Harbor where there's other boats that are being parked one boat was being launched and he came in too fast for the size of boat he had and it created such a way that it took the boat that was being launched and thread up against the dock or the the trailer that it was on I forget the exact details but he says the man could have sued me and won easily because I was responsible for the wake I created everybody in this room has awake and the further we go in God the greater our journey the greater our our season of walking with God the greater anointing the greater responsibility all this stuff the greater part the bigger that gets the bigger the wink and and I'm responsible for the wake I create it's foolishness to think that well I can get away with this I can get away with that and people will just have to adjust it's foolish to to think that way because I'm actually responsible for the week that I create favor is actually supposed to drive me deeper into the center of my design which is always more fully realized in the context of relationship I don't have the language I want for this yet so I'm kind of working my way through this so a little bit of patience here favor is to drive me to the center of my design which finds its fullness in government in a relationship in other words favor that drives me away from covenant relationships and people is a misuse of favor favored by nature is is supposed to increase my capacity for impact by nature favor increases my capacity that's a verse I've quoted to you probably 20 times the last few years but I will do so again because of the context where the Queen of Sheba prophesized to Solomon and she says God has highly favored you Solomon because of his love for Israel that I'll never forget when I first saw that it just pierced my heart God has highly favored you and put your name in there he's highly favored you because of his love for the people around you so the implication is favored upon me has to benefit people around me or its misuse favor it's actually it's not given to me for me you say well that doesn't make sense he loves me he does but here's how it works the woman takes bethel puff a bottle of costly pointment she breaks the alabaster vial and she pours it all over jesus wiping it into his body with her hair it was entirely for him but she left the room smelling just like he did in other words what gets on you is because of what you get on him and yes you walk away with the blessing of favor but it was never directed at you it was all it all impacted your person your personality your gift your family all the stuff because you determined to invest it wisely and the people around you and somehow in the process you get splashed in other words if I use this costly ornament for me I've missed it and that's really what favor is favor is access to divine recognition it's access I have undivided attention from a perfect father and he does care about my needs and there is a place for me to present my needs my requests my petitions before him but when God increases my favor with people it's just not for self-promotion so imagine favor then a wind that is to drive me to the center of more meaningful impacting relationships it's a favor that drives me to the center of what I was designed for my role in in this case in what God is doing here driving me deeper into the expression of Christ in a loving body of believers who have given themselves for the transformation of a city and a transformation of Nations either that favor drives me into that or drives me into my own unique selfish expression of my imitation of Christ amen good point bill still late I gave you a chance [Laughter] trials the same way winds of adversity this is this great passage in Exodus once you turn to it Exodus chapter 13 we're gonna look I think at two portions of Scripture tonight so Exodus 13 is one I wave this Bob around so much that well it's sparkling and so it's it baptizes me every time I open it I think I'll leave the top off there we go all right Exodus 13 are you there you have your Bible say I love my Bible I really really really really love my Bible some of you got the amount of real as you were supposed to get some of you short cut it it's all right done yeah it's it's fatiguing I know all right Exodus 13 verse 17 then it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines although although that was near for God said lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt verse 17 again it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines although that was near for God said lest perhaps the people changed their mind when they see war and return to Egypt this is uh I love this particular story this particular verse the season in Israel's history I love it because God was the one fighting their battles it wasn't like this victory against the Philistines depended on their wisdom and their strength but God knew his role would be limited by their fear it was a very good point there God knew the his role his place in the journey with his people would be limited or restricted or cut off by their fear and so he actually said I'm not going to take them the direct path the Philistines are in the way they're too young even though God is the one who fights the battle for them and delivers the victory to them and sometimes through them he said I'm going to take them another way because they may see war and become discouraged and go back to bondage Wow how many people I see go back to bondage because they don't know how to handle conflict not I mean this counterfeit argument with a friend or something I'm talking about the lifestyle that says I was designed for something greater and I keep running into this wall we sang about it tonight that wall the wall but that becomes a way that's the challenge right there is every time God leads us into a place it's under victory so here in this passage it would be reasonable to assume that God chose in this case their young inexperienced probably become afraid that probably want to go back to bondage God says I'm going to direct them I'm going to take them around this enemy because I don't want them to face that prematurely so a month later they're going down the road and the Lord leads them into an enemy what's the implication they're written they're ready a month ago yeah and they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna mess themselves I'm just gonna take them I'm gonna take them around a month later he takes him right into a war and the implication is I've thought this through they've been able to deal with stuff in the last 30 days I'm just throwing out 30 days Taylor Shay they've been able to deal with stuff from the last 30 days I trust them they I think they never been a question of what God can what battles God can win that's not even a contest there's there's there's never been a contest between the devil and God zero and so when the Lord then leads Israel into a conflict it's because not only were they designed for victory they're ready for victory so when I choose fear instead of faith I'm violating my design when I choose fear instead of faith I'm not acknowledging that this moment was divinely orchestrated that I might once again illustrate that the victory of Christ in a given situation how many of you believe Jesus raised from the dead absolutely your victory proves it your victory proves it I mean it's not as though he needs any evidence in your life and my life to validate it it's validated on its own but when you pray for the sick and that person is healed it's a demonstration of the resurrection power of Jesus when you defeat a personal addiction habit that that thing changes in your life it's a demonstration of the resurrection power of Jesus when you face this mental battle this conflict of the mind and you resolve to obey the Lord no matter what and you and you stick with that process so you come in into ongoing victory you're demonstrating the resurrection of Jesus so I want you to look at mark chapter 4 we're gonna look at a passage that I have probably possibly talked with more than any other in the last 10 years I've had a great privilege to be with Hillsong in New York last week it was a Scituate situation it was an opportunity that came up out of nowhere and I already had that time blocked to be at home and but when I I asked my my team about it they they felt it was the Lord and the real test was I asked my wife and her voice and the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds so similar man I sometimes think we know too and sometimes I'm pretty sure they're the same voice yeah I had one prophet point to my wife say she's your hearing aid and a wonderful wonderful time so moved by but Karl and Laura Lance and the whole Hillsong movement so thankful for them I mentioned only because I shared on this verse there but we're gonna I want to read a story that I've taught on many many many times here but I want to emphasize a different verse than I've ever emphasized in this story so mark chapter 4 are you there I mean you still love your Bible how many of you still love the person next to you good good no don't don't get weird on me now just leave them alone till we're done alright you may remember a while back I read to you that that thing says have you ever woken up in the morning just happened to be alive you kiss the person next year and then he says yeah I just tried that apparently I won't be allowed to fly on that airline anymore [Applause] mark chapter 4 verse 35 on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side when they had left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was in other little boats were also with him the great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in the stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said him teacher do you not care that we are perishing then he arose and rebuked the wind said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm but he said to them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith verse 39 or 40 again he arose rebuked the wind said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased there was a great calm and he said to them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith I love this story because it illustrates for me this role of maturity that God requires from us he did not design us to ask him to do everything for us he's not the cosmic bellhop waiting for us to ring the bell and he comes running to fulfill whatever requests we have him have of him I believe so strongly in the importance and power of prayer and I believe strongly that we are to bring petitioner request of him so it's almost a contradiction but in lifestyle it's not Jesus has his disciples in this boat during a life-threatening storm the boat is already starting to fill so they're afraid they're going to die it's a legitimate fear without God it's a legitimate fear and so they waked Jesus up asked him don't you care that we are perishing he stands he rebukes the wind says peace to the storm everything stops and then he says how come you don't have any faith my upbringing was we pray and he does stuff here's here's the disciples they come to Jesus and they make requests who's Jesus he's God what do we call petition prayer so they pray Jesus turns and answers their prayer and then says how come we don't have any faith that's a mind-boggling scenario to me because I I grew up the only thing that I had in my mind is that if I prayed good and I prayed effective I'd get answers to prayer and things would happen and in part that's true but it's not what Jesus was grooming his disciples for he was grooming them to do what he would do if they were in his shoes which in this case was to speak to the storm in this case they were to deal with the obstacle to God's will I've heard people say that Jesus slept in the storm because he was exhausted I don't believe that's true I don't I don't believe that's true I think the reason he slept in a storm is because the world he dwells in has no storms it was illustrating what it is to live in the reality of communion with the father it's a heavenly around that Paul would later find language for we are seated in heavenly places in Christ it's tragically it's been reduced to a doctrine it's an invitation to an experience it's an all experience is an invitation to a lifestyle what's what's initiated by an experience is a promise of a lifestyle should we want to pursue it god never introduces us to joy for example holy laughter and you get so filled with joy you can hardly stand yourself that was never given to you as an experience that was just to help heal up the wounds of the last twenty years and then you go on struggling through life he opened a door that gives you now legal access to this realm of inheritance anytime you feel you need it when when that that sense of comfort or prophetic or whatever it is that comes upon us we move into that moment those moments are invitations to sustainable lifestyle they are not tastes that we then have to ignore and just suffer through with life so when the Lord opens up insight for us an invitation for encounter which is an invitation for a lifestyle let me just take the joy thing again since you're giving me that look once I have tasted so you have to understand in the kingdom of God a taste initiates transformation it's it's the taste John 7 here's a here's the perfect example end of the chapter left side of the page at the very top is where it is in your Bible in John 7 he says come to me and drink alright come to me and drink out of your innermost being will flow rivers a drink becomes a river a taste changes your capacity a taste changes your nature a taste gives you access to the resource of heaven it's all flowing in and through you a simple experience changes your capacity to give in to serve nothing is given to us merely to help us cope he has no coping mechanisms he doesn't say here here's here's joy now that will help you to get through this next season because this next even is gonna be real trial no when he gave you joy he gave you the key to that realm that reality is now yours and all these all these realms in God are to be stewarded they are gifts a favor that are to be stewarded again not for self-promotion but so that I continue in the journey of being the best possible representation of Jesus Christ that I could possibly be I'm being driven by favor into that but trial is supposed to do the same so we have this life-threatening storm and the guys come to Jesus and they make a request by the way I haven't thought this all the way through I I've been thinking on it for maybe a year and I need to come to some met a bit better maybe better language but I've got this sense that prayers of panic and fear are prayers of a servant and prayers of authority of prayers of a son a daughter both are accepted I'm so glad you can be bitter and he welcomes you I can be angry as can be he doesn't turn me away but my responsibility is when I come into that presence I must not leave the same if I left the same I was not praying I was complaining time with God is not a time to vent it's a time for exchange he welcomes me in so that God and man's passion trends translation puts a Jerusalem the city with God and men mingled together that's prayer God and men mingled together so now we have this particular trial and the disciples are in this life-threatening storm and they make petition out of absolute panic and Jesus saves the day well that's how we learn sometimes we pray wrong he answers anyway he's just teaching us is never did he I can't find one place where he spoke to somebody of their weak faith and then withheld an answer he would address weak faith but then he would provide the answer to give them access to greater faith every answer is a place of surrender and yielded nough so that we stepped more fully into our design we were designed for obedience we are designed to represent him well so as we look at this story verse 35 is key do you still have your Bibles open on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side let us cross over to the other side I wonder what the will of God is hmm trial and difficulty from the enemy's perspective is to dislodge me from what God has said the serpent comes into the garden has God said if you eat of this fruit you will surely die see the enemy knows that at the very center of all that God has made his economy his way of life everything the very center is his voice it's his word and God said that to be liked and it was like so the work of the enemy is always to dislodge me from the most powerful expression in the universe and that's the voice of God the last Adam is Jesus Christ first Adam and the last Evan he's baptized in water the father proclaims over him you're my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased the next moment describes him at the end of 40 days of fasting and Satan comes to him and says if you're the son of God what was the last thing Jesus heard the father say you're my beloved son the serpent comes if you're the son go so here we have two things I personally believe all temptation every distraction of the enemy comes in one of two forms either to give me a question what God said where's the question who I am those two realities when they become compromised in my heart they become compromised in my thinking then it puts me on very weak weak ground to stand on when things are shaking around you and you're shaking too it's because you're not standing on the unshakable rock of the kingdom that's why insecurity is wrong security exposed insecurity God in His mercies just dialing up something in me so I realize I've got one foot on the kingdom here but I've got I've got part of my identity is wrapped up in something else and this is not healthy and that's shaking and I'm getting fearful and I can question this in question that but it's the mercy of God saying son just scoot over it's good over get both feet on the rock so that the world that can be shaken is shaken but you stand stable so that you are a resource of life and strength to those that are being shaken winds of adversity they don't come from the Lord but they don't make him nervous you don't see Jesus having a prayer meeting in the cabin of the boat the disciples didn't come in interrupt a prayer meeting as he's interceding that they will survive this next test he was so confident in the outcome he slept he slept God's not nervous about your ability to confront that which is in the way of your destiny he's not nervous about it he's already set the stage for your victory and probably in most every case represented in this room is also already spoken the word that is needed to get you there the problem is is the fear the stress the anxiety is to dislodge me from what God has set I can assure you when the disciples came and woke up Jesus none of them were thinking you said let's go to the other side his word is our sort one of the aspects of the kingdom that probably none of us like is found in Matthew 13 where Jesus teaches this parable of the seed in the sower and he makes his statement he says when tribulation or persecution persecution a riot when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word tribulation conflict difficulty persecution opposition difficulties in life opposition alive are attracted to the word spoken over you I received a very significant prophetic word from amazing person I'd never met before they know very little about me but my life was in another country and they brought a very profound word extreme detail it gave me great hope the reality is is that what was declared now looks more impossible than when it was declared but as they say this isn't my first rodeo I know that the word of the Lord actually attracts opposition and it must because if there's no opposition to the word then I don't have any choices to make in the journey if I have no choices to make then there's no basis for reward if I have no opportunity to question what God has said then that thing called the will that is like a muscle it gets strengthened every time I say yes and obey God as that develops in me something is being formed in me that qualifies me for even greater impact and greater conflict ah bummer first part I like second part in it but it is true it is the way it is the way this kingdom works and so a word is released over us that has to be valuable enough that we protected it says of Mary of the prophetic words she received over Jesus that she pondered these things in her heart they weren't they weren't clay mugs that you drink coffee with they were crystal goblets that needed to be behind Glassdoor you bring out for special occasion and examine but they're not things you let the grandkids play with the word of the Lord over your life is to be delighted in enjoyed celebrated but not treated carelessly and when is treated carelessly then you're actually inviting other people to critique what God has spoken to you and they will chip and they will break and they will take this thing that is fragile and when they're through that it won't look anything like it did when it was given to you we have a responsibility to guard well what God says of our life it's a responsibility to put in a safe place to protect I've told you maybe probably probably do a place for you you might get bored with the subject but I talked to you time and time again about what I do with words and prophetic words I remember flying back last year when the fires were going on here I was in the UK and Benny called me said I think we lost our home went on and on I got on a plane flew home on the plane she texts me that our home was spared and but I spent that flight a large part of that flight just reviewing prophecies why well I'm going into into a war zone with a whole bunch of people that I love and care for and I don't know what it's going to be like so I've got to make sure that I'm thinking what God's thinking you read the word you read the prophetic words i reaiiy fill my heart and mind with these I sat on the plane that's what I did I said my iPad I've got videos I've got I've got pages and pages I just that's what I did flying from the UK to San Francisco I said then I just read word after word looking for anything that might bolster courage sense of purpose sense of you know there was no word and I didn't expect to find a word about fires but what I expected was to see what God is saying and come out of it with supernatural courage that has not intimidated by the size of a problem when God said let us cross over this other side he actually gave them the tool that would have defeated and destroyed the mountain of opposition and first Timothy I'll just read it to you we even studied this probably three four months ago but I can't shake it I can't shake it I can't shake it for me if I can't shake it for me you're gonna hear about it I'm gonna take it out on you is what I'm gonna do yeah this charge I commit to you son Timothy verse 18 of chapter one this charge I commit to you son Timothy according to the prophecies previously made concerning you by them waged a good warfare by them the word did not come simply to gratify be the word did not come simply to for me to feel good about my life those are good but it's not the whole picture it's also to build in me a sense of responsibility Paul said a soldier is committed is not committed to many tasks but he embraces one to please the one who enlisted him in the in the war in the army I quoted it bad but you get the principle when the Lord gives you a word it's a divine assignment for a conflict sometimes they're won easily sometimes sometimes a person gets make a decree and it's settled sometimes there's an act of obedience sometimes sacrifice in any area of life if financial breakthrough sometimes a gift somewhere helps to break that thing loose you have to look for the breakthrough points in our life sometimes it's not in in an act it's in perseverance in an act it's it's it's saying it over and over again it's it's generosity over and over again it's stepping outside of my comfort zone over and over again and praying for this person ministering to this one it's it's repeated it's repeating the same gesture that he drew us into but in this KACE adversity came that God knew they could handle but they had their rudder and sail set in a way then instead of going further into who they were and designed by God to confront mountains of opposition they went away from that and cried out for help Jesus save the day put him back on track I'm glad that he puts us back on track but but the design remains the same this word will get you through the next mountain this word as as we sing tonight will turn the wall into a way this decree just use it well use it well minister to yourself I'll wrap this up I think probably going long enough so let me let me just end it with this in Ephesians 6 we have this wonderful description of the armor of God the helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness people ask did you put on your armor this morning my responses nope I didn't I but I didn't take it off when I went to bed last night so I found it smartest to sleep with the armor on so that's that's my mode of operation so alright so you've got the shield of faith the sword of the Spirit feet the gospel of peace etc the sword in this analogy is not one of those long sword fighting swords it's actually it's like a dagger I guess it would be suited for hand-to-hand combat if that was necessary but the other thing was useful for is that if an arrow got past my shield of faith and actually lodged into me that dagger would help me to remove what got past my faith what has God spoken to you sometimes we sometimes we get stuck to that fiery dark but we just didn't see it coming I just didn't see it coming we didn't know that that person would betray us we didn't know that that criticism would rise up we didn't know that that opposition would come our way we didn't know that this deal that was sure that work would actually fall we didn't know that he knew it and so he gave us a sword that can help to remove the fiery darts that got passed our faith man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God God's Word his voice actually sustains life you are actually breathing because God spoke your cells of your body are held in place because he spoke all things are held together simply by this decree that God has made if God can speak and light is formed if God can speak and you who are destined for eternity apart from God are now part of the family of God because he spoke then certainly the word he spoke over your life can handle the wall and turn it into a way don't you Stan one of my biggest cries is that the Lord would give us a second third fourth fifth hundredth chance to remember what he said and he's kind enough to do that but but the point is I actually want to bring it to mind this time because I'm determined to hold to what he said regardless of what goes on around me the one thing I will do is that will guard well that what God has spoken over my life I don't always know how things are supposed to work I don't always know my role but I know I have a responsibility to guard well what God has set you are at your best in obedience we we function in the fullness of our design in our yes and every time we say yes to the Lord we strengthen a muscle the will that has great impact on our destiny I've asked you before I've asked people the number of times when we worship why doesn't Jesus just manifest himself in all of his glory while we're here because then our worship wouldn't be voluntary you see him in his glory everybody's on their face there's no choosing and the Lord likes to restrain himself in measure so that we have the opportunity to make the right choice to strengthen the will that is so deeply connected with the heart of God that he can actually trust us to pray for whatever we want and it will be done for us he's building us into a generation that represent him well since Jesus never had an unanswered prayer it might be good if we find out what he's praying and praying put a hand on someone next year pray for them they need help hey they need help more than they know they need help I want you to pray for - I would should pray for them regarding this God remind them of any word that they have forgotten any word that's not at the forefront of their thinking that they would steward will give them the grace to steward well all that you have said all that you have spoken all that you have spoken pray for them pray God help help them to adjust the direction of their heart so that both favor and difficulty drives them further into the will and purposes of God thank you God thank you thank you thank you Lord God keep printing push into it a little bit further the Lord will increase your insight on how to pray those of you that are watching on Bethel TV we make the same declaration over you that every household every house of faith every individual is step more fully more deeply into this beautiful representation of who Jesus is what he's like you were designed for obedience we've become our best saying yes to Jesus and I pray that over everybody in this room God enhanced the yes enhance the yes give a supernatural courage for the deep deep yes of God supernatural courage for the deep deep yes of God thank you lord I will give you all my worship I will give you all my praise you want to wash it you are Harvey of my brain I will give you all my share I'll give you all my praise you are I long to worship you all I'll sing it again Harvey you are my master [Music] you [Music] I get fascinated with people in Scripture that got it right and how they got it right one of the most impacting individuals in the Bible for me personally is David it was a king he ministered as a priest before the Lord Acts chapter 2 described him as a prophet he was this package that seemed to well represent Jesus David was the king of Israel the most powerful nation on the planet he was greatly feared because of his military strength but it wasn't just physical strength it was the fact that God fought with him he was feared by everyone he was respected by everyone he was treasured by his own nation and I want you to hear the words of the man who in this moment in time had the greatest wind a favour blowing on his life certainly more than most who have ever lived if not more than anyone who ever lived up to that time and this is what he said he's the Lord my heart is not haughty my eyes lofty I don't concern myself with great matters nor were things too profound for me surely I've calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with his mother like a weaned child is my soul within me Oh Israel hoping the Lord from this time forth see the favor of God did increase his self-confidence self-confidence is no greater than self the favor of God increases God dependency so father increased the god dependency like David we just choose simplicity of thought simplicity of heart simplicity of life at the end of the day we just want to know that we did what you celebrated what you directed lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you every breath that I take every moment I'm away would have your in me Lord I gave you haha I give you my every breath oh Lord haha in me thank you so much father thank you that you've entrusted to us this priceless wonderful holy spirit thank you that you've entrusted us with your your word your word with never which never lacks power and I ask that tonight you take us little little deeper into this thing of using your word well not for self-promotion of herself gain but to establish your purposes in the earth that never again what we find ourselves cowering in front of a mountain of opposition but instead we'd be searching for what you've said what did you say about this before I got here how did you prepare me for this moment how did you set the stage to ensure victory I said you'd give that grace to every person in this room in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen come on up let's how we want to be able to pray for folks let's have a ministry team come on up thanks papa bill can we just thank you all my god we are we are gonna have our ministry team come up for some prayer but before we move on if you heard Papa Bill speak and you're in this room and you don't know Jesus you don't have the peace in the middle of the storm I just felt like there was an invitation from the Lord to actually receive Jesus into your life for the first time as Lord and Savior if that's you or maybe you've just been far off and you felt the Lord speaking to you about coming back to him and letting him lead your life again would you just be bold and brave enough to put your hand up in the air is that anyone here tonight don't wait don't wait he loves you he's calling you all right we're all family thanks Jesus okay so we have ministry team up in the front if you would like to be prayed for for healing or for breakthrough or anything of that sort we have people in the front we're gonna play music and you are welcome to come up we'll have our ministry team put their hands up in the air if they're available and you can go to the next person who's got their hand up
Channel: Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Views: 186,063
Rating: 4.8416543 out of 5
Keywords: bethel church, church at home, bill johnson, bethel sermons, holy spirit, bill johnson sermons, bethel,, jesus, bethel tv, signs and wonders, sermons, christian sermons, bethel redding, bill johnson ministry, coronavirus church, quarantine, bill johnson bethel, sermon, church
Id: JFmhHjXCAco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 29sec (3689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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