Grand Theft Auto 5 Multiplayer - $20+ MILLION SPENDING SPREE!

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do you ever get out of bed in the morning and think to yourself you know what I feel like spending twenty million dollars today well that's what we're gonna do it here in this episode of a GTA online holy cow guys I cannot believe that I'm committing to this but there's a lot of new stuff in the game from the import/export DLC that I want to check out and I know you guys are going to want to see as well sell what twenty million dollars is going down the Train which is absolutely nuts and I actually you know in in light of knowing that a lot of people don't have the ability to be able to buy shark carts like obviously I didn't just make 20 million legitimately in the game to be able to make this episode like I'm gonna have to buy shark cards to be able to do this I actually purchased a couple extra shark cards I want to give away to you guys so they're ps4 and it's worth 1.25 million dollars it's the white one I believe and I have codes for them so if you guys want to enter that giveaway all you have to do is just leave a like on the video and leave a comment down below that's it I'll get in touch with you and we can make that work and I just I don't know you guys are always here you're always supporting the series and I really appreciate that so I wanted to give back but anyway you may be wondering how in the heck are you to spend 20 million dollars in this video like what in the world are you going to do well let me show you guys what's going on so obviously with the new import/export DLC we have some new military type vehicles and I don't think I'm going to go through and buy all of these but I do want to buy the highlights so we have the ramp buggy here The Phantom wedge then I also definitely want to get the ruiner 2000 the rocket voltic and we may see where we end up those the four that I definitely definitely want this one right here the armored like box truck as well as the armored truck truck and then the amphibious ATV I don't know they all look pretty cool and I think eventually over time we may end up picking them all up but for right now I wanted to focus on those main four and then we are also going to be buying a new garage from dynasty 8 executives so if you guys don't know they now have garages you can buy that have like sixty cars in them and I'm just I'm really interested in picking that up so I guess we could start with that let's start with that before we get too crazy what in the world is happening I'm trying to spin all my money on you man alright so there we go by from one point one what in the world oh I know what it is he's getting a hesitant he doesn't want to spend this much money so we're gonna sit down to calm the nerves and so we'll see if it works there right so we're going to go to dynasty eight executive into the site we're going to click on our office that we already have the garage section want to buy from 1.15 there we go that's what it was alright so this is crazy this is absolutely bonkers so we're gonna buy are they all different or I'm not even sure how this works to be honest all right here we go give your car collection the lovingly crafted home you never gave your spouse with your choice of bespoke decor lighting and signage so for interiors we have this kind of worn down this is nice and modern wood and then marble I think we're going to go with marble all right so we're going to start with that onto lighting what do we want for lighting here those look pretty cool so we want like a modern look here we've got a bunch of circles that's pretty modern looking that's pretty modern looking hmm that's kind of cool that might be a little bit too crazy though I'm leaning towards one of these hmmm the circles aren't bad either hmm let's go with the circles alright 99004 the lighting and now we have the signage so how do we want it to look not seeing anything self oh that looks nice that looks kind of cool as well I like this one one hundred thirty two thousand five hundred so we're gonna go ahead and buy that and then we want to buy the auto shop oh gosh we could have our own auto shop and you look at all these different options for colors on the ground this is pretty sick paint spider I actually really like this one up here we could have cash we could have clouds the top of the city sharks no way did I honestly this one really stuck out to me I think that looks pretty cool that that would look really really good for an auto shop so we've got more than one garage I don't think we need more than one right now so for three million $27,000 so we're going to get a 20 car garage as well as a custom auto shop in that garage so we're going to start with that Wow that's crazy we're going to set a waypoint to that location and we're going to go see what's going on over there I cannot believe we just did that three million out the window just like that all right this is pretty exciting so eventually we may add more to it I don't know we could like Sutter spawn location to our office it's not like we actually hang out at our penthouse apartment anymore no big deal it's just a pay house we have two penthouses in this freaking building so much wasted money over time we honestly probably could sell them if we can move all or call it cars over easily what should we take over there let's take the big G we haven't used this thing in a while so we're gonna take the Jeep on over there and we're gonna see what's going on with this giant office garage whoa are we gonna be able to pull in this time I think we might be able to yes sir all right look at that so now we could just pull straight into our office no need to pull up to the front door and get out and walk upstairs and take the elevator what no way dude we even have a Christmas tree in here for decor look at us up here at the top of the maze Bank Tower just the top of those ten toes looking down on everybody we're the king baby let's go all right so this is level one I'm assuming that's gonna take us either outside or into our actual office let's see what's going on here on level two is this just I know this is still considered level one dude imagine when this is a hundred percent filled with butyl vehicles we need to figure out how we need to figure out how to transport all of your vehicles over here I really would I would totally consolidate if we could have all of our vehicles all in one location just spawn in downtown all the time I'd be perfectly fine with that all right so let's see where this takes us what are we gonna go press right to access the vehicle management menu no way look at all the spots okay so I'm assuming that if we buy more garages we're gonna have a level two level three level four stuff like that okay where do we go custom auto shop office exit the ground exit two roof dude this is so like we could have our Hanley's on the roof and just oh my gosh this is nuts all right so we're gonna go to our custom auto shop dude this is so dope let me know this is so dull we made it boys we freakin made it what cut of it look at this got the giant L couch in here all sorts of magazines nice glass table huge TV what are we even doing here air compressor drills tools my goodness you know Adam Adam elysian isn't better than switch tracks baby he's me okay so what do we I'm not even sure what we do here like if we wanted to customize a car is this essentially where you would customize a car but how would we select said car I feel like she has to do something with it silly me so you're just sitting here on your iPad just not doing anything aren't I a klutz aren't I a klutz you need to get the hell out if you ain't doing work girl I'm not even sure hmm maybe maybe if we go back to the vehicle management menu let's try that hold on I want to find out how this works because this is - this is absolutely nuts okay so vehicle management menu the Meza oh you can move it to different spots Wow so you can customize it so level one could have all of your cool cars level two could have all of your trucks level three could have all of your like crazy ones how do we do the auto shop okay so I just looked it up if you want to customize something what you do is you come over here get in said vehicle this is absolutely nuts Pro get in the vehicle you can press right to modify your vehicle and it takes it to your custom mod shop where you have access to everything you would normally have at Los Santos customs so you can go through and completely customize it which is pretty cool so we're going to exit to ops garage one looks good to me that's awesome I have our own custom garage that's crazy I love it so the problem is we have to get all of our cars in here that really stinks I don't like there's no quick way to do it you have to drive them in or like sit outside of the garage call your mechanic have them drop it off and then drive it in and then wait for the cooldown to take place once you get them in here you can move them floors you can move them around to different garages but you cannot you cannot like physically move it from like the penthouse garage to this garage so I'm gonna see here if we can change our spawn location to private yacht maze maze Bank Tower okay you can so we can change it here so we could make this our entire base of operations this could be like where everything runs from and honestly we could probably just get rid of our apartments especially I mean if we have 60 car garage here we'd have access to any car we wanted at any time it would be really really nice so I I think we're going to do that I think that's we're going to do so eventually we're gonna have to move all these cars over we're going to end up selling those apartments but I think it's going to be I think it's going to be really worth it so well we'll see what happens with that but anyway let's go ahead and move on and what we're going to do ooh we could actually use this right now so first of all before do anything else we're going to go back to executive and we're going to max out our garages here so we're going to buy the other two I guess we could see how that works so we're going to go like that so we've already purchased that so AAPIs karate we're gonna buy this garage and this one let's make I don't know let's let's leave the interior like that let's just switch it up a little bit we're going to go with the crazy lighting and we'll go with just kind of like some basic signage and then office garage three let's make it good by the garage first I don't know part of me part of me wants them all to match we could just have different lighting for each one so I like this lighting as well and then signage I want them all to match so let's let's keep them all matching that'd be nice to have a matching so we're going to keep it like that we're just going to change the signage on each one so um boom looks good to me now the three million ninety seven thousand five hundred spent on garages and now we have a sixty car garage here in the building and that's going to give us room to store these new war stock cash-and-carry vehicles once we get to so I want to see here if we go over to our elevator is it going to allow us ops garage to office garage three nice and then if we go here it should allow us to move this I'm pretty sure you can move it oh you could select level if you press square you can move it to two or three nice okay so I think what we're going to do oh no all of those okay I just bought that because I was think I was going to put these new were stock cash-and-carry vehicles in there but I think the worst stock cash-and-carry vehicle spawn in our warehouse so that's alright whatever anyway here we go the ramp buggy from fast and furious 3.19 $2,000,000 absolutely insane yeah they go to the underground garage in your warehouse so we've got that next up we've got the Phantom wedge we're gonna go ahead and buy that holy cow absolutely insane we're down to 15,000 dollars total looks like we need to buy a shark card and I did not anticipate this problem this is not good okay we're gonna try reloading and see what happens here but obviously we're gonna need some more money see where this spawn is gives us a chance to see see what's up Wow we're just we just fawning inside the tower I wonder if it's good to put us in our office or in the garage what oh okay it puts us back at the back of our office so if we spawn in here I don't even know the way out of here - it's nice right boss almost big enough for some employee parking nice yeah there's 60 spots there for me not for you that's cool that she actually just mentioned that dough but if we come right out here we can go straight to our garages that's so cool dude I love it oh my gosh so we're just we're living where we work man why not the beds not quite as comfy but um everything else is nice anyway let's see um let's see if playstation store is working hopefully it is oh yeah that worked okay so we're gonna go for the Big Daddy card see I'm saying it's just like that eight million dollars has been deposited into our account that is insane I'm doing it for you guys I hope you guys are enjoying the video so anyway let's go ahead and go to war stock cache and carrying we're gonna go down so I definitely want these two and we're going to see where that puts us up so we got that that's gonna be livered shortly and then I want to buy the rocket engine voltic oh we don't even have enough we have to buy another one oh this hurts waiting for the funds they hit the bank it should pop up here anytime soon dude this is oh my gosh there it is all right we could buy it now it hurts if we would have done more of the import/export stuff got cheaper prices for them but honestly I'm a little bit impatient and I just wanted to bring you guys some awesome videos so let's do that and then I say let's get the amphibious ATV just because that sounds like fun now we're going to go back we're going to check these out in the underground garage but some I think we may actually like use them a lot in future episodes just to kind of you know give them a little bit more time so what we're gonna do is we're gonna exit - mmm exit via vehicle shall we no let's exit out with a buzzard attack shop or no big deal all right so we're going to fly our Buzzard chauzu this is insane we're living life right now we got a yacht out in the bay we got a two and a half million dollar bagatti shyrone that we just bought Wow okay so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go to our warehouse and let's get it pop the guys this is seriously so it's a I cannot believe that this is what Gigi has come to like we are just we're balling out right now we're going to fly to our warehouse from our office building in our helicopter the warehouse is right here I don't if I seen the warehouse from the outside no that's not that's not the right warehouse that is the wrong warehouse vehicle warehouse is what we're looking for okay that's where we're we're shopping it up with all the ladies and they're cutting up our our goods and selling them and all kinds of stuff like that we're gonna go to our actual warehouse restore all of our vehicles we've got to check out the new motorcycle DLC - man there's so much stuff like I want to check out those Neutron races I don't even know how those work I'm in it a little bit hot that's alright never hurt anybody long as they don't crash we're good to go a bit of a rough landing folks hit some turbulence we're okay alright guys oh my gosh let's check these things out I just I can't wait to see them this is insane Braille like I said we've got a couple pit houses we've got an office at the top of the maze bang with sixty car garages we've got a yacht out in the bay we've got a vehicle warehouse we've got a dope selling warehouse we've got everything this is so sick man I'm so pumped to be playing this game again I missed it so much and there whoa we already delivered this thing how can we Oh was this just automat no this should be here why is this here that's the one that we stole undelivered weird I mean if it wants to stick around a can I'm not upset with that alright so we're gonna go downstairs and we're gonna see what this is all about man oh my goodness dude all right so we've got an amphibious ATV we've got this thing which honestly I know it's a movie car I don't know what movie it's from I'm sorry I don't understand what all the hype is about it I'm not sure why it's the most expensive car Bunch but I'm sure we'll find out when we check it out next up we've got our ramp car which I am incredibly excited for I can't wait to check this thing out I haven't even seen any gameplay this so I have no clue how well it's going to work but I'm looking forward to finding out we have a rocket-powered voltic here nothing like taking a nice old Tesla Roadster electric car and turning it into a jet engine a little bit of irony there and then finally we've got the Phantom wedge a semi truck with a giant wedge on the front of it holy cow this is absolutely insane guys I am so happy right now so that's gonna complete our like it was around 25 million at this point cuz we spent a little bit more than anticipated it was definitely around 25 million so that's gonna complete our 25 million dollars spending spree thank you guys so much for watching I think in our next episode we're gonna check out one of these things so feel free to leave comments on what you want to what you want to check out honestly I probably record it before I see those comments but some and I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode thank you guys so much for being here peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 367,654
Rating: 4.9375687 out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gtav, gta5, gta 5, lets play, playthrough, guide, gameplay, game play, multiplayer, online, walkthrough, dlc, grand theft auto online dlc, gta online dlc, gta v, next gen, box one, playstation 4, ps4, gta next gen, gta xbox one, gta ps4, gta playstation 4, pc, gta pc, gta v pc, nissan, skyline, gtr, gt-r, r32, r33, r34, gta v gtr, grand theft auto gtr, grand theft auto skyline, gta skyline
Id: h5EaRK8gf2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
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