Ferrari 488 Pista Piloti v Aventador SV v 800hp 911 Turbo S: DRAG RACE

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Drag race starts at 4:15.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/xDankWraith 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Amusing that in this comparison, the Porsche is the cheapest car and still beats the others. Of course, the Ferrari and the Lambo offer more drama, so they might be the more desirable cars for many. Still, I'd choose the Porsche as an everyday driver, if I had the money (and the stock version, which probably still would have been comparable in performance to the others).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tomoko2015 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

11 and a half minutes for a ten second race

Thanks YouTube algorithm

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Opposite_Current3523 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi how are you matt watson here from car wow so i'm sitting in a ferrari 488 pista pilate super rare this car next to me is a lamborghini aventador sv and next to that is a porsche 911 turbo s we're gonna have a drag race now let me tell you about this pista because it's pretty unique if you want to buy one of these you have to first take part in the ferrari challenge series so you can race their race car and then you're invited to buy one of these if you'd like if you do that it's going to cost you 375 000 pounds though of course there's all the cost of racing and stuff which is probably going to be about a million quid as a result these things are going for around half a million used because they're so rare and so hard to get your hands on and it's a pretty impressive machine got 3.9 liter twin turbo v8 720 horsepower 770 newton meters of torque it's got a seven speed dual clutch automatic gearbox with launch control and it's rear-wheel drive this is quite light let's talk about the car next to me in fact let's just speak to the guy who owns it hi annie how are you matt matt hi pal really really good yourself i'm good it's gonna be interesting this drag race because um that aventador launches pretty hard but i know this car is really fast can you tell me about your ventador can you give me the stats petty card uh what's it about 750 horsepower 690 newton meters tick yes that is correct and how many gears in the gearbox the one more than six oh he knows his facts on his car how much was that car new this one would have been around 380 i would say i think it's ad persona so it's limited edition paint and the spec and stuff on it so yeah around 380. so seven speeds all-wheel drive launch control and it weighs in at under 1600 kilos let's move on to the final car so that is a porsche 11 turbo s it's the 992 the current generation so that normally has a 3.8 liter twin turbo flat 6 engine with 650 horsepower and 850 newton meters of torque but it's been tuned by some chaps at es motor and they've taken it up to 800 horsepower and 950 newton meters of torque they've done that by fitting a myth kit they've remapped it and they've fitted a different exhaust still got the same eight-speed dual clutch automatic gearbox launch control or wheel drive and it still weighs in at over 1600 kilos cost-wise you're talking over 155 000 pounds though for the extra upgrades that they fitted to aes motor that's about eight thousand pounds now if you want to check out the kind of stuff that they do put a link to their instagram account in the description es motor uk also i've got to give a shout out to the people who have lent me this pisto pilate it's cs panda they lend us loads of cars for drag races so i'd really appreciate it if you click on the pop-up button up there quickly do that click on it subscribe to their channel say thanks for lending car weather cars and come back here and we will race but before we do what i'm going to do is flash up the stats because sometimes it's a bit hard to remember all the stats so you can have them up for two seconds if you press pause you can look at the stats to compare them for the card side by side okay i'm gonna do that now and now we're gonna get on with the race but before we do i gotta say please make sure you subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so already and hit the bell icon to turn your notifications on that way you won't miss a single upload right that's enough for that let's get on with the racing buying a new car then head to car wow and my team will help you find your next car at a fair price car wow your one-stop car buying comparison sites as ever with the car wire drag race we've got to do the sound check so let's do it oh this is so sweet let's hear the lambo go on yani rev up the blue beast that sounds better finally then the porsche [Music] actually it's better than normal now that car from es motor is a development car they're going to tune it higher and they'll probably be taking the soft limiter off if they're not doing that guys es motor take off the soft limiter we don't want to see that anymore all right okay now let's race [Music] come on oh it's spinning [Music] it come on come on i'm gonna do that lambo wow ferrari that push is gone whoa jeez that ferrari this is spinning up its wheels and it just flies my launch was like good then it spun its wheels and then it hooked and then it just flew this thing is so quick yeah i was shocked not gonna lie forget the porsche ferrari obviously i knew i'd put away better but once you got grip mate you were gone it was like some huge 20 turbos kicked into that car just flew past me and the porsche um the push is reversing back down the runway we're so far ahead this was a race between this and the lambo because the porsche we know the normal porsche does like a 10.1 sam how was it the porsche the talk in this is just outrageous it was on its own you guys were just dots in my mirror insane i just can't wait to hear the stats let's do it so then what exactly happened well the porsche won completing the standing quarter mile in 9.7 seconds the ferrari came second with a time of 10.5 seconds and the lamborghini was third in 10.9 seconds now we have a rolling grace in comfort mode well mine's actually called wet mode that's the least powerful mode they're in there confiscating in automatic mode for the gearbox i'm going to count it in three two one go for it this took ages to kick down can i pass yanny before the half mile here's the half mile got him can i get anywhere near that absolute beast of a porsche here comes the mile i'm nowhere near it the feel you get from this car there's just something about ferraris the way they feel there is just something about them you don't get any lamborghini you don't get any porsches just more race car about them do you agree yeah they don't i definitely agree ferrari's definitely more race car i think lambo's got more of a wow factor ferrari they they can be a little bit boring if i'm honest which is more boring ferrari or porsche oh god i've had so many porsches ferraris are more boring i think porsche got a bit more excitement um sam in the porsche what do you think you race cars so can you let me know which you think is the best well if it's just going to sit in my driveway the ferrari is a lot prettier than a porsche but if you're going to take it around a track every day it's porsche all day long you would have a point what the turbo over a pista are you sure if you enjoy understeer then yeah take the pistol it's great fun there you go now if you want to find out who that guy is all right i'll put a link to his instagram check it out okay we're gonna try something different here we're gonna do a rolling race from 50 miles an hour this time the cars are in their sportiest setting i'm gonna be locked in third gear yan is in second gear because he's got less torque but that porsche making it go in fourth gear because it's got eight speeds and it's got a bunch more torque so i'm gonna call it and see what happens three two one go come on come on ferrari oh come on i'm ahead of the portion of the half oil [Music] can i keep on it the full mile come on come on now he's coming oh oh my god [Music] let's see what speed i can do 190 now that's enough 190. right oh look over here come on yanny come on join us come on oh bless him come on i won't lie these cars make yours look slow and that's such an insane thing to say it is slow let's be honest it is i know it's an sv but it is slow it's all relative it's not slow if we're racing some other cars and you're winning you go this is fast it's real fast anyway speaking of fast how fast was your car sam was your top speed so i just pushed 206 and it's kind of hitting the wall at that stage but yeah 206 is my top speed which is ludicrous do you know what i reckon half a second between hitting the brake you're off the end of the runway yeah less even i was starting to wonder am i gonna have to tuck and roll and just jump out of this thing now we have a brake test from 70 miles an hour when we reach the line full emergency stop the car that stops in the shortest distance wins you know the score come on ferrari you should win this what the actual okay that happened in the reverse order i was expecting i actually thought the porsche would win i thought this would win i'm a little bit upset anyway if you're thinking about buying a new car or nearly a new car check out car wow okay put a link up there click on that you can go check out all the best deals on all the latest cars if you want to do a later date just simply google help me car wow and my team and i'll help you choose the right car for you and get it for a fair price for one of our trusted dealers hope you'll enjoy the video if you did please give it a like let me know some other videos you'd like us to do in the comments below if you want to watch some more videos click on those windows there if you click on that box there you can check out the kawaii drag race leaderboard you can compare the times of all these cars to all the cars we've had drag raced i'm sorry to bumble now so i'm going to get going put my teeth back in
Channel: carwow
Views: 3,169,223
Rating: 4.9540248 out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, car review 2021, new car review, ferrari, ferrari 488, ferrari 488 pista, ferrari 488 pista piloti, 488 pista piloti, pista piloti, lambo, lamborghini, lamborghini aventador sv, lambo aventador sv, aventador sv, aventador, porsche, porsche 911, porsche 911 turbo, porsche 911 turbo s, 911 turbo s, 911 turbo, supercar drag race, rare ferrari, ultra rare ferrari, tuned porsche, tuned porsche 911, tuned porsche 911 turbo s, supercar, supercar 2021
Id: WFnrNcg3DiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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