Feral Pride - Episode 4

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White Fox: Looks like we got one. White Fox: I'm not one for torture. Suppose we should dispose of this one swiftly. White Lynx: This is a mistaken identity, we'll let this one go. White Fox: What? He's obviously one of them. White Fox: Letting him go would make everything we've trained for up to this point, meaningless. White Lynx: This one is oblivious of his true nature, or as I stated before a mistaken identity. White Lynx: I think it's time we Part ways. White Fox: Huh? Why is this this coming up all of a sudden? White Fox: What do you mean? I still have so much to learn from you. White Lynx: Look around you. White Lynx: Spring is in full bloom, and so are you. White Lynx: I have nothing more to teach you. White Lynx: Having you remain here would be a great hindrance to our cause. White Fox: I understand. White Fox: Will you be going on your own journey? White Lynx: I still have much left to do here. White Fox: Ok. Hopefully will meet again one day, sister. White Fox: Good bye White Lynx: Your training will began shortly. Be ready. Huata: Wait! Huata: Don't go! Huata: It's…so dark. Hinto: Uh, sorry, Huata. Hinto: I didn't hurt you did I? Huata: (She's gone) Huata: What just happened? Hinto: eh, I just got caught in a human trap, It happens. Hinto: I'm surprised to see you in one piece. Hinto: I was sure those monster back their were gonna eat you. Huata: * sigh* I have to tell you something. You have to promise me you'll keep it a secret, ok. Hinto: Sure, I keep Kelo's secrets all the time. Whats up? Huata: It begins back when I was living in a human facility. Huata: Every night before closing my human caretaker would leave the door of the cage slightly ajar. Huata: But looking back, she seemed frantic. Huata: Days passed by. Huata: The scent of humans in the air began to wane. Huata: I wanted to give it at least another day. Huata: Until I heard it, a sound in the cage adjacent to my own. Susbria: I'm so hungry! Susbria: Where the humans?! Susbria: I'm going to die in here if I don't get something to eat! Huata: They're not coming back. Susbria: So, I guess we're going to die here. Huata: We don't have to. There is a way to get out of here. Susbria You do?! Susbria: Please, give me out here! I will do anything! Please! Huata: I pushed my cage door open, and went over to see her. Susbria: Wait... you're not a lion! Susbria: How is it you are talking to me? Huata: I don't quite understand it myself. Susbria: Thank you so much! Susbria: Unfortunately I don't know if I can get by like this. Susbria: One of my cousins attacked me after that the humans brought me here. My wounds still has not healed up completely. Huata: (I helped heal her wounds.) Susbria: I don't know how you did it, but I feel great! Huata: I have to go now. Huata: Need to go free someone close to me. Susbria: Good Idea. I'm going to try to do that too. Susbria: By the way, I didn't get your name. Huata: It's Huata. Susbria: Susbria. Huata: She must have freed her entire pride. Huata: I did not know it would cause us this much trouble for us. Hinto: Don't worry a bout it about it. It's not your fault. Hinto: If anything it's kelo's. Hinto: Him sneaking behind Dasker's back all these years finally caught up with him. Huata: Thank you, Hinto! You're the best! Huata: What's wrong? Hinto: It's just kinda strange. Hinto: I've never been embraced like this by a wolf. Hinto: Let me show you how wolves embrace. Hinto: just rest my head on your shoulder like this, see? Huata: Is something wrong? Hinto: Ah... It's nothing. Uh let's find shelter from the rain. Wouldn't want to catch a cold right? Manabi: What's taking her so long? Are you sure she's coming back. Susbria: Let's go Manabi. I should have known better then to expect her to help me after what happen. Manabi: Why did you even think for a second this would go any differently. You were never good at getting things your way. Susbria: Very funny Manabi. Susbria: Now let's get out of here before we get soaking wet. Manabi: You're one to talk. there is not even a drop of rain on your fur. Susbria: What! Susbria: Well that was strange. Manabi: Do you always breeze by bizarre occurrences in your life like that? Geez, you are a strange one. Trot: So were you really trying to mate with that coyote back there? Kelo: Unfortunately only tried, doesn't matter anyway. Kelo: I have tons of offspring roaming around out there. Trot: You have offspring? Kelo: Yup. Kelo: I was busy reproducing under your nose. You and Dasker were never the wiser. Kelo: As far as I'm concerned, I succeeded at life. Kelo: Dying now ain't so bad for me. Kelo: A little neutered runt like you would have no idea what I'm talking about. Kelo: You'll just remain Dasker's perfect little boy scout till you die. Pathetic. Trot: What are you saying? Kelo: I'll make it short and sweet for you. Kelo: You fail at life! Trot: Well, that's funny coming from a guy who was critically injured and can't even move his own body! Kelo: *laughs* Trot: What's so funny?! Kelo: The way you get all worked up over nothing. Trot: With you around it's hard not to. Trot: I'll always be here if you need anything. Trot: Food, water, just let me know. Kelo: Just leave me alone here. Kelo: Can't hear myself think with you hover around me all the time. Trot: Fine! It'll be nice to get away from all the verbal abuse you fling at me. Kelo: (Well, I guess this is the end of the line for me.) Kelo: (So long, runt.) Ash: You're not watching over Kelo? Trot: He wants to be left alone and It's only right that I respect his wishes. Trot: I mean, he'll be ok alone, right? Ash: Please you need to follow me, it's about Kelo. Ash: Stop it Ash: I'm sorry about this. We'll give you your time to mourn. Anemy : Good riddance! Ash: Anemy! Huata: Trot? Huata: Stop! it's not their fault. Trot: It's all my fault. I should have never left him alone. Huata: It's no one's fault. Huata: Kelo wanted to die alone. He didn't want us to see him like this. Ash: Are you ok, Dasker? Dasker: Trot, watch the females and Aric while i'm gone. Dasker: Hinto, come with me. Ash: No! That's crazy Dasker. You are not going after them, are you? Ash:I know you're angry but as an alpha you need to keep a clear mind. The best we can do is leave the territory. Anemy: That's not fair. Let me go with you too! Dasker: You'll stay here and that's final. Anemy: But, how come Hinto gets to go but not me? I'm a better fighter than he is! Dasker: I will not repeat myself again! Dasker: Lets go! Ash: He's behaving recklessly and there's nothing we can do to stop him. Anemy:( I have to sneak off without anyone noticing.) Anemy: Or, maybe I'll follow her instead. Susbria: Huata, what are you doing here? Huata: We don't have much time. I need a favor from you. Lions: *wow!* Manabi: Woah! She- she actually did it! Male lion: Hm, what a curious creature. Male lion: Is it a dog of some kind? Susbria: Let her go! Male lion:Now why would I let her go? Male lion: She'll come in handy. Male lion: I mean, think of all the new friends we'll make with her around. Male lion: We'll learn everything about them, all the things we always wanted to know. Male lion: Like where they live. Male lion: How many they live with. Male lion: What hours of the day they leave their offspring unattended. Male lion: Tell me wolf. Male Lion: What do those ants crawling beneath my feet say? Susbria: Alright, that's enough! Susbria: What a jerk. Susbria: I'm sorry about that Huata. Huata: My pack mates are after your cousin. Huata: Susbria, I need you to distract them for me. Huata: Try not to hurt them. Huata: Just let them chase you away from here, so they don't find us. Susbria: I got it. Huata: Never underestimate the strength of a pack of wolves. Susbria: There they are. Susbria: And they're are coming straight for me! Susbria: STAY BACK! Hinto: I have never seen him behave this recklessly before. Hinto: It's Kinda of scary to see him like this. Hinto: I can't just sit back and do nothing. Hinto: I must fight and slay that monster! Hinto: For Kelo! Susbria: Dammit! The other one is attacking me now. Susbria: I hate to admit but this is too much for me. Susbria: Huata will kill me if I go back. Susbria: I have to find a way them shake them off. Susbria: Just need to keep moving forward. Susbria: Just keep ahead and then I'll lose them further in the forest. Male Lion: Looks like the entertainment has arrived!
Channel: Feral Pride
Views: 481,890
Rating: 4.9264755 out of 5
Keywords: wolf, animation, show, animal, webseries, furry, animals, canines, Feral, Pride, Feral Pride episode 4, Episode 4, Dogs, wolf animation, wolf cartoons, wolf anime, Episode Part
Id: 6PoTLIjPtnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 24 2014
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