Feral Pride-Episode 21

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don't worry about the babies they'll be back after they get their kisses from mommy the problem is I don't think mom will let them leave so easily with the way she's been acting lately they could be in a lot of trouble this is why it was good that you stayed with us right sunny sunny King have you seen Sonny I could have sworn she was behind us don't look at me I'm not her babysitter that's your job this is bad who knows what could happen to her to be on the safe side we need to go tell uncle Eric let's go hurry [Music] Alastor barrel where are you they weren't that far ahead of me I should have heard something by now I'm scared what if they go boss captured mommy hi mommy or my precious animal Junior that Mommy seems pretty nice sweetie right run Sonny what should I do she hurt Alistar a barrel it's all my fault [Music] looks like she's not chasing us did she bite you Sonny we can't leave them back there there's nothing we can do for them now I have to get you to safety sunny I'm so glad you're safe are you okay what did mom do to you back there and where is the Lasser and barrel uncle Eric what is she talking about Alistair and Beryl don't tell me they I don't know how to tell you this but they're gone there's no way to help them at this point I'm sorry there's no time to waste we need to get you pups away from anomie what we're just gonna run away like cowards why not fight back there's more of us than her babies are not they're still my brother and sister you can't just let her get away with that there is no fighting back against anime in her current state I can't quite put my paw on it but there's something off about her I have a feeling it would be a bad idea to try and engage her now the only thing we can do in the situation is run but where can we go I have an idea wish I knew how to get there though hey don't look at me my human used to take us in his movable den I've never actually walked there before regardless anywhere is better than being here right now alright we'll figure it out somehow we have to get mom and shot out of here as well I wouldn't be surprised if desk are already bailed leaving us to clean up the mess he made [Music] I've never told anyone about this event in my past it was a shameful part I'd rather forget but I think it could be of use to you both so listen up it was toward the end of my journey with brahmana after an arduous trek up a barren cliff face into one of the scant few hidden cavern areas across gaya the last extant of bastions of nature housing an aura of Oros tree normally these remote areas would be contested by a multitude of other Lucid all vying for their opportunity to retrieve an exclusive Ouroboros sea bream Ellen knew I wouldn't have a chance at getting one myself but she let me join her anyway we made our way into the hollow chamber inside laid the dormant aura a bolos tree once every four years it comes to life to bear fruit to our surprise there were two seeds awaiting us that day It was as if the Stars had aligned just for us before we could treasure the feeling of victory the cavern began to collapse we had no choice but to plan a quick escape Braham Allah consumed the Ouroboros seed storing it like she had done so many times before for some odd reason I couldn't bring myself to do it there was something about the energy globe gave off I felt unworthy to bear its power I grabbed it and ran as quickly as it could toward the exit just as we neared our only escape route parabola collapsed to the ground I pleaded for her to get back on her feet she can no longer stand it was then that I glimpsed at her mangled hind legs I lingered upon her deformed silhouette in utter bewilderment did the Ouroboros do that I thought to myself my hair was on end instinct took over and I ran toward the exit as fast as I could or I'm less armed la ran in to try to assist her while the cavern began narrowing his works pelted us from all sides I saw the pale light of the moon only to have it eclipsed by the shadow of a large boulder I was trapped and alone I passed out for what felt like days I had no choice but to dig myself out I desperately tried to free my comrades only to be met with the most appalling sights but the last vestige of my strength I dug myself out leaving behind the haunting image laid upon my eyes if I wasn't such a coward I could have saved them it was my own selfishness that let this seed die this is my chance to make things right I must repent to do that I need you to continue on your life is needed more you can fulfill your purpose as a lucid where I have failed listen to her well I don't understand all this lucid talk so many of us need you to stay alive don't give up pull through now the tour healed up I want you to leave now never come back understand they're on their way here as we speak there's simply no time just keep going straight ahead I sent a message out to a former apprentice of mine her name spasiba keep going as far as you can if you collapse she'll find you now get out of my sight at once I will argue with you I can tell this is something you feel as necessary you really do have the heart this uni thank you for everything I really mean that but that said susbria you can't come with me what are you saying you still barely have energy to move why at a time like this would you not want my help you'd be wise to listen to your Armagh but in the end it is your decision either way you must leave sis Faria you didn't deserve to be dragged into all of this you deserve to live a normal life with your cubs so don't worry about me keep moving forward eventually our paths will converge once more I know it I just can't help but worry about you but I guess we all got in over our heads with this whole thing I guess this is goodbye for now oh and he whatta you better stay alive for me okay I didn't forget what you said before I'm still holding you to that cleaning isn't an option for me never once inevitably I was going to have to face up to it's too late for either of us to turn back now anime I didn't want to end up like this would you've left me with no choice [Music] you you
Channel: Feral Pride
Views: 215,002
Rating: 4.9496169 out of 5
Keywords: wolf, animation, show, animal, webseries, furry, animals, canines, Feral, Pride
Id: N6xcujg8LPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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