*MUST SEE* - New Amazing Realistic AI ATC for MSFS | Using Chat GPT

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Hello friends followers and channel members welcome back to another video here in Microsoft flight simulator 2020 and we've got a really exciting video for you today particularly if you're a fan of GA VFR flying now one of the biggest things missing in most flight simulators is good realistic air traffic control and with the technology that is around nowadays you'd think that ATC would perhaps be a lot better than it is say when you look at the default air traffic control in Microsoft flight simulator yes it uses the azour cloud Network meaning that you get some semi-realistic voices but it's very stock canned in the way that it's all put together and that really doesn't lead to a nice realistic environment now there are add-ons available already on the market which helps enhance air traffic control services we've obviously got FS hood and pilot to ATC we're also awaiting the Beyond ATC as well but already available to try out in its beta testing is the new GPT powered AI air traffic control from say intentions their product has recently entered the beta testing phase so everything that you're going to see in this video is not its final release but is still under test and Improvement but it is open to everybody their Mantra is to make air traffic control as realistic as possible so real that you will forget it's a simulator is the tagline it's powered by GPT 4 and the idea is that there are no menus behind it no buttons and you don't have to look at anything you can just fly the aircraft push the push to talk button that you assign and talk to air traffic control live as though it was really there and because you are talking to AI you can pretty much say anything as you would do in the real world and it should understand you and respond accordingly which you obviously cannot get with stock canned a trffic control programs now as I said this is still in beta testing but anybody can sign up and test it out there's also a free demo area which expires as it says 24 hours after your first air traffic control Communications at the moment it is also only limited to the USA as well but that is for now and having spoken with them they are working very hard and quickly on expending this out across the world it will cost you even for the free demo just1 to sign up for or $1 I should say there is also the main fee of £29.95 per month or you can pay yearly if you if you wish now that might seem a little expensive but it does actually cost the this company every time any Pilot keys up the microphone because it is connecting to the AI computers so they do have to try and offset those costs somehow however if the free demo is what you're after then by all means sign up pay your dollar and you've nothing to lose Now quickly full disclosure I have actually signed up myself and paid for this myself to test this out so this video and review has not been backed by the developers once you've signed up then download the latest version and it is really just a small file that you download unzip and then you run the executable file now the program from what I can ascertain doesn't actually install anything on your computer it will just run as a standalone application whenever you choose to run it this then is the say intentions window you can see it's not connected to chat GPT or Microsoft FL simulator yet now in order for this to work you will also need to make sure that installed on your PC is the English United States voice package which you can just download for free uh through your windows settings menu once the simulator is up and running then it's time to dive in and let's see how well it works you'll also notice now of course if you look that we have two green lights okay so I've loaded in at Essex County Airport an Airfield to the west of manhatt I plan then to do a VFR flight down uh towards Manhattan maybe the Hudson River around the Statue liberty back up and perhaps Landing somewhere like uh tiab bururu now when you load in and uh find yourself on the apron if you have a look it automatically will detect where you are as you can see uh with the software running as6 County airport is shown it also tells you all the appropriate frequencies that you'll need now of course the AI air traffic control is going to give you these frequencies but you're going to need some to start off with for instance uh the atst we're going to have to listen to that to um to get going so the other thing that you'll need to do is in the settings page just check that you have got set a push to talk assignment button on obviously that can be anything you want and you can assign it to uh any button sort of either on your side side stick Mouse Etc as as you can see there but obviously that is a big thing to make this as uh as real as possible okay okay I'm just going to get rid of that first of all let's power up the aircraft and the first thing we would do then is uh obviously grab the the atis so let's just turn the aonics on and the frequency for AIS here is 1355 so let's uh let's just check that out and hopefully we'll get a realistic sounding uh Attis broadcast Essex County Airport information Yankee 155 Tre Zulu wind calm visibility one0 Sky conditions clear temperature 8 2.6 altimeter Tre 032 do visual approaches in use advise on course heading altitude and if flight following is requested read back all Runway and hold short instructions VFR departures contact clearance delivery on 12 1.1 advise on initial contact you have information yank okay then so you heard the Attis there obviously it sounds quite robotic in its nature but don't be put off by that because that is what a real world Attis would sound like obviously it's just a a recorded message we're going to contact clearance delivery and you'll see that it sounds a lot more realistic first of all then let's get our sess aircraft started now obviously I'm not going to um I'm not going to fly the aircraft as uh in a realistic manner this is just a pure example to show you this new AI air traffic control so with that up and running as it said we're going to now contact a clearance delivery 121 uh decimal uh decimal 1 so let me just tune that frequency in all right let's give them uh give them a call Essex County clearance delivery Cessna November 123 golf Sierra with information Yankee requesting VFR departure to the east s Tree Golf Sierra SX clearance clear to the east maintain VFR at or below 2500 departure frequency 1 Niner point2 squawk 4702 cleared vfi departure maintain 2,500 or below Sark 4702 for Cessna November 123 golf Sierra so we'll set the sork and of course we've been told we can uh expect to maintain 25,000 ft all low which is uh always for the VFR flight that we're going to be doing now one thing I will show you as we um as we do that then so this is the box which I had on the second screen but you can actually see uh everything that you have requested and then you can see the response that you're getting from the uh the ATC uh it's basically text to speak but it's very very uh good so cesna 3 Golf Sierra VFR to the east maintain 2,500 ft and sork 4702 and you'll see it translates that down at the bottom you can see it there the little uh Cog tells you it's working and of course after that enry response that you may get if it's required will come back to you so if I now make the call and request uh taxi I expect them to hand me over to the ground frequency uh so let's just try that Cessna 3 Golf Sierra requesting taxi to the active and you can see obviously at the bottom then it translates what I say into uh into the text you can see the Box working there the AI listening and working out what it is we've just uh asked now I do find this a little bit slow to respond sometimes but I expect as we're still in beta then of course Sierra taxi to Runway 4 via Alpha hold of Runway 4 there we go uh then obviously I I do expect that uh time delay to reduce as uh as the program gets uh gets better obviously you'd normally have a pen and paper with you uh in real life may be writing some stuff down just as we do when we're on the vatsim network uh but if if you haven't you've still got a list of all of the uh information that air traffic control are giving you so we got a taxi uh to Runway 4 via Alpha hold short of Runway 4 we let's read that back then haven't we uh so taxi to Runway 4 VI Alpha and hold short of Runway 4 for sesna 3 Golf Sierra so as I don't actually know where I'm going then we could perhaps use this as a chance to see how good it is and maybe request uh prog Rive taxi something like that so let's uh let's just try that and H cesna 3 Golf Sierra is it possible to get progressive taxi Tes Tree Golf Sierra Progressive taxi instructions available contact ground on 121.9 for assistance 12 1.9 many thanks for the help cesna 3 Golf Sierra cesna 3 golf sier good afternoon requesting Progressive taxi instructions to the active please ceset Tre golf Sierra taxi to Runway 22 via alpha bravo hold short of Runway 22 notice they've also just changed the runway that we were originally given we were told Runway 04 we've now just been told Runway 22 so I wonder if it's possible to ask uh for uh for a continuation down to the end here uh Runway 44 let's see what happens with this response all right so we did actually get a response but there was no audio for some reason it must be a still a slight glitch in the system but yeah it just told us whole short Runway 22 alpha bravo again and contact the tower so is it possible to request a uh maybe an intersection departure for Runway 04 cuz you can see we got an intersection coming up here that will obviously speed things up for us so um ASX ground cesna 3 Golf Sierra is it possible to depart from intersection for Runway 04 please so that's quite a complicated request it will be interesting to see how it comes back with that Des golf Sierra affirmative taxi to intersection departure for Runway 4 via Alpha hold short of Runway 4 contact tower on 1 Niner point8 when ready for departure okay so that is really impressive it's told us to do exactly uh what I want to taxi to the insection of our choice and then we'll uh we'll contact the tower East County Tower cesna 3 Golf Sierra ho in short Runway 04 ready for takeoff Tes tree GF Sierra Essex Tower winds calm Runway four cleared for takeoff after departure fly Runway heading VFR at or below 2,500 turn right heading 090 depart to the east SES Tre golf Sierra contact departure contact departure S 3 Golf Sierra bye-bye departure cesna 3 Golf Sierra passing 1, 3000 for 2,500 requesting uh VFR to the east heading towards Manhattan Tes Tre golf Sierra New York departure radar contact Tes Tree Golf Sierra transition through the Teterboro Delta is approved remain this frequency an cner 3 Golf Sierra is uh requesting now that we uh we fly towards Manhattan and uh along the Hudson River s Tre GF s clear to fly towards Manhattan maintain VFR at or below 2,500 caution wake turbulence I love that clear towards Manhattan and uh we remain at all Bel 2,500 S 3 Golf sier help you to acknowledge the busy air space there with the uh with the Wake turbulence now at the moment I am flying in the simulator with no other air traffic so FSL traffic is not turned on um there are plans for say intentions AI to look at injecting their own traffic which obviously will then communicate with the uh air traffic control but that I believe is still quite a way off what it will do however is if you are using fslg traffic it does respond to that whilst it can't control it I believe it will give you traffic warnings um so there is some interest action albeit Limited at the moment but um but it is tref Sierra I need to amend your flight can you tell me your destination and SES 3 Golf Sierra we're looking to uh fly down the uh Hudson River around the Statue of Liberty and then come back to land at tior cesna Tree Golf Sierra cleared as requested fly down the Hudson River so at this point if you stuck with us for this long thank you and I'd love you to leave a comment down below let me know what you think initially of this new AI air traffic control of what you've seen so far personally I really liked it one of the most impressive things about it is the voice recognition because this is designed to work with people from all over the globe with different accents different dialects and the I chat GPT does a really good job of picking this up and it will learn on the job as well never once did it ask me to repeat something or even misunderstand what I was saying so that is a huge bonus over I think any other virtual Air Traffic Control uh program I've ever used now once again I do have to remind you that this is just the beta version this is not a main release but you know what I have been having a lot of fun with this today and doing things and requesting things using proper ATC terminology but then at times just chatting to it in a more traditional and Native way and each time it's come back and responded giving a response that you would expect to get there are known limitations and known problems with the program at the moment but the developer is Keen on solving these and from what you read on the website and on the Discord server as well they are in the future going to be worked out so this is looking like a really exciting prospect of course at the moment it only works in the USA for the time being and it also only works realistically with GA aircraft and VFR however I was kind of interested to see what would happen if I wanted to fire up an IFR flight so American 1941 requesting IFR clear C to Philadelphia American n41 Boston clearance cleared to Philadelphia fly the Logan 2 departure radar vectors to put then as filed maintain 5,000 expect flight level 2 41 0 minutes after departure departure frequency 133.0 squawk 1234 okay so actually that was a lot more impressive than I originally thought now IFR support is coming and hopefully coming very soon you can see on screen it told us that we needed to fly the Logan 2 departure now I actually couldn't find a Logan 2 departure there is a Logan 4 departure so that may just be a limitation of the AI but then it did say that we were going to get radar vectors to the Papa uniform Tango um navade which if we just do a quick search for that to see if that exists I'm guessing it's not going to be fuk uh but if it is the putam V well then that's here and Boston is only there so that actually isn't a bad uh little bit of ATC considering that this is not yet supported it then does say to uh expect then after that we would fly as filed now technically we haven't filed anything which is why the artificial uh ATC can't give us correct at DC clearance because well it doesn't yet have a flight plan but as you can see from that the framework is going to be there and then this will open up an entirely new world to those of you wanting to fly offline and not use live air traffic control like on the vatsim network now of course because this is live AI based upon chat gbt anything that you say or want to try out you can do because the system doesn't have stock responses for instance if we did something rather deaft like let's just go uh let's go off-road a little bit uh get wedged in the grass and well now we could probably use a little bit of help uh so we're on ground frequency if we uh said uh ground Cessna 3 Golf Sierra uh We've run into a bit of trouble as we have gotten stuck in some grass uh request assistance T golf Sierra Tero ground Roger assistance is on the way please stand by and then just to really prove how interactive this is um let's try something really off key with a a special request something like um cesna 3 Golf Sierra uh the pilot is diabetic uh request emergency services and bring some chocolate T Tree Golf Sierra Roger Emergency Services have been notified and are on the way with medical assistance please stand by okay so it's not going to bring me any chocolate but even so the fact that you can request medical assistance I think is just a testament to how realistic the interactive AI is because it's understanding and learning continuously with every command that it receives so there we are a first look at chat gpta air traffic control this beta version of say intentions now of course I do need to stress that this is still a pre-release there's plenty of things that don't work properly yet but I've got to be honest I have been very very impressed over the last few hours whilst I have been putting this video together we know that there are other things coming in the air traffic control World obviously Max flight simulator 2024 we'll see what that brings when that comes out we also have Beyond ATC on the horizon however Beyond ATC is not AI based they're also focusing mainly on IFR and airliner of which at the moment this is not I think one of the biggest talking points of this say intentions Air Traffic Control will be the pricing structure yes it is expensive around $30 a month if you want to use it but chat GPT and all of the servers that it's connected to thousands of computers well sadly it's not cheap to run however the say intentions team do say that this price will only get cheaper as things develop the access to these computers gets cheaper and they are determined to pass those savings on to you so whilst it may seem a little bit expensive now hopefully in the future that price is going to come down I would love to hear what your final thoughts are on this new St intentions a ATC program particularly if you've got it and have used it for some time as well love to read those comments so please do leave your messages down below and I will be sure to check those out later thank you so much for watching the video I do hope you've enjoyed it and found it useful if you have please don't forget to hit that like button and don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you're not already a subscriber and turn on the notifications Bell to make sure you don't miss any future videos or of course our live streamed flights thanks so much for watching I'll see you all again in the next one bye-bye for now
Channel: Easyjetsimpilot
Views: 74,391
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Id: uGwTnHV2aUQ
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Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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