*FIRST LOOK* - Fenix Version 2 UPDATED | New Features, EFB, IAE Engines & GSX for MSFS 2020

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Hello friends followers and channel members welcome back to Microsoft flight simulator 2020 and this is a video I have been looking forward to being able to make for quite some time yes version 2 block 2 of The Phoenix Aus A320 is now released for you all to enjoy and with this release comes a whole host of new features and general improvements not to mention of course the new engine variant we now have the wonderful I AE engines for those of you who like to do Jet Blue Ops or wiiz a even British Airways but even sticking with the original aircraft with the CFM engines you're going to notice a huge Improvement in this build we have better v-v we have better performance overall there is a brand new cabin as well the aircraft handling is more realistic and essentially to be honest this feels more like a version 3 of the Phoenix rather than just an update to version 2 in this video then we are also going to have a look at some of the brand new features the new efb we've got GSX integration as well there are cabin announcements the night lighting also looks superb and the team have put 18 months of hard work into this aircraft and the biggest thing to come out this is probably their brand new realistic engine model it's taken that long to make this engine realistic but the great thing about that is all the time they've spent on making the engine model as good and realistic as it now is it means they can pretty much just pop that engine onto the upcoming brand new Airbus a319s and the Airbus a321 aircraft that they are also going to develop meaning that should really have sped up the process of bringing two new Phoenix aircraft into Microsoft flight simulator so without further Ado Let's Get on Board and have a look at this new aircraft so once you get into the aircraft as well as noticing nice things like the beautiful new overhead Etc you're going to be struck probably first of all by the brand new efb so this is the efb version 2 it works in pretty much exactly the same way as the old one but you'll notice a couple of other things and let's have a look at those now first of all the big obvious thing on there is the failures yes so in version one of the Phoenix all your failures used to be triggered if you wanted to practice them using the mcdu however these have now been brought into the efb which makes it a lot easier F you to navigate and it also has a handy search function as well now one of the other great things in version 2 something lots of people have been after is GSX integration and this now has has it and we find the settings for this in the Phoenix app and Sim settings if we now have a look at these most you will be familiar with already but there are a couple of new ones in there let's have a look at GSX to begin with so this gives you the options to set up GSX to work as uh as you wish for instance the wait for refuel before boarding most of the options are self-explanatory but there is more detailed information at the bottom of the screen a quick look then at how that works once you have created a flight in simbrief then you would load the aircraft like you would normally but there's now an additional option where you can select GSX simply pressing this sets the whole process off automatically once we press that then it's all done for you automatically no need to call up the GSX menu because the Phoenix aircraft is talking to GSX and sorting that all out in itself even things like requesting the push back is done by just turning on the beacon lights as you would do obviously prior to engine start so no more GSX menus it should all work rather smoothly we'll let this run out and we'll just quickly show you how that's all done as boarding is about to begin then with the new kabin announcements feature as well in version two let's just take a quick walk through the cabin and have a listen [Music] so you can hear a little bit of music there uh playing so this of course is something that you can turn off if you don't like it but full camera announcements are now uh part of version Pass bus is coming and we'll check those out as it comes what is also quite neat as well is if the flat deck door is closed you don't actually hear anything just as you wouldn't in real life but if I open that door and we listen just very closely hopefully you'll be able to hear very gently in the background the sound of that music hi Captain the cabin is now secure for takeoff as part as well of the new cabin sounds you are going to be contacted by the cabin crew via the intercon system so you're going to have to respond to them and they'll let you know things like when the cabin is prepared for takeoff and for landing that kind of thing another new feature in version two of the efb is found on the Techo performance page particularly with the intersection data now if you wanted to part by an intersection usually you'd have to select it from the list but not every single intersection all around the world for all airports in the database were included this could sometimes times pose a bit of a problem forcing you to have to use the fulllength runway however this has now been addressed in the new release and you can actually set the takeoff distance available it shown in meters there and you'd get that information obviously from navigraph charts but basically you can set your own intersection and take off run length and then it will give you obviously the respective vssp speeds and flex temp Etc so that is a nice feature to uh to have once that's all been selected as well and you've done your calculations if you wish you can now hit the send to mcdu button down here at the bottom which does exactly like it sounds so once we press that if we now come across have a quick look go to our performance page you'll see that's all being filled out for you it can save you a bit of time particularly if you don't want to uh spend uh spend that time popping the things in yourself manually you'll also be pleased to hear that the Box box is now fully working again a few months back it broke with the ability of being able to fetch weather data into the box but this has now been fixed and so we can get on Route weathers as we're flying along just as we used to do when the aircraft first released once you're all set to go then continuing the GSX integration Apu up and running push back clearance has been granted turning on the Beacon Light sets off the process for GSM to ensure that all the doors are closed all the trucks have been removed there go the stairs and that is the push back sequence then started you will have to use the GSX menu though to tell the ground crew whether you want to move left or right so that not a feature of the Phoenix aircraft for this new model and the IE engine variant the Phoenix team got in touch with some of flight. to's top Livery designers and they have produced dozens of really high high quality liveries for this new update of course choosing a new livery doesn't just affect the external skin of the aircraft but in fact goes much deeper than that interior of your cabin changing everything so it's nicely color coordinated and kept as realistic as possible with its real world counterpart the team have even gone as far as to making sure that even the safety cards are realistic as per the airline you've selected and also the offers that are available to your flying customers as well the new efb also has some other new features you can now turn off the DC du which is used for digital Communications with air traffic control a satcom antenna is also available as well and if you move over to the airline page you can even change the window mount rather than using a window mount you can actually just have a frame and that will get rid of the amount for you which just gives you a little bit more visibility out the window which I do quite like so a couple of other things I think are quite important to point out if you are a user of the mini FCU unit then that works absolutely fine with the uh with the version two release of the Phoenix you can see that I'm just manipulating the uh altitude on the FCU so uh yep that's that's great that there's uh no delay in that working with the new aircraft and one of the other things you'll probably notice is that when you're taxing you will not need as much engine thrust to actually get the aircraft rolling in the previous build sometimes you had to use unrealistic amounts of thrust even if the aircraft was light in order to get the aircraft to start and Roll But now this is much more realistic the taxi handling as well is far better after this update you'll be able to track the taxi lines and Runway Center Line Etc much easier with the rder pedals and the tiller so let's have a listen to those engines then we'll start with the cfms and here is what they sound like [Music] so I'm sure you'll agree they both sound absolutely amazing but what actually is the difference then between the two engines from your point of view when flying at the aircraft so up until now you're probably used to seeing N1 as a percentage value with the CFM engines and with the IES that is changed instead they use epr which stands for engine pressure ratio still not much difference to you as a pilot but a couple of things that you do need to know when you're about to take off you would spool up your CFM engines to 50% N1 make sure they're all stabilized and everything's fine and then you would set your takeoff setting however with the IE engines you want to spool up to 1.05 which is the equivalent of 50% on uh the N1 for CFM engines now 1.05 really isn't very much and as you can see if I just manipulate my thrust levers a little bit it doesn't take too long to get up there and it does feel particularly with my thrustmaster thrust levers it doesn't actually take very much at all so once we've got those happy after that then you would just take off like normal using either Flex or toga the overhead panel on the IE variant also has an N1 mode now this is used if there's a problem with the FedEx which are essentially the computers that control the engines if there's a problem with one of them controlling the thrust using epr then you can force the FedEx to use N1 instead interestingly enough though if you have the fault on one engine you have to turn the N1 mode on for the other one as well so that both FedEx are working with the same mode the night lighting of the aircraft has also been updated both inside and outside looks absolutely gorgeous as you would expect all the side lights and lights over the navigation display and primary flight display they all work just as they do in their real world counterparts one of the things I really like now about this external view is we have the double strobe light flash which looks really great and you get that sort of Bloom as well when you're zoomed in on it and finally then one of the things you are going to find when landing something which many people used to struggle with with the Phoenix aircraft is you're going to find that it sort of plants down onto the runway much more realistically and you are not going to be left really trying to stop the aircraft from floating after touchdown it's very easy of course we've spoken before on this channel about over flaring the aircraft but the team did acknowledge that there was a bit of an issue with the fact that it could float more than the aircraft should well of course that too has been addressed in this update so all your Landings now are hopefully going to be much more realistic the last point I'd like to make then is of course the overall performance of this new build now this isn't something that I'm going into in great detail because everybody has a different PC setup but I would love to hear in the comments down below from you guys how you have found the performance of this latest release is this much better than you were getting on the previous build of the Phoenix aircraft they have worked really hard in scaling down a lot of space and the memory that is required to run this aircraft is much less than the previous build so hopefully you're going to see some FPS improvements and as I said I'd love to hear your your comments overall in general on this build now that it is finally available we can look forward to many live streams in this aircraft and I'm looking forward to sharing the Flight Deck with you guys in the future I hope you have enjoyed this video as we taken you through the biggest features but of course the change log for this update is just absolutely huge you can of course read that on the installer and on the Phoenix app thank you so much for watching I do hope you have enjoyed this video if you have please don't forget to leave a like and of course if you are new to the channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell so you don't miss any future videos and of course our live streams thanks for watching I'll see you all again in the next one bye-bye for now
Channel: Easyjetsimpilot
Views: 35,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mnK1Rglvq9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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