UPDATED! Auto FPS for MSFS: Set a Target FPS and Forget it! | Performance and Smoothness

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Hello everybody welcome back to the channel we have an update today for the auto FPS program for Microsoft flight simulator um if you haven't seen my previous video on it I will link that video in the description so you can go and get a more complete explanation of what this program does and a demonstration there are some features added to this program so we're going to go over those new features in this video uh and we'll also cover the basics of of what the program does in case you are unfamiliar with it if you already have the program um all you have to do is double click on your desktop shortcut and the program will come up and it's going to say newer app version 0.4.1 now available here you click on that and you will get the uh release page here on GitHub click on the installer exe right here it will download the program and you can run the installer and what it's going to do is bring up this that we're familiar with um so again we don't want auto start for fsuipc we do not want auto start for Microsoft flight simulator uh or with Microsoft flight simulator either um so then you just click on update and I do have to stop the program before I can update it so I will do that you come here into the system tray exit and then update the program it's going to go through the whole process for you uh it's going to check whether uh you these uh these programs that are uh required to run the the program these uh net desktop runtime and all that stuff so it's going to go through that um while it's doing that we'll talk about the basics of what this program does um here we go finish successfully um and we'll close that now I'll come here and I will run the program and it's going to ask me to have to do my have to do my antivirus dance so um here's the program when it comes up latest app version now installed um so just to go over the basics once again uh I'm going to start Microsoft FL simulator right now uh and let it start in the background while we talk about the program so as Microsoft flight simulator loads these connection status uh indications are going to change color uh once Microsoft flight simulator is going obviously the msfs is going to get going to turn green um once Sim connect is established with uh with the SIM that will turn green and the session indication indicates that we have a flight going that we've loaded a flight which we um may or may not do we'll see how long this video takes first so the average frames per second uh these are the Sim values the average frame per second is going to give you um the uh average frames per second that you're getting in the Sim the tlod is going to give you the indication of what you are currently using in the Sim and that number is going to change B based on the settings you have with this program ol OD has now been added back into this program where it was where it was taken out before um and uh this gives you your above ground level height your feet perm minute either climb or descent and your Cloud settings okay now the general program um first of all we can just uh uncheck this use expert options button for first of all okay now if you want to you can just set a Target FPS leave it just like this and you're done the program has some default settings that are pretty likely to work for most people and you don't have to set anything up you don't have to change anything you just set it like this and you're good to go um what kind of value do you want now first of all the target PC it's going to DET it's going to determine whether you're in PC V R um or frame gen mode right and you can set your uh FPS for either those three modes PC frame gen or VR um and it will it will automatically change the profile depending on which one you're using in other words if I'm using uh Microsoft flight simulator now on PC and I'm not using frame gen I can set a Target PC FPS let's say set 45 now let's say I set it up using frame gen um and I set frame gen Target at 75 whatever um when I'm logged into the to the Sim using frame gen it is going to default it'll detect that and default to that 75 um and and or will detect that I'm using the normal desktop app and uh and will default to that now right now I do have frame gen installed um so what I'm going to enabled but I don't have a flight launch so what I'm going to do real quick and you can tell from the the jittering that I've got frame Jen involved uh engaged turned on whatever you want to call it so we'll go to uh Miami here and we'll watch as the uh session loads uh that button will become green the session button uh and then I should get a Target frame gen FPS down here under the general section and come over here and you can see Target frame gen active FPS okay so uh I don't have uh I have a 60 hzz monitor so it doesn't really uh make a lot of sense for me personally to set you know a super high frame gen Target um but what you're going to want to do is is select a Target frame rate frames per second that you can easily attain you don't want to you don't want to set something that's to the highend of your computer's capabilities because you need to be able to hit that Target consistently in order to get uh the auto fps to work properly in terms of changing your tlod uh or your LOD and your Cloud settings if you can't hit the the target frames per second that you have what it's going to do it's going to leave your values at the low setting that you have okay um now this is another really great feature of this new version of the program and I'm going to check it right now this is it says on top right here now let's go back into the Sim and before what would happen it has a feature that if you switch Focus to a different window on your PC let's say you're using navigraph charts and you switch to navigraph charts real quick um your PC is going to detect a much higher frame rate for navigraph charts cuz it's not doing anything um than for the the simulator and it's going to change the values uh in autof fps based on the performance you're getting using whatever app other than Microsoft FL simulator that you happen to be looking at um so in order to uh and it it so now what you can do is click the on top and and actually the the auto FPS app itself counted as one of those other programs so um essentially uh it would it would switch to the um lost Focus setting if you had this uh window open on top of your sim now what you can do is click on top enable that and it's going to it's going to allow you to be in the Sim and look at your values okay um so if you want to delve further in to um the options available in this program program you can click use exper options now the dx12 um is uh so I have right now dx12 and frame gen enabled and the priority of my system right now is tlod minimum now what is tlod minimum tlod minimum is whatever value um that you have Set uh and you can see right up here my frames for second is 59 because my as I said my uh my refresh rate is 60 and that's what I have my my sim my simulator limited to inidia control panel and my tlod is 50 now you can see down here it says tlod minimum 50 so when you are on the ground you can't see beyond or at least much Beyond where you are you know there's a huge builtup city right over here in Miami Beach I can't really see it it's getting blocked by all these buildings here so I don't need that drawn in detail while I'm sitting at the gate at Miami International Airport doesn't make any sense I'm using resources for my PC to render something that I'm not looking at and that's that would be the case if I had a high plod setting it would render the uh it would render buildings and so on and so forth in more detail further out okay um so the tlod minimum what it does it makes sure that when you're on the ground and beneath 1,000 ft which is this setting here that my uh tlod stays at this minimum value whatever I have put here the default value is 50 you can put 100 you can put 150 you can put whatever you want okay and you can also change now this is another new feature of the program you can also change the altitude tlod base okay um the default is a th000 and what that means is on departure as you climb up to 1,000 ft um your tlod is going to stay at this value right here and when you climb above whatever altitude you have here then your TD is going to start changing if you have enough performance already that you're above of the target frame rate that you have set so in other words if I'm climbing uh I I climb through 1,000 ft I have my target frame rate set at 40 if I'm getting 55 55 is higher than 40 so the program will start increasing my terrain level of detail because I have the performance headro to be able to handle that if for whatever reason this value my average frames per second is let's say 42 it's not going to start start changing that until I get 5% higher than 40 so it just gives it a little buffer if you're kind of right around your target FPS it's not going to make wild changes in your TL if you're at 41 versus 39 there's a little bit of a tolerance built in and that's what this is right here um so that's the first thing now uh and in order to have that feature the TLD on the ground you have to have this box checked he'll be in on ground or Landing now on Landing what happens is when you when you hit 2,000 ft it's going to start decreasing your tlod what at whatever value it's at mine right now is the maximum set 200 so let's say mine's at 200 and I have a tlod of 200 at 2100 2100 ft above the ground when I hit 2,000 ft the program is going to start walking my tlod down as I descend from 2,000 ft to 1,000 ft it's going to walk it down to be this minimum value once I reach 1,000 ft or whatever I have set here and then below whatever I have set here it's going to remain at this tlod minimum value of 50 or whatever whatever you have it sent set for it so that means as you're approaching to land and the the the radius of uh buildings and and so on and so forth the detail of those buildings is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller as you get closer to the runway and then from a, Ft down to touchdown and all the way to parking and shutdown you're going to be at whatever this value is so that you're not going to get any changes in your tlod as you're approaching and Landing um there have been people in in with the previous iteration of this program 0.4.0 who have said yeah I see a lot of popping in and all that stuff uh of scenery as I'm coming in on approach that doesn't have anything to do with this program that has to do with dx12 and and the scenery popping that we're all very familiar with um so uh let's let's talk about uh just a couple other things real quick um so there's the average descent rate um so when uh the other thing is the the decrease quality decreased Cloud quality setting um and let's say that you can't achieve your target frame rate and the program has lowered your tlod as low as whatever this value is here and it's still can't achieve your target frame rate then what it's going to do is decrease your cloud quality to try to give you more performance headro to hit your target frame rates so you can see now that mine is my clouds are set to ultra let's say my frame rate is 35 my average frames per second is 35 my Target's 40 it's it's it's lowered my tlod all the way down to 50 and I still can't reach my target of 40 frames per second then what it's going to do is turn down my clouds from Ultra to high to try to get me up to that 40 because clouds is the next thing uh that has a really big uh to have a really big impact on frames per second so um and the other thing that they that that's been changed in this version of the program um in order for your Cloud setting to recover let's say it gets knocked down to high for me in order for it to recover back to ultra uh my target F uh active frames per second has to get that the average has to be 15% above whatever I have set so it's not going to T it's not going to flip it back from Ultra from high to ultra as soon as I hit 40 it's going to change it back from high to ultra as soon as I hit 40 plus 15% so that it you know I have enough of a Headroom that by switching the clouds back I'm not going to drop below this target again um and uh uh the other thing that has come back is the automatic um o LOD the object level of detail you can now enable that um and uh so these settings here um you can have the ol at the base where you start uh changing it so this is this is the altitude where you're going to where the ol is going to start changing and you'll notice now um the ol OD goes from a higher number lower down so 100 at 2,000 ft to 20 at 10,000 ft and the reason is is because object level of detail is things like buildings it's detail here in the buildings details in the jetways details in you know things that are in the airport environment and the higher you get in the air the less relevant that is for you you don't need a high object level detail as you you know increase an altitude um so you can start your object level of detail at whatever you want um and as you climb to a higher altitude the object level of detail is going to decrease and decrease and decrease and that'll give you more performance as well as you climb um so those are the main features those are the mo the the main changes to this version um it's an excellent program if the thing that I'm probably going to do myself I'm probably going to I'm probably going to raise the tlod base a little bit higher maybe 1,500 ft I'll try and I'll probably start my tlod a little bit higher than 50 just because I know I have the performance headro especially with frame gen enabled okay so if you're using frame gen you can probably raise these values a bit and then just see how the program works for you I would keep the keep the window on top and then just take off and climb and watch your average frames per second remember the average frames per second is uh taken over uh a period of I believe 5 seconds so it it it Smooths out any spikes or you know drops that you might have for a split second so this is giving you a very stable average frames per second um and if you're you know for me let's say I take off I've got this set up like this and I take off and I stay at 59 the entire time I'm well above my target rate and I can then go ahead and raise my values a little bit um the other thing I I I don't think I finished talking about was actually I did set your target frames per second at something that you can realistically achieve um that's going to be your biggest issue if you if if you set it too high um I think the recommendation is at least 10% below what your um what your monitor refresh rate is because you should have your sim uh your your frames per second in the Sim Capp at what your monitor refresh rate is mine is 60 and you know 60 uh Hertz and so I have my uh Sim uh capped at 60 frames per second in in video control panel N Video Control Panel that word drives me nuts um so I presumably with frame gen enabled can go higher than this and I know I can go higher this I'm I'm getting 60 right now um but the beauty of it is the reason I'm getting 60 right now is because uh my TLD is 50 and does this look to you like I'm missing out on anything like I'm I'm I'm missing out on anything over here in uh let me click the on top button get rid of that real quick do I look like I'm missing out on these buildings being more you know rendered in Greater detail in the distance no I don't um so I think this is a tremendous program the initial release of it was fantastic this version of it to me combines the best parts of the dynamic LOD program which is fantastic and had some parts some some options and settings that weren't available aailable and the initial release of this autof FPS program basically combines the two best parts of both of these programs this is an absolutely unbelievable program um reset transponder is the gentleman who's done all the work on this I'm just telling the story um and he's been very very kind enough to uh to answer many of your questions in the comments to the previous video and I'm sure he'll do this same with this one all the credit goes to him he's done an amazing job with this program and this is a huge step forward uh just a few days after the release of the first version so I I encourage you guys to get this to use it um I actually wind up explaining everything instead of instead of referring you to the other video so uh any questions you guys have please go ahead and put them in the comments um remember that there is a very extensive um read me file here uh on GitHub so if you've got issues questions that you're have you know things that you're dealing with trying to figure out there is a very very detailed uh you know configuration setup and troubleshooting uh detail information here go ahead and look here it this will most likely answer your questions but again you know feel free to put your questions in the uh in the comments and uh we really appreciate you watching and I hope everybody's having a great day
Channel: IslandSimPilot
Views: 15,267
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Id: ComlDav31Ys
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Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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