Feng Shui For Your Bedroom | Naomi Findlay | Renovie

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[Music] hey Ron we're here with Patricia again from Patricia Lohan calm and we're gonna be talking about bedrooms today which for me it's kind of it's really important obviously obviously for adults in the house it's meant to be the love center but I guess as a mum of four I actually see bedrooms as a real center of nurturing for my children we haven't actually talked about that but for me my bedroom the bedrooms for my kids and what I want to create for them is a really safe space in a space where they can be really energetically and physically nurtured yeah because we all know any of us who have kids all have nieces or nephews or little brothers and sisters know that a child who has not slept well holy Dooley like or child who is sick they need to sleep back this way impaired and when we nurture where we grow like they grow when they're asleep for sure and so I'm quite intrigued to hear what you what do you say about bedroom well I just love that you've kind of feel like come from this perspective because your bedroom has to be a sanctuary basically I can't wear it a sanctuary and there's three words for for like a for a master bedroom for example okay three words we look at rest romance relaxation you really need to focus on those three words like I love how you were like I love my bedroom like you wanna come by dude I said room the bed isn't bad but come here I'm like honestly that is the most powerful like way to feel about your bedroom you want to walk in and be like oh so happy I'm here and it means to be like a step away from the rest of your life so you don't want it to be full with like exercise equipments all your holes with all your yoga gear like all of your you know all of the stuff that is associated with your outside line with your day with your day you need like you can't have like I was doing a house in New York a couple of months ago and like he the guy had like all of his files from work besides bad oh and I was like oh my god like that can't be in your bedroom how do you sleep how do you switch off from work and sorry you did connect just things you're not like you do not switching off and you really want to think about like what what I have in here and also just limit the amount of stuff you have like you know on your bedside table one book maybe to not hold of just stuff because that is all affecting your sleep as well absolutely I actually go my husband is shocking for collecting books on his bedside and so he went away last week for work and I went in and literally like gone gone gone gone put them back into the study he came back he's like phew and I'm like there was me um and that's like really great because the thing is once you clear that space adventure he slept better I had I remember having a really fun conversation with a lady once and she's like I don't believe in feng shui article I did read an article about like having shoes and clothes and things under your bed being really bad feng shui it's like yeah oh so she was like I went home I might just cleared all the stuff from under my bed and I have like I just slept better than I ever have before that's enjoy she used and it's like that well and just think about your shoes your shoes have been out about all day and they're just like underneath your bed now like anything uh yeah and honestly shoes are probably a really or an innocent thing Toby right I've seen people have like broken computers like letters from their exes no books they best hungry more energy is like under their bed that is literally if you're sleeping on you know and it is under there nothing looked at being ignored but it's still affecting you energetically so making sure that onto your bed it's just totally clear so if I'm not connecting your is that good for keeps yeah what is further example like you put your toy storage under the beds or yeah I'm a much bigger fan of having like toy storage to the side in covered like cupboards I covered later in baskets no really just allocation little homes for all of it and then for children say if you do have if you do have to have like or half cover its underneath yes like linen things that have no emotional attachment yes yeah that's sort of more innate exactly less energetically attached to a day okay now what about I know as a renovator and a designer for me I love walking in and are always to it unless we prove otherwise here that the you should look in onto your bed yes oh my god that's the best thing ever okay cool I'm so glad you do that a lot of people don't realize this but if you're sleeping with your head to the bed or to the door you can't see what's coming at you so you're in a very vulnerable position you're in a vulnerable position and you're not they're not maybe a hundred percent supported so you don't want to make sure that where you're lying and this what are the big things that motivate so if we work with what you've got the Sun brings so it's not like to recreate your house yeah I love these rooms that are made that the bed is only going to sit in what I'm really going to like that's the only place whether there's wardrobes or an ensuite it won't window window yeah yeah so you just have to work what you've got so if you have a opportunity where you can walk in the door and see the bed and the back of their branch and you have a headboard really important that's the best idea cuz I'm a lover of a headboard you've seen my opinion because I invited her in because I loved it it's got a pocket your team the wall and it's got a headboard and like nobody's up with the headboards ten boards are representing support again like for you in your life I've got your back got your back exactly I know I'm a climate center but also disconnected from the energy of the actual building as well you've got this place between you and you're a feeling support did you come in it looks really good it's really lovely so I'm a really big fan of like a good headboard ideally like wooden or a soft fabric one not really Matt we're not big fan of metal beds but if you have a metal bed it's not the end of the world like could you soften it we throw wrap it's not over the bed yeah for sure I can totally do that and then like positioning your bed just work with what you've got you know if you can get a position to see the door great if not perhaps you can just line your when you're lying in your bed like have like a small little mirror at the end of it so you can see the door so it's like you're able to see what's going at you so for example if I was laying in bed and my bed head was here and my door to my room was there maybe I could put a mirror yeah always I'm not like a big mirror and on ceiling like neither nothing like really up for but I'm surprised there isn't a mirror on your ceiling there are no mirrors on my ceiling I don't have a mirror in my bit yes I do I have a mirror in my bedroom opposite my door it's a round one that's okay very little yeah that's okay like the thing is mirror is kind of this like huge and consumers are bad and it's not like that at all like actually mirrors can out do and how will you wake up as to whether America yeah exactly but it marries can't be positive thank you no I'm a guy thinking I'll go buy things so I would love if I always had a dining room table I would put a mirror there like like along the side of it if you can if it's it's it's like that I need of like some flowers and some fruit so like amplifies that it doubles it see I have the same opinion of a mirror when it comes to a view like I've seen I see very little use as a designer I see very little use in putting a mirror space or it reflects something that is exactly true yeah you know whereas for me when I think about space medicine and how to bring that in if you can put a mirror opposite of you if you can put a mirror opposite a beautiful floral arrangement or opposite an amazing nurturing piece of art or even just a vignette of plants in the corner I'm like we're just like completely doubled our money back exactly really reading nature ends like you're bringing people a bit random but say we're talking about amplifying and stuff in regard to mirrors like if you're in like a really good space and have really good energy field on and you've got your juju on that mirrors can actually be great because it's actually amplifying that energetic feeling when you're looking at for sure yeah bit random I know not about the house but there you go yeah bedrooms think about your bed position think about headboard think about like keeping a care clutter keeping clear of clutter I mean and especially the rubbish of the day yeah just letting that away and just like making sure there's nothing you just want to go just think these three words does this represent the rest reminds relaxation if it doesn't hit it like two three hours three three it does not hit those it's a sick joke it's not for your bedroom so that probably for those people that wake up going did I even sleep yeah for sure I didn't start carrying on to your bed and just really looking at the imagery you have in your room is a restful as a romantic does it resonate with what I want to call into my life and you know what's interesting you you won't use the word romantic and I'm sure so many people would be attaching that to husband-wife romantic but I guess for me I also romantic for me conjures up dreamer and imagination and a size to flow and and that's actually something that I would love for my children as well yeah I would love for their rooms even my three boys for they had to be so for my little boys romantic to them would be imagination and space where they could create whatever it is that's happening in their minds at the moment you know romance for my eldest son would be you know this space where he felt safe and masculine enough to explore his feminine like yeah realistically and for my daughter it would be so she could just dream and dream and dreams so I like that that the three hours if we allow ourselves the three hours can actually go across all genders and all ages in our house so sure that was like I like that you've got me thinking Patricia thank you so much you're welcome thanks for tuning in make sure you're following me on Instagram to see my latest design and Renault inspiration you can find me at Naomi finlay official or click the link in the description see you soon
Channel: Renovie with Naomi Findlay
Views: 438
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: feng shui, feng shui tips, feng shui bedroom, bedroom renovation, bedroom styling, feng shui for your bedroom
Id: ApWeX7nNuhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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