How to Feng Shui to Get Pregnant

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not too long ago I went through Western fertility treatments and it was not only a physically draining experience where I gained 20 pounds but also an emotional one and function a it is believed that pregnancy can be helped by directing your Chi energies in the right way hello I'm moon today I'll be joined by Fung Shui experts on Estelle horn and how you can use function to help you get pregnant [Music] so Donna like I said I went through Western fertility treatments and it was both a physically draining experience and an emotional one so I'm really curious to find out how we could use punctuate to help us get pregnant oh you know there are lots of ways and what we're doing is we want to move the energy so that the woman feels more beautiful more fertile but also that the man is energized too and together yes babies happen so it's happening where in a certain room anywhere yes the best room of course would be the bedroom okay the bedroom is the best room we want to actually place things in there to increase the fertility energy so the bedroom was where we want to do it okay so I have something for you I have a bed not necessarily a bedroom but I do have a bed with a kind of Barbie that's trying to get pregnant some kids it's fantastic thank you and so what kind of things are we looking to place in the bedroom and what are we looking to do in the bedroom well first of all we want to make sure that there's nothing blocking the fertility in the bedroom so we would look around and see if there's any dried plants if there's if there's any pictures that are of trees and winter and anything that looks that it's still or dead we want to remove any of that okay and then we want to introduce some things into the bedroom that are ancient fertility symbols okay so I read somewhere that you have a couple of things that you do with rice what we can do is take a decorative Bowl like this and you put uncooked rice in it so I don't know if you can see so and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually slip this underneath the bed and we're gonna place it as much in the center as possible between the couple okay why in the center between the couple we're trying to bring that energy together to have more harmony okay and the rice symbolizes the prosperity the abundance and so it sits underneath the bed and then we don't disturb it not until the baby is born okay so it's from the time of conception to the time of birth that we should keep actually even before conception okay you want to place this underneath the bed as soon as you want to get pregnant Oh as soon as you want to get pregnant okay so are there any other objects or images that we can place in the bedroom well there's something that can can do for Barbie and that is to give her a string of pearls now pearls are formed in an oyster and so what happens is there is a small seed a green of sand and it becomes this beautiful pearl so this represents something growing inside of you I see Oh Barbie could wear her pearls or if she didn't feel comfortable wearing them especially at night we could put them on a nightstand do we have a little nightstand yeah I just happen to have one here for you it's actually it's more of a makeshift nice and here they go okay if it's a string of pearls you could even do them in a heart shape oh that's sweet that would be really sweet but I've never seen pearls in heart shape okay should she wear the pearls while she's having the you know what she wouldn't have to place it on the nightstand it is sufficient okay so she would just wear when she goes to work or she's exude things around them okay okay but if she weren't doing the you know what does that mean that she would be more fertile well it does create fertility energy and you know I'm when she greets her man when just pearls he'll be excited about the prospect - okay so what other props can we put well let's say she doesn't care for / okay there's an animal that represents fertility you probably can guess it's the rabbit well the reason is that actually and not many people know this but a rabbit can actually get pregnant while it's already pregnant and so it can rise to litters in one season and so that's why you go outside and there's nothing but rabbits hi so placing a pair of rabbits on their nightstand could actually help the fertility energy yeah honey rabbit these are so adorable thank you now rabbits these could be stuffed rabbits or they could be little statues like these and so what they do is they remind us and so what happens is that in our minds subconsciously we start to shift toward the idea of fertility okay and so why do you have to well one doesn't make it okay so are there any other animal symbols that also represent fertility this is the strongest animal symbol that you can use so this is the one I recommend okay so animals um is there any like pictures that people could put up - well what what they could use is they could use a picture of rabbits you can have two rabbits or even a group of rabbits especially if you have twins in your family that could work really well so okay so any pictures of rabbits how about stuff dolls or stuffed animals well again we're looking for the rabbit you wouldn't want say a tiger and a rabbit because somebody's gonna be a snack okay so now speaking of snacks there are some fertility foods right okay so Donna you mentioned some foods so here I have a variety of foods what do each of these represent and how can they be used for fertility well one thing that we find is something called the doctrine of signatures and what that means is that foods that are a certain shape actually help that same shape in the body so you could think of it like a walnut is this like at the shape of a brain so therefore eating walnuts helps your brain so what we have here is aging cucumbers right yes these are my favorite cucumbers I love them so much and so this shape represents what we all know and so so eating these cucumbers would help in the whole fertility energy and more energy and so other foods that are that shape would also work such as bananas banana okay I don't have that here but we could make an obvious connection to bananas okay so then couple of things here that you have to as well yes so you can combine different foods into a nice little dessert here so chocolates in aphrodisiac and so and if you had chocolate-dipped apricots dried apricots you would be getting vitamins and minerals which helps the body and then you get the chocolate delicious this to put everybody in the mood okay so in terms of eating the food should we do it or just have one item like the cucumber one night and then have the peach and the chocolate another night well what all this is is is about intention because where we are intending to go we tend to go right and so when you know you might eat cucumbers all the time every day and not give it a second fry but when you're doing it with intention when you're seeing and visualizing then the energy comes oh yes such a difference in your body so doesn't make a difference which foods the man eats and the woman eats so maybe the man eats I don't know it's like so it's a little faster but should the man or the woman be eating the cucumber we should be eating the cucumber I'm not only not that complicated okay we just want to share the energy because anymore in harmony the couple is then the better the energy is okay oftentimes we run into fertility issues because somebody's worried somebody's concerned about something their minds on the office they they're worried about past issues with pregnancy this just gives us a moment a real moment where we're in harmony where we really feel like we're of one mind okay so when we eat these foods do we eat it usually is it best to eat in the bedroom or you know you can even eat in the office and have that energy come in but we wanted to have the period of time between eating and the lovemaking to be as small as possible oh I see so if you're not a person who likes to eat in bed if you worry about crumbs and things like that then yes start in the kitchen but maybe things will progress so much that you never get to the bedroom oh so try to make it as close time together between the eating and lovemaking that way the intention is strong okay and that way you're both in harmony it's really interesting to just eating in general it alters our breathing yes and so when two people breathe in harmony then they are in harmony and physically and spiritually so then two people should eat this named food before with that enhance yeah chances yes you'd want to find a food that could be shared okay so if your beloved is allergic to chocolate you want to choose something else oh oh I see I see so maybe the peach or the cucumber okay if somebody's trying to have a boy or a girl is this certain things to do that's more proclivity towards having a boy or towards a girl how's it interesting you should ask you know in the 1950s there was an astrologer who was working on this concept and he said that if the Moon Sun was masculine used during conception then you would have a boy so now when he did his study he came up with about 80% accuracy which i think is pretty amazing on his penis but I personally haven't done the research so what other things can we do to enhance our fertility well there's timing and timing is important so you know there are cycles in in the world and in the sky so the most obvious cycle is the moon I see so you have a personal cycle as a woman and then the moon has a cycle if you can get those two to line up oh my goodness then things really can happen so the new moon and to the full moon is more fertile I see so when your cycle lines up with that Wow okay so look for the moon so any final words on what we can do to really try to get pregnant if we're having a real difficult time well all of this is to help us get into a physical space where we really feel in harmony with that child energy okay and so these sort of things you know you will find that as you do them they will become stronger and stronger so keep working at this you know try the different foods look at the timing and allow yourself to welcome that child okay so if you're still trying to get pregnant try these tips they're so simple easy and virtually no cost and we look forward to little ones running around your house Donna has more information about function and fertility so please visit her website at function calm thanks for joining us for all of my asian living tips visit my website at yin yang living calm thank you comas Amanda [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Yin & Yang Living
Views: 61,573
Rating: 4.7405405 out of 5
Keywords: Feng Shui (Religious Practice), how to get pregnant, fertility treatment, how to get pregnant with feng shui, feng shui to get pregnant, pregnancy, fertility, Moon Cho, Ying & Yang Living, feng shui fertility tips, feng shui to become fertile, feng shui and pregnancy, ovulation, infertility, Infertility (Disease Or Medical Condition), Asian living, Yin & Yang Living, Holistic Health (Literature Subject), holistic living
Id: NDp11cfI-R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue May 06 2014
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