Calves and water trouble. -43c

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so we're just uh making some pins here now what well another morning of tours here i guess oh and then hopefully we can get back to uh look at that nice green hay hopefully we can get back to uh building on that uh calf shed that's my hopes for today anyways um i haven't been too busy on it the last day or two i guess because uh well we gotta put our dog down so we're gonna get him uh euthanized today so that's kind of shitty but for the best he's getting quite old so anyway i made him a urn and put his ashes in and not not so that'll be good anyways uh i'll go get uh this bale fell out on pasture and i gotta shut the gate and if i have time i'm gonna start digging out that alleyway this morning and if not i'm just gonna go to the shop and start working on my uh start working on my uh calf shed here so anyway i'm gonna just gonna take a quick swing over here and make sure this cow hasn't had her calf yet she's not far off anyways but uh oh she's at the feeder so won't be for a while so that's good staying there little guy until it [ __ ] warms up a little bit looks like uh sunday sunday is the warm-up day so that'll be nice anyway i guess i'll bring you back later you guys see me feed the cows a lot so we'll check the calves and we'll check the baby goats and other goats that are in the barn and yeah so anyway talk to you in a few we're doing a little dust bunny yeah the other guy died good old goats nice and hot in here though at least so she's only got one to raise again anyways got the water heats going melted the hose so that's nice um yeah other than that that's pretty much it for the goats give us an attack room here in the barn all our meds and stuff in here that can be kept not in the fridge i want to get a little beer fridge to put in here that or i'm gonna once we rebuild the coverall shed i want to put uh everything in there in a warm room kind of like this build the actual room but yeah anyways this is a tack room uh when i built all this i did uh i use crawl slabs to to sheet it kind of thing it kind of looks pretty cool i wouldn't mind doing the whole barn like this one day but uh even this price of this stuff has gone crazy now but uh anyways this is the top top room our water system is in here underneath the horse blankets uh that's a pressure tank uh pump control box for the well this is what we all ran in i had that in here before i did all that work but yeah looks pretty cool good enough it's insulated and uh vapor barrier i use that stuff from the pfra when you plant trees they pull coals through there and keeps the weeds out that's what i use for a vapor barrier because we had a whole bunch of that [ __ ] kicking around so anyway that's tack room you got a window there's our branding iron right there some of you guys are asking about that if we cold brand or hot brand uh we do a hot brand with uh goes yeah it goes this way i think it's supposed to look like waves is our uh idea of it or maybe it goes that way i can't remember anyway supposed to look like grades it's opposite of the flying sign we turned it around the other way on the back right flank or hip i mean back right hip it goes on ah very good really gotta clean this place hi kirby you guys can go outside and if you want but it's going to be colder out there so anyways this is the horse barn we got four stalls thai stalls in here and then two box dolls this is where we capped out some cows last year actually uh just ran the alley way in behind open the back door and into the chute and then when we heated it we just left these doors wide open and put a crawl panel inside there and let the heat blowing that worked pretty freaking good so we also have those two stalls if we need to calve into right kirby so that being said it's a lot warmer here so anyway i'm gonna go out and check the calves now my mother bring you guys with i guess 1j come here she's a friendly little ship come here come on come here come on i thought you were like a pet right you're all frosty were you in the heat lamps today come here you're not scared don't be stupid there see oh yeah oh yeah so nice so nice little calves oh yeah anyway we got that one i think the other two are probably in the shed here just we'll have a quick look are they in here barbie oh yeah laying under the heat lamp there they are it's probably cold in there too but those heat lamps are working so that's good that's why we had to put the goats in the barn because they kept pushing the cavs out of here little [ __ ] so they can still have some sunlight in here so that's nice anyways i'm gonna got my truck running i gotta go to town and grab some stuff uh to fix up that alley there a little bit get some bigger bolts and bigger screws and stuff and some steel screws so that being said i'll see you back in the shop here see the girls just over the [ __ ] and the snow pile there they'll be out soon for their new feeding anyway she's minus 40 today without the wind there's a little bit of a breeze like the exhaust is hardly hardly moving but uh i'm doing a video from here because it's cold out like bone chilling cold my uh uh in our in our barn in the attack remember i showed you where the water tank and stuff is where the pressure uh switch wires in that was all froze so we had no water uh this morning well it started last night about two o'clock i guess uh when ashley went out actually i was out at midnight and it looked like that one water bowl was kind of steamy there over at the the calving shed which is right there and there's a bowl between the two and that water bowl there feeds the whole feed lot and tees off under the ground and then feeds uh four bowls and uh in the feedlot but there was no water while it looked low to me in the in uh the early morning there i guess it was around one ish or something like that so i went to the attack room and the freaking heater cut out in the in the in the tack room and what it was where the pressure switch is for the well uh froze and sense that there was still pressure and never let the uh the pump kick in because we never had no water at the house this morning either so uh ash went out and put the heater on there and she went this morning so everything's good we got water again everywhere all uh all the bowls there there there there there everywhere and that so that's good but anyways i'm gonna go cut these strings and maybe uh get back working in the shop again here today we'll see it's saturday so i don't know what's going on but all right talked in a bit oh yeah boy he's cold in here these heaters are freaking sweet so we had two calves overnight we had a 93-pound bull calf and we had a 73 pound little hepa cap right here they got those little ear things on to keep their ears warm they pinned it against her head so it works pretty good he's got this and that going on but that other heater was cutting out so give it a couple minutes and they'll blow heat in here again [ __ ] heaters came on sale here again last week and uh apparently they're all sold out already at the princess's autos oh [ __ ] i'll bring you back and i'll set you right here in this little tree i mean uh railroad tie there there we go so we're calved out everybody that is early we got some at the end of february uh into the beginning of march but they're all out if you can see or not with my hand there they're all out on pasture yet so i got to bring uh those guys up and then ashley and i will sort them off uh whichever ones we need i think what we're going to do is i'll fix that corral up put that panel in there and then they can go in this grill and then come in through the back and go into the shoot pen over here i'll just we'll just leave the uh leave the gate open you know what it's minus 28 and it feels hot today i don't know why that's just spoofy but this morning it was -43 without the [ __ ] wind so that's crazy anyway grab my coffee here so we're going to grab another heater ash is going to take the kids of the city and i'll stay home and babysit the cavs but yeah you know bring another bale feeder and put it in here and then they can just walk in between back and forth from that middle pen to here and then if we need to catch them we can uh catch them between and then this is like the the calving pen with the shed there anyway i gotta feed bulls here after but i gotta get uh i gotta go to town here in a bit and see if i can't find it's another three-way plug i should have got one the other day but i didn't so update on my calf shelter i got the whole back wall all the uprights welded on it um the front wall i gotta cut two more get those in then i can put the rafters on i guess you call rafters purlins whatever get those put on across the top and then i can start cutting uh three inch flat bar to mount the two by fours too so that'll be next i guess and then uh put the two by fours on and then i got somewhere to screw the tin uh previous times i have welded i mean uh pre-drilled through the pipe or used self tap screws and screwed the tin right into the pipe but that's a pain in the ass the screws go dull and yeah it's not fun at all so i'll just mount uh two by fours on there for strapping and uh yeah anyways we have the calf warmer but it's too [ __ ] cold at minus 43 to uh warm up to a good temperature in there real quick so we ended up that's what these little marks are here that's from the uh capsule took uh we took them both into the house and the kitchen warmed them up with the hair dryer and dried them off and kids helped us quite a bit so that was nice anyway i'm going in for a coffee this is cool though here my hands get old in my video but anyway talk to you later well good and you i guess not bad okay good enough i got the uh processor on and batted everybody again uh we're finally in a warm up it looks like here uh the sun's got some good heat to it it's supposed to be zero by sunday so we're going to treat some animals i guess that day on sunday or saturday one or two next weekend uh i bet at the feed lot i gotta feed them a bale yet the bulls or the young bulls anyway i fell out in the pasture with the processor i had a couple there was frozen thing strings so they got fed out um better grab a canary bale strawberry and bad uh pears pen yet and i think that's done holy man it's rough in here and i'm gonna move uh those new pairs over and then empty the shadow get everything set up for the next run here so we're done done our first boat of cabin here now until last week in february so we're gonna have to sort here pretty soon just so that we are uh so that we're ready i got three bales left plus those over there and that's it for canary so all right that's it for straw so i might have to buy some yet we'll see but uh anyways i'm gonna back in here and pick up this bale and we'll go into the cav and see in a bit good new all right kind of shitty using this lens all the time but that's what i got to work with so that's what you get anyways i just got [ __ ] what a week from hell i'm gonna tell you about this i had uh [ __ ] sewer in the house and the back end of the house on the master bedroom the sewer quit going so we finally got that going then the [ __ ] hot water heater overflowed and uh finally got that all fixed up the [ __ ] pressure deal in the barn froze up making the well pump keep run keep running which built like a hundred and i don't know how many psi and overflowed the pressure safety valve on the water heater and [ __ ] all that [ __ ] up so we got that going i got a big win last night froze the water at the [ __ ] house and i had no water bowl water any of them so that told me that there's something wrong in the tack room so i go on there and my heater quit i think it was overheated the [ __ ] thing uh or something happened to it anyways i went and bought a new one at the co-op plugged it in there ah finally got that going and then i had frozen water bowls i dealt with that this morning so that was real fun uh yeah yeah real good real good so now it's like just about 11 o'clock and i'm gonna start chores now so nice i got the tractor running outside but i got to make an ending to the video so here we go so anyway here's what i'm working on there's going to be a whole separate video on this and uh this is where i'm at this is the gonna be a big calf shed 24 by eight feet wide obviously here's the front this is the open side with a slant roof i got all those pipes pressed over there and uh i just finished welding this up but uh that's a big gap to fill anyway uh so i got this all done back is done all the uprights are done there they're here here's the cross piece that goes up about six or eight inches while from the bottom from the bottom of the pipe to here is six inches plus three so we're gonna have about nine ish two and seven eighths pipe on top will give us that little bit extra like i say so when you're pulling it through the snow and the hay and straw and [ __ ] it doesn't build up in front of that wall anyways i gotta put those pieces in yet into here they go up here four of them and then pretty much the frame is done and then i gotta cut pieces to bolt on my two by fours strapping so that'll get bolted here one up there one down the bottom maybe one in the middle each one too i don't know yet but anyway like i said it'll be a separate video so thanks for watching and uh leave a comment and subscribe like [ __ ] if you haven't subscribed to this channel there's something wrong with you i don't know she might be go get checked out anyways yeah that's pretty much it for here so we will talk to you in the next one i'm hoping the next one's going to be bits and pieces of uh me building this whole calf shelter so all right good enough talk to you in the next one you
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,631
Rating: 4.9945874 out of 5
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Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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