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[Music] [Music] [Music] how's she going boys oh not so bad [Music] are you guys today [Music] i hate this time of day my [ __ ] autosteer wants to wander a little bit there we go you guys just finished church or what [Music] oh yeah good news [Music] it's a nice day today a little breezy but not too too bad i uh we got moved over to the oats here last night i finished in canola ah and then we started on the oats become calibrated i think it was about i don't know 10 o'clock 10 30 and put a couple tanks on there so just got from here over to uh those bushes right over there yeah who goes to church anymore yeah you can watch church on the youtubes oh well oh you're up at bank end nice how much seating on oh we got uh [ __ ] i got left about i think there's 60 acres here another 45 a week there's uh putting wheat over there i don't know you can't really see it but past the drill there's that row of trees goes over there uh the pfra the tree farm used to be an indian head here they rented that land on the land that we rent and uh they ripped a bunch of trees out so we got the land back and uh it's [ __ ] i bet you they worked that goddamn stuff about 17 times last year when it was so dry and uh i said [ __ ] it i don't want to put nothing that's gonna it's gonna cost too much in case it don't grow but luckily we had some rain here so that hopefully that'll help out but we'll see what happens yeah look at that just about touch its nose to its tail [Music] there we go i like it when it drives on its own hit the thumbs up you [ __ ] what's everybody doing today it's a little dusty going this way i started doing this here this year uh brought a sharpie or whatever the [ __ ] you call it uh a dry erase marker and then i write my numbers down eager so it works pretty good but summer's with me she can draw on the [Music] windows i watched uh one of mike's the other day mike mitchell's video and his wife uses that too there so kind of funny he said uh what the hell did he say she plays x's and o's by herself and sometimes she even wins how's she going from ireland drinking a beer [ __ ] bring a guy up [Music] here taking a painting break thought i'd say hi to your ugly face well hi [Music] i know what you're doing scraping all the [ __ ] stains off the beds [ __ ] guy [Music] cheers from ottawa good night having a live stream you know what i don't remember if you guys if you guys watch the live stream last year of me seating uh this was the field that we were on here last year and my fertilizer buggered up and i had to reseed this twice we uh went back and forth there but it was a little bit back there uh you probably can't see it through the dust but there used to be uh [Music] there used to be uh [Music] there's a water well kind of thing over there and the indian head gets their water from those big water tanks that's the treatment plant that comes underground goes through here goes over to that black uh tire over there and then right in the town so [Music] planting what the hell let go there it is planting beans i don't have auto steer so you have to go soon just let it go it will it'll contour what's about five o'clock mine will cut out once a while make the sun spots come over the satellites and uh bugger it up a little bit i could have paid for the subscription but [ __ ] it it only lasts for about 10 minutes and then away you go again what tractor am i driving wow it's a little smoky [Music] hahaha [Music] there we go yeah it's 44.94 uh case tractor pumps turned up on it it's like uh about like a 46 90 94 something like that 504 case engine with a four speed and three speed power shift [Music] this works pretty good yet the old girl [Music] good on fuel dude the old [ __ ] if you uh i think i can see well i know i can see the whole corner on 100 gallons like a full 160 acres [Music] so it's pretty decent i think last rainstorm oh yeah she definitely definitely i took all the [ __ ] trees out i still haven't even cleaned up all the arc all the prices are [ __ ] there there's uh i hold out i think it was 19 20 20 some grapple loads now i took out of uh that's where we keep our cows i could fix a fence i guess damn it it's uh 20 some bucket loads i hold out to the to the dump there and uh yeah i don't know there's still lots in here it's all those big old poplars they seem to really take a beating [Music] oh well how's she going tyson uh sorry aaron we can't sing on here or we'll get demonetized don't you know uh what did that guy say how many engine hours what the hell's on this old girl 819 then counting i'm gonna have to uh i think i'm gonna rebuild the old girl here this winter powershift is done at 6 700 hours so should be good for another 5 000 so you have about 600 horsepower with the tractor i wish yeah you got to get little smokey's brother going here pretty soon tyson straight piping get some leds on there and uh you won't uh you won't regret it jesus i've been through a storm like i keep giving her oh that storm has sucked i had a i had a moose head what the hell was that [ __ ] who said lime or something one day oh my god is that disgusting [ __ ] gross oh well so what are you doing today tyson you got the day off or what are you working cows i was gonna i'm gonna text you earlier see what you're up to but never did [Music] holy [ __ ] we're flying boys we're flying slower down a little bit working cows on tuesday in the heat yeah it's supposed to get hot here dude like 30 celsius i should say right when it's dirty yeah exactly so let's get on here dude maybe i'll bring up a storm it should be done seating by then shouldn't uh i don't like to save and i'm gonna get done seeding and [ __ ] because that's usually when uh that's usually when uh [ __ ] hits the fan so uh i'm working on a video right now but if you look at all that crap on my drill here oh there there oh my [ __ ] window back into the tractor got a shot my mirrors covered all my lights anyways i said to uh my wife there i said uh i'll be uh should get down to canola here tomorrow or today i mean and i hopped in the tractor i had it all loaded from the night before turned the [ __ ] fan on blew the hose just covered the whole tractor so yeah there's a half a day gone i'm gonna watch your regina and what the princesses autos but anyway whatever yeah she blew up oh well just got done in northern alberta oh going fishing are ya yeah that'll be up tyson said he's got a new video coming out tomorrow maybe working cows so what's everybody else doing today what the heck we got 60 in here and 25 thumbs up are you guys thumbs broke or what that's better keep it going oh it's a ky jelly man there he is there's old cody strength we're sitting pretty old cs [ __ ] bulls nice going fishing that'd be all right maybe when we're done ashley took the kids yesterday and they went down to the river summer said we didn't catch nothing but uh seaweed oh [ __ ] aaron splattered not his house the rental house yeah [ __ ] guys now you just ate that yeah spoiled [ __ ] that don't don't respect nothing or anybody else's [ __ ] [Music] oh well spraying chem paulo in montana that montana is not too far from here just a little bit south [Music] [Music] the river is very low here i'm not sure what the river is like uh north in the valley there there's my oats going down in the old men [Music] what's everybody's temperatures today i think it's about 26 here or something like that uh yeah a little bit this this [ __ ] on here uh what was it your two oh carter's out checking keys on his quad but yeah there's dust dust blowing around here um what was i gonna say about this again if carter text me and then i lost track here oh yeah two years ago three years ago this was flax [Music] and uh we burnt all the straw and then last year i seated the opposite way and we had uh wheat on here so and then we heralded in the spring so it's the top is dusty but there's lots of moisture underneath i'm seating on and about an inch inch and a quarter with the oats never know if my mother nature doesn't want to have any kisses anymore yeah it soaks up here pretty quick this land over here is not really that heavy it's decent dirt but it's not real real gumboy stuff but how often would you have to unplug a block seed line in the drill to tell you the truth i haven't had a block seed run in three years knock on wood ricky bark how's the ricky bark this old buddy old pal [ __ ] i haven't talked to you in a while [Music] yeah but there was a uh a blockage monitor on this machine and as soon as i started changing the hoses over i [ __ ] took the side cutters and cut every one of the [ __ ] things off there all it did was beep and [ __ ] around well you're plucked no you're not you're not even supposed to be plugged so i don't know what the hell anyways i cut it all off you'll see all the wires hanging uh where is it great i don't know if i can zoom in where is it now right there i think see those wires hanging there that was the that was part of the uh that was part of the uh what the hell is going on there we go uh that was part of the blockade system i think it was a whirlwind or something like that they called it i don't know i can't remember but anyways becky how are you today hope you have unlimited data plan on yourself oh i don't know what i got something [Music] this guy has to uh put the uh air on today she's a little little hot in here with the sun china uh how big's the drill how big is your cart the drill is 27 feet on ten inch space and the air cart is 110 bushels it's 11 10 flexicoil and then we got a 1020 or whatever it's 850 uh 850 imperial gallon tank i don't know why they i don't know why they put uh anything you do with liquid fertilizers always in u.s gallons and for some reason this one is an imperial so i have no idea but anyways and but the oats were just running uh straight nitrogen straight uan 2800 this spot right here last year i uh we see that the wheat around it and then over here i see the barley well from here down uh down up over to there wasn't too far over i guess and then across the pasture here over by that old disk where i got that water trough sitting i see the barley over there and off the two little pieces here when we holy [ __ ] that was a big turn uh two little pieces we filled the semi a barley and that's what we fit uh we mixed our uh supplement for the cattle with this grain that we ground up so that's pretty good hello from texas [Music] anyways yeah i don't think i'll be on here too long i just wanted to do a little bit of a live stream i hadn't haven't uh haven't done a live stream yet this year i said i was gonna do it i haven't i it's been a are busy running here running there fixing fence pocket [ __ ] around trying to convince nick to switch from anhydrous to liquid yeah he has a he has a decent dealer there for the anhydrous he actually gets a guy that or the company that he's with i think is nutrient i'm not sure 100 but they're able to keep up them we were pondering doing anhydrous before uh i started farming on my own and they couldn't even keep up they couldn't keep up then uh any of the guys around here but i don't know and iris is a lot cheaper than uh any other fertilizer but oh well we used to use old dry back in the day 46 0-0 that was when we had club seed runs i'll tell you holy [ __ ] was there a bug [ __ ] up all the time we used to have a 45 foot uh 45 foot flex coil with a [Music] 43 30 80 x 43 30 or something like that i can't remember as a case flex coil tank we ran double shoot dry on that one with uh adam jet boots and my uncle [ __ ] it all he did was plug that goddamn thing carried his vacuum around to them to unplug the hoses off it wasn't fun and then we had a 5710 uh virgo with a 450 cart and that was also double shoot dry and the [ __ ] mrb's like to plug up on there too with the fertilizer that was only at we could only really see that four and a half mile an hour to get them around the right amount of product down so anyway without the right amount of product without plugging so but uh yeah anyway all right there erin talk to you later buddy keep a tight ass keep your stick on the ice keep your back to the wall you never know the guys that punch toes in the wall might come back for you bend over and touch your toes i'll show you where the wild goose goes [Music] ah [ __ ] sakes i love that joke well i'll probably do uh [Music] one more uh one more strip and i'll let you go here cuz i'm gonna have to head in the field here probably next trip so you guys want to watch the drill for a little bit or what try and hold you as steady as i can but marm gets or hit the thumbs up boy 73 in 46 thumbs up i just go what uh that's what rick always says there we go clean the window up and down the hills it's quite low right in there surprised the water didn't ever pull right there it's kind of like rolling hills it's not real big hills not like at our house uh back at home but either way she's pretty good and uh this tractor amazes me actually quite enjoy this old girl i had uh i did have a 4490 before too but i sold it didn't really get used a whole lot but now that we got a bit more land i wish i would have kept it actually [Music] but a guy did make some pretty good money on the [ __ ] egg so that was kind of nice i bought that uh 4490 for 6 500 bucks up at oh where the hell was that place i'll be able to think of it till i get off the live stream here it was at uh up my p8 [Music] anyways i bought it for 6 500 bucks fixed her up a bit and uh sold it for 13 500 so that was a good deal [Music] so i like getting those deals watching around and see what a guy can find it's good shape air conditioner freaking with freezer right out the tires weren't the best on it but uh power shift was good actually i think the engine was probably better shaped than this one that didn't have zero blow by there was not a not a sniff out of her [Music] this old girl's got a little bit you don't smoke but it's not a bit of blow by so she's time for a rebuild i think we i think i've had this tractor for uh oh [ __ ] i don't know eight years now i guess eight or nine here so she's time we put some love back into her oh good afternoon there cherry how you doing there cherry oh pretty good and you it's amazing how tired your arm gets i know that's not safe when you're just making a plain old [ __ ] uh um it's not that bad because you only do it for like five or six minutes here and there my job you gotta hold it for 26.10 seconds with 26 minutes and 13 seconds gets a little sore i'm just trying to switch back and forth but oh well yeah carter i was telling you about carter he went out and uh he sprayed the home quarter there today at home uh we got a hundred acres of uh green feed silage barley uh uh right at the home farm there at the ranch uh we're gonna try to do some silages here i think try about 40 acres maybe and the rest will green feed just get some dry forage off it and there's i think 16 acres north of the yard where we feed the cows and that's going to get seeded to oats if i have any oats left and we'll green feed that or combine it for the creek feeders or whatever or just take some from here who knows and then i got there's 45 acres right along that tree line i was saying at the start of the stream that needs to get seated there that's new braking over there and what else is left uh and then this there's about 45 acres of uh i don't know yeah about 40 40 acres i guess of oats we got here left so shane hollywood host how's she going there buddy hello from australia good news someone's already asked questions how many acres you guys taking care of right there uh i don't know we farm about i guess 1500 1600 something like that and then we got well we got lots of pasta too and all that we got to take care of we seeded a quarter of grass last year we got to get that fence here in june and then we can we got to do a cross fence on it that's what i the last video i i had there with all the uh uh all the fence posts that's where those are gonna get used up and i picked up that uh power the wire from uh redfish down at dick's place there so yeah nice kind of good so that would be good get that done but anyways i was telling you about cart carter went sprayed at home we got that done finally it's been so [ __ ] windy here we couldn't even uh couldn't get hardly any spraying done so that was kind of shitty um what else then he went home and got his quad he lives in town he's got a house in town town is just over there past these trees uh maybe we can see it from the other side but he went home got his bike uh he checked his lentils there yesterday and now he's over on we got peas on a half section i think yeah i made a video of seating peas that's where they are they're uh up out of the ground nicely drinking up the old moisture i can hear him from here drinking away and uh just gonna check that and then he's gonna come back over here uh across the creek here and check our lentils we got 65 or 70 acres lentils we put in this year just the way that it worked out from the uh uh chemical residue from last year we couldn't see uh lentils we so anyway whatever that's that's my store and i'm sticking to it [Music] it's raining there [Music] move it i've seen uh well there they are the [ __ ] rainers where is he right there coming through the bush the old burst holly 56 just giving her [Music] oh he's making the dust old speedy old speedy good stuff sir yeah you know what the the piece actually came up pretty good but it was almost like the the hilltops were not doing very good but now everything's nice and clean uh we haven't checked we got canola up already uh on about i would say 150 200 acres is coming up uh what else oh yeah i gotta we gotta check those just to make sure that it didn't freeze we had just below freezing here the other day it was like minus 0.6 or something actually said on the old temperature thing so it's flat yeah over here it's sliding [ __ ] platinum hole the old girl she hardly changes rpms over here but when you get home boy holy sh she rolls a cold pretty good the old girl but uh yeah anyway [Music] i don't know i don't really know much all else what do you guys know today what's the smallest versatile you see around there where you are uh smallest one i seen was a triple nickel in the bush and that's where it should [ __ ] stay to the piece of [ __ ] those are junk they're kind of a ice cream cone tractor you walk by with ice cream cone and they don't start those old v8s i don't like them but first of all builds decent decent enough tractors i just i don't like that [ __ ] v8 cuppings like that more uh cat 3208 cats or garbage too so good new 50 and rainy yeah we're like i said we're kind of uh once it gets seating done here it'll i hope it rains again it'll be nice and everything's starting to dry up here [Music] also [Music] frost killed off the tomatoes and peppers holden ontario called for 37. went down to 30 heat [Music] uh we had no 500 farm rank natural aspirated seem to start better you know triple nickels are natural aspirated they're non-purple v8s ah what was the the 49 case ran a v8 scan yeah i think they were decent they were better than those uh like a [ __ ] 3208 or uh uh triple nipple triple nipple triple nickel cummins i think but then those were turbos is that case crabster oh gosh yes oh gosh yes i just leave it in there except for when i go down the road and want to [ __ ] with people then i crab it over and then the tractor goes down the road sideways and then they really pull over get out of your road how's old billy oh i usually see him at night when i go home he's hanging out by the dugout [Music] probably looking for uh looking for mice or whatever but ivan how's she going ivan get all those cows hauled or what how's the electric fence holding up [Music] how'd you go chair [Music] i love doing the crab oh yeah to be on uh we've got all kind of case trackers we had a 2470 2670 uh never out of 2870 that'd be cool that's kind of looks like uh 90 series those ones but [Music] the only thing i didn't like about those older ones with that stupid uh manual that's where the crabs here was on the old 70 series and the [ __ ] things would never go straight the back tires would always like you'd be going down the field like this and then you'd be like this going down the field or you'd be this way when you turn around and this way i didn't like it but uh anyway but these what this style does [ __ ] up dude i did my the 4490 i was telling you about i had the same thing and we had to uh we had to straighten the son of a [ __ ] out all the time or actually no it would go straight but one of the sensors were buggered up on the back tires or the computer in here and the [ __ ] uh back tires did this the whole time did a little little and you could feel it in the cab it's terrible but uh yeah i don't know this one this one right here works good so i just leave it leave it in four-wheel steer when i'm going uh we used to use the crab steer uh on while even on the 70 series we used to use it on when we if you get stuck you can pull the pin and grab yourself over and walk out of the [ __ ] walk out of the slough sideways this is actually pretty neat uh we i had a neighbor there that pulled a 29-foot drill and his he had a 4490 but his computer was shot in there and didn't want to spend 800 bucks i guess and uh what he did was he blocked the back two cylinders on the back axle for the steering and he seated like that but all he [ __ ] he had a helmet time every time he turned on the headlamp but uh yeah anyway i like i said i always leave this one at four-wheel skier when you're going straight you need to turn a certain amount when you're going straight for the back wheels to even be activated so that's why i like it when i get to the end i turn it and then it just [ __ ] swings right around it's kind of like an articulate pretty much does the same thing but anyway uh no here well nick is on here triple nickels are non-turbos right nick [Music] it's first stop perhaps deer no the only the only crabs here that i think of is well case used it uh internationally used it on the old 66's uh what were those yellow tractors white and yellow i seen them on the prairie farm report one day and there are also crabs here but yeah anyways but moline yeah that might be what it was it was uh it's actually a pretty big old tractor that the guy had there but it's pretty cool big old wriggle there's carter checking crops [Music] oh what a guy how close is my hey what do you mean to cut the hair how how close to my farm is how many acres in this field it's a whole half section so 320 minus the 45 or 50 acres for this pasture and that goes a whole half mile well down here carter's over there goes all the way over there over to there and then over to that bush so that takes out about 45 acres the rest is all uh rest is all cropland but this year the way it worked out we got it all split up and we're putting oats on this side where carter's checking over there is lentils over into that breaking and then the rest is going to be wheat and then there's two little strips on the outsides of the outsides of the tree row and uh there's one over here on this side too but yeah that's pretty much it so it's 320 acres this side over here i think is 140. give or take that's with everything both sides anyway so but anyways i'm missing comments here when i'm talking about stuff if your dog was a sky you'd look up and then be like yeah you know if you just say it but you don't [Music] what section is 640 yeah good new from the uk i've got a 74 2470 well it's basically the same tractor as this this this is updated with uh the new cab and new craft steering pretty well same motor same motor all my favorite comments oh yeah yeah summer stuff is hard to understand and you guys in the uk do you work in uh hectares or do you work in acres or do you work in hours i work in hours i don't give a [ __ ] about acres days you fix all day you don't get nothing done working both hey i know that sometimes that uh sometimes when you get chemical they tell you in in hectares so then you got to figure it out and like tell us in gallons per acre that would be just nice because that's every other thing that we work with gallons per acre anyways i guess i'll let you go here when i get to the end of the end of the field and i'm gonna head in at phil and phone carter and i got about 17 texts while i'm doing this live stream so i gotta answer all them i guess it's kind of nice nobody phoned oh yeah dad dad was at home uh dad was at home he went rolled the barley today so that was good got one quarter done and he's got to do the other gotta do the other quarter in the back there so gotta go for an hour while if you guys want to watch the filling hang around out how many beers per acre are you managing oh i got no beers in here today i can't drink beer when i'm tired i'll [ __ ] fall asleep converting back and forth metric imperial way it is stupid yeah i don't know why they do that and it's like milliliters for whatever i you do get more muffler out of a straight pipe guaranteed anyways i guess thanks for tuning in guys real dad in that case in the front had a chart yeah exactly yeah kind of a pain in the ass but like i said that when i first started farming we use this uh [Music] my liquid fertilizer cart and its imperial gallons and when you set your drill everything to do it it doesn't matter where you are anything with liquid fertilizer is uh always in us gallons so uh i put like whatever rate i put on times up by 1.2 and i put that much extra so the crops did pretty good but anyways guys that's good enough for today so we'll talk to you in the next one thanks for watching guys don't forget to hit the thumbs up on your way out i gotta head over here now because uh because the uh i don't have headlands here i'm gonna head over here and fill her up and i'll talk to you later guys [Music] see you later
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 2,272
Rating: 4.9809523 out of 5
Id: Li0TjpkQMN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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