Feminist stand up "comedy" is getting worse

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and that is mostly ptosis miosis issues didn't exist you wouldn't have this stereotype of women being obsessed issues right and sexism wouldn't exist shoes create sexism well we only have an average of 80 years on this dismal horrible floating Rock and yet I've decided to waste my life by subjecting myself and you to unimaginable cringe that's right today we are going over more feminist stand-up comedy essentially just tightening the noose around my neck as you may have heard I am now an sjw SOI boy Lib tarde beta man bun [ __ ] so I have to begin this video with a trigger warning oh hi I'm your friendly neighborhood friendly boy and I'm here to give you a friendly trigger warning what you are about to witness is extremely cringy in fact it is so nauseating you may find yourself having uncontrollable diarrhea while passed out at a frat party so you have been warned proceed with caution this has been your friendly trigger warning also someone please help me because my uncle has been a little too friendly with me since I was 8 alright so you guys have all been warned let's get in to how feminist comedy has managed to get even worse what's up everybody it's your favorite gay looking straight boy hunter Avallone here back with another phenomenal video today we are once again talking about feminist stand-up comedy now as we all know pop feminism tends to ruin a lot of things and I've said it before I will say it again feminism and stand-up comedy do not belong in the same sentence seriously it's like anti-vaxxers and children you just don't mix the two now a few weeks ago I did a video analyzing feminist stand-up comedy in that video we went over the basic formula for a stand-up act mainly focusing on pace delivery and subversion of x-pac tations but today we are analyzing a different kind of comedy that's right roast comedy this is where we meet our good friend Lilly Singh the once famous youtuber gone mainstream hack notorious for making the most cliche insufferable jokes imaginable Lilly is notorious for complaining about sexism invoking her identity in virtually all her jokes and generally just being unfunny despite all this for some reason the NBA decided to let her host a short roast segment of the NBA players which as you can imagine was horrible so you can thank all your dumbass kids for her being here give it up for this lucky Lilly Singh [Applause] man thanks Tim to get over Tiffany sure a great job isn't she yes so today we are gonna be the joke police and analyze Lilly Singh's terrible attempt at roast humor man I love Tiffany I love you Tiffany she's like family you know I'm Indian so she's wearing my cousin's hair right now okay so it took literally four seconds to get to a cringy joke about her ethnicity look jokes about your ethnicity can certainly be funny but Lilly is literally infamous for basically repeating the same jokes about being a bisexual woman of color I'm a bisexual woman of color so we've officially crossed off of color let's see what's next I was a huge basketball fan growing up because you know as a Canadian my other choice was hockey and if I wanted to watch white people skate I go to any courtroom in America okay credit where it's due that was kind of funny but the problem is Lilly's entire comedic career has been based on this type of humor so it really falls short and fails to subvert expectations like we get it you're a woman of color and white people privileged this kind of humor is really only funny if you're already immersed in this Miche woke culture and like a lot of Lily's comedy this fails to appeal to a broader audience so these are some of the obvious reasons why her comedy fails but the cringe runs deeper into more structural issues as well Jeff Ross a famous roast comedian gives some basic pointers for what makes good roast comedy of course pacing and subversion of expectations is still an important factor with this type of humor but Ross also says to keep it short because the fewer words the better let the tone fit the subject and don't be afraid to push the limits I'm gonna show you a clip from a Comedy Central Roast of Alec Baldwin to show you what good roast comedy looks like Alec your brothers aren't here because you hate them your colleagues aren't here because they hate you and your best friend isn't here because he hung himself in a Manhattan prison cell what do you miss more the plane or the island beyond sea it was short pointed it pushed the limits and it still subverted expectations by suggesting that Baldwin's best friend was Epstein who didn't kill himself by the way compare that to what we've seen of Lillie so far and you can only imagine why her NBC talk show has ratings lower than her IQ most of the people up here haven't heard of me I'm only famous on some small thing called the Internet you know but y'all are like famous famous like Charles you were so convincing as Uncle Fester in the Addams Family you can tell the audience is just forcing a laugh because this just isn't clever besides the fact that the pacing is terrible this bit was way too wordy leading to a punchline that just landed flat like I get it it's funny because he kind of looks like Uncle Fester but roasts are supposed to have some uniqueness to them whereas this just feels like a middle schooler roast Lily did attempt to interfere the burns with praise which is a good method but unfortunately her long winded delivery ruined any chance this joke had at actually garnering laughs Swain and Gabrielle Union have a wonderful marriage he's like the kin to her Barbie and by that I mean that she's the only one working all right so far we have woman of color white people bad and now we have men bad this doesn't even make any sense and look I know I'm not a comedian but apparently Lily isn't either so I feel like it's fair for me to critique her here you don't have to follow any formula to a tee but again one of the tips for good roast humor is joking about the lowest common denominator something everyone knows about for example in the Alec Baldwin roast they were constantly making fun of him for having anger issues since this is something that's already commonly known it works pretty well but this joke about a Barbie working what does that even mean this roast just doesn't make any sense mix in the painfully bad jokes with these undertones of cringy pop feminism and you're given this travesty grew up on the mean streets of 70s Oakland as a black kid named Gary Gary and now a moment of truth with hunter a balloon ah hello repeating the same joke three times in a row does not magically make it funny according to the book of truth page 420 verse 69 it says repetition has never been humorous only Annoying observe why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side to get to the other side to get to the other side I just came out as bisexual last year and already I've pleasured more women than Jeff Ross wait a second Jeff Ross he's the guy who literally provided the roasts comedy formula I've been citing this entire video oh my god I can only imagine how much he's cringing at Lilly's terrible attempt at roast comedy this is like a dollar store Snickers bar making fun of a Lindor truffle also let's not forget we can now check off the bisexual box now I'm just wondering how long it'll be until we get a vagina joke I'm not even close to being a comedian I mean I make youtube videos with corny dad jokes but I'm pretty sure I could come up with a better roast than Lilly Singh hmm challenge accepted I've always had a bit of a crush on Shaq oh no sorry I said that wrong I've always lived in fear of being crushed by Shaq please God deliver us from evil my parents are immigrants from India make it stop and they wanted me to pass this message to Shaq learn to speak English I'll go back to where you came from damn rules up the jokes aside thank you so much for having me Lex you johner everyone here some there's the grass on your life Congrats that being the best at what you do please subscribe to my youtube channel I need money thank you Lilly Singh is the embodiment of everything wrong with this corporate force humor reliant on Iggy Pop feminist undertones her entire comedic career is based on her skin color and her sexuality which is kind of sad a few of her jokes really weren't all that bad every cheer Shaq citizen becomes a beanbag chair but overall her delivery pacing and actual roasts ruined any potential now I've said that I can come up with a better roast than Lilly Singh so now that I've had time to think about it let's try this Lilly Singh I actually know the solution for your lack of comedic timing ironically it's in the name of the network you've sold out to NBC not bisexual [ __ ] [Music] thank you everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed this video please give this video a like comment below and subscribe to the channel I'll see you all soon peace [Music]
Channel: Hunter Avallone
Views: 408,607
Rating: 4.8853641 out of 5
Id: zcaGJCubkdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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