Feet sculpting tutorial for beginners in Blender 2.9 + slow and clear !

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then kind of go in here at the wire hello and welcome back today we'll be sculpting feet but before we start let me show you two things so these are not my characters this these are from league of legends cinematic and they are giving them for free for everyone to learn from them and before i sculpt feet on the tutorial let me show how they did in the professional model so let me just hide the shoes and you can see this model doesn't even have feet [Music] and this model happy but they're definitely not perfect condition so i don't really recommend sculpting feet especially with toes i recommend doing just a piece form so it's much easier for you to fit the shoes on the model but of course if your model doesn't have a footwear that's fine you can sculpt toes so yeah i just wanted to show you this and okay guys let's go to the tutorial okay so let's not wait for anything and let's start first i'm gonna press shift a and import the reference image find the image which you need and load it now it's going to be put into your review just let me turn on the screencast key so you can see what i'm pressing i'm pressing i'm holding alt and pressing r and j to position it in neutral position then i press r and x to rotate it on x-axis and write number 90 and enter now i'm gonna g and move it on the y-axis and i'm back and this is how i set up my images you can save the file let's start by importing a cylinder i'm going to press s and z to scale it on z axis go in the side view and rotate it so we have a beginning like this i'm gonna scale on x a little bit and now i will have to press ctrl a and apply all transforms and go into the sculpting mode okay let me turn on screencast keys on this screen delete my old annotations and let's go with the sculpting so first i'm gonna re-mesh with not too many vertices twenty thousand i'm gonna smooth by holding shift and dragging now many people asked why my shift smooth is not working is that some of the brushes tools you choose don't have a smoothing option so let's say if you have a boning box you can see it's not smoothing anything now if i go back to grab tool you can see the small brush does work okay so now i'm gonna go in the side view and position the foot the first ship which i'm [Music] keeping my eyes on is the whole shape of the feet how it flows so you can see it's a very straight line what i mean is it doesn't have any bumps it's very flowy and on this side it has a one cut but first let's focus on this one okay so i'm gonna take my grabbing tool and just move it back in the position [Music] now when you move only to the side view always go into the front view and see how it's looking because you will only be working on the side and you will not know what's happening in another view now when i have this simple not finished shape i'm gonna use a b shortcut for box mask and mask the top i'm gonna press m and add a little bit to the sides a to sharpen the mask and now smooth few times go side view and invert the mask and i will be using the transpose tool and move it a bit higher now in the sculpting set pivot and unmask you can use the scale and have the top flat we can use move and move it back to the top now i'm going to clear the mask and with the grabbing tool gonna move it a bit in the position smooth the sides first before remeshing so we have a nice nicer flow now i'm going to remesh because i'm smoking the top okay and let's now try to get that the shape we were looking on i'm gonna go into top view by pressing seven and change the view side by pressing nine so this is gonna be a bottom view or just press on this and i'm going to drag the front and now ship the foot itself what you have to keep in mind is that the back of the foot is more narrow it extends at the front so this line is shorter than this one so i'm gonna move back now this on a small toe side foot is very as you can see in this in this image it's very straightforward there's not no bumpiness happening yet on in here you can see more than one thing happening but on that side it's literally almost a straight line [Music] now i made the back a bit too thick so i'm making it smaller using a lot of smooth brush and shaping the front now i think the front is not that difficult to understand it's just the small and the smaller toes are at the back and a nice shape line [Music] that's what i'm trying to achieve okay let me hide this annotation [Music] let me go back into the bottom view now this part is definitely not gonna be a sharp cube shape it's gonna have oval spherical shape and we have a nice neutral shape of course i don't have the top i made it too small i'm going to increase it and have that nice line as as well as i talked about the back that it goes here and bumps now as you can see in this tendons this is where the tendons goes and you can see it's not in a straight line that's why it curves in that place because it's it rotates from that so where this shape is not too extremely important okay now the back of the foot uh it's pretty simple as well let me go back maybe we can see a bit better on this one sorry about the resolution as you can see we have two hourglass one hour glass shape let me just finish drawing maybe it's more understandable hourglass and these two parts have tents in them and our foot is straight on cube shape for now so i'm going to use clear strips and carve in some of the shape when i'm carving it the line you can see i make a bit of a half moon or sphere cut shape just like in our hourglass [Music] now when i finish shaping the front both of the sides as well as i talk they have these tents and and these tents happens in both front and the back [Music] maybe you can see better at this sculpted reference image that from our hourglass we still have a lot of cut shape in here as well as in this big round shape same goes into the back as you can see there's a lot of cut shape in here so i'm using clay strips to cut off the shape now at the smaller toe side you saw that hole from the whole foot length it's carved in that's what i'm trying to do and here it's not that far i want around one third of the foot okay now as i was showing on this one where it ends we can very clearly see that the foot has a dent and we all know the stent so let's make it in again clay strips and i'm shaping it more from where i made this cut i just draw it down and cut off it's not really that deep but it is still going under i'm going to smooth i want to check the bottom view i saw that my heel is very cube shape very corner head corners so i'm making it a bit more roundish yep okay now if we look at the front view we can see some things which are not shouldn't be there um so the thirst okay where's my annotations you can see that this is a round shape but usually this side is higher than this and on mine i have this strange shape in here it's probably when i formed on the side view and using a grab brush tool i formed this so maybe i can press three and nine to move to another side and move with the grab or just use a clay strips now as you can see i don't add where the toe starts and you can see in this reference again it stops around where the toast start is very visible on this one from how the shadows are formed beam and here it's even not even at the toes it's a bit a bit closer or further however you wanna look at it clay strips i carved in this out again the shape [Music] a bit out of here okay front view and i see that my foot is very wobbly at the bottom i'm going to try drag the front now the foot as i told it's pretty flat i'm trying to flatten it my small brushstrokes down let's move to another side by pressing nine drag it down again the shape maybe i made it a bit too high now if you can't achieve the flat flat surface at the bottom we can do a little bit of that hacking i'm gonna use b or box mask draw from the bottom and have the stark area now invert the mask i'm gonna smooth and sharpen smooth sharpen smooth and gonna go into use transpose tool move it a bit down now again sculpt set pivot to unmasked and use the scale and with the blue one i'm gonna drag into the center and i have this now a perfectly flat surface i'm gonna clear the mask and with don't forget to change back to a brush because on this one your shift not doing anything so go back to clay strips and smooth all right now as you can see we did something strange in here so let's go back and take a look at how it should be okay where's my annotations maybe i should get a new one already let's make this pinkish this shape now mine is more like this which is not going to work it's even more drastic so let's drag this one out all right my lovely shift smoothing brush again into the work now bones are very simple shapes let's use that pinkish just two big bumps as we can see in our lovely reference where was it okay the inner side or the big toe side the bone is higher than the small toe side okay where is my sculpt i think i made this too thick at the end smooth smooth clay strips and again this one is higher than another side so just a bubble shape in here too what we can do is use draw sharp and carve in the side and with the crease brush grease the crevices and smooth the smooth blush brush won't deplete the shape too much now we have this weird bump which i don't see on the reference something happened so i'm going to drag in and voila it disappeared magic trick okay i think i made this too thick so i'm gonna drag it a bit in now it's more like i think this is wrong i think this is wrong but if you're not sure about what is wrong take a look at the reference takes only one second to see what's happening okay i think i need more mess at the side boom now we can shape a bit of the bottom i really don't do i don't do a lot of work at the bottom because it's usually you're standing on the surface and it's flat but i'm gonna make this maybe a bit nicer flowing shape now with the draw sharp i i can mark my toes wait did okay i'm gonna save because we definitely forgot to save and remesh it okay crease brush i'm gonna decrease my cut all right and now with the clay strips i'm gonna add a very very small layer of mass on top so it's not completely flat and yeah basically we're done with this simple simple foot now maybe made this too oh i can draw again a bit high and this one too high drag it a bit down all right oh pretty easy fit shape okay if this is where you want to end your foot that's fine [Music] now if you state let's keep going save file never forget save it's very important it's probably more important than sculpting because you're gonna lose your project that's not gonna be fun all right so we marked our toe shape all right um by pressing by holding ctrl and shift as you can see and dragging with your mouse of course you have to activate your mouse too we can do this nice masking now i'm gonna sharpen it's sharp and smooth so what i do i hold my a and draw top and release my a and i do this quickly top bottom top when i'm top bottom and i have this nice clean shaved [Music] mask now this operation can be a bit laggy so definitely recommend saving again panic safe and at the mask options there's mask slice and fill holes you can mask slice but you'll have an empty place so we need to fill those holes and now if the color of your scope changed and that's totally fine just clear the mask and remesh and it should be fixed i think i'm using the wrong madcap okay this madcap is not bad but let's just change so our eyes can look at the object a bit differently all right it seems pretty nice maybe we can make it a bit darker okay so now let's move this just simple smooth oh i have artifact what i'm gonna do is just remesh again and it's gone all right moves move and time to shape those toes okay so again control shift hold and with the mouse boom mask and i'm going to just drag out our big lovely toe now probably need one more reference so i'm gonna back to object mode and just select shift duplicate drag on x drag on z now rotate by 90 degrees and position it at the bottom view perfectly fine now you can flip it by pressing ctrl and m and now release everything and press which axis you want to mirror it so i'm mirroring it on x-axis and i click say on the x-axis i'm just gonna go back here all right uh let's start shaping our so select the object sculpting mode and just take a look how everything is happening [Music] and try to shape something similar okay let's clear the mask now and rimeshka's definitely lacking so much in here of course against moving now definitely our toast doesn't defy gravity and fly off so i'm gonna go and drag it back to the floor because it supports us supports our weight front view drag another side and just position it okay it's not very visible with this mat yet let's try other one we can look at those grid lines and and they might guide us a little bit now with the clay strip as you can see nanel is digged in the mesh and we have this bumpiness happening over here and it happens with every single toe so that's why by using clay strips i'm just gonna ship that form and we cannot remesh it again i think it's time to add a little bit of more of resolution i i cannot see my wait what's happening okay i'm going to use a bit more vertices 100 000 i think that's that's still reasonable now there are two shapes for toes bottom i don't really have a reference in here but the big toe and small toe is the separation between foot and a toe is almost non-existent so you can have it very close but for another they will have this big difference from top and bottom but we will see that soon now the top the top can be shaped and you can see this one has two bumps and three different lines this one has two lines one bump but literally they almost are not that visible on the real foot as you can see in this one all right i will still have this one bump because it's nice and on the scoped it's better to have a bit more detail than being a bit lazy or just not caring about them i'm gonna carve in the nail place [Music] and just add some mess around it now this side of the mess is actually shaping your toe a little bit so we have to keep that in mind all right now i'm just dragging we have this line my toe is not like this having someone not cleaned their toes and got a bump [Music] all right move now it's clip strips i'm going to add something like a nail but this is not actually going to be nail it's just for our forms let's check what's happening at the front view i think it's doing pretty well fine just drag it a bit higher and it's really like which toe shape prefer a cube this sharper shape which one whichever one you like you can do the way i do probably going to be easiest to follow i'll draw sharp i just want to have that that nice place this has so we can kind of see the separation okay draw you can use a crease shift and see is crease brush shortcut all right oh you'll care about other things a bit later oh the bottom view forgot the bottom view clay strips i can see that there's more light in here which means it's higher on top and this is in the shadow so it's further down let's get this almost equal lighting on our nice toe all right all right all right all right looks pretty nice now let's utilize some tools you probably never been utilizing before but first i think this is too high i'm gonna drag it a bit down i made it so tall okay so what we're gonna use this mask press m for the mask f of course is for shaping our radius and i'm gonna mask this area now my mask is not very visible i don't know why blender masks are not that visible so i always like to sharpen them okay now i can see what's happening i'm gonna grow the mask because it's too small maybe i made it a bit too big and invert now the lovely transpose tool so you don't have actually need to click on anything you can have just just drag it i don't even need to select the model i can be literally anywhere oh look what's here drag okay it's working don't have to like okay i get this voice now you just can't move it from anywhere bam down view another floating toe let's drag it back down to the gravity and clear the mask [Music] oh not clear the mask control back what we have done top view we made them too close now we can clear the mask probably gonna drag this one a bit here and try re-measure oh okay they did not connect save the file again [Music] smooth smooth smooth [Music] now not like a feet shape where are actual kind of like a feed shape okay where is our annotation this line is smaller than this line as we can see we have a thicker top but what i think is our front is too small okay we can use a mask again don't forget ctrl shift and drag it here boom mask now we can work without worrying about messing up our lovely big toe at the bottom i shape only the front not the whole so of course we want to have that bumpiness separation which we saw right here ding ding boom [Music] okay but hold this one as the second bump and this one as your first so we're only making one this one is already made making this slime more straight and definitely not a cube we need that round nice shape all right i'm gonna make this side again thicker now i see there's a light more lighter area in this place so i'm gonna add a bit of more mess in here of course let's not forget that that lovely shape so we draw that's what i'm going to do [Music] all right maybe we can add a bit more just maybe you can stop when you think it's time to stop oh all right this is so flat we need more now i i just try to make everything smooth spherical shape of course not too sphere you don't need spheres now i see this unnatural separation so i'm gonna use clay strips and just drag this tension line which we can see at big toe on tension line and here why it's not visible okay add here we can see maybe i should make it darker now so the smallers have one too probably may do it and then understandably but [Music] oh you see there's still some separation in the form so grab toolbomb now it's same [Music] all right let's call it done with the first one maybe i have it a bit too high so let's just move it a bit [Music] all right maybe i made it a bit too long no okay now what we can do is make a f paste set from this one which will be very helpful on our journey so i'm gonna press w and face set from mask and now we have a face it let's clear the mask and it visually might be bugging you out so you can go into the view and just turn off the faces and now you won't won't see it but it's here and we can easily work like this through all the toes okay now let's do the same by creating another two if you didn't forget mask we draw it now open the mask see how it looks what is that what is that i'm trying this move and it's not working you see so i got a mask too i'm going to use draw now smoke that crazy thing there okay let's invert the mask and grabbing tool again we don't care where we holding our pressing button let's not have it too close but let's not have it too far because those are actually touching each other most of the time they're not lonely all right clear the mask i for inflate brush and i just inflate the side at the end i think we can use a remissure now some smooth and these two those are of the same shape only these other so we can see that let's add another color because we like colors as you can see the stove shape is unique for its own then these two those have their own shape and these two those have their own chip so this one can be same as this one okay let's do the same with face it wait oh oh we forgot to only measure preserve facets so every time we will remesh they will disappear but it's fine we're going to make it at the end so i'm just going to mask [Music] mask disto and work on this one individually don't put it too close yet we will do it later [Music] side view now as you can see where the nail is the toe drops down probably not as drastic as this one but it definitely does drop down and at the front view we can see the inequalities [Music] all right bubbly ship at the top bone straight shape another bone clay strips to tension line and this is basically a bit of repeating the same thing clear our mask maybe made it a bit too small in here and to begin here let's save our file i got my voices dying all right let's make another toe and for mask masking sharpen the mask maybe a bit of this move and at this point i can see that my toes will not fit so what i will do i will just make our feet a bit bigger bigger and i will make this side a bit smaller because i don't know why i made it so big all right we still have this mask invert the mask and use our lovely move brush drag it out now this one's gonna be definitely shorter side view drag it to the bottom and actually we can inflate a bit before unhiding the mask inflate okay clear the mask i mean clear i'm going to just move so they don't touch remesh and it's probably yes as you can see it connects let's go back let's save and add a little bit more of resolution i think we can do that let's see how much okay that's way too much okay that's that's more like it now we still have still have this what we can do is use our ctrl shift again and mask this part and use the tool mask mask lights fill codes okay it's not working let's try smoothing clear the mask they are definitely connected so i don't know why it doesn't slice out let's try it again after this moving okay now it works clear the mask let's smooth them and remesh now they shouldn't be connected very nice let's shape this one so you can see this more like a bump then this tic-tac-toe shape so we're gonna ship that side higher this one lower let's see the bottom view all right side view maybe i will make this once higher all right still have this one don't make them look like they're connected they have separation maybe let's use draw sharp and draw that separation a bit more visible can you use the crease brush and let's form where the nail should be sitting all right and we have this too high but we're gonna fix it anyways now we have an orc foot four fingers let's add the small one of course don't forget it's safe now we get it um what i'm gonna do is mask actually everything and use a lovely grab brush again now this one as you can see is very short it ends almost at the middle so we're gonna do that we're gonna add it at the middle of course smooth first i'm gonna going to not put it so close we can clear the mask and remesh so we have the topology in here which we usually won't okay this still has the mind on his own let's put it back into place where it should be touching the ground front view but i can definitely agree that the small toe has this huge lower from the bump probably my bump is from another planet all right now as i talked about the different these three different shapes i thought that a small toe [Music] almost doesn't have a separation from the foot so so it will have this only one bump which we got right here [Music] of course let's not make these sharp lines let's script them out and smooth now as you can see from our reference let me add more colors because guess why not all right as you can see the toe has this shape and this bump happening over here so while keeping that in our lovely minds use draw sharp and draw that shape let's move of course let's make that the toes touching the ground the floor or wherever that your model is walking on let's make this bump clear the mask smooth let's hide most of the things that we have okay not the foot all right we have pretty nice looking feet with toes now i'm going to save smooth let's get our reference back i can see that these ones are way lower than the top and i think they're just in general too low because there should be a bony landmark in this place just like on this one and that's tension thingy which withdraw sharp i'm i'm gonna just like easily draw in and now with the clay strips i'm going to draw these tensions you can even go into the toes that's fine and i'm gonna smooth let's move hard so they are not very visible i definitely made the top way too tall drop them back and boom of course a bit much moving now let's shape the bottom so what i'm going to do is take a draw sharp and just draw something like this of course our small small toe needs to be close as well as our big toe almost no separation in shape now our our toes will have this separations and let's just move and of course make this one more spherical shape [Music] gonna have a bit like this okay probably made this too high so i'm gonna drag it down and have that a bit more of the spherical shape [Music] i'm gonna add some mess in here all right i think now let's do a bit more work if you're feeling like it if not i think this but is already pretty cool and amazing but we can go to the bottom view and just add again a bit more of the bumpiness to the foot don't add too much don't add too much smooth of course have that separation and a bit more tweaking don't tweak blindly use reference i'm looking at the reference i'm just going to take a crease brush and draw that separation not too hard probably drawn in too hard one time softly we got it now this is more like a game now and just looking where the light is not working too well and then going in and fixing it but we're kind of done we're kind of done just on this there's ship so i was talking about this crease i'm gonna add back this crease because i think it disappeared all right i hope you like this tutorial i hope it's going to work for you and i hope i see you in the next one okay thank you for watching and see you next time [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: DevilPeace Arts
Views: 3,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modeling, Sculpting, Devilpeace, DevilPeace Arts, Blender, Zbrush
Id: _sMXkMzGuQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 20sec (3560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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