Feelfree Lure's: Which One Is Best For YOU?

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hey guys damn from the headwaters kayak shop and let me beginning a lot of questions about the feel free lure family kayaks does the overdrive fit to ten what's the difference between the ten in the eleven five do I need a thirteen five so I thought I'd do a quick video to educate you guys on the differences on these three boats and help you decide what might work best for you in your budget so we're going to start with the feel for you lure ten this is a smallest kayak in the family ten-foot long 35 inches wide still a very high capacity boat but it is a little bit smaller so this is a great boat for people that want to flow rivers or just skinny or water share the same gravity seat so you got the adjustable height chair that has ten different points of the drop those ten different cliques all the feel free kayaks also start off the molded front handle they shared the same big opening in the front half so you have good access to the inside of the whole one of the places where the feel free ten is slightly different than the other two boats is in the cockpit so once you come in close here and I'll show you around a little bit the first thing you'll notice in the tent is the foot pedals this boat is not meant to take a rudder so they use a little bit more simplified foot pedal than they would on the lure eleven five or the thirteen five those two boats use what we call smart track this is just a basic adjustable pedal that allows you to slide forward and backwards and adjust your foot pedals here you'll see it's got a sinner hatch the sinner hatch opens up but it does not go through the boat this simply is to provide storage you could put tools your fish grips things you want access to throughout the day but it is not intended for the overdrive the thought process behind the lure 10 is let's create a really feature-rich kayak but keep it under a thousand dollars so most of the other boats feel free to lures 1259 for the 11 513 69 for the thirteen five so a lot of value packed into a bear small boat but it doesn't come without a few drawbacks anytime you go to a shorter boat you lose tracking and you lose your speed so for ten foot thirty five inches wide it's going to be more maneuverable but less tracking on all the books if you run a tri hole design and that does help with your tracking because these little grooves in the bottom of the lures help grip the water and keep it going straight it also creates a ton of stiffness in the whole you never have any issues with these warping denting or flexing so again the 10-foot lure is great for if you're floating rivers or in small bodies of water and you want an ultra comfortable C easy boat to stand up in but it does not take the rudder and it doesn't track quite as well some of the longer boats other features that it has since it's got the tracks on the side here it's got powell storage on either side Logan and handles to flush mount rod holders and most importantly on all the feel freeze is you get a really nice wheel built in on the keel so when you want to move maneuver it around you have a nice built in we own the keel so this is how standard the nice thing about the sonar pod become standard on the lure love and fire is that you can actually rig up your fish finder on top you've got two water proof grommets on this hatch so your transducer wires and your power wires can all run inside your battery can live inside here the extra transducer wire can get coiled up right in here and your transducer can mount right to the bottom so I'm just at the end of the day you have one unit with all your sonar that you can pull out of the boat and the other thing about the eleven five versus a ten is it's a little bit flatter boat it's also a little bit lower deck so it just tends to be a little bit more stable a little bit more forgiving and for a bigger guy it's just going to feel more comfortable it's going to track straighter and have more capacity so if you're 250 and up oh and you're thinking about a short boat you owe it to yourself to look it a little bit bigger lure eleven five probably the biggest upgrade is the fact that you can put a rudder on the lure eleven five course you can't do that on the 10 so you you're kind of limiting yourself it is a good value at the 10 but you're limiting yourself on what you can do with it where's the eleven five there's really no limit if you want to add a rudder no problem if you want a flow rivers no problem if you want to go in more open water you can do that too and then the biggest advantage is when you jump to the eleven five is you can remove the sonar and add in the overdrive so you can buy a kayak for 1,200 bucks and then after market get your pedal drive that installs in there so that's a really cool feature they're the only kayak that I know of that's doing a setup like this turning a regular paddle back into a so very cool so if you're a guy if you're a big guy lots of deck storage the lure 35 is kind of the the ultimate for that it's got a huge standing platform huge open deck st. big storage hatch in the front sitting molded in handles but they also have this cooler hatch that goes in the center that's a little insulated storage hatch so things you want access to throughout the day could either use it for tackle you could throw your your drinks and throw some ice in there a lot of room and a lot of storage right there still get this sonar pod so you have that ability to upgrade to the overdrive if you wanted to add your pedals it's just a big boat so if you're paddling bigger Lakes or you want to take it to the ocean or if you're just a bigger guy that appreciates compass' the instability you can't really get much better than this thirteen five I mean we've put guys up to 350 pounds in this boat and they can paddle it very comfortably without ever feeling like they're gonna flip it over now with any lure I suggest you start in a low seat people make the mistake of grabbing one of these boats brand new jack all the way off and taking it out take the time to get used to your boat if you're getting one of these start in the low position get used to your stability you'll be able to add to the sink all the way over onto its secondary edge and that boats just going to want to hunker there on this big bulbous edge from there once you get comfortable with that then start raising your seat up do a couple clicks at a time don't just go straight to the top and take some time to you know use your stand-up bar there stand-up leash here pick yourself up keep yourself stable keep your eyes on the horizon feel out your stability and if you do that and take the time you'll find this boat is incredibly easy to stand in even for somebody you know 65 300 pounds I think that's about it I think that the features are pretty much the same across the board it really comes down like a Goldilocks design what size is going to work best for your needs so if you have a small space or you're limited on how you can transport the lure 10 gives all the same features and benefits without the rudder or the officer for the pebble drive under thousand bucks the 11 5 it's probably our most popular gives you the maneuverability of a short boat but still the ability to put a overdrive on it or put a rubber on it the sonar pod and then if you're looking for like a tournament boat or you're a bigger guy that wants lots of space lots of storage lots of tracking his speed I'd recommend going to the 13:5 as always like I say in all my videos you come to like Goldilocks you get on the water and give up the feedback of what you think is going to work best for you if you're in the California area in Northern California at all make the trip to headliners come see us and let us get you on the water if you're not they go ahead and find a shop local to you that because ultimately it's your butt in the boat and you got to be happy with your investment so you guys thanks so much for watching be sure to click the subscribe button if I've missed anything of my walkthroughs which I'm sure I did leave it in the comment section so other people can learn from this video - until next time this is Dan wishing you happy battle-ax
Channel: Headwaters Kayak
Views: 111,940
Rating: 4.8736424 out of 5
Keywords: headwaters, kayak, fishing, feelfree, Native, Watercraft, lure, lure 11.5, lure 13.5, kayak fishing, review, walk through, educational video, kayak bass fishing, feelfree kayaks, yak a bass, kayak tournement, kayak fish finder, pedal drive kayak, feelfree overdrive
Id: _uLkVuWcJj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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