Feeding your Exes to our Reptiles for Valentine's Day!

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happy valentine's day everyone today we are going to be celebrating this loving holiday by naming mice after your exes and then feeding them to our snakes yay valentine's day [Music] about a week ago i made a post asking our patreon backers to nominate an ex of theirs to have a mouse named after them and then include a statement like an ending statement you'd like to share and we had about 250 submissions so it was really tough to decide which 15 of them we were going to share with you today because we have 15 rodents to feed off to various reptiles we're going to feed some snakes today we're gonna feed ally we're gonna feed rex of course some of these mice named after your exes so we're gonna have some fun you might be thinking that this is kind of a harsh way to celebrate valentine's day but zoos actually around the country do this pretty frequently and it's a good way to as our patreon back akira put it it's a good way to vent some emotions while still being generally harmless harmless in quotations as in the mouse still gets the mouse died the mouse died yeah but it's the circle of life yeah the snake still needs to eat exactly and this is a good way to offer some closure for people who have gone through rough times and rough breakups so let's start with a snake we're going to start with a milk snake and we're probably going to do rex near the end i think we'll save her till the end let's do pumpkin our albino nelson's milk snake pumpkin oh that one's name is milky mickey milkshake milky milkshake that's old energy that is wow yeah anybody got any hints from what video that's from i wonder if anyone will know what that's from on youtube probably but anyway this first mouse is getting named after times x yusuki the statement that tyne wanted to share regarding their ex was yusuke you thought that my place as a woman was in the kitchen well this is the only meal i'm ever having with you love time nice all right well yusuke it's your time oh oh no come back pumpkin i have food pumpkin yuzuki wants to say hi yusuki meat pumpkin pumpkin meat yuzuki oh a very polite grab from pumpkin uh pumpkin wants to show you yusuke his home that you um you had you what yep there you go yuzuki you can go into pumpkin's home okay goodbye goodbye all right next we are going to feed a bull snake let's feed still naughty oh still naughty i'll take care of her next she will definitely take care of an x for us we'll probably want to figure out who the x is before opening still naughty's enclosure yeah she'll jump on out yeah probably okay so we're gonna name this one after lisa's ex pascal hey pascal pascal you said you were disgusted by how i look you must have been blind oh lisa i can tell you right now you are perfect the way you are don't still is blind look at his face yeah he is blind it's time for pascal to say goodbye i think yeah or for us to say goodbye to pascal yeah hmm all right oh she's not ready i have a hunch aaron for a pastel here's a pascal pascal you want to meet pascal oh and there he goes she really wanted to show him his her home she sure did goodbye pascal bypass kill somewhere in there oh there you are goodbye next we're gonna mix it up and give a mouse to our snapping turtle chloe oh this is gonna be a good one this is gonna be fast i think yeah i don't know who's going to this one but it's going to be a quick one it sure will yeah this one we're going to name after msx taylor hey taylor hey taylor how's it going bud em's message to you is i guess i had to date a guy to find out i liked girls so we are going to feed taylor to our female snapping turtle chloe she'll take care of taylor hey do you want to meet taylor here he is your boyfriend oh she's hugging him she's hugging him yes with her mouth that's what she's doing okay he needs to breathe let him have to breathe no problem never mind goodbye taylor all right we are going to head into the zoo for our next snake because this patreon backer requested that their mouse get fed to one of our green tree pythons so we're we turned off the lights about 25 minutes ago so they should be waking up and they should be ready for a mouse so let's head over to the green trees all right so we are going to name our next mouse after kate's ex travis all right so travis here's travis travis is right there rip travis travis according to kate you're a jerk for manipulating me then ghosting me after a year of living together when i paid for everything and took care of you since you were out of work could you please feed him to one of the green tree pythons yep he can get fed to probably that male right there perfect he's right in front of the door and dolores is shedding right now yeah dolores is deciding tonight's the best night to shed well she's gotta look good for the video yeah look at her face it's so beautiful now yeah that's all we can see all right oh yeah i forgot to mention we're wearing our bucky's valentine's day shirts for this video that ed's parents gave to us oh there he goes ah travis i guess i don't have any other words then goodbye all right well goodbye one last time travis yep travis is uh no more and it's time to move on all right our next one we're gonna need our big tongs for and this one is getting named connor after his ex who wishes to remain anonymous but the message to connor hey connor hi connor message to you goes connor who not only broke up with me through facebook but then gas lit me into thinking i was the reason the relationship ended and it turns out you did it to be with another girl you really thought i'd come crawling back to you after everything you put me through hopefully you get fed to the rattlesnake the only thing possibly as toxic as you so what better snake to feed connor to than justin our timber rattlesnake justin do you want to meet connor hi say hi connor oh who could that be is that a new friend oh that was a good strike all right justin and as you all know they do not constrict they just strike it and come back later to eat it while the venom takes its uh and so we're just gonna leave him be so connor has about uh five minutes left about five minutes if that sorry connor goodbye connor i'm not so sorry actually oh justin's making friends with connor oh they love each other so much it looks like well one loves one more it might be one-sided all right should we move on to the fox snake sure all right he's just right over here and fox snake oh man you are everywhere right now the mouse we have for our fox snake we are going to now name karen and this was actually named after a family member so the statement that goes with this mouse karen this is your statement karen thanks for the emotional abuse during my childhood it only made me stronger as an adult from anonymous all right she must have done something yeah pretty intense okay well this is a feeder off to a fox snake i think we should probably feed her off want to meet karen who is this is this a new friend oh oh no definitely not a friend but a tasty meal goodbye karen goodbye karen all right next we are going to feed hypno our pixie frog our big boy our big boy hypno put him down there oh the hypno toad oh hail the hypno toad all right we are going to name this mouse robert from mrs menagerie we have a message for you robert you want to kiss goodbye here's a kiss goodbye oh this got me a good kiss kiss goodbye for robert oh my gosh wow that is definitely a sort of kiss that is a kiss to remember goodbye robert robert's not gonna remember it unlike snakes it's really easy to watch a frog eat the whole thing really quickly it really is all right moving on next up is our dearest ally yeah ali's all tuckered out yeah sitting in her best in spot it's kind of late good morning i'm sorry i know usually you're asleep right now all right this mouse is called well this one goes out to the nameless ones because i couldn't be bothered to remember your names that's how much of an impact you had on my life from carrie that's amazing that is amazing all right to all of the nameless ones all of the nameless ones ellie wake up wake up you have to you have to eat oh my gosh wow she really didn't like the nameless ones she did not holy cow she took care of them carrie can you imagine somebody waking you up with a hamburger and your first response is i think well that's what i would do if you gave me chocolate or a caribou coffee i'd be like if i threw chocolate in bed with you you would just explode like that i would i would al you can go back to sleep good night our next mouse we are going to name emily different emily did i submit one uh no this is from someone named mike oh okay he said you have had a mind that is true this is from mike oh my gosh it might be me okay so the message from mike to emily here is she's still my wife but i feel like this would be a great valentine's day present for her as we don't get into the holiday all that much i don't know if it's a good thing to name a dead mouse that's being fed to a snake after your current wife this will be the snake that embraces this mouse more than any other snake perfect okay then we're gonna go with that all right curly fry who is our brooks king snake would you like to enjoy emily this is from mike oh my gosh see look at that embrace oh how could you want anything more she is so lovingly held in his wrap his in his arms in his body in his body she's engulfed in his body perfect in a loving embrace forever and ever until he decides he wants to eat her yeah we weren't going to mention that now we're in our retail store area because it's actually the way to access our argentine boa exhibits look tara tiger merch oh yeah that's right we just got a bunch of it today we're very excited anyway we have a rat to feed to our beautiful argentine boa named phoenix who if you remember is the big girl who survived a house fire and she deserves all the snacks because she's such a strong girl anyway we are going to name this rat trevor which by the way we have a lot of great submissions for naming x's after naming rats after x's and a lot of comments about how the x's were kind of like a rat but we didn't use any of those just because we didn't want this to be too harsh of a video so while we appreciate all of those submissions and we got a good laugh from them we're gonna stick with this one instead so what did trevor do all right trevor this message is from your ex caitlyn caitlin says trevor now you can feed the snakes your lies too i'm sure they'll find them a lot tastier than i did nice that is creative that is good all right i'll run around so i can get a better view of this okay hey sharon all right let's see what's going on here oh geez hi i think she's a little bit hungry and emily's going in uh trevor trevor are you gonna be a friend of phoenix oh yep i believe trevor and phoenix were meant for each other goodbye trevor well we are down to just three remaining mice the three blind mice and we are going to feed them all to the same animal in our zoo and that's going to be rex oh rex is getting a valentine's day treat the first one we are going to name actually this is another family one this is going to be to dad so one of these mice is dead this isn't okay perfect this is a message from sharon to dad dad you were mean to me when i was a child thank you for smoking yourself into an early grave and missing my wedding you deserve to be snake poo which we are switching to you deserve to be gator poo all right all right so that's mouse number one i hope you're in a better place now sharon by the way and i'm very much looking forward to this mouse turning into gator poo on his behalf really good looking gator poo the second mouse is going to be named eric terry for lying about absolutely everything even his name you do look like a liar eric slash terry and the last mouse for today's video is going to be named after anna's ex cam because you owe me four thousand dollars and imagining you getting eaten by a snake or in this case an alligator is the only justice i'll ever get you need to pay back your debts cam come on cam well this mouse might not be worth four thousand dollars but hopefully it helps put your mind at ease a little bit yeah so it's only worth about like two dollars 250 something like that but hopefully it gives you a little bit of closure anna well when we feed rex we don't want her sitting out in her basking area because then she's right in front of the door able to jump out of the tour which happened once so we had to pick her up put her back in we don't want to do that so i actually have to call her into the pool and then ed is going to scatter these mice in her basking area to find i'm going to throw dad cam and terry slash some other made-up name that he came up with yep in this for her after emily calls her into the into the pool and one more shot of the cool ed in his pink shirt valentine's day okay they should really sponsor us by now come on come on now i've got her attention come here girl oh good girl you're such a sweetie yes you are yeah okay well i think it's got the door open so now she gets her reward for coming into the pool oh yep she's in the water one there's cam there's dad and there's eric slash terry oh my goodness she uh she brought that one in the pool with her oh she's gonna drown that one first oh poor dad getting drowned in the pool all right come on out and find cam and eric slash terry come on rex our twitch stream is going to go crazy by the way because they don't know we're doing this they're probably wondering why we're feeding rex so late at night come on rex there we go oh there goes eric slash terry oh and only oh and there goes cam all right rex good girl you still have one more in here if you want it by the way yeah she'll find it later yay rex i'm gonna try to call rex into her pool so she can finish off sharon's dad in the pool yeah he's down there not doing so well who knew sharon's dad didn't know how to swim who would have thought oh i hope that you all enjoyed watching today's video come on rex come on in and i hope that some of you were able to maybe get some closure from today's video as well and even though we were joking around and i'll admit i had a lot of fun and i think ed you had a lot of fun yeah we both had a lot of fun doing this video and reading everybody's suggestions anything in the world is she doing i don't know she's like putting the brakes on and she's just oh no it's so scary it's down here i'll squat i'll squat so she'll find it there we go yeah but in all seriousness we really do hope that if you're watching this you are in a healthy happy and safe relationship with someone that you can spend valentine's day with or if you're not if you're single that's totally cool too hopefully you're able to spend valentine's day with friends or family this year instead thank you everybody for watching today's video i hope you enjoyed it and as always thank you to our very generous patreon backers for all of your support and for participating in today's valentine's day special thanks for watching and happy valentine's day [Music] you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,713,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snake discovery, valentine's day, valentine's day 2022, reptiles, animals, pets, feeding snake, feeding reptiles, feeding lizards, feeding alligator, alligator eating, snake eating, lizard eating, tegu, bullsnake, rattlesnake, rattlesnake eating, timber rattlesnake, fox snake, snapping turtle, alligator rex, rex eating, green tree python, anti valentine's day, feed ex to pets, feeding ex to pets
Id: T7oa0919Lf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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