Feeding Cows & New Merch

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how's it going guys so i'm out in the freestyle barn right now checking the trolls gonna get going with the afternoon feeding just wanted to see what's left since this morning that little unit does a really good job gets most of it cleaned up but we don't have it run out any farther than this so just take the broom around one time first thing in the afternoon is to mix a batch for the dry cows start this tractor just going to put a little bit of halogen some mineral in feeding first cutting haylage out of this silo good stuff yeah loader's coming slow now so i need to turn it down an inch or so seven turns gonna stop it at 360. now we'll run out to the commodity barn now i'll put some chopped hay in and then we'll go shave the silage and put some of that into [Music] [Music] so i just need about a scoop and a half of silence for this batch i was driving over the mixer from here that's the whole dry cow batch we're gonna run it out [Music] i ran most of that feet out i left 400 pounds in the mixer we have 10 cows in the pre-fresh men this is up there i'm gonna add a couple of goodies to it and then we'll go run the rest out to them the pre-fresh cows are dry cows that are about to have their calf so we give them a little extra green and some mineral that helps get them ready for calving we'll give this to these cows [Music] now i'm gonna start the milk and cow batch we're gonna put the commodities in first corn soybean meal got molasses in that tank toasted soybeans put hay in and then i'll come over and grab the triticale out of the egg bag we like feeding out of the bag pretty good it makes good feed and it's a lot quicker than waiting for the silo before i get started with this batch i want to check the big magnet on this mixer so this is on the inside of the tub there just grabs any little pieces of metal that could be in the feed see if there's anything on got a there of metal right there that's good to see we got something [Music] i'm gonna head down to the feed room now we're gonna put haylage out of the silo and mineral in i got everything i need at the feed room i'm just gonna sweep this feeding flappers then we'll head out to the bunks and get corn salad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it for the evening feeding so i don't know if you guys notice what i'm wearing this is the new 10th generation dairyman merch got a t-shirt and a hat so we're doing a little bit different now i'm working with my sisters they set up a website and they're gonna do all the packaging and ship out of here so if you guys want to purchase merch check out the link it's in the description out of the website t-shirts are 20 bucks hats are 20. they have the mesh back velcro let me know what you guys think of the logo so we have a bunch of shirts here we might sell out but we're going to get more should be enough to get us going anyway you
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 149,538
Rating: 4.9772391 out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: Fs4NJ83ZWZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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