Corn Silage Harvest Efficiency

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how's it going guys so we're going to be chopping again today filling the second bunk and also a couple of upright silos so it should be a pretty busy day they're not going to actually be chopping for a couple more hours so i'm going to get some hay bales and just set them on the edges to hold the plastic for now the bunk is ready to go they're planning to be here in about two hours but they're actually going to start filling a upright silo first that's down at the heifer farm so we're gonna actually go down there in a little bit and set that silo up i'm at the farm where we keep our heifers now we're gonna be filling this silo on the left it's 20 foot diameter by 72 feet tall with corn silage so we have to get these gates out of the way and clean the ground up a little bit we gotta raise the unloader for them to fill with them [Music] i got the unloader taken apart a little bit so it's ready to raise up we just got to lift it up to the top into the roof up there so that we can fill it up and then we'll be able to set up the unloader on top once we're done i'm just going to go through there's a couple doors up through here that need to be closed a bunch of them are already closed up there there's just some of the bottom i got to get [Music] so we got the winch running now which is raising the unloader just winding this cable up and that cable runs up to the top of the silo and then down and holds the unloader there dad's gonna stay in the feed room and watch the winch i'm gonna climb up the outside of the silo and then i'll tell them when to stop it once we're at the top [Music] a little scary up here it's a nice view though this winch is pretty slow in this silo so i'm gonna have to wait a bit still way down there we got the unloader raised to the top as high as we can get it there and the feet will shoot out of the spout it'll be right below it we're ready to fill sounds like the chopper is here right now so they're going to get started we got to get the blower hooked up so so so they're working on filling that heifer salad right now and that corn is actually being purchased from a neighbor we had a neighbor that had an extra 15 acres of corn he kind of wanted to sell for silage so we said we'd buy it so that's where that's coming from but we're actually going to hook the case back up to the weight try this one again so last video the case had another breakdown the uh one hydraulic line busted we got that fixed up so we're gonna see if it works for us today she seems to like to give issues when we're trying to pack bunk with it for some reason [Music] so [Music] [Music] quite a few loads still to go in here [Applause] these guys have been busy this week they're running around the clock right now so they're doing a shift change they're going to get started now with the bunker silo the heifer styler's not full yet but they're gonna finish that later we want to get the bunk done yeah it feels about right [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] just had a new calf form [Music] he's ready for a second tractor now now the bunk in the middle there that we did first was 42 feet wide and this one's 34 feet wide so we're gonna have to uh be a little more careful not to run into each other so now we're chopping again they actually stopped for about an hour a little bit more because the chopper had an issue that they had to work on but they got it going now we actually got a different rig that we're trying out this year we used one of these a few years ago a little bit but it's a sheep's footed roller and they say these do a good job especially on the top to get that top layer of the bunk finished good then i'm going to fire it up and take it on the bunk right now and see if i can get the back wall packed better it's a vibrating roller and it's a sheep's foot so that kind of packs to the second level it's not just packing the surface like a round roller wood [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back on the tractor now for a bit funk's getting fuller seems to be yielding while this lake corn is doing better than the early corn this is the second to last load coming in right now now that they're done with the bunk they're going to start working on that silo again that they had started this morning it's about two-thirds full or a little more they got to finish that silo and then switch over and do another silo so it's gonna be a pretty long night i started running the tractor again because i felt like it did a little bit better on the hill and getting along the edges of the bunk but i'm gonna switch back to the sheep's footed roller to finish up [Applause] it's a little after 10 o'clock and we just got the bunk filled cows are done being milked for the third time today so we just got to go ahead and cover it it's dark so you probably won't be able to see much we're spreading the plastic out as you can't see all right we're making progress we're throwing tires on the bunk now but i had to come check this silo got a couple more loads and now we're up almost to the top my distributor is not quite throwing it evenly it's more to the left side so i might have to stop a little earlier because we're we're not filling that far corner there but we'll get this last load in and then we'll switch to the silo of the home [Music] farm so okay funk number two is done so we got the bunk done and covered and the silo at the heifer farm was full now we switched them up to the silo at the home farm there's just uh about 11 acres of non-bmr corn they're putting in that silo and we're going to mix that in with the cow feed a little bit we want to feed mainly the bmr tomorrow we'll level those tiles off and get the unloaders going i think i'm going to make a separate video of that so that's going to be it for this one i'll catch you in the next one thanks guys i'm going to have to wait until these guys are done so got some chocolate milk and i'm going to work on editing a video again my office is basically done we'll have to do a full tour of this once it's completely finished so yeah
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,794,141
Rating: 4.8449402 out of 5
Keywords: farming, harvest, dairy farm
Id: FzSfasCsyxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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