Feast on These Six Tasty Stories

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[Music] it's Thanksgiving turkey stuffing mashed potatoes but the one thing that is always stood out is a bit of a head-scratcher sweet potato casserole we're pretty sure sweet potatoes and marshmallows weren't at the original Thanksgiving so what happened sweet potatoes have been around forever and marshmallows this sticky gooey mess actually comes from a plant and has been around since ancient Egypt a delicacy only pharaohs could eat okay fast-forward to the 20th century marshmallows were a big deal expensive and essentially the crystal of sweet treats and not only that but they were even handmade marshmallows became a mainstay for highfalutin housewives see back then housewives would have to make whipped cream or even meringue by hand but the marshmallows were a modern time-saver the first recipe that paired sweet potatoes and marshmallows appeared in 1918 in a trade journal cleverly named sweet potatoes and yams as marshmallows grew in popularity and began being mass-produced more and more recipes began implementing them as an everyday ingredient nowadays marshmallows are generally reserved for campfires and hot chocolate and this non traditional traditional favorite whether you like your sweet potatoes on a marshmallow or plain happy Thanksgiving [Music] the very thought of Thanksgiving drums up foods worth salivating over like stuffing mashed potatoes and of course the tofurkey but this Thanksgiving veggie substitute wasn't just whipped up overnight it actually took years of trial and error so we called the guy who invented it I am Seth Tibbett and I am the inventor of tofurkey Seth Tibbett was living in Oregon he was a teacher and a self-professed hippy who lived somewhere shall we say unusual I built my own three-story tree house out of scavenged wood he was also a serious vegetarian so serious that he started his very own tempeh making company and I made soy tempeh 5 grain tempeh and a sausage tempeh called Temper Oni and I just made tempeh for the first 15 years but there was a problem which was finding something to eat at my own Thanksgiving you see at the time there were no main dishes for vegetarians available so Seth set out to solve the problem and it wasn't so easy first he created a stuffed pumpkin the stuffed pumpkin was the famous one that we still talk about the whole thing and the pumpkin was that it collapsed in the oven and it seemed more like a side dish than a main dish then there was the gluten roast which was really an all-day thing took like eight hours literally it was just too tough to cut with any kind of implement that we had other than a chainsaw which we did not bring to the table eventually seth teamed up with his friend hans he was making these tofu roasts had a little bit of gravy in there with them we've had at the drum s because we were mimicking the turkey and marketed it under the name tofurkey throughout the years the recipe evolved we soon realized that this is a vegan feast and vegan plants don't have legs so yeah it's been a long journey long strange tempeh trip as a hippie would say and now around here we call Turkey a Tofurky substitute I can imagine us having Thanksgiving wherever we are in our universe you know whether it's Pluto Mars the moon or wherever I think as we explore as a civilization we'll take our traditions with us in break bread in that same way I spent Thanksgiving in space on my second space shuttle mission in 2009 there were seven astronauts total we were like around a campfire with no campfire but floating in the air my Thanksgiving meal was irradiated smoked turkey we had thermally stabilized cornbread dressing rehydrated green beans and oh my goodness these other kind of crazy kind of candied yams we always play with our food in space so I think maybe and green being a tool was floated over and you you know catch the green bean it was pretty cool off the planet you're in this incredible community of explorers and that was one thing that I really felt so connected to as these people that I'm breaking bread with and being thankful for all Thanksgiving Day I'm sure the pilgrims or the Native Americans probably never would have imagined Turkey in space Thanksgiving on Mars would be you know similar to being on the space station except for your food wouldn't be floating around because there's one six G on Mars so you know one sixth of the gravitational pull on on the planet Earth you would have your irradiated smoked turkey on the table sitting there not floating away [Music] people need to understand that all of North America is indigenous land it is native land people tend to forget that there was a vibrant native culture living in all parts of North America and food is really the piece that's going to help us move forward into a brighter future my name is Sean Sherman and I am a chef I own the company the sous-chef so this is going to be two pieces per plate for these our mission is revitalizing Native American foods and re-identifying North American cuisine we've tried really hard to maintain authenticity by removing all of the colonial ingredients like dairy wheat flour processed sugar beef pork chicken and we're just using a lot of wild game a lot of the native agricultural heirloom variety lot of the wild foods around us and are really making those plates that tastes like a region most of these ingredients are very familiar to people but the usage of a lot of the wild plants really talked about a place in a community [Music] we prioritize purchasing from the indigenous vendors first because we really want to open up a lot of opportunity for indigenous people growing out firearms or collecting things from the wild or raising animals so for the big dinner we're actually cooking this bison down with a bunch of fresh cedar and some bergamot we will purchase from anybody raising these indigenous pieces because it is such an important part of the landscape in the history you know you want it as we travel around the country we like to make dinners and foods that really represent those areas what's great about being able to do these dinners especially in non-indigenous communities is just to bring awareness this kind of food that we're eating today like you're gonna feel really good when you leave here you're not gonna feel heavy and weighted down you're gonna feel energized and just happy because you're knowing where this food is coming from we feel like anybody across North America will benefit from the understanding of the indigenous food systems around you and it's all going to help us move forward [Music] there's lots of amazing food in the Philippines but there's one amazing culinary tradition that's big enough to feed an army hi I'm chef and I own will fight Manila butl Bootle what what's a Buddha fight [Applause] I would or a feast set up on banana leaves just a food piled in the middle with everyone standing shoulder to shoulder in the best part is everyone eats with their bare hands it originated with the Philippine military soldiers took the practice home and it went mainstream so mainstream that chefs like Jeff now have full-time jobs bringing boodle fights to the masses the boodle fight is a quintessential example of how filipinos value sharing especially when it comes to pay for this either for good or try to be enjoy the way it's meant to be we love Balintawak market this is where balloon fight comes together we'll be needing the essentials for it chickens seafood veggies dessert the sides and of course the fruits and do not forget the star of the show the banana leaves shoosh I am full already we start with a messy part with a grilling first the pork chicken a seafood and then you slice the fruits steamed the veggies together with the shrimp and the crab and then slice all the sides and prepare the table after setting up the banana leaves it is important to look for the center of the table and start from there you can place the dessert and fruits then on both sides start with the rice pork chicken and seafood to make it extra delicious at the sides literally on the side of the table the Philippines has a lot of choices when it comes to food but none compared to the community that develops when sharing a pile of food barehanded with the people you love you cakes cookies and brownies no we're not going to show you how to make them because they can be made with ease thanks to Betty Crocker who was born in 1921 in Minnesota well kind of in 1921 the Washburn Crosby company now known as General Mills ran a contest for people to complete the puzzle for the most coveted prize a pin cushion yes one of your very own surprisingly a lot of people wrote in to claim their prize but with a little PS they wanted baking advice so the customer service department began to reply and and make their tips seem more genuine they sign their letters Betty Crocker Betty because it was a cheery all-around American sounding name and Crocker after a board member not being a real person didn't stop Betty Crocker from having a very successful radio show the Betty Crocker cooking school of the air with a different accent in every state but the lies don't stop there let's talk about that added ingredient the egg you don't need to add a fresh egg to powdered cake mix but science says it makes us feel like we aren't cheating and were better providers so thanks Betty Crocker for making us all feel like we know how to bake [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 360,632
Rating: 4.8509259 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, feast, tasty, food, thanksgiving, holiday, great big reels, flavors, food & drink
Id: kU6T_OhXkWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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