We’ve Got 5 Saucy Stories, and We’re Ready to Dish

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whether you like it hot sweet or savory a good sauce adds that extra kick to any meal where's the water here are some spicy secrets behind this special sauce i don't think there is a contradiction between a simple life and a spicy food perhaps someone who's living a simple life needs to have something to spice it up maybe that works my name is father richard walds and i am a monk of subiaco abbey which is a monastery in subiaco arkansas after i graduated from high school i entered the monastery so i've been 55 years a month [Applause] monk sauce which we produce here at tsubiaku abbey is an habanero pepper sauce we call that monk sauce because it's monk made anybody who has handled habanero peppers knows that you should not be doing this without a glove on a good monk is a good balance between prayer and work it ought to be done you want to find out if it's any good [Music] where's the water huh i suspect that a lot of people have kind of fanciful ideas about monks and what they do and they get into the monastery and they find out that monks are very much like everybody else [Music] i feel very close connection to the land in this area the longer that i was here the more i realized that god got me here because he knew how to be in a community the community is a very important thing to me ketchup so american it's basically the red in red white and blue right and that red clearly is from the tomatoes the ketchup is made from but that wasn't always the case the first recorded recipe for ketchup comes from china and for more than a thousand years it wasn't even made with tomatoes it was made with fish guts [Applause] [Music] fish intestines bladder and stomach all mixed together with salt then sealed and heated in the hot summer sun for 20 days that was the original ketchup a fermented fish paste that dates back to 6th century china it was popular throughout southeast asia and british and dutch settlers who arrived in the 1600s loved this stuff over time they brought ketchup home to europe and added their own modifications including beer mushrooms walnuts oysters strawberries and peaches by the mid-1700s english ketchup was a mainstay on british dinner tables and as colonists went west it soon made its way across the pond that's where tomatoes come in they're native to the americas and it's rumored europeans once believed they were poisonous but poisonous they were not in 1812 a philadelphia horticulturalist and scientist by the name of james mease introduced tomatoes into the mix he published a tomato ketchup recipe that was the beginning of a new crimson era from there many different iterations were concocted and by the end of the 18th century the new york tribune called tomato ketchup america's national condiment that was on every table in the land which brings us back to this tomato ketchup is here to stay and i for one don't miss the fish guts [Music] everyone loves sauce but in korea there is one sauce that goes on everything gojujeng it's tangy it's sweet it's spicy and in korea no one makes it better than the people in this small town welcome to sunchang [Music] she's been making gojujeng for 40 years on gets its taste from fermented soybean bricks sun chang village has a naturally humid climate that is perfect for fermenting the beans foreign [Applause] [Music] to be forgotten so she offers workshops to visitors in the hopes they will learn how to make her special sauce and continue the gojijang tradition [Music] of foreign [Music] you remember this can the sweet sauce the soft noodle this was childhood but did you know that chef boyardee was an actual chef he was his name was hector and he made a mean pasta sauce but it wasn't hector sauce that made chef boyardee the household name that it is today you can thank the u.s military for that in the 1930s hector berti opened up an italian restaurant in ohio and everyone was like oh my god i love your sauce so he started selling it and he sold a lot of it a lot a lot by 1938 he had opened up his own factory selling his sauce and pasta can ask for chef boyardee's spaghetti dinner only about 15 cents a serving then world war ii happened and a phone call was made u.s military called hector had said something like help make food for the troops he already had the canning infrastructure so hector said all right his company shifted from a civilian consumer base to a military one chef rd became the largest supplier of rations to us and allied forces production was happening 24 7. by the end of the war the factory was too large and the military demand no longer existed hector didn't know what to do so he sold it to this large company called american home products who were all like we got this they quickly rebranded and distributed the can as easy to make at home meals and filled supermarket shelves across the united states so today when we buy chef boyardee we're actually eating rebranded world war ii field rations yep it's part of the secret sauce in your big mac the condiment in your reuben it's creamy yet tangy zesty and named after a breathtaking part of new york state i'm talking about thousand island dressing the origin of thousand island dressing traces back to the highest ranks of american society how did it all come to be well that's where things get interesting two tales lie at the heart of the thousand island dressing dispute there is alan benus former owner of the thousand island inn where he claims the dressing was first served to the public and then there's george bolt a legendary hotelier whose chef created the dressing and had it served at his hotels we tracked down a george bolt expert to explain his story george bolt was a russian immigrant he rose to one of the most prominent hotel men of the nation he also loved to vacation in the thousand islands one day mr boat and his wife louise were taking a boat ride on one of their yachts and the chef on board forgot salad dressing so he improvised and created what became to be known as thousand allen dressing he loved the dressing so much he began serving it at the wall of historia hotel in new york city but according to the other guy alan bienis it's nothing but hearsay the dressing was originated by the wife of a clayton fishing guide named sophia lalone she gave the recipe to the original owners of the hotel where it was first served to the dining public after we purchased the hotel and going through looking at everything in the safe was a sheet of paper with a recipe on it and i wasn't sure what it was i took it out to our kitchen staff and the head cook said it looks to me like a recipe for thousand islands dressing so will we ever learn the truth nothing is more popular than competing legends or as delicious
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 174,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, New Releases, Great Big Reels, Food & Drink, Flavors, food, drink, suces, sauce, hot sauce, tomato sauce, Chef Boyardee, spice, Thousand Islands, secret sauce, Korea, New York, monks, hot peppers
Id: pdc2SRrvqu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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