Four Tasty Stories That Will Leave You Wanting More

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[Music] [Music] chicken you can eat it for breakfast lunch dinner and dessert yes I said dessert venom is Mohammed och Bora Szechuan Da Capo no Michelle domos Megan is Kanak malevich's Mahmood is the manager master chef and second-generation owner of this charming pudding shop one of the puddings they specialize in is Tuvok gosu also known as chicken breast pudding boo Choji skier Daniel and mahogany me togusa ot named Amber Lee Yahweh shave ice tea elderly Shotaro a baklava Larry - mom endure a talky solarek mr. bokun pune ayatul terrace tokyo by sebastian gia is a Batista's intricate it is step one boil chicken just enough to take apart the white meat and then move on to step two makes water buffalo milk with some cow's milk like you do and get that boiling once that boils you can move on to step 3 add in some broken rice and once that starch is mixed with that water buffalo milk you've got yourself an emulsifier and that my friends is how you make telugu sudha Aldens umbrella vomited no Pennsylvania Josiah tawa desiderio solution there among you shall be missing Canaria nutritious check amazing flavor check check and the people of Turkey really love it yes initially available here after the anaxander hear me - can I use Tony for language sure usually tenemos una mr. wizard chakras are in the South deserves their models they then parka Jim is a severity appears save Eric a lazy optimism on foodon a mechanically yah Laguna Salada they were met religious we got to an abortion say sue : CC extra in suit Antica [Music] in the middle of the French Pyrenees there's a cake that's been spinning and spinning and spinning for over two centuries Joseph Pierre has formed a society to keep the recipe going the map in Azusa Foster is feeling pretty down there I completely you got to an abortion ah and he's in charge of a cake with quite a curious past really spot on abortion Lupo Conan Cooney soos only sold at the Napoleon and E Honda son Janko homicide on a hooker to the who she the cake is a reminder that losing isn't always bad as Napoleon soldiers retreated from Russia they picked up the recipe from several Eastern European countries and brought it all the way to the Pyrenees for many people including Joseph in his Brotherhood have kept the bacon going Lakhan fili ET que la bien - Vinton Lucia conceit only shock encephalopathic unsafely metal a pata so what's in it Sanders guajillo de Barra da Tijuca guajillo the Farina deleted Ahn jung-hwan the Holika pero su Cthulhu party common carp s cursing - AHA so feel more open on certain loco person propeller pata original new commands own opposite a kusuda pata de casa su casa silva a new personal apart abandon Capitan Kira so departed Allah Mohammed Samuel fatigue apart only legato allah masha you are we know nonporous casa [Music] nozomi no sane contender Gatto paha say to tradition / du haut de Peterson's on path Kaluga to Alamosa yovanna legato incontrollable totally foetida familia sandy answer dollars one fabric on saga to pass Colonel impression the transmat Raquel cosa you know 16 Avila a to lotion and Sica to lee jung-hyun only eating [Music] haven't you ever had those times in your life where you just feel all consumed with tasting something again that you haven't had in years and years that's really what I'm doing here is bringing back those incredible desserts those incredible experiences that have gone extinct I put myself through this process of resurrecting deserts because I truly feel that a good desert can change the course of your day I'm Valerie Gordon owner of Valerie confections and I'm also a desert anthropologist the way this project of resurrecting historic deserts began was in 2009 the food editor from the Los Angeles Times magazine asked me to create a Blum's coffee crunch cake for an article that she was doing and it was this amazing full circle moment because I grew up with that cake I know that cake and I missed that cake terribly plums was an incredible bakery and cafe in California there were eight locations the last one closed in the 80s when the article came out and we literally received 125 phone calls from people going oh my god I want this cake the desserts that I resurrected to date are of course the coffee crunch cake from Blum's I've brought back the banana shortcake from Jason's the Brown Derby grapefruit cake is another cake that I've resurrected and now is soon to be the coffee Estes Sunday as well the Anthropology of the desert resurrection is really one of the most interesting parts of all of this I start the research process at the Central Library there is a room and this is a very well guarded room called the menu vault there are menus that date back for 150 years I find that looking at the actual menus is so much more gratifying than just pulling something up online because you're really getting to the heart and soul of the place you're almost transported into that place at that time by holding something that these people held you really are now I email a bunch of people or I call a bunch of people who were natives to Los Angeles or whatever city the bakery was in to find out hey do you remember this do you remember that we always used to call this the adult Sunday because this is the one my mom would eat can they describe the texture of a whipped cream can they tell me whether there was vanilla in it or not I'm pretty sure they did one basic yeah recipe for whipped cream and then flavored accordingly and right it was little kid whipped cream one cherry yes this is amazing like you've been indispensable I'm not particularly interested in retro it is about reliving those sense memories it's sort of like when you hear a song that was your favorite song from 1982 you're really thrown back into that moment it's become this very emotional very fulfilling part of my job to bring these cakes back for people [Music] these little custard tarts these eggy sugary treats are everywhere in Portugal here here and here some say the prestige the meringue is the original post age Donata or a custard tart in this little factory through this kitchen there's a recipe that has been kept top secret for almost 200 years like this one guys you can get in here I'm sorry ok I'm Miguel perineal I am part of the management's of the stage blind this special recipe you will only find here at this shop we sell an average of about 20,000 tarts day in the summer maybe around 40,000 cakes a lot of cakes stage doubling as they call them here are simple tarts really egg yolk milk some flour sugar but it's how they make them in complete secrecy that makes these tarts a national treasure we have six people knowing the recipe in the family my father my cousin and myself Miguel Farina the three chefs Vitor Dominguez le0 Romero and Carol Lewis Martine the recipe is so secret all the Baker's signed non-disclosure agreements to keep the timeless tarts a true mystery which taste of life is one of the earliest recipes at least here in Lisbon we know that the recipe was invented in the monastery of Geronimo's in the early 19th century this one once they have the recipe the chef's now sworn to secrecy are given keys to this door they work inside the factory in a separate room that we call the obscene a loose gravel in Portuguese like the secret shop or secret room they have to work in a separate room the process can only be seen by them so today we haven't found anyone that explained the recipe as it is if it happens well we probably would have to lock him up in the basement and throw away the key no just kidding okay secret keeper what's the best way to eat one of these custard tarts usually I like it simple but that's just me most people like with a little bit of cinnamon on top this is the hard part of the job it's a super hard I don't know how you do it
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 1,104,733
Rating: 4.8836541 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, human condition, flavors, new releases, food, sweets, great big reels, French, Cake, Desserts, Sweet, Portugal, Cakes, Tasty, Cake spit, Food & Drink, Biography & Profile, Travel & Adventure, Travel, Explore, Food funt, Nostalgic, Hungry, Treats, Los Angeles, California, Confections, Dessert Anthropologist, Banana Shortcake, Fruits, Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Donuts, Tarts, Pasteis de belem
Id: FvKEKff3rmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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