Feast of Tabernacles 2017- "The City of David"- AnaRina Heymann

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our next speaker this morning and this is just a little to fall taste you might be seated and be on your seats we will have a very exciting presentation right now and an arena will be with us a little bit later she will have one of the Senate seminars one of the most exciting probably the most exciting excavation that is going on right now here in the Holy Land is taking place in the City of David and you will not believe what you are going to heal they are finding the history of David King David from 3,000 years ago it's unfolding before our eyes it's in a way God working here in this land and a miraculous way through scientists through archaeologists and they are uncovering biblical truth right here in the city of Jerusalem one of the leading forces in that is the City of David organization represented by an arena this morning and would you please help me to give a very warm welcome to an arena from the City of David so long and here we say I am lyosha lime welcome to Jerusalem it actually means blessed are those who come to Jerusalem can I see whose first timers in Jerusalem first timers Wow amazing okay now Cheryl fans of people that's been here before Wow okay so we have a 50 50 and also just give me people that has been to the City of David wow I feel great because you haven't made it to Jerusalem if you haven't made it to the City of David and we have to figure out how that works I just want to see if we're happening there we go Naima ante on low official my unusual I'm Laura Scott I did second know got Sitka Fischer attack Lafitte give for the sake of Zion I will not be quiet and for some sake I will not be silent until her vindication her righteousness goes forth as a shining brightness and her salvation like a burning torch now this very important that I have 10 minutes to do heart surgery on you today so I want you to quickly go with me to the Holly our Zechariah 2 if you can take your Bibles and go there because we have to go really fast the world is shaking and I think we saw that when it came to you know the monthly law just before Yom Kippur just before Rosh Hashanah in that month it says God is in the field the king is in the field he comes to us and he coaches us through to get ready for the new year and I think this this month had passed a felow we saw that his footprints were very steady in the world through all the nature and all the storms that happen and we have to understand what's happening here I'm gonna read the last two verses of the colony as the quraíam - and it says there the Lord will take Judas for himself as his portion in the Holy Land and he will choose Jerusalem again now this is very important because most people think that Jerusalem is history Jerusalem is future and if you see yourself as somebody that needs to pray for Jerusalem if you see yourself as somebody that needs to understand what's going to happen in the future two things are very important Jerusalem together with the Jewish people but also God's timing and I have to show you what's happening right now the next verse is very important because it says be silent all flesh before God for he has roused himself from his holy habitation what is waking God up what is stirring God to take his get up from his throne and to start doing the next thing what is that one thing is the fact that God chooses Jerusalem again Jerusalem is pivotal in what's happening right now and I want to show you what's happening after that because in the next chapter it speaks about Joshua the high priest where the accusers the Satan comes and he accuses him when he says you're not gonna make it and God Himself comes and he rebukes the Satan nobody rebukes a certain God himself rebukes him but he does it in the 1 it says here the Lord rebuke you our King by the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you two things here if you want to get God to move you have to remind him that he is choosing Jerusalem again the second thing that you have to do if you want to see God rebuke the accuser he does it in the name of the one that chooses Jerusalem so with this very important it's very interesting for me that people come because something very ironic strikes when you get to Israel everybody gets to Israel yeah and then they get to Jerusalem I'm in the holy city they come to the old city that put their hands on the wall of the Kotel but the problem is saying never gate to Zion and they never get to the ancient biblical Jerusalem where you are sitting right now you are sitting in prophecy you guys are sitting with prophecies happening right now but you're sitting in this much do you know what that means because the prophecy says you will stretch out to the right into the left and your children will come back and they will say make room for me I don't have place to stay all of that this much prophecy but the place where all prophecy in Jerusalem is encompassed in it's a sliver of land that is this big and this is what you need to start understand because if you want to be a Watchmen on the walls of the real Jerusalem you need to know where that place actually is so what if I told you today but we have discovered the true location of the ancient biblical Jerusalem and it's right there in the City of David what if I I just quickly want to show you because now you can see that the City of David lies outside the old city you know people come and I when I have to go to the city of David I see them running around on the old city walls and they pray and I shout at them I say to them but you guys are praying on the wrong walls the walls of the old cities 450 years old the City of David - Samuel 5:7 says and David took the start of Zion and he called it the City of David that lies outside and God wants you to thinking outside the box you have to understand if you want to realign yourself if you want to align yourself with prayer you better start aligning yourself with things are actually happening so I'm inviting you to come to the City of David and see what's happening right now you can also see where the ancient Jerusalem actually lies today and now I want to say also what if I told you that prophecies being fulfilled 24 hours seven days a week in this place if we say the Jerusalem has to rise if Jerusalem is actually important if God chooses Jerusalem again we have to find her first for 2,000 years we didn't know where she was she completely disappeared I'm gonna speak to that about that in my session anybody that wants to understand how you have to align yourself with prayer in the coming days you have to be in that session it's in seminar room 4 I'm gonna really show you how you have to align yourself with time shake off your dust arise take your rightful place Oh Jerusalem through the excavations that's happening right now every stone that we uncover opens up the ancient city's voice to speak to God and what does she do when she speaks to him she calls back back her son's house the only thing that she wants back she wants her son's back and we do that by uncovering this city every day look at that they shall build up the ancient ruins they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities the devastations of many generations what we find we're slowly putting the ancient city back together again piece by piece exactly as it is written in the prophesies another very important thing that we've done we found the road we found the road that leads all the way from the Shilla womp all this Silla Wan pool up to the Temple Mount the final is st. the final is saying that every pilgrim had to walk within two years from now you will be able to walk that ancient path but as we open up the ancient path all the modern paths are opening up to Jerusalem everything that we do in this city opens up God's move in the world and you can see here it says and you will called the repairer of the breach the restorer of the streets in which to dwell and let me just show you what's happening this is Scylla one pool that's where the temple was and that road leading up is now being excavated I'm gonna speak about this very intensively in the session that we were gonna cover cover their ears the part of our excavations you can see the line where the the road actually is and there you can see how far she sunk down where you couldn't see her 2,000 years Jerusalem speaks to God and she says to him you've forgotten me they say just actually say that Jerusalem as a soul and she speaks to God and she said to him but you completely forgot me and he said canon mother forget it nursing children even these my forget but I will never forget you and in an eighth son it rots on I want you to speak Hebrew today I ate a hot Sun you're gonna have to say that louder it a lot son it in a time of favor I will remember you and suddenly in 25 years we get back to the actual location of the ancient biblical Jerusalem let's see what that means when we speak about timing 150 years ago Charles Warren rediscovered the ancient city after that on the timeline where we are seventy years after that seventy years where we are now we are in 70 years of the rebirth of the State of Israel 70 years is the year of a king but with a Mela King David was 70 years old when he died - the day did you know where he got his years from he got it from undone if you look at how old Adam was I don't want supposed to live thousand years he gave seventy of his years to the victim Elif and you will see that Adam was only 930 years old when he died so the vitamin-a 70 years we are in 70 years we are in this cycle of the year of a king and we are getting really excited about what that is going to bring 50 years ago we had the reunification of the old city or Jerusalem that brought us to the place where we could again reach the actual location of the ancient biblical Jerusalem and they see where we are now today 25 years guys can you see how it's speeding up we were at the Arrowhead 2,000 years nothing we are at the Arrowhead way this is speeding up 25 years of intensive excavations at the city of David and amazing things are happening as we're doing it now I want to show you something else and you're gonna I spoke about it he actually brought it to my attention when we were in America at the NRB between one hundred and fifty years and the actual time when Allen became and he liberated Jerusalem there you can see it over there fifty years cycle jubilee cycle what is the Jubilee Jubilee brings you back Jubilee sets you free and Jerusalem was liberated that is a fifty year cycle that's a jubilee cycle then we go and we have another fifty years cycle and that's with a refinish reunification of Jerusalem and right now another 50 years cycle and you are sitting here right now at the end of that Jubilee cycle can you imagine how this beckons what is gonna happen next and not only that the 50 years cycle couples together with the 70 year cycle and something amazing is stirring in the City of David that's where we are that's where we are today I'm gonna speak about the name of Jerusalem you shall name but I'm gonna speak about how it appears only five times in the Bible that appears in the Bible more than 600 times but the name you'll shall lime as we call her today only appears five times small little difference shaking the world right now the youth between the lammott and the mem what's happening it speaks about the two Jerusalem Jerusalem on earth Jerusalem in heaven and according to the Jewish Scriptures according the Jewish sages God said I will not enter the heavenly Jerusalem until I can enter the earthly Jerusalem again he who chooses Jerusalem again I want that to sink in today for you guys I want you to understand that this city has to rise to align herself with her heavenly counterpart only then we will start seeing things happen only then we will start seeing us moving forward to the future so you want to get to the prophecy you can come to the City of David where you can become a tangible part of that prophecy on your walls o Jerusalem i have set watchmen all day and all night they will never keep silent all day and all night we have started now around about three months ago we've put another shift in we are now working around the clock to liberate the city from her ancient from a millennia old prison she's kidding and she's being liberated right now we are doing our part I know when you go to Genesis where Moses had to move the people were starting they saying Pharaoh is behind us we have to move God said to Moses why are you shouting why you praying to other people to move for 2,000 years the Jewish people prayed but now we have her now we can start moving on on the Taylor Sancta we can move on the holy ground we can start moving forward and then it says and give him no rest until he establishes and makes to Jerusalem again a praise to the earth only in our generation right now you can become a tangible part of that prophecy and if you go to Psalm 122 it says for the sake of my brothers and my friends I will pray for your Shalom not peace Shalom it's a very very different and much deeper understanding because Shalom actually means for her illness she needs to become whole and that needs to happen when you start praying for her wholeness there comes a security over you and your people and your families the last scripture that's happening right now is Jeremiah 38 or am i three eighteen go check out what it says it says vineeth natal heal of tila the city will again be built on her towel you hear the word Tel Aviv Tel dontel she also has a tell she will again be built on that town on her foundation and he goes on and it says the palace again in his proper place and in the last 10 years we discovered the palace of King David you can come and see what has been done you can come and see at this session I think we were at 12:45 and same in our room for anybody and everybody that sees themselves as a prayer warrior you first have to align yourself with that place and then you can start praying again I'm looking forward to see you there thank you so much just the last thing you can go to the Jerusalem watch if you want to be part of this the first thing that you have to do you do not leave this place today if you do not tell people about the rise that the ancient city is rising that is the least that you can do if you know about this every other soul needs to know about this as well the other thing is you can become part by the coin by the seal every all of the proceeds go to the ancient city as we help her to rise and the other thing is you can come and walk the ancient path Jeremiah 16 says stand at the crossroads I think the world is standing at the crossroads right now and it says ask for the ancient paths and come and walk in it so it will be well with your soul guys come walk the ancient paths thank thank you so much for having us come and join us at the seminar room 4 and I bless you from here that you will be blessed when you come in place when you go out and connect to the heart of the ancient city thank you so much thank you
Channel: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, ICEJ
Views: 10,818
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: ICEJ, Israel, Jerusalem, AnaRina Heymann, City of David, Feast of Tabernacles, Jerusalem Watch Project
Id: DjdYPcg3pnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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