Feast of Tabernacles 2017 Daniel Yahav "Holy Ground"

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[Music] Shalom good morning and welcome to Israel you know a hundred years ago nothing of what we see here today existed you know the roads the highways the cities the buildings nothing of all of this existed when the British came here in 1917 taking it taking the land over from the Turks they counted the number of people that were in Israel and in all of Jordan in all of Jordan in Israel together there were six hundred thousand people including about 50,000 Jews and if Israel is roughly 20,000 square kilometers Jordan is about 80,000 so in the whole hundred thousand square kilometers six hundred thousand people today in Israel alone there with the Arabs are about twelve million people the land was empty the land was ruined it was a wilderness it was a desert just like the prophets of old have spoken it was literally fulfilled Jesus when he spoke in Matthew chapter 23 verse 37 through 39 he spoke to the people of Jerusalem and he prophesied the destruction the exile of Jerusalem but he also said there is hope you shall not see me from now on till you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord the prophets of old prophesied that in the end times God will gather back Israel to the land and we have the privilege of living through it being living eyewitnesses of the fulfillment of this prophetic word you know the Bible is awesome the Bible is relevant the Bible is exciting the Bible the Bible holds so much information for what is yet to come so for me as one who loves the Bible it is exciting as a child of God this is exciting to sit and the feet of Yeshua and allow the Holy Spirit to open up and reveal things and I would like to share some insights this morning but let me start with a little bit the story of my family you've just heard Holocaust survivor my father a son of a Holocaust survivor my father survived Auschwitz he lost all of his family and all of his close family during the Second World War they died some of them in ghetto Lodge and others in Auschwitz but he survived it all and he came in 1948 and became a soldier in the independence war you know I don't know how many of you are aware of it but the situation here when the war broke out Israel had no army we had some underground movements and the army was being built up during the war as a matter of fact the Shimon Peres was interviewed some time before he passed away and he was sharing how ben-gurion wanted to appoint one of the generals well one of the men to become the general the first general of the army and this man refused he turned it down he says I'm not willing to lead an army that has ammunition only for six days of battle when my father came here he was put into a very short boot camp together with a hundred young other men and after a few short weeks they were sent this group of 100 against the Egyptian army only 60 of these hundred men had rifles in their hands my father was one of the 14 that didn't even hold a rifle in his hand we had no tanks nor artillery later on we got a few airplanes that were assembled and anyway this is a miracle we were attacked by Lebanese Syrian Iraqi and Jordanian Egyptian Saudi Arabian Sudan Ian's soldiers and armies and we survived we won this war because God of Israel is alive and the testimony of this family that I'm sharing you is an example of the fulfillment which is still going on of the vision of the value of the dry bone of Ezekiel chapter 37 my father had a privilege to be part of the physical restoration of the nation of Israel and yet the spiritual restoration of Israel is in it's still in its beginning phases my mother came to faith around the time when I was born I had two older sisters and they also came to faith I was born in the city of Jaffa you know the city where Jonah boarded a ship to run away from God or where Peter had his vision like five minutes walking distance from old Jaffa where this sheet came down and Peter was told to eat of what was in it and so there was my childhood and since the age of seven I started attending with my mother on a regular basis a messianic fellowship in Ramat Gan it is near Tel Aviv back in those days the body of Christ was so small that you needed a microscope to to see it you know even in 1980 when we married we invited basically nearly the entire body of Christ to our wedding and we had less than 200 including children we all knew each other back in those days well today there are good news we don't all know each other not because we're divided but because the body is growing hallelujah hallelujah in our last as a fellowship in our last baptism we had 28 people from our congregation that were being baptized and many of them are also young people from families you see it's exciting to see the young generation following the faith and not being lost to the world dear ones God is doing something in this land the Bible is full of explanation and information about why God is doing what he's doing where is it all leading to again this is a very broad subject but I want to say when you come to this land dear ones you're stepping on holy ground not holy ground because 2000 years ago you sure walked on these hillsides it's holy ground in the sense of the hearts of the people God wants to save his nation Israel he has promised to do it the time will come when he will pour his spirit on us our eyes will be open and we will see him but now is a time when the church is called to provoke Israel for jealousy and dear ones when you come here you're stepping on holy grounds of the heart of this nation be careful with what you bring here walk with the fear of God bless Israel it's a privilege to bless Israel it is a privilege because God loves Israel Jesus never said oh you choose you will be destroyed and I'm going to replace you with the church that's not was never the heart of Jesus he cried over Jerusalem he cried over his people yes he said we'll go out to exile it was because of our sin we're living in exciting times dear ones great times it's a privilege but these are hard times too Paul describes the symmetry it describes the times it describes how people would be lovers of pleasures lovers of themselves not obeying their parents and on and on and when you see today the generation that is going on you see the fulfillment of these words he calls it difficult time this is the time when Antichrist eventually will come up at the spirit of Antichrist is already now very strongly moving powers of darkness are gaining control these are perversions when you read in Romans chapter 1 God it is written there that God handed over mankind to do what is unnatural men with men women with women because people have left God they refused to recognize him as the creator of heaven and earth they refused and this is exactly the time we're living in and you know in here is another problem in many places in the world of Old Testament is not being read you know old it doesn't apply to us New Testament and even that is not being read you know sometimes it seems to me people Christians they know much about their righteousness they have a big plate of righteousness and shield of faith and helmet of salvation and on and on and on but when it comes to the Word of God they pull up a little Swiss pocket knife you know they don't know the Word of God they don't read it and this is the sword of the Spirit this is what Jesus used against the devil after the 40 days of fasting you know three times Jesus responded quoting the fifth book of Moses Deuteronomy how can we afford in these last days not to know and not to study the Word of God all of it and Jesus said every dot every letter will be fulfilled from this word of God and so dear ones there are so many pictures that are yet prophetic in the Old Testament that have not been fulfilled some of them have been fulfilled in the first advent of Christ others are yet to be fulfilled in the second Advent and it's enriching it is exciting to read and to to get an understanding now God in His plan of salvation in this big huge historic battle between God and the devil God carrying out his plan of salvation for mankind and the devil resisting it throughout history and we don't have time to go through through this but at some point God is choosing the nation of Israel and the devil tries from the beginning to destroy Israel because he understands what God tells Abraham out of your sea through your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed and what is the biggest blessing that God could give mankind if not his only begotten Son salvation the devil understood that and he tried to destroy Israel already in Egypt all the boys to be thrown into the Nile to be drowned fast-forward later on under the Persian Empire himand the evil one setting a date to destroy and kill every man woman child from the nation of Israel this is the Feast of puling and on and on and on all the way to Herod wanting to kill and killing all the children from the age of two and under all Bethlehem and around trying to stop this seed of the woman which was also prophesied already in the Garden of Eden that would consider the nation of Israel through the household of Jews of Judah through the house of David that will be born in Bethlehem in all these prophetic words a child the devil was trying to do to stop it but he failed that they were failed but this battle continues continue still today continues today so Jesus came he fulfilled all the prophetic words and pictures of the his first Advent and in this plan of God which I described there is an enemy the forces it's the devil there is our forces God is using the nation of Israel there is a land the whole thing was played out here in this land of Israel but then there is also a timetable that God gives to his plan of salvation to this military battle plan and he spells out his plan of salvation in Leviticus chapter 23 in Leviticus chapter 23 God gives eight a point at times this is how it's called in the Hebrew Bible more a day Adonai it's not called feast Hakeem or something like it's called more Adeem it's called a point at time so got it appointed times on the timeline of history and some of these appointed times some of these which are today called feast have been fulfilled namely Jesus dying exactly during the Passover being crucified giving out his last breath three o'clock in the afternoon which was exactly the time when the original Passover lamb in Egypt was being slaughtered this was the beginning of the afternoon hours which went from three to six in the evening and so exactly then the lamb was being slaughtered and so Jesus fulfilled all of these there are lots of parallel between Jesus in the Passover lamb and then the feast of unleavened bread was a time when the priest would wave the very first offering before God and this is the Resurrection Sunday of Yeshua fulfilled and then fifty days later the Holy Spirit coming down in the book of Acts chapter two on the 120 and the church is being born and empowered with the Holy Spirit and that's the fulfillment of the feast of weeks or what you call Pentecost and so these have been fulfilled but then comes the autumn feast or point at times which have not been yet fulfilled or prophetic and the first one is the blowing of the trumpet and Ziff want to why it's called in Hebrew it means remember the blow the trumpet blow remember the blow the sound God wanted us to remember and if we had now time to spell it all out I will show you that this is the fulfillment of it will be at the rapture when the church will hear that death will hear the sound of the trumpet the trumpet of God and they will raise up from the dead and they will be taken together with us I mean we will follow them so this is the rapture this is a waking up and then the yom kippur the day of atonement this is the spiritual rebirth of Israel it will be within the context of the tribulation of Jacob which is described in Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 the context there in verse 3 of the same chapter you see is the rege and ring the time when God will regather Israel from all nations this has never happened before there was a small remnant that came from the Babylonian exile but never Israel coming from all nations so this is a prophetic word for our times there will be a great war tribulation of Jacob the kingdom of David is mentioned in almost chapter 9 as the fall and tabernacle of David that will be restored hallelujah you see this feast represents the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth the thousand year millennial kingdom of Yeshua and it is in the Quran chapter 14 that all nations will come to worship God during this time during this feast of tab and so what's happening here is a prophetic picture you know lots of things that will fully be fulfilled during the reign of Jesus our being in some way small way being fulfilled today this is one of them you're a prophetic picture the Christian Embassy is a forerunner of what is yet to come also the full in gathering of Israel will happen only after the Lord has returned now we see how about half the nation of Israel already in the land there are all kinds of things that are happening today which will be fulfilled only in the Millennial Kingdom this is the Feast of Tabernacles if we're celebrating today and then there's the last and eighth a point at time of God and this is the time of the great assembly schmick yet said at the eighth day of the great assembly dear ones how many days do you have in your countries in the week how many seven interesting we also have seven days here in Israel ten yeah we both have said there is no eighth day it's always seven and then it starts over again right but here God gives us a prophetic word about an eighth day you see this is when we break from the time system that we know today and we break into eternity and that is when we will all be gathered in heaven according to Hebrews chapter 12 there will be a great gathering in Hebrews chapter 12 there is a parallel between the mountain of Sinai and the mountain of Zion which is in heaven and it says there that we will be gathered together with all the angels and all the saints the twenty-four elders the foreign creatures and in the Lord Himself we will all be gathered up there in heaven this is an eternity the great assembly the eighth day of great assembly but this is exciting dear ones yes when we look down here we see the clouds we see we see the difficulty we see the problems we see the powers of dark but when we look up and that's what the Lord says when you see all these signs look up for your redemption draws near dear ones I want to share with you something the Lord is laid on my heart which is way way back three and a half thousand years ago a message that God has embedded for us today it's in Exodus chapter 19 you know in Exodus chapter 19 you have the story of Moses going up to Mount Sinai the whole story of you know getting the law and all of that and in verse 90 in chapter 19 verse 5 God says I will and I have here only my Hebrew Bible so it's only free translation which I give you here this is the yaja version I would make you a chosen nation from all people verse 6 you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation then God tells Moses go tell the nation to prepare themselves they have to wash their garments they have to wash themselves they're supposed to keep themselves clean for three days on the third day I'm going to come down on the Mount Sinai and he tells them make a border around the mountain Sinai and nobody is allowed to come close to this mountain if a beast or a man comes close he needs to be stoned or killed with errors with a bow you know killing him nobody's supposed to even touch this man so it was an awesome scary type of a thing and then on the third day indeed God came down and the whole mountain was shaking in it was so noisy and the smoke and the fire and it became louder and louder and louder and the people were afraid so afraid that it almost as Moses the police we can't take it anymore you go talk to God we can't take it so it was a very scary thing in the tirana me chapter 5 verse 5 it says Moses describes later on this whole occasion and he says you you were afraid and you never went up to this mountain they pulled away Moses was the one going up and yet in this chapter 19 of verse 13 comes a very strange verse listen to that verse 13 no hand will touch him it should be stoned or fired with with with bow and arrows whether it is an animal a beast or men and then he says when the long sound of the trumpet will be heard then they will go up on the mountain did they ever go up on the mountain did they ever go up on the mountain no it's just clearly the nation never went up on the mountain there was a time when seventy elders and uh one and two of his sons went up to a certain place and and had the revelation of God to a certain limited but a nation the people never went up on the mountain the contrary but then it continues and after Moses is up on the mountain with all of this terrible dreadful setting God in verse 21 says to Moses go down tell the people they should not try to see godless many of them will be killed and he verse 22 says and also the priests who are coming drawing near to God let them sanctify themselves get cadastro in Hebrew less God smites them penny floats by madonna lessee basically kills them so God gives you instructions which are not really understood dear ones these instructions were not for them these instructions are for us today because in Revelation chapter one it says we are a kingdom of priests from all nations and the Lord is telling us the time is coming for you to get ready to go up on Mount Zion again in Hebrews chapter 12 Mount Sinai and Mount Zion are being placed one next to the other there is a comparison we are called to go up to the mountain who will go up to the mountain of God does it say in Psalm 24 and you have a description of those that would live faith they will be the ones that will go up to the mountain of the Lord here the priests are called sanctify yourself get ready it is not a joke God is a holy God in Hebrews chapter 12 it says no one he says like that we should run after peace with all people and holiness this is in verse 14 without which no one will see God without holiness no one will see God dear ones Church get ready wash let us wash our garments clean with the blood of the Lamb this is the only material the cleaning material that can wash the spiritual garments which we have received and don't let us not ignore what happened with the Church of Sardis Jesus says you have a name that your life and your dead and he says there are only a few that are still walking with white garments they deserve it let us not smear our garments so regardless of what your lotions have said as long as it doesn't meet with the Word of God we need to put it aside no time to waste the Lord is coming soon church get ready I love you this comes from a heart of love may God help us all and may we all meet soon before his feet hallelujah thank you for coming to Jerusalem god bless you let's end with a prayer father we thank you for your word Lord we pray help us to seal it in our hearts through your Holy Spirit let the birds not Rob it Lord cleanse us where we need cleansing revive us where we need to be revived fill us with your spirit fill us with your fear and with your love God in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] we're so excited to be worshipping King you sure and it isn't [Music] I'm stepping on the place where Jesus walked that white boy is alive its alive [Music] all the nations are here we want to tell Israel you are not alone we are studying with you this is the forces of heaven come up to Jerusalem [Music] [Applause] Israel it is the heart of the Middle East the most important country in a ball of human history in the single most influential place that's impacted your life it was the home of the prophets the location that once held the holy of holies and the birthplace of the Gospels the connection between this land and your heart is undeniable but you can also be a blessing to this nation by partnering with the International Christian embassy Jerusalem now is an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing in Israel Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes the Jewish people are returning to their homeland from the four corners of the earth and life has returned to the land itself and the Holy Spirit has been moving on the heart of Christians just like you to be a part a nice eej has been there for more than 35 years I see EJ has been a direct connection to the land of Israel for Christians all around the world and together we are helping the needy providing shelter for Holocaust survivors integrating the immigrants supporting minorities mentoring youth and risk and have actively helped 120,000 Jews come home to Israel these are just a few of the people whose ACLJ is impacting and with a reach of over 170 nations the International Christian embassy Jerusalem has become a leading voice of Christian support and friendship to the Jewish people so get involved and be a blessing to the nation and the people of Israel the International Christian embassy Jerusalem your embassy your voice join us today [Music]
Channel: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, ICEJ
Views: 974
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: ICEJ, Israel, Jerusalem, Feast of Tabernacles, Daniel Yahav, Holy Ground
Id: Q99iW0EJixQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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