Fearne Sleeps With a Dead Pirate Captain | Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 73 | Minor Spoilers

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do do you have do you have like extra bed space I'm so tired I'm so tired and I just want my place to lay down and I can I can like I won't even be on your way just like a little nap would be so so so nice right now you don't even know he looks up at you because he is still a Dwarven skeleton and you stand a full like two and a half three feet taller than him though he still holds a presence that looms a large in the middle of this tight hallway very cuddly and very cozy just putting that out there I'm sorry yeah are you suggesting that you are flesh and bloodhorn Beast as yourself wants to come and lay down in the Captain's Quarters just to get a nice little bit of Winky I'll make a persuas you should check come on this is the most important role of the camera friends like [Laughter] 21. 21. yeah if not I really I understand I totally know it's like such a forward thing to ask I just I was just checking no harm in asking right no harm will when the moon's up tonight you can rest eventually the captain who spent a majority of the day kind of just walking and looking out over the waters and occasionally pulling out his new sword and looking at it for an extended period of time before putting it back he's obsessed um comes back and finds you the moon if you tourist now is the time of course steps back to his quarters and within the cloak pulls out this wicked looking kind of thin skeleton key it's almost bladed at the edge into multiple blades and kind of what do I see in there on the inside well the doors open and it's Pitch Black in there you can just see this faint bit of what looks to be like uh almost like a a big glass window uh on the opposite side of the chamber that looks out into like the almost completely dark Seascape Beyond in the Mist that is faintly lit by the exterior lanterns and on the inside of it as the doors open interior lanterns and to light the chamber with a dull kind of white blue flame and you can see there is a canopy bed that is settled on the left hand side of the chamber as well as it looks to be a sitting uh couch almost like a fainting couch on the right hand side it's very well furnished I can absolutely I'll take the bed are you sleeping now too I just am I I was just gonna take a nap he doesn't sleep oh oh see you're not gonna go to sleep no okay are you gonna um sail the boat the boat sails itself so are you gonna sleep it might take me a minute to fall asleep but yes um so the Moon is showing all right I'm gonna go to the canopy bed and just kind of lay down the bed is chilly um the the sheets that remain in there look like they've been untouched in a very long time there's a layer of dust that kind of sets upon the entirety of it and as you kind of open the sheets a bit and pulled back the blanket they're very nice um a couple of crimson splashes stained across the eggs exterior but it looks comfortable I'm just going to lay down and just trying to act like I'm falling asleep a few moments passed before you hear the captain's voice a little close you're very warm make a deception check 12 12. he'll warm and you're awake you can lie next to me get some warmth if you die you are for some of your warmth [Music] or die that that I know what if she gets cursed or what if it's the best sex of her life [Music] [Laughter] um but that that sounds so so um ominous like I'm gonna give you some of my warmth am I giving it to you forever my apologies about everything I say comes out over this other territory I will she kind of like scoots up onto the edge of the bed and it's funny this Captain who is given this like intense presence on the ship and this moment seems almost I don't say sheepish but careful so that sword that you have I to be for me it's quite a deal that was made for this sword you're the first we've had on ship since we started it was a fair trade and it's now one of my thing can I just say goodbye pick your persuasion check my bad at math right now yes all the time 26 26. okay got it and looks at the blade for a second for a moment and connect some of your arms yes yes absolutely absolutely into the play touches your grasp your fingers clasp around the cold metal in your fingers you feel this kind of flickering light that seems to burgeon in your palm and a voice comes to your mind plus of the Fey Realm oh you hold within your great power a power that was once taken from me but you'll burn like a beacon the path you walk in life has such purpose you've been chosen and together we can do quite many things I'm gonna give this back to you all right get in the bed get into bed immediately looks kind of nervous for a skeleton it's been a long time since I ever spooned hey come come crackling of his bones against themselves and the inside of his cloak as he ends up and kind of wrinkling heavily but damp Leathers squeaking across the wood uh eventually kind of curls up in the new um no no no no no well you're gonna go in front of me and I'm gonna spoon you with my warmth I've never been spoken before ah it's the best I'm gonna just wrap around him put a leg over and just try to like try to make him go to sleep as you curl up around the dread captain noverse in his chorus scourge of the Seas that surrounds the shattered teeth it's been some time it's been a long time since you came she felt a woman's touch [Music] where are we going with this you're doing great I'm just gonna I'll just stay here as long as you need and I'll just keep giving you my warmth okay he rests for a good few hours they're just grabbing his back roller Constitution saving third for me 18. in the time that you're there as you're looking about you kind of exhale and have a moment where you're like almost like you forget how to inhale for a moment your body temperature seems to drop and you feel this kind of this chilled Essence begin to combat the fire that burns within your spirit um do you relinquish the promised warmth you've managed to you've brought it from from a compulsion to a choice do you relinquish the warmth you promised the flame that ever smolders in your spirit dims ever so faintly as you feel that warmth leave you and the cold long dead captain seem to have a moment of color return the bone not pale blanched white stone-like gray but almost like a bit of sunlight hits the exterior of his bones I'll talk to you break about one of them oh um your hip points are permanently reduced by five I like those so keep up there in the Box what we live by thank you for let me know what the fact that be the small spoon [Music] anyway left the ship to his devices just long before I should get back to the deck
Channel: Pablix
Views: 21,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: criticalrole, critical, role, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, campaign 3, Imogen, laudna, Matthew Mercer, orym, fearne, funny, role playing games, fcg, streaming, bells hells, Bertrand bell, chetney, clip, compilation, momments, rol, critrole, laura bailey, travis willingham, marisha ray, sam riegel, liam o'brien, taliesin jaffe, ashton
Id: UZDHh-eeIcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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