Critical Role Cast Panel | HIGHLIGHTS | Matt Mercer, Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson & MORE

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you're so good at making bad guy characters who we sort of fall in love with because they're so interesting and I I I feel like Oram is also uh Fern's moral compass and life Compass yeah moral look we killed her before we can do it again I love my short King he fits [Applause] everywhere El merer [Applause] everybody how does everybody feel about Delila being back no I feel like this girl just won't die and I'm like man what why really she just won't die and then I'm like oh wait I did that Delila so beautiful so dangerous I love it I I love it when villains uh get to weave their way back in and when the the the boundaries of fantasy are stretched especially in our own stories it's a beautiful thing when Matt can surprise the ever loving F out of all of us love her I feel a little conflicted because like the one of the more recent games everyone was like don't lean into your dark side you've got this move away and I'm like f I wanna but it's Delila it's Delila she's not that bad look we killed her before we can do it again and again and again and again and again although like part of me I don't know I don't know I'm kind of with Marisha I like the embracing the dark side that you're that you're going with right now how has traveling with a big group throughout and like nurturing this long-running relationship how is that affected the story how has that affected you guys and how has it affected the characters back during exu we were tapped to be the first ones out of the gate and it felt so scary without the group it was just a two of us yeah and I I feel like that's why Fern slashme like just stuck to you because I you know and I I feel like Oram is also uh Fern's moral compass and life Compass yeah moral listen that doesn't mean that she's going to it's not a powerful Compass no you're so good at making bad guy characters who we sort of fall in love with because they're so interesting like clarota like I mean essic was supposed to be bad supposed to be yeah he's a war criminal yeah but he's so hot maybe we could make Ira a hot boy too make him he's already a hot boy let's talk about Fern I dude she's had quite quite a few Adventures Tere marquet wild Mount the shattered teeth what has been her fave I mean I want to say Tor because I think just and even going to taste to Tor it was just such a weird like thing and it was like what what is this world this is so strange it's just so weird that you guys have merchandise for things um she just I mean Fern's just DTF man so I love my short King he fits everywhere I've been waiting to play this little guy for so long and I love sort of subverting like the stereotypical hero ideas I liked making a rogue who wore a hard on his sleeve I liked making a wizard who's a coward instead of a power fantasy and I loved making a fighter who runs under everybody's legs constantly and stabs you with with a letter opener yep LNA started this campaign saying she doesn't fear death do you still think that's true cuz that is also tempting fate in a way that I am uncomfortable with yeah I think with everything kind of going on in Alexandria and kind of going on in the world and when there's like so much like heartache and and the fate of the world um being in Jeopardy at large I think she knows that uh that would be worse than like her own individual demise it's amazing to work with um someone that shares your passion um that you can also be a fan of I am Laura's biggest cheerleader and Defender always acting comes with risk it's the same thing as putting your art out there and it's a nerve-wracking thing and so it's amazing to always have a scene partner that's supportive and it's also incredible to have a partner in that same aspect where you can go home and talk about it and learn and grow and being able to share that with someone is incredible so what would an ideal IM modna dat night look like oh my [Music] goodness first off I love Moon stuff that might have to be what I call my periods from here on out sorry guys I'm on some Moon [Applause] stuff that red moon or anything they called the bloody Bridge anyway sorry I've never been horseback riding oh my God that's exactly what I was going to say I was going to say that I love you I love you so much um yeah a moonlit horseback ride cuz I think it would be nice to do like a horseback ride into the evening and then stargazing big fan of caducus actually CU such such an unusual character and you played him so brilliantly and yeah Sam likes to sneak attack with emotional damage I think I have to give a shout out to Liam's point today in this moment to Fern uh I just love watching you unbridled and unhinged lightning round I I well I was going to say caducus but also I was going to say ladna because Marisha is getting into this when you get into this Cadence of you get a little crazy and like she gets really stressed it like tickles My Funny Bone it's my favorite thing it is my favorite thing I I'll give another shout out to cuses just cuz like I love a character that plays that plays to everybody else a story Panic character in one week and that's the one okay K thank you thank I enjoyed uh attacking Travis going going going Loco and attacking you that was fun I enjoyed provoking [Laughter] you um I enjoyed trying to do an amazing lightning attack and falling down stairs instead and what was great about that moment was I like fell back in my chair and I literally hit I the back of my head on my chair so hard that that knot stayed with me for like a month and I had a constant reminder of what an idiot imagin is was great I think stumbling into an adult film seam in a basement trying to hide from enemies is pretty good yeah yeah only Heroes yeah that was great that was great B hell's is weird y'all I I love combat with Oram and I love that he has no magical ability to speak of and still trying to be creative um so probably dropping that rope in the machine uh facing off against the fa shade mother the the fight on the Airship for me that's uh other than the thing that happened off screen when I was missing which was was brilliant I really enjoyed anyway uh Jester was originally a one-hot character that I did when we were playing with Greg right it was just like a was it a game yeah a Game Informer one shot I don't and I liked her so much that I decided to play her in campaign too because I couldn't come up with something more fun than that uh uh Molly was a backup character if I didn't bring Percy back if Percy had not come back when Percy died uh so might have been a character in box market and then caducus was like five days to figure out what I was doing cuz you were like you're coming back quick I've never had a backup character in my life tracks me me neither yeah me neither good to [Laughter] know this is it's it's funny cuz occasionally like when we get acting breakdowns like or casting breakdowns from our agents and occasionally it's like we you're really looking for like a Laura Bailey sound alike and I'm like do you want me to text her right like I want to play an audition that said Laura Bailey sound alike I was like you didn't fcking did job did you get the job no yeah I once auditioned for a project that I won't name where they sent me uh vocal reference that was me and and I did have to do it and it was not a lock and it took several weeks and I eventually did get that role nailed it I had an another project audition forward the voice reference was me and then I didn't book it and I still want to meet the person who did book it I I feel like after all these years and then like running the company together which has its stressful moments Thursday night is still a reprieve that we still look forward to every every time sit in the table Yeah I just get excited to show up and know that these guys are going to make me laugh and sometimes cry but usually laugh but the that the show the our game every time we record is is sacred like that that's the thing we look forward to most because it's where everything else kind of drifts away and it's just us again in the room getting to see each other and play thank you guys for coming to see us thank you love you all have a great day have a great weekend love you
Channel: Popverse
Views: 119,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comic con, comic convention, Popverse, Popverse Says, The Popverse, Reed Pop, critical role, critical role campaign 1, critical role campaign 2, critical role campaign 3, critical role highlights, critical role funny moments, critical role calamity, critical role vox machina, critical role funny moments campaign 1, new york comic con, nycc, critical role funny moments campaign 2, critical role funny moments campaign 3, critical role d&d
Id: z2ggzBQ1I2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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