FEADSHIP "BG Charade" Paul Allen's 1990 Classic SuperYacht Tour

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- Today, we're on board of a classic Feadship Superyacht. (mellow synth music) This is BG Charade, built in 1990, classic 47 meter Feadship superyacht. Welcome aboard. - [Rico] Wow, this is definitely unique. It's like a very classic way the superyachts were built back then. You have these two walkways on either side and then this, actually, dead ends over there because you have the entrance to the technical space. So let's go check out the swim platform from here. - It's a pretty grand entrance to the swim platform. - [Rico] Pretty amazing. - I mean, look, look at the shape of this staircase. - [Rico] Okay, let me go to the other side. - It is really beautiful. - It is, yeah, it is amazing. - Love it. - Really, really cool it. - Okay, what do we have here? - [Rico] Of course, we have the passerelle, we we entered, we boarded the boat with. And then we have a fairly good sized swim platform down here. Also your tender landing area. Or you can have the side ladder out, the side steps out actually and land there as well. And then here we have a fixed installed- - Very important. - Shower. - [Rico] Yeah, just spin it open, look in there. - [Victoria] No, you spin it open. Should I work too hard. - A little unusual because normally in our tours we don't do it like this. But you know what, we're already here, might as well. So we have sea bob storage here, a whole workbench, whole workshop. Our rudder posts right here, the port one, there's the starboard one. And then emergency fire pump is down here. This is really cool. There's a lot of space actually here for all your toys and storage for spare parts. Got some compressor over there on the starboard side. Have an air conditioning unit running here. It's actually air conditioned. It's very cool and dry. Amazing. - All right, ready? - [Rico] All right, it's a lot more boat to see. So let's go and check it out. - Let's go check out the cockpit. And I wanna introduce you to Dee Dee. Welcome aboard. First of all, I wanna introduce you to Dee Dee. She is actually an owner of this vessel. Thanks for having us on board. - Oh my God, my pleasure. - She is also an architect and the interior designer specializing in luxury. And we just did a sneak peek of this build in 1990 vessel, and I gotta say it looks super current And I know you were a huge part of this. - Oh, thank you. Well, you know, in 2016 with the refit. What I really tried to do is keep that beautiful elegance of a Feadship, but kind of take the dated part. So the full panels of oak, and it was kinda that weird, you know that pinky orangy with the fireplace at the end, so took that. But to see the grain of the woods, so did that in kind of a whitewash. And the doors were like amazing, they're kinda of today, lacquered those out, added more hardware, and all the individual pieces of furniture. - Don't get away, don't get away. You guys are gonna see it in the moment. - Enjoy, you're gonna love it. - You're giving us permission to explore. - I want you to soak it all in. - Awesome, thank you, Dee Dee. We'll see you later- - Okay. - For a cocktail after we're done. - Thank you. - Oh, champagne and caviar that's- - Cocktail. Oh, champagne and caviar. - That's what we're serving. - I understand. Let's do it. Okay, so we're in the cockpit. We have our first alfresco dining here. - [Rico] Wow, how big is it? That is dining for 12. - 12. - [Rico] Which is really cool because it's completely protected. - Yes and then we have- - Covered. - Nice sitting area back here. Nice and loungey. As you guys can see, the Monaco Boat Show, it starts tomorrow. We got to film it before it even starts. This is when you know people and it works out like this. So we're able to be one of the first ones on board, but as you can tell, they're still setting up. It's gonna look very different tomorrow. But normally, you will have this beautiful view behind you, the anchorage or you'll have a marina behind you. And you're not usually sitting at the Monaco Yacht Show. - [Rico] Well, good thing is, nah, let's wait until we see the other dining option. - Okay. - And then I gonna say it. - You're saying there are other options? - There are options. - If this is not the right options for right now- - Yes. - There's another option. - [Rico] And of course, we have some bars here down here with fridges and all the good stuff. - All the service area here, huge TV right here. Let's go forward. - [Rico] Okay, cool. So we got this traditional side wing weather doors here, which is pretty cool when you're underway and you just want to be out of the elements, don't want to get the spray in, you should close these doors. - You have like a husband- - To the side pass- - And wife moment. You can just- - That also, yes. - Shut the door in his face. Okay, so as we are coming forward, really nice walkway. I mean, it's a Feadship, you guys. - Yup. - It's a Feadship. It's a tank. Everything is gonna be solid. It's steel hull, aluminum superstructure. So I don't think we need to mention that. It's something you expect from Feadship. - [Rico] So one thing just wanted to mention quick here, this box which we see here is actually, this falls out and it becomes your side to boarding staircase. - Mm-hmm. - [Rico] Let's move forward. This would be your entrance point here, your side door. And then here, you have the doors leading into the main staircase area. - Just love that it's, 33 years ago they already had all of this boarding technology. - Oh yeah. - That now just got fancier. But it was all there. - [Rico] Yeah. - I mean, on this caliber of a yacht- - Correct. - It was there. Okay, going forward. (mellow synth music) Ooh, I see a Portuguese bridge. - [Rico] Yes. - Well, first of all, we do have our- - [Rico] Wing station right here. And actually really good visibility. (Rico laughing) It's like (laughing). - He's cleaning the boat. - Really good- - Getting it ready for tomorrow. - Really good visibility. - [Victoria] Yes. - But all jokes side, looking all the way aft, I can see the entire side line of the boat all the way to the aft of the vessel. Of course, Portuguese bridge, like Victoria just mentioned. - If this doesn't scream posh, I don't know what. - [Rico] It is really nice. And then you have the forward sun pad here right in front of the Portuguese bridge setup, which if it's not too windy, this will be my favorite spot probably underway. - Yeah, the view is fantastic. - Right. - And still forward, all the way down, we do have our working floor deck. Look how grand this is, love it. - [Rico] It is very nice. - [Victoria] Wow. - [Rico] So let's step down here. - As you like to call it, the crew smoking area or non-smoking area. - [Rico] The crew lounge. - Yeah, the crew lounge. - [Rico] The crew lounge, forward crew lounge. - I'm pretty sure 30 years ago this was a smoking area. - Of course. - Everybody smoked. - [Rico] Dual anchor setup. - Yes. - Big, big winch. Wow, amazing. The bell. And then we have here the chain locker underneath. Let me see if I can open this. (wheel rattles) - Ooh. (Victoria gasps) Wow. - [Rico] There you go. - Wow, it is deep. - Yeah. - [Victoria] And huge. - All the way in the bow here. Emergency ladders are in there, some extra lines. You could dump some fenders in there. Look how big this hatch actually is. - [Victoria] How deep do you think this is? - It goes really deep in there actually. I wanna say that's probably 10 feet or more, 12 feet maybe, all the way to the bottom of it. - Nuts. - Yeah, pretty cool. - Okay, close it up. - Let's close this back up. (hatch rattles) There we go. What I really like, which is very unique to, ah-ah-ah, somebody's playing again. - It doesn't have the thingies here so nothing can happen. - [Rico] Ah, good. - Yeah. - Safety. - You have, yeah, safety. Safety first. - You have to pull it up. - Yeah, so it's Victoria-proof. - [Rico] What I really like and what I think is very cool and you only see this usually on classic yachts, is how flared out the bulwarks are. I mean, you can see it. Victoria's standing straight, you can see the angle of the bulwarks. Really, really cool. Also, anchoring, you can lean over the side actually and just have maybe someone hold your feet. - I do miss it. I think on the modern yachts, like there's just such a nostalgic feature. - Yeah. - You know, it just has that. Oh, beautiful, look at the- - [Rico] Yeah, I mean look like next door for example. You know, completely different bow shape. Very, very, very different actually. - I mean, I like both, but there's just something really cool about this. - [Rico] So then, let's go back here. We have some bollards here of course for the bow lines. And then we have a watertight hatch here. Looking in, it's, again, technical area. Lots of storage space, another little work bench and workshop there. So really cool space for the crew actually to keep the cleaning equipment, whatever it is they need to get access to and they need to have it out of the way. - [Victoria] Looks like a really big space. - [Rico] Yes. - All right, let's go all the way aft to our boat deck. Of course, on both sides, we have our entrance to the bridge, which we are gonna check out in a moment. - [Rico] And for a moment I was like, ah, we can't go aft here. - Can't go aft, but they did this. So cool. - Yeah. - It's, I'd say, like a really nice compromise. You still have a staircase on both sides and you can actually walk on both sides. - [Rico] Which gives you actually more flexibility than having just a staircase, or having an asymmetrical where you just have on one side, you can go forward and- - Very cool. - The other side, the staircase. - There are grab rails. Nice and thick grab rails, love it. Okay, let's go all the way up. No peeking. - All right. - We'll see this boat deck, which doesn't look anything like, there's no boat. It's incredible. We'll go all the way up to the sun deck. (mellow synth music) Wow. What are you doing here? - What are you doing here? Fancy seeing you. - This isn't Sunreef. How did you end up here? - Actually, I'm friends with the owner. He invited me on board. - I see. - I stayed 10 nights and I can- - 10 nights? - 10 nights. And one thing I can guarantee all of you is every single toilet on this boat works magnificently. - I'm not even gonna ask how you ended up in the primary toilet, but okay. This is Robert Riva with Sunreef Yachts. And somehow he's just hanging out in the best spot on the boat. - Yeah, you know, it's a tough life. Someone's gotta do it. - Good to see you. - Great seeing you guys. - See you later. (Victoria laughing) All right, we gonna keep walking. - [Rico] All right. - So here as we go all the way forward, we'll come back to the best spot on the boat. But as we go all the way forward, we have huge layout cushions. - [Rico] And this was part of the refit actually. - Yes, hat is gonna be off. - [Rico] So they converted this roof space into a really, really large layout pad, right. They added the glass all around to protect you from the wind underway. - Well, there is a Feadship from the '80s next to us and you guys can see kind of how a classic layout would look like. - [Rico] It's slightly different, the boat next to us, but yes, because this was always roof here. - Yes, so they added this. I think it was a brilliant addition. Dee Dee told us that she loves to do yoga up here. It's got a great protection from the wind. As soon as you get down here, no wind. Okay, now we are gonna go all the way around. Check this out, we get- - [Rico] Well, since we are already here, let me just quickly mention- - Oh yes. - This huge, oh (laughing). What is it? That's not, you can't even call that a mast anymore. This is like a whole tower instead of a mast. I mean, look at the base of it. It's so big. Of course we got our electronic domes on there. We have two Open Array radars. And then above that the weather station, all the antennas. Courtesy flag. Of course, we're flying the flag of Monaco right now 'cause we are in Monaco. - Okay. - So let's go back. - So we have draw drink fridges here and we have a jacuzzi tub up here. Check out the space. Oh, look Robert ran away, probably to get another cocktail. - [Rico] Yeah. (Victoria sighs) - This guy, what a life. - [Rico] It's a cool spot, right. It is amazing. - Sit up here. - It seems like BG Charade is the boat to be in Monaco this year. - [Rico] Right? Let's go, we have a lot more boat to explore. - I think you should pop in to that interesting opening in the tower that we found. Check this out, there's a door and I feel like it's calling your name. - [Rico] But I cannot go in there. Actually, I can't go over there unless I go into the jacuzzi, which I think I don't really want right now. - [Victoria] No, no, no. Just tell everyone what that is. - [Rico] Oh, it's ventilation. - [Victoria] It's all vents? - [Rico] It's all ventilation. You see the grills here on the side where we have the same grills on the port side. So that's the main ventilation. And then on top, first, we thought, huh, it looks like dry exhausts, but it's actually not. It's the exhaust from the galley. - Interesting. - [Rico] Yeah. - And I saw the galley, it is big. - [Rico] I haven't seen the galley yet. - I know you haven't. Ah, let's go. So where do we go next? - [Rico] Boat deck. - [Victoria] Boat deck it is. (mellow synth music) Welcome to the boat deck. - [Rico] Wow. - Or shall we call it luxury hangout space? - [Rico] This is really large. - Two huge cranes. I don't know what the capacity is, but it looks insane. - It's very big, yeah. These are two big hydraulic cranes. And then, of course, once you wanna store the tenders up here, or the jet skis, or water toys, whatever you want to place here for being underway or doing any transitions, all the furniture gets cleared out and then the shocks get installed and you place the tenders, all the toys. - And we found out that this yacht used to belong to Paul Allen. Spent a lot of time on board. There were some famous people came on board this yacht. - Oh yeah. - So many big names. And Dee Dee said it was important to her to keep all these quality pieces of furniture. There's a lot of furniture on board that is timeless. That is state-of-the-art luxury quality. And she wanted to make sure she can incorporate it. Once we get an interior guys, we'll see what she did. She really spruced it up, and just brightened everything, and made it lighter, more modern. But she still incorporated these timeless pieces into the design. And this table being one of them. I mean- - Actually, it's four- - These chairs. - Separate tables. - Four separate tables, exactly. - Yes. - Which is also pretty cool 'cause you can just- - Yup. - Rework this. - [Rico] Rearrange them completely differently. - Any way you want, yeah. - [Rico] So right now, it's set up for eight. - Mm-hm. - Right, yes. (Rico and Victoria laughing) Right now, it's set up for eight, which is, as we heard, the most desired dining, breakfast, lunch spot on the vessel. - I love this huge shades that they have. How awesome. I guarantee you this is where they hang out most of the time. That's where I would be. - Yeah, it's amazing. And then we have the lounge setup here on the aft portion of the boat deck. - Continue. - [Rico] Huh, that's it. - That's all you have? - [Rico] Yeah. This is also a pretty serious flag pole there, I gotta say. - Yes, a serious flagpole needs a serious flag. So we have storage on both sides. Seating here. And we gonna move in to the interior now? - Yes. - Okay. Rico is in charge of this tour. I feel like I am just lost. A little bit lost. - [Rico] Okay, let's- - Coming in? - Yeah. Get into our sky lounge. - So welcome to the sky lounge. It was pretty exciting to see some of the photos of what it used to look like and what they did here. It looked completely different. There was a bar here, kind of darker colors and now it's really comfortable family room. Dee Dee said they use it all the time. They hang out, watch TV. This is really a cozy space. Then there is a proper wine fridge right there. - [Rico] Well, in this case it's actually a proper champagne fridge. - She did promise us champagne and caviar. So now I understand where it's all getting stored. So tons of storage right there. Okay, we gotta talk about this. - [Rico] Yes. - I have never seen these mechanisms before. - [Rico] The closing mechanisms. - Yes. How does that even work? I don't, is this- - [Rico] I don't know either. But it's a window you can open. It slides down, up and down. - It goes up and down, right? - [Rico] But it has like some serious locking mechanisms for being underway. - I love the way it looks. - [Rico] Yeah. - It looks very cool. So then on our port, we have our stews pantry. Whoa. I think they're expecting to have some serious- - Ooh. - Parties on this vessel. - [Rico] That is a large bottle. - Whoa, okay, focus. So in this sous pantry, we have a drink fridge, nice countertop here, a dishwasher, a sink, storage, microwave. And this here, I'm gonna need you guys to put it down in the comments and let us know what 33-year-old piece of equipment this is. - [Rico] Well, I can tell you what it is. You know what this is? - [Rico] It's pretty easy. - What is it? - Read what it says on there. - It says do not place any electric. - No. - Or gas heated- - [Rico] Yeah, what does it say there? - It says- - Brewing - Brewmatic. - Brewmatic. - What's Brewmatic? - Coffee maker. Old school coffee maker. - No. - Of course. - Really? - [Rico] On the left side you slide the filters in. - I've never seen that before. - Yeah. - I'm not that old, okay, Rico. (Rico laughing) Okay, let's keep going, a lot more to see. So then we have a side entrance here on our starboard side, which you can actually come in. Ah, that's pretty cool. - [Rico] And why is this really cool? - We have our first day head. There are a few of them on board. And as you guys can tell, this does not look like 1990. Look, she had all these doors refinished. Looks beautiful. But it's all coming back now. It looks current and luxury beautiful. Coming forward into the pilot house. I gotta say you're pretty impressed by this whole space here. Get ready. - Yeah. - So we have- - [Rico] Our Nav Station slash office, right. Transitional in between the guest area and the pilot house. And now, let's step into the pilot house. - But the captain has his own office, so this is not his office. Then we coming into the pilot house. - [Rico] Oh wow, this is a huge. - Huge pilot house. Check this out. - [Rico] Actually, we have a chart table right in the center. - Yeah, an old school chart table, which is really cool. Just wanna take a quick second and ask you guys to hit that like button. Write us a comment, make sure- - Subscribe. - You subscribe, make sure you do that little share arrow. It means the world to us. You guys know that we don't charge for any of our yacht tours. We don't accept any payment. We do keep our independence to show you the best boats and what we want to show you. So please do us a favor, hit that like button. Makes all the difference. Check out the view. It's gorgeous. And there's some stuff about this pilot house that was interesting. - Yes, so this is one of the first Feadships actually not having a helm wheel, which we see now a lot on the newer vessels, right. We just have the little joystick or the rudder selector level. Like these guys here for the tiller. But not having a helm wheel anymore in 1990 was definitely very new thing. - [Victoria] Groundbreaking, revolutionary. - Groundbreaking, yes. - [Victoria] Yes, I would say so. - So as you guys can see, there were a lot of upgrades done over the years because we have different screens. Starting over here, we have some VHF radio, actually, management system of the vessel on the port side screen here. We have Furuno remote here, the AIS information in the chart on there for example. Tiller right here. Then we have the shift and throttle controls for the main engines. Some B&G equipment right there. And then another Furuno remote here on the starboard side. And of course, we have the depth sounder here and sonar on the starboard side as well. And then overhead, what do we all have here? Steering gear, compass light, gearbox, engine. All analog gauges here. Here for the port engine. The heading, wiper controls, another VHF radio. So all the necessary equipment. And this is pretty cool having these two benches right behind, huh. - Just realized this is our very first Feadship on the channel. - [Rico] Oh wow. - Yeah, finally. - That's exciting. - I know. It just dawned on me. I'm like, I don't think we've had one before. - [Rico] And for everybody who's watching, keep in mind, this boat was built in 1990. - Okay. - It's 33 years old. - Yeah. - [Rico] And it looks very current. - Yes, agreed. And it's interesting how they don't have a helm chair. - [Rico] Yes. - They have these two benches, right. So if you're on duty here, you are awake and standing. - Yup. - And if you are underway in the longer passages, you can sit right here. - That's right. - Okay. Then on our, hmm- - Port side. - Thank you. Port side, walking into the captain's cabin, super generous. He's got a huge office right here. And then as we walking aft, big cabin. Shout-out to the captain for letting us film the cabin. Really appreciated, much appreciated. I know you guys enjoy checking out how does the crew live. He's got his head right here, which we'll keep it private. - [Rico] Very true, very generous cabin. And there's also a big window here, which is just covered right now by the blind. - Fantastic. - Yeah, let's- - Okay, let's go back into our pilot house. And right in the center, we actually have our crew staircase coming right up to the pilot house. - Service staircase, yeah. - Really cool. And as you guys can hear down there, is the galley. Okay, there's a lot going on there. It's, I think, lunch happening. And down below is our crew mess, we'll go check it out in a little bit. - [Rico] Sounds good. - Okay, so now we gonna go all the way out. - [Rico] And then go down the main staircase to the salon and the guest cabins. Let's do it. (mellow synth music) All right, walking into the main salon, this space was also majorly transformed. There was a fireplace right there, which I think was replaced for a much better item. - [Rico] Wow, that is a nice wine cellar. - Yes, I actually don't know how many bottles that is. But I think I'd rather have that than a fireplace on boat. What do you think? - [Rico] Yeah, absolutely. - Actually- - And still like storage next to it, it looks like it. - Put it out in the comments. Would you rather have a fireplace or a really huge beautiful wine cellar? Put it in the comments. So we have our indoor dining set for 10, which could also be set for 12. (Rico grunts agreeably) Also an original table that Dee Dee was able to preserve and reworked into this space, and then- - [Rico] Actually extended it. - Yes, exactly, made it bigger. And then we have a huge lounge seating area here. I don't know how many people this is. I mean, what do you think? - One, two, three, four- - 14? - Five, six, seven, eight. 10, and then plus the chair. So that's a lot of seating. - Everything in here is quality, luxury, high-end items. It is beautifully fit into this design. As you can tell, no more brown, peachy pink, what Dee Dee was saying. Very light, very airy, elevated design, very nice. Huge TV right there. - [Rico] Yes. - 85 inches, I don't know. - [Rico] Yeah, that looks like a 75, 85, yup. - It's a nice little work table, almost like a little home office area right here. Which, oh, that's actually the boat. - [Rico] Oh yeah. - Beautiful. I love this. How cool is that? - The fruit bowl? - Yeah. Well, you know, instead of hiding it in the galley, it's a great idea. - [Rico] And that is solid wood. - I love it. Okay, now we're gonna go all the way down aft into our guest area. (mellow synth music) Which way? This way? - Sure. - Okay. - [Rico] Go aft to the starboard side. - Starboard side, we have our double cabin. First double cabin out of our two double cabins. That was weird, but you guys get what I'm saying. Look at this. Also, nice desk here. You can actually pop a computer, do some work if needed. But hopefully, you're here just to have fun. And this is just a nice little makeup space. - [Rico] Yeah. And sadly we don't have smell TV yet, but it smells beautiful in here. - It does smell nice. Okay. And right here is our hanging lockers. Just gonna point out, I don't know if you've noticed, but these are custom B, G handles. - [Rico] Oh, how cool is that? - Really nice. And we walking aft into our first head. So we have a shower. Looks like a good two person shower. - [Rico] Oh, look at all the storage space on the outside. - Yes, nicely done. Huge openable porthole right there. Head, sink, some storage underneath, all these doors. I think it looks really, really nice. - [Rico] Okay, then we have a mirror image cabin on the port side. - Yes, but we'll pop in just so you guys believe us. Oh, look at these. - The blinds? - Yeah. These are always so nostalgic looking. - Yeah. - Look how they preserved that and kept it, I love it. - The sliders, yeah. - Yeah, the sliders. They're right here, really nice. - [Rico] Two big openable portholes again. And then- - And the same matching head. Marble, very nice. Oh, wow, huge medicine cabinet. Check this out. And then we going forward to port to our first off the, I was gonna say VIP, but actually, we do have a VIP cabin somewhere else. This yacht has six state rooms all with en suites. But originally, it was five. So we'll show you how that was done. So this one is our first of our two queen size cabins. - [Rico] Mm-hmm, big TV, again, every cabin has a very large TV actually. - And a soundbar, right? - [Rico] Yes. - And let's check out this head. Actually matching, the same. - Yup, exactly the same. - Same size. - Yup, love it, tons of mirrors. - [Rico] All natural stone. - Yeah, beautiful place to be a guest. I would not mind spending, what did Robert say, 10 days. - [Rico] Yeah. - This guy. Wow. Okay, same matching, beautiful. - [Rico] Yeah, wow, every cabin has a very large TV. - Check this out, same here. Should I volunteer myself into the shower? - [Rico] Sure. - Definitely A generous two person shower, for sure. - [Rico] Okay, up to the main deck and check out the VIP. - VIP and the owner suite. - [Rico] Let's do it. - Okay, coming up. - Hold on. What was down here? - Oh, what was down here? Good point. - Knock. (door knocks) (Victoria laughing) Ah. - I love that. On the yachts when they have, I don't know, we call it an oh shit kit, you know- - Yeah. - When you basically forgot something and they always have a little replacement for you. (door knocks) Laundry. - [Rico] Oh, that is a very convenient. - Yes a very nice laundry. We've got Miele washer and dry here. A sink, tons of storage. Super convenient location. Wow, you don't even hear it. It's going. - No. - You know you're on board a Feadship where it is quiet. Wow. Okay, let's go up. What's this? - That's locked. - Oh. (mellow synth music) Okay, we're going forward. β™ͺ Its the final countdown β™ͺ - Main deck. - [Rico] This is cool. - It was one of the touches that Dee Dee brought in. She said, you know what, this is a beautiful space. - [Rico] And this is the door I was mentioning from the side deck. So that's your main landing area here when you do board the boat from the side. (door knocking) - Day head. - [Rico] Oh, that's all the mirrors. - Yes. But also it was refitted, redone, just like all the rest of the interior. - [Rico] Very nice. - And we keep going forward. There's tons of beautiful art on board. You guys, if you recognize something, put it down in the comments, let us know what it is. But there are just tons, tons of beautiful pieces. So this is our VIP state room. Ta-da. So this space here was actually our indoor dining. - [Rico] Like the formal dining? - Which got moved aft, which I think is a perfect location for it. - [Rico] So much better. - And this is now our VIP state room. So they were able to add another state room- - [Rico] With a king size bed. - Yes, huge. And of course, they added this head, which wasn't here. Initially, this was an entrance to the galley. - [Rico] Oh, wow. But it's a very comfortable en suite. - Yes. - [Rico] Beautiful choices as well for the tiles. - So now, they're able to comfortably host 12 people, 12 guests, plus crew. And yeah, I thought that was a pretty smart decision. Smart resolution. - [Rico] How nice is that with a big porthole, huh? - Yeah, those windows are incredible. You guys ready to go see the owner suite? - Yes. - Okay. There are some friends on board here, so I'm not gonna open anything up. Just arrived, a very lovely human. And we are walking forward into our owner suite. - [Rico] So we have a little desk right when you walk in. Really cool with the transparent desk. Looks like it's floating. - And we're walking in, to our full beam all the way forward. Also something you didn't really see this scale off in the '90s. - Yes. - In the early '90s. So that's quite unusual. Now it's becoming more of a thing. It's coming back again, I feel like. - [Rico] Well, also, like the vessel's gotten a lot wider. - Yes. - [Rico] You know, like in the '90s, the vessels were a lot smaller for the length than they are now getting built. - But look at this state room, it's incredible. And I love how the windows are angled. - Yeah. - Right. That's also nostalgic, unusual. You don't see it nowadays. You've got these square, big windows and these are just so cool. - [Rico] So of course, king size bed, large TV. - All of these are custom as well, BG. You guys can tell. And nice large settee here. Did you mention it already? - [Rico] No, I have not. I mean, that's like another side salon kind of. - So if you wanted to sort of escape into your cabin and just have a chill moment by yourself, you don't just have the bed, you have a really nice seating area that you can hang out. You can have your computer, read a book. - [Rico] Very true. - Just a cozy little space here. And then, not little, actually, large cozy space. And then we're walking into the head. Wow. So Dee Dee told us, originally, this was Jack and Jill, so it was a shower in the middle right here. But it was really important to her to have a bathtub. So they did this, her husband calls it her million dollar bathtub because it needed to happen. And it happened and now it's here. And I am gonna definitely volunteer to enter the shower. - [Rico] This is massive. - Wow. How many people shower is this? - That's- - Two, five? - Six. - Six? - [Rico] Six person shower? - Yes, I'm gonna say six. - With a bench. - Six sounds right. Unbelievable, wow. Oh, yes, this huge bench. Really nice, beautifully done. And then you have his and her sinks. So everybody has their own space. I really love the layout of the shower and I felt like they incorporated the bathtub perfectly. - [Rico] I really like the two vanities actually being on separate sides instead of being right next to each other. - I agree. - It's really nice. - I love it. And then of course we have a separate toilet area, wow. - Oh. - Oh, hello. (Victoria laughing) - [Rico] Wow. - [Victoria] No, thank you, not right now. - [Rico] No, not not on camera. - Not on camera, weird. - [Rico] You can close up again, thank you very much. - Okay, thank you, bye-bye. What. Did it say something as well? I think it talks to you. - I don't know. I don't know, I didn't hear anything saying. So where are we going from here? - Okay, so- - Galley? - I think we need to show you the galley and the crew space, if the crew will be so kind to allow us, and also the engine room. - Cool, let's do it. - Okay. (mellow synth music) Walking into our galley. Could we pop in for a moment? - Oh my God, come on in, I just got a couple things going on. - You're doing flowers. - I'm flower arranging, yeah. And then they got behind me, Daniel. - Daniel. - Daniel, my brother, cooking, which is fantastic. - Oh, nice. - Hi. - It's caviar time at six. That's when- - Oh, perfect. - Okay, okay. - We will be here. - I'll pass by. - Is it okay? I know you're busy, but we can quickly pop in. - Go on, move around. Move around. - Okay, oh, it's- - It's a normal galley setup, okay. - Oh, it's a serious commercial galley. - Oh, it's a large professional galley, yeah. - Wow, very nice. So what do you got here? You've got two huge ovens. Six burners? - Eight. - Eight. - Eight. - Yeah, why have six when you can have eight. - Four induction and four electric. - How many people total are you cooking for? - 24. - 24, yeah, so- - So we've got like 10 people that's the guest. - Yup. - And then we have another 10, 11, or maybe 12 sometimes crew. - Crew, yeah. - Yeah. - Okay. - That's a lot of food to prepare. - So your refrigeration- - Yeah, no one is- - You've got that fridge. - Well, we've got walk-ins. - You've got more? - Walk-ins down there. A walk-in freezer and a walk-in refrigerator. - In the crew area? - Yeah. - Oh, fantastic. - Yeah. - Very cool. Well, obviously, proper ventilation, proper everything. You've got your own dishwasher set up here, right. - [Daniel] Yeah. - I know the girls have a dishwasher also in the stews pantry. - They have one in the pantry upper pantry- - Nice. - Yeah. - Looks like a really nice workable space here. All proper surfaces. - It's very nice, very nice galley. It's spacious. - [Victoria] Yeah, good room to operate. - Right. - Right, yeah. - Yeah. - Very nice. - It's a very nice workspace as you said. - Awesome, well, thank you for letting us pop in. And we gonna go and pop into the crew area next. - If we can. - If we can, okay. - Let's ask. - Enjoy. - [Rico and Victoria] Thank you. - All right, so right here is our entrance into the pilot house. - [Rico] Uh-huh. - And then we can go straight down to our crew mess. All right, wow, there's a lot more to the boat here. So these are the fridges that he was talking about. The walk-ins. - [Rico] Wow, they're huge. - Wow, check out this crew mess. This is huge. Wow, pretty unbelievable. Are these dishwashers? - [Rico] Now you know you're on a Feadship. - What is this? No, that's a dishwasher. - Yeah. - What are these? - Fridges. - Fridges. - Yeah. - Wow, impressive. So you actually have a bar. - [Rico] Yes. - For crew, I love it. Oh, wow, this is a really nice space. - Which comes in really handy, because if the crew ever happens to eat all at the same time, which probably rarely happens, but if it does, you have four high chairs here and then you have the table you can sit around. So you could actually all eat at the same time. - And now, the fridge right here. - So then we have a TV here. CCTV camera like here. So you can already see, if somebody would be wanting to board the vessel, you see it on the CCTV screen right there. - Okay. Yeah and he said we can pop into this cabin real quick. - Quiet please. - Just to show you. Yeah, quiet please. Just to show you guys the space. - [Rico] So we got the engineer's cabin here, which is actually really nice. You have a little office space here. Then a fairly large bunk, portholes over there. And then I guess an en suite. So yeah, you got actually a walk-in shower, head, and a vanity, pretty good. And as we keep going forward, we have another laundry. Wow, two sets of professional Miele washer and dryers. So they have three sets, that's amazing. - Good sized laundry. - Love it, this is a great, it's nicely air conditioned. - [Rico] Yes. - So if you are ironing in here, nice space. I know there's a lot of time spent doing that. And then we have four cabins down here. And the ladies told us we can pop into this one real quickly. Check out the space. Now you get the feeling for what it used to look like. You know the the 1990, definitely, you feel it down here more. But also separate showers, separate head, sink, very nice. - [Rico] Yup, little desk area. - No wet heads - Two bunks. - Down here, yup, okay, cool. Let's go and check out the engine room. (mellow synth music) - Let's check out the engine room - [Victoria] Again. - Again. No, not again, first time. It's the very first time. (mellow synth music) All right, welcome to the engineer's office. So this vessel is 515 gross tons as you guys can probably already guess because we have a proper office where you can keep watch. So all the way over there, which I'm just seeing here next to Victoria, here are our Shore Power converters, which are giving out a lot of heat. So having 'em in here actually is really convenient because this space is air conditioned. So helps it actually for them to not overheat, or trip, or break up. - [Victoria] It's a nice and comfortable space. - Then you have a entire wall here for all your distribution, all your electrical distribution. You got your generators here, generator controls, breaker panels. The yacht management system right here where you see all the tank levels and bilge pumps. All the monitoring system of the vessel is here displayed. And now let's go into the engine room. How about this chair? - Yeah, it's nice and cozy. - Pretty cool. - Okay, let's step in here. - Look at the view. Engineer's view, okay, let's go. - Right away when we walk in, we have this huge chiller here for the air condition. - [Victoria] Wow. - Yeah, that's pretty massive actually. And then some very old school looking pumps and proper piping of course. So stepping down. - [Victoria] So the refit, the interior refit was done in 2016. They just completed their technical 30-year survey. - Yes, the class survey was done three years ago. - [Victoria] Yes, so they obviously did everything needed to make sure everything is up and running. - Of course, proper haul out. - Yup. - Do the whole inspection, everything which comes along with it, yeah. - It's a big deal. If you guys don't know what the class survey is, it is a big deal. - Especially a 10-year. - [Victoria] Yeah. - The vessel is built to Lloyd's of London, Lloyd's class. We have upgraded generators. So these ones were replaced at some point. I don't know exactly when, but these are new generators. Then we have the original main engines, which are Caterpillars, 905 horsepower each. Look at these engines, this is crazy. I mean, look at these- - [Victoria] What's this? - This is throttle control and shift control for the main engines. If you at some point have to override it manually from down here, if you lose control up in the pilot house, you could have somebody in a com or walkie talkie, whatever it is, and have have somebody do it manually down here, the engineer actually. - Okay, show us the rest of the engine room. - Pretty cool. As you guys can see here, the exhaust, we have the two turbochargers there. Then the main exhaust going up overboard. Here we have the analog gauges for the main engine. Of course, the same on the starboard engine. The big air filters here. Another air filter on the other side. Going up here, a couple of steps. We have a manual pump here. Then that's all actually oil. Yup, dirty oil, fresh oil. We have the water maker here, water heaters over there. Tool chest with a workbench on top. Another workbench. Then another work bench, which is I think number four at this point. Spare parts storage, and then more storage there, and switches and so on. Pretty impressive. Even the bilge is lit up if you guys can see all the way down there. Proper valves, piping. - It's a Feadship. - [Rico] A real Feadship, yeah. - The golden standard. - [Rico] Primary fuel filters right here. Yeah, another one there. Did I mention that it's air condition in here? - No, I don't think so. It is really nice and comfortable. - It's air condition in here. The compressor just turned on so we have a little bit of noise. - Berrr. - [Rico] The main engines each have 905 horsepower. - You did that already. (compressor rumbles) - [Rico] Top speed of 15 knots. - Did that as well. - [Rico] Okay, cruising speed of 12 knots. Ah, didn't do that. - I don't think you did that. - [Rico] And then how about, these main engines each have around 29,000 hours on them. - Well, this boat has been around the world. It just did like two years in Asia and just came here. Now it's in Monaco. I mean, it's done some miles. The owners of this boat are using it. The previous owners used it. It is built to last and it is lasting. - [Rico] It is incredible to me to see main engines with that many hours on them and they look like brand new. And they'll probably run another 20,000 hours if they're well taken care of. - Unbelievable. - It's incredible. Absolutely incredible. Just quickly mention, here is one of our sea chest. There's another sea chest right there. - This is a sea chest. - [Rico] Yeah, in case you're wondering what this is, that's actually a hole on the bottom of the boat. Instead of having a through hull with a valve, it actually goes in here. This is higher than the water level. - Oh. - So theoretically, you could open this up right now and not flood the entire boat. And also clean it out, get debris out, service it, and then close it back up. - Very interesting. - [Rico] Yes. - Okay. Alrighty you guys, I hope you enjoyed this tour. Give us a like, comment, better, three comments. That would be awesome. Thanks for joining us. If you would like to see some extra outtakes, join us in the Patreon. We'll see you on the next one. Ciao. (lips smack) (beeps) (clapboard clacks) Six state rooms with en suite. (Victoria clicks tongue) - [Rico] And then there's another sea chest. (Rico rolls tongue)
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 174,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, super yacht tour, power yacht, yacht tour, boat tour, nautistyles, luxury yacht, yacht, millionaire yacht, yacht charter, liveaboard, sailing, yachtworld, Aquaholic, the wynns, yachts for sale, luxury home, condo on water, yachting, superyacht tour, living on a boat, cheoy lee yacht, boat, boat restoration, superyacht, rolex, fairmiles yacht, classic car, classics, riva, BG charade, classic yacht, baglietto, rolls royce, charter yacht, amels, heesen, bering yacht, feadship
Id: 17ptLiCf8xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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