CDM RJ 115 "Stellamar" Cantiere delle Marche Explorer SuperYacht Tour

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- Today we are on board of an absolutely stunning explorer yacht. (upbeat music) - Welcome aboard, CDM RJ 115. Oh, I like this. I like this a lot. Look at this details. - [Rico] The compass rose? - [Victoria] Yeah. - [Rico] Yeah, beautiful. - [Victoria] How did they did that? It's very nice. - [Rico] Very beautiful. - All right, coming in. - [Rico] All right, welcome to the cockpit. - So the last CDM we showed you guys, you absolutely loved, and when we stepped on board of this one, we thought we must show it to you. The interior design, we both are pretty in love with. It is gorgeous, it's practical, it's luxury. Get ready. - [Rico] Can't wait, okay, can't wait. - Okay, we're in the cockpit. - [Rico] Let's start on the cockpit. As you guys can see immediately, we have this huge center staircase. And we're gonna get into this a little bit later, give you all the details on that before we do the engine room. - It's a really big boat, we are gonna go through relatively quick, but we're gonna point out some features that we think are unique and interesting. For example, I love how they did this. - [Rico] Yeah, for the stern lines, how they got it let through all the way down to the bottom part, and then they come out. Well, we'll show you when we get to the swim platform. - Just to remember, keep that in mind. - [Rico] Yeah. - What I love here is that the whole superyacht industry seems to be going in direction of loose furniture in a cockpit. They seem to kind of become a trend, right? You start to see less and less of built-in furniture in the cockpit and also in the sun deck, so same thing here, so if you wanted to, you can completely change it up, you can move it around. It's got like tons of flexibility, possibilities. - [Rico] You could easily have even the dining table here with a couple of chairs if that's what you want. Keeps it completely open. Let's go up all the way to the sun deck and then work our way down. - You wanna go all the way up? - [Rico] All the way up? - What? Okay. All right, let's do it. All the way up we go. - [Rico] Two flight up and then we work our way down. So no peeking ahead. - I feel like we giving it away. Whoa! - [Rico] Welcome to the sun deck. - I mean you guys just get dropped into the pampering space immediately, so enjoy. The wind's picking up again today. It's the last day of the boat show. We are so excited that we actually get to show you this one. There are not a lot of people that have been able to get on board of this. So, yes! Thank you CDM for allowing us. I'm gonna hold onto my hat, do the tour Rico. - [Rico] Okay. Okay, so all the way forward we have the hot tub/plunge pool, very nice, very private. Even when you're in the marina, like we are right now, you have a good amount of privacy up here on the top deck instead of having it at the stern. So beautiful sun lounges right next to it on either side. - Really quick, gotta give props to CDM. - [Rico] Oh wow. - Check out how padded this is. I mean this isn't just like a simple, what's the word I'm looking for? Simple weather strip. - [Rico] No, it's a real gasket actually. - Like proper. - [Rico] Can we have it on both sides? - Yes. - [Rico] So then we have L-shaped saties right behind that. - I'm gonna move over here and show you what we got in our bar. - [Rico] This is beautiful, this is beautiful, that's a big bar. - I like that they went with the wood. I like, I keep thinking of maintenance when I see it for ourselves, but I'm like, it's so nice, it feels so organic. - [Rico] It does look very nice. - Okay, what do I have here? - [Rico] Hidden sink. - [Victoria] Wow, pretty deep in there. - [Rico] Yeah. So right now we got three bar stools here. - And then there's a barbecue. Drink fridge, an ice maker. Wow. - [Rico] Yeah. - Another fridge. - [Rico] And then we have storage on the bar side. - Do you think we have a dumb waiter here? No, huh? - [Rico] No. - Sure? - [Rico] Yeah. I just wanna mention something. First of all, the construction is beautiful, very, very nicely finished. And then we have these little scoops here. Of course for the ventilation, we have the ventilation here. So for wash downs, and sprays, and heavy, heavy rains, there will never any water go actually inside the cabinet because you have this scoop, so it'll drain right outside. Actually very, very nicely designed. - These are the little details that make the maintenance of this boat easier and last longer. It feel like I'm gonna fly away. Okay then we have a sitting area here good for eight, 10. - [Rico] I actually like that they didn't go with the chairs, they went with the poufs. So you have another one there, and they're completely flexible. You can move them all over the place, sit wherever you'd like, and have a big table for alfresco dining or sundowners up here on the sun deck. - These are super comfortable. And then, of course, this whole space is a bit of a blank canvas, you can do whatever you want here. And then we have a really interesting feature up here, it starts already you guys. - [Rico] Very cool, innovative design, - [Victoria] Integration. - [Rico] Integration. So this whole panel here actually folds up, and the crane, the tender crane is underneath there. So the owner of this vessel didn't like the look of having the crane somewhere just mounted onto the deck, which I actually kind of understand to be honest because when you're not using it, it's just an eyesore and take space away. So having it hidden away, and then the tender can go obviously on the bridge deck, which we're gonna see in the moment when you're not using it, you don't see it. - It's pretty spectacular, wish we could show it to you guys. So that's our sun deck. Of course we have a sunshade here. Man, I can't believe how windy it is. - [Rico] I know. Let's go down one deck. - Okay, let's do it. Okay, so we are on our boat deck. You guys see the cradle spots right here? - [Rico] Removable boat shocks here, boat cradles. And then, of course, if the tender is not on board or it's in the water, you have all the space for entertaining. - So are these removable or they're just foldable? - [Rico] They look like they're removable. - [Victoria] So there's like a pin here or something and then you pull them out? - [Rico] Yes. - Ah. - [Rico] They're removable. - [Victoria] Pretty cool. Okay. So the same thing, a flexible area here. There's a little bit of a gym here, Peloton. Then you have another, alfresco dining option here. I love these chairs. - [Rico] Very beautiful actually. - They're so stylish. Sorry, forgot something important. Drink fridge and an ice maker. - [Rico] Awesome. Let's walk forward to the foredeck. - Okay. Going all the way forward. This wind is killing me so I'm gonna take my hat off until we get on the interior. Okay, so we have our side entrance here, I don't know where. - [Rico] It's actually a door to the day head from the deck here. - Are you serious? - [Rico] Yes. - Oh, I don't remember. - [Rico] It's a day head which has an entrance from the interior, but also from the exterior. - Ah, okay. - [Rico] Very cool. We'll see that from the interior. - Okay. - [Rico] Keep walking. - And then here's our entrance to the pilot house, you can- - [Rico] That's right. - Just peek in. And then. - [Rico] So the bulwarks are nicely flared out here, we have the wing station right here, you can actually stand here, have a really nice visibility forward and aft. Actually, even if you stand further in the back here, this is incredible for stern to or side to docking. We have the shift and throttle controls, emergency stop, start and stop button for the main engines, both thruster, rudder control, and Furuno multi function indicator as well as the rudder indicator. - Okay. - [Rico] All right. Further forward. - We are at the bow. Again, they chose to make it all very flexible, a lot of loose furniture, there's no table here or anything, so I'm sure they have some foldable furniture they can put out here, if you wanted to change this out. - [Rico] Very cool. As far as I remember, there is also a spot here when the furniture gets getting moved for longer crossings, the crew tender is going here. - That makes sense. - [Rico] And now you're wondering, okay, how does a crew tender get on top here? They have a receptacle there, receptacle on both sides, which goes in here. And the heavy duty crane equipment is stored away when the crane is not being used, the tender's either in the water or being here stored on top deck. And it keeps everything open and clean and actually becomes a guest area, not just an, you know, operational crew area. - That's very interesting. Another thing I was thinking of, I don't know if there was a thought behind it, but maybe how I would use it is if you wanted to take some furniture from there to here and like you can actually move stuff- - [Rico] With loose furniture it becomes very easy. - And the way this furniture is such low profile, you could easily carry it through the side decks and move it around. - [Rico] Agreed. - Pretty cool. - [Rico] rAll right, let's check out the fall deck. - Did we mention the- - [Rico] Life rafts? No. - [Victoria] No. - [Rico] So we have the life raft here on the inside of the vessel actually with the fall down deployment balconies actually. So you can flip them over and actually launch them. And that's on both sides. - Also very unique having this, these wings that come down just for that. - [Rico] So off to the foredeck, which is beautifully finished as well. Look at this. I like that they actually decided not to put anything in the bow. - [Victoria] You do? - [Rico] I do like it, yes. Exactly. Okay. - It's so tall. - [Rico] It is, it is. - Wow. Crazy. It's like, it's a proper explorer bow. - [Rico] So then we have standup paddle boards actually mounted here, on the fall deck, where they're nicely out of the way, but they're solid and they're not inflatable ones, so performing a little bit better. - So you just throw them overboard or carry them all the way back? - [Rico] You'll probably carrying them back, yeah. - Yeah, it makes sense. It's pretty tall to throw them from here. - [Rico] You can probably do both. Anyway, so we have our dual anchor set up here with a beautiful stainless steel plate. And let's take a peek in here. All nicely on shocks. Look at this. And of course you wanna keep that closed at sea. Got the anchor chain markings so you know how much anchor chain you have already deployed when you quickly release it. Have the anchor chain lockers, one on the port, one on the starboard side. I see part of the crane system I believe like all the way down there on the bow part. And of course, we have additional storage here. So now turning around. - [Victoria] Wow, what's that? - Right over here we have more storage space and then also part of the crane setup as you guys can see there, the line is there. And then lots of storage and technical area here, technical space. Believe the crew tender shocks, it might be, if not for the main tender, but there's some shocks down there. It goes really deep in there. Lots of space. It feels cool in there too. I think it's air conditioned. (upbeat music) - So we do have our staircase going down to our main deck right here. - [Rico] Yes. - And we cannot go straight forward, it kind of ends there, right? So that's the setup. So we'll just go and jump into the pilot house. - [Rico] Sounds good. (upbeat music) Nice and cool. - Nice and air conditioned. - [Rico] Welcome to the pilot house. - Okay, wow. It's really pretty gray. You know it's often that we see the pilot house is black and dark brown, but they actually went with gray. - [Rico] Yeah, it's a dark gray. - I think it looks very nice. - [Rico] Yeah, no glare. I mean it's all very, very mute colors, nothing shiny, no shiny surfaces. - Yeah, it's all flat surfaces here. It's very organized, right? It doesn't look cluttered. - [Rico] Yes. - Like it seems like everything is just in the right place. It's not completely, you know, like some of the functions we've seen that just, everything's hidden, it's all there, but it also seems very simple and organized. - [Rico] Yes. So we have four multifunction displays. You can, of course, use for CCTV, for engine information, chart plotter, radar, AIS and so on. Then we have, let's start in this center we have the helm wheel right her, we have the rudder indicator as well as the set points. Then we have the shift and throttle control, searchlight control, steering system. Looks like we have independent rudder controls actually both thruster control, flare camera, et cetera. Windshield wiper controls, all the electronics. Yeah, we get the presets here for standard operations like stern proportion, et cetera. It's already preset from column back. And then we have VHF radios, and then the overhead a multifunction display from Furuno and so on. - Found you a breaker panel. - [Rico] Yep, got a classic breaker panel right behind here in the pilot house for most of the pilot house systems. And what we see are our batteries and battery monitors as well as the schematics of the boat where you see the navigation lights as well as bilge alarms. - [Victoria] There's more interesting stuff. - [Rico] Yeah, yeah, management system of the vessel where we have all the levels, fuel, at this moment right now in this screen, specifically we see the fuel tanks and fuel capacity. - And behind this door we do have a captain's cabin. The full crew is on board, captain is on board, owners actually arrived yesterday, so they're on board. They're gonna just take off as soon as they can. As soon as the boat show ends, they're gonna sound that horn and I think they're gonna get, get out of here and go cruising. So we're gonna respect crew's privacy and we're not gonna be able to show to you, but Captain, this is a really nice cabin? - [Captain] It's a fair size cabin, yeah. - Yeah, fair sized cabin? - [Captain] That's very comfortable. - You got good windows in there? - [Captain] Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Nice. Because it looks like you would've some good windows going up. - [Captain] Very good views, yeah. - Awesome. Well, we believe you, so let's go show you the rest of the boat. So on this side we do have a little settee here that you can also sit and participate. when you are in the pilot house - [Rico] And all your courtesy flags and quarantine flags, and all the flags. - Fantastic. So let's go aft. I like how they incorporated actual curtains in here. - [Rico] Traditional curtains, right? - And then organic, not organic, like a linen fabric. They still have the the shades, but you'll see it throughout, it just gives that kind of a home vibe. So that's gotta be the day head you were mentioning, right? - [Rico] Yes it is. - Ah, no way. Check this out. Yeah, so they do have a door on both sides. Pretty cool. Very pretty. Look at the sink. And the fixtures are white. Also something you don't see every day. And then we go back more. I love the matte finishing on these panels. I feel like now with our build, I get to appreciate the interior design a bit more. I notice stuff that I didn't think about before and when in the house, you know, you guys kind of have like the paint, a wallpaper. On the boat, you have a lot more possibilities in terms of textures, right? In terms of having paneling and stuff, you don't have in a house usually. - [Rico] Actually now like we see it more and mores on high-end homes, where they started, at least in the primary bedrooms and so on, like incorporating three dimensional surfaces and so on. But it's, still on the yacht, I think, it's still way more used than in any residential spaces. - Another thing I was gonna point out, seeing more and more of the yacht builders are going away from having grills on all the air conditioning is just a very simple open spaces. I personally love it. I dunno, let me know how you guys feel about it in the comments. - [Rico] And there's one more aspect to that. Having bigger openings, I believe, and I'm 99% that I'm correct with this, that it also minimizes the sound the air makes when it's exiting the vents. - That's gotta be, 'cause there's no obstruction, there's nothing happening there. - [Rico] Interior design wise, amazing furniture, great choices. - So let's turn around, check out this window. - [Rico] Yep. - Wow. Oh look at these, did you see these? - [Rico] I like this louvers a lot. - Wow, there's actual fabric here in between and there are wood, but they just, they look like a cayenne beach house, just very nice. - [Rico] Very beautiful. - How big is this? That's 85? - I'll say, 85. Yeah, 85. - You guys put it in the comments, is it 85? - [Rico] What I am, keep standing there, what I am extremely excited about. - Oh no. - [Rico] Extremely excited about, you guys recognize this? Yes, K-array speak us on this vessel. - If you guys been following us for a while and if you are watching NautiGuys channel, you know that K-array is going on our boat. It's a very high-end item that I had to just compromise and keep my husband happy so he'll let me keep some items that keep me happy. So I'm excited about this as well. And this vessel has it throughout and we'll show it to you. But the sound this little speaker makes will blow you away. And if you haven't seen it, go to NautiGuys. I'll put the link in the description of the video, and I'll put in a popup right here. You need to check this out, it is nuts. We've been to the factory in Tuscany and it is absolutely mind blowing. - [Rico] Yes. - Okay. - [Rico] Kudos to the owner of this vessel. I don't know you, but the right choice. Little card playing table. - And then look at the doors here, so you have a sliding door her, heavy duty explorer yacht, definitely all the way. Even though an interior just feels like a high-end beach house. On the exterior you see the seriousness of this vessel. - [Rico] Another thing we haven't mentioned yet, they actually copied the floor onto the ceiling. - That is cool. Beautiful. - [Rico] Exactly the same material. But you know what? It looks slightly different just because of the lighting. So wherever the light hits it, it creates a different tone of the wood than the ceiling, for example. - You are right. - [Rico] But it feels really, really nice. - I didn't even understand it until you pointed out why it felt so warm and connected. - [Rico] Okay, so now we're going down two flights of stairs- - All the way down. - [Rico] All the way to the guest area. - Let's do it. The boats starting to get busy, so let's see what we can accomplish. Go all the way down. Coming to you from the engine room, just wanted to tell you that you must see this stay till the end of the tour because this is a really, really cool engine room. But real quick, wanted to ask you, hit that like button, subscribe, do the share means the world to us. You guys know we don't charge for any val yacht tours, we don't accept any money 'cause we wanna keep our independence. So the biggest support you can give out channel is just please take a second and support us. And, of course, you can always join us on Patreon, if you would like to do a little bit more. Back to the tour. Okay, we'll come back up here and we'll talk about this really cool piece in a moment. Going down. Very comfortable staircase. Again, all like light colors, feels very elevated. Okay, let's go forward. - [Rico] Sure. - On our port first. See, babe, look what they did. They did this rug and that's what I think we should do. They kept the floor easily to clean. You know, they, they didn't built-in the rug, the carpet, which I personally love. And, you know, if there ever is a problem, charter gas, spilled something, you can just take this thing out, put the new one in. So great, love it. - [Rico] So two single beds. - Correct. - [Rico] Plus Pullman. - Nightstand here. They have exposed storage here they build this in. Also interesting how they incorporated mirrors, but these are almost like smoking mirrors. They're not exactly tinted dark, they seem like they tinted light. - [Rico] But they will extend visually the window space. - That's an interesting touch, I haven't seen this, looks really cool. Okay, then on this side we have our hanging locker. Serious doors. Coming into en suite. Really beautifully done here. I will volunteer myself into the shower, so you can come in and show the rest. - [Rico] Beautiful sink. Oh, it's all stone, natural stone actually. Really nice. Rain shower overhead. Then integrated soap storage. - Yeah. Soap storage? - [Rico] Yeah, shampoo, shower gel storage. - I don't think it's called it. That's not what it's called. It's called recessed something. - [Rico] Recessed storage for the shower gel. Anyways, we have the drainage on both sides very well. Very well done, it looks super clean and it stays dry. - I like the white. I mean we going with black 'cause I also like that, but the white also looks really nice. - [Rico] Looks really nice, yeah. - And a bit of storage underneath. My favorite mechanisms, nice and quiet, love these. On my list. - [Rico] Yes. - Okay. - [Rico] Let's go over, check out the other side. - Sorry, I just keep finding things, okay. We cannot open anything in the owner suite, you guys, because the owner's on board, so I'm just gonna open stuff, at least, in the guest cabins for you. - [Rico] So we got a flush mounted TV. - Okay. Then going to our starboard side, matching cabin. I don't think we've mentioned it on the other side that these two do come together and make one big queen size bed. - [Rico] At least, yeah. - Still have a Pullman right there. - [Rico] That's bigger than queen, it's a king size when you slide them together. - Yeah, I think for the showing on this yacht, they pick the bit of a mood lighting. So everything's a little toned down. I don't wanna, we don't wanna mess with all their lights, so it feels a little on the darker side. That's because they've chosen to give this mood to the showing. Walking into the en suite, matching to the other side exactly the same. Really like the choice of colors here, looks very pretty. - [Rico] Yep. Same shower. Besides having hand towel racks mount on there, they also have hooks here. - Yes. - [Rico] At the door. - Must have. - [Rico] Can never have enough of towel storage in your bathroom. - Okay, let's go- - [Rico] Aft? - I mean, let's go aft. - [Rico] Get the breaker panel for this level. - Okay, going. Which side? - [Rico] Starboard. So we got two equal guest cabins, aft as well, which have nice big double beds. And what are you looking there? - This is giant window, it's huge. We have a tender actually right next to us. - [Rico] Yeah. - But it is such a big window- - [Rico] I think it's a crew tender actually sitting right next to it. Of course, big TV. - And then? - [Rico] And then? - [Victoria] And then? - [Rico] Behind here. - That's What I was looking for. I'm like, where is it? It's gotta be somewhere here. Hanging locker for you. Coming into our en suite. This one is definitely a larger than the other cabin. Our emergency escape hatch. Check out this- - [Rico] Yeah, very large. - Shower here. Check this out. - [Rico] Yeah, easy a two and a half, three person shower. - [Victoria] Yes, for sure. This is beautiful as well. - [Rico] It's like a 3D. Yep. - [Victoria] Marble. - [Rico] Very nice actually. - I have a feeling the other cabinet is matching, but we will check it out just in case. - [Rico] Oh, check out the base of the cabinet. Same material like in the shower. - [Victoria] Oh yeah, you're right. - [Rico] Let's check out the starboard side. - Let's do it. This is just a, is there something in it? - [Rico] Just storage. - Oh, I thought maybe it's like a little drink fridge or something. - [Rico] It could be. - A little extra storage. - [Rico] You could probably have a drink fridge in there. - Okay, let's go to our- - [Rico] Starboard side. - Okay, thank you very much. Coming in matching cabin, all exactly the same. I'll check it out for you guys just in case. Exactly the same. - [Rico] Not fast enough. - You're really, really slow. - [Rico] Yep, exactly mirror image. - Beautiful. Okay- - [Rico] Let's go- - Where we're going next? - [Rico] One level. - To our main deck? - [Rico] Main deck. - Okay, let's do it. - [Rico] And do the salon and the owner suite. - Okay. - [Rico] And, of course, we have storage underneath here because we have this big staircase. - [Victoria] Oh, very cool. - [Rico] Yeah. (upbeat music) - All right, walking into our main salon. We did it a little bit backwards. - [Rico] We did. - Should have started there. I feel like we just should start there. - [Rico] Should we? Okay, okay. - Yeah, just reverse this. Interior design will hate us to do it backwards. - [Rico] I know, right? - So you walk in, that's the vibe, right? The vibe immediately, same design, they've repeated the flooring on the ceiling. It does look very nice. We have a couple of storage spots on each side. - [Rico] Sitting as a model here, so you can admire it when you actually on it. And then little bit of a landing area here. Two chairs. I really like the color choices. It is very neutral, but very homey, right? What do we have there? Of course. Can't miss talk about these speakers. Love them. - Don't touch them, don't touch them. - [Rico] Love them. - They're very expensive. - [Rico] I know. - Okay, as we're walking forward, simple low profile, again, the furniture, you could technically move around. - [Rico] Well, the way they choose to assemble it right now here, it's in the center of the room facing aft, keeping the windows completely free, but, of course, you could move furniture to the outside. You would block maybe the windows to slide a little bit, but you also open up the space more. So it's a total preference, whichever way you like it better. Then moving forward, we have our interior dining table. - [Victoria] Yes. - [Rico] It is a stone table. It feels very heavy. - Yes. I mean it's not a full, it's not a full stone, but- - [Rico] No, no, but- - It's beautiful. It's beautifully done. - [Rico] So sitting for 10? - Correct. - [Rico] Yeah. - All of this is our service storage, right? So all the dishes, glassware, stuff that would be here for dinner is all stored in here. Okay, behind this door is our galley. Let's go check out the galley. So we have a side entrance door here. You could come in from exterior, bring you provisioning, straight into the galley. Check this out. They did this little pop-up table here. - [Rico] Just for - Extension of- - [Rico] Dinner Service or any kind of meal service, yeah. - As soon as stuff is ready, the chef can just put it here for the crew to bring it outside and serve. Huge pantry. And we're coming into our galley. - [Rico] And what would a galley be without a proper Italian espresso maker? - Agreed. So we have a big single sink, food waste disposer in there. Storage. They just build in storage everywhere they could. Oh, this doesn't open - [Rico] Dishwasher. - Oh, it does open. Okay, we've got a Miele professional dishwasher here, induction Miele five burner cooktop, we have two Miele ovens. There's drawers underneath, hood here. What else do they have here? I mean, obviously the crews on board, they're getting ready to take off. So I'm not gonna like snoop around too much. - [Rico] A proper slicer. - So is it safe to assume there's like an Italian chef on board? - [Rico] I would hope so. - I have a feeling. Okay, huge window. That makes it very nice for the galley. It's just also a great place to work. You know, they're not completely like enclosed into a little dark hole here. - [Rico] Yeah. And then next to you is the entrance to the crew area, which we sadly cannot show because the crew's resting. Part of the crew's resting, part of the crew is obviously working, but that's a- - I'm sorry guys, you know, usually that's a big portion of our tour, we always show it to you, but the captain asked us to please let the crew rest because they were working shifts because the owner is already on board, he arrived yesterday. - [Rico] Electrical panel for the galley. And then here. - No, there's also here. Galley rocks. Fine - [Rico] Pantry space? - Pantry. - [Rico] And it looks like we have very large refrigeration space, yeah? - Miele fridge, and another Miele fridge. - [Rico] A fridge freezer combo. - A freezer combo, yes. - [Rico] Off to the owner suite. - All right, let's go show you the owner suite. We're gonna come all the way around to our starboard. This is a beautiful piece that was made by member of the family. And I think it's an incredible display for it. Like it's just, it's a focal point of the yacht. - [Rico] And the cool thing is it is always moving. - It's brilliant. - [Rico] It's not just a static thing. - Really nicely done. - [Rico] Yeah, very nice. - So then here. Oh, another day head. Check that out. Cute, little day head here. But coming into our owner suite. So we have a wardrobe right here. Walk in wardrobe as we mentioned owners are board, on board. We're not gonna open anything up, you guys. They have a little office space here. The cute as this chair, I like it. You could tell that, I think, they're enjoying doing some work on board, but it's not set up to have like a workspace, I think because- - [Rico] Just a little laptop space. That's all what they need. - They probably chose to come here and relax and not work. And then we have some more, more hanging lockers on this side, all of these are drawers. We have a king size bed Look they carried through the wood here as well on top. There is another hanging locker here. Some exposed storage. Speakers. - [Rico] Yep, K-array speakers again. - K-array everywhere. And then we are walking into our en suite. I really like these pocket doors. They seem very solid, very strong. I think we've, we finally have pocket doors to the level that, it's Rico's standard, that he's gonna be okay with that. - [Rico] That I'm gonna be okay with it? - On this side, we have an infrared sauna. - [Rico] Oh wow. - Check, check. Pretty awesome to have that on board. Separate toilet. Then, of course, we have a bathtub here, a dual vanity, another separate toilet, and then a huge shower on this side. - [Rico] Beautiful. - All right, let's run over and show you guys the engine room. (upbeat music) Let's talk about the swim platform real quick. - [Rico] Transformer. Right here where I'm standing on. So you can go into the water or up to the shore if you don't wanna use the passerelle. And then on the starboard side, we have the entrance to the technical area. (upbeat music) - It's pretty loud in here. - [Rico] Yeah. So we got our atlas converters, electrical converters, and then the lazarettes with the crew space washers and dryers, commercial grade freezer. And then, of course, we have the center work bench here. - This whole space is amazing. You've got your... Woo! Scared me. We got our water toys right here on both sides. Two sea bobs. What are these? - [Rico] Yep, the jet boards, and then we have this big hatch there, which actually is the staircase we walk down, opens up, and you can actually bring everything in and out. - Fantastic, workable space. This looks like a deep freezer as well. - [Rico] Yep, top loading freezer. - What do we have in there? - [Rico] Go into the technical space here. We got water pumps here, emergency pump, which is actually gasoline one for firefighting or bilging. And then we have a commercial size water makers right there. We have the cable wheel here around the corner in some additional storage. - I found another deep freezer here. - [Rico] And then right here is the entrance also from the side deck down to the engine room and the lazarette area. Of course, when you're underway, you're not gonna use the stern entrance. - Of course. And let's go check out the engine room. - [Rico] Cool. Welcome to the engine room. We got two generators, one on the starboard side, one on the port side, and then the two main engines, here caterpillars. In this case, beautiful clean bilge areas, easy access. Even with this one here, we have a window in here, so you can actually even look through to your main valves. And then we have some primary fuel filters right here forward. Sideshow glass for this fuel tank here. Everything is so clean. Look at the ceiling, all high gloss, nice ceiling. Behind you we have the controls for the generator, but also the entire switchboard for the vessel. Yeah. And here we have a Blackwater treatment system. - Love that. Must have for any proper explorer yacht. - [Rico] Yes, agreed. Big engine room ventilation here on the starboard side. - Wow. - [Rico] And then also, of course, on the port side, so you can inject and extract whichever way you would like to. Yeah, emergency access up to the cockpit- - Looks like a side deck or cockpit. - [Rico] Yeah, cockpit area. - Okay. - [Rico] And that's what's here in the engine room. - All righty, I hope you guys enjoyed this tour. Make sure you hit that like button and write us a couple of comments, and enjoy a couple of outtakes, and if you would like some more, join us on the Patreon. Ciao. - [Rico] So how can we fit Victoria on this chair? - [Victoria] Wait, wait, there's no one here. Did it.
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 129,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, super yacht tour, yacht tour, boat tour, nautistyles, luxury yacht, yacht, millionaire yacht, yacht charter, liveaboard, sailing, yachtworld, Aquaholic, yachts for sale, luxury home, yachting, baglietto, pershing, k array speakers, explorer yacht, bering, bering yacht, bering 77, allseas 92, damen explorer, nordhavn, sailing doodles, bering 80, liveaboard couple, expedition yacht, long range, around the world, Off the grid, CDM RJ 115, Cantiere Delle marche, CDM yacht
Id: Veodcj8UeyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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