FCE CAE Use of English Getting Started

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hello my friends and welcome back to my channel today's video is f c/e CAE use of english getting started you might be wondering why I've decided to do f c/e and CA together just like I did in the speaking the odds are simple because the use of English they are exactly the same except in the CAE exam of course the tusks are much more difficult without further ado let's get started so how many parts are there the arms are simple there are four now the first part is called the multiple-choice close there is a piece of text there are eight gaps and you have multiple choice a b c and d and you need to choose the word which best fits each gap they test things like phrasal verbs kal occasions some basic expressions of course in CAE more complicated phrasal verbs and expressions but especially kal occasions and in context you need to be quite analytical here you really do need to know your vocab but I'll explain that on how to do it in the individual videos for each part now let's have a look at part 2 part 2 is called the open closed again you have a piece of text eight gaps and you need to put in the sort of more grammatical words like your auxiliaries like M R is was word has been being so it was like so such your relative pronouns your words for contrast like however furthermore while whereas although articles a lot of prepositions as well so you really do need to know that and again I'll explain how to do that soon part three and this is the word transformation as you'll see you have a piece of text and down the side of the text there are words in black sort of bold words and you need to change the spelling of them so you need to know about how to form adjectives adverbs etc etc think about all the possibilities people sort of tend not to get all these correct because both spelling and the last one part for which most people hate part form is called keyword transformation as you can see you have a questions there are six and you have like a kind of sentence and then you have a words in bold underneath that word in bold has to be used in your answer so these are sentence that you give with the answer has to be as close in meaning as possible to the original sentence and again I'm going to show you how to do this a bit later it's quite difficult but compared to the part one two and three where you only get one mark per answer in part four you get two marks four answers so it's okay if you get a bit of it wrong because you can still get a mark if you get a part of it right now that's basically the use of English so you see what they look like you know what sort of is expected but again in the other videos I'll explain in more detail exactly what you need to do and the strategies required now how long is each part well if you think that the use of English and reading are now combined in the FCE and CAE exam in the FCE you have if I'm not mistaken 75 minutes and the CAE you have 19 in the CAE there are four reading parts of not three so basically in the FC here you have sort of ten minutes in the CAE you have 11 minutes to do each task which really isn't much time however in practice students tend to complete the use of English a lot quicker than that it doesn't take so long so you can dedicate more time to the reading texts especially in the CAE because Part C is awful I hate it but it's in the exam now success rate of use of English and in my classes and in my many years of experience rarely do you get a student who answers all of them correctly it does happen sometimes but there will always be the odd mistake and but enough but some mistakes are okay even to get an A so it's not so much of a problem but of course we want to aim for the best you know you really have to practice your English extremely often or as much as you can what are the causes of failure we need to understand that before we can understand how to prepare the first cause of failure is a lack of attention to detail that means that when you go into the exam and you attempt to do this task some people's mind is somewhere up in the clouds they're not able to focus you need to be very analytical and I'll explain how to do that in another video the second cause is you don't have a strategy you need to have some kind of strategy that you practice again and again in again and again so the moment you go into that exam you know exactly what to do the worst thing you could possibly do is going to the exam and try something completely new because you're gonna waste your time it's going to take longer and you'll probably mess it up and I'm going to teach you some of my personal strategies that tend to work the third one and most important not knowing your English you simply haven't practiced enough you do need to know your grammar and vocabulary . there's nothing not to say about that so how do we prepare what can we do to avoid those problems well the first one I've got reference books but especially in exam format now here in my hand I've got this book murphy's as we all know is one of the most famous books in the world great for practice it's got a lot of grammar in there but the practice tends to be a bit easy and that's a sort of disadvantage of that and the most important thing is not really in exam format however one of my favorite books for FCA practice and even CAE is this one here I've actually spoken about it before this is a fantastic book because again explains all that vocab all that grammar and a lot of it is in the exam format so when you practice in that growler you're going to practice it in the style of the FCE or CAE exam anyway but again the only problem with these kind of books is that the themes are isolated that means that when you say for example learn conditionals or reported speech or modal verbs you're tested just on conditionals reports of speech or modal verbs the problem in the exam you can be tested on anything all in one text so you need to practice basically doing real English I'll come back to the practice tests in a second so when I saw talk about real English I mean watch your films record your vocab watch BBC news you read books Oxford bookworm is a great one to start off with because they are suited to particular levels you really really need to read and watch as much as you can to get that real English because you'll hear the same language again and again and again it'll become instinctive and then your life in the exam will be so much easier the problem is students don't do it enough I suggest you watch a lot of my other videos on how to record vocab or not the other bits and pieces because and then is going to really help you solve this problem as a practice tests do as many as you can now I've got this book here for CAE this is called a trainer and in the trainer it has all the kind of practice tests I think in this one it's very generous there are eight tests in here and this is something that you need to buy there are quite a few trainers out there and you need to go through these again and again and again and again just keep practicing and also don't forget to time yourself before you do the exam you need to have good time management but talking about time management there's one thing you also need to bear in mind you need to remember is that even though you have 10 minutes per task you need to give yourself time to transfer the answers to the answer sheet I have known some students basically finish the test ago right now it's time to transfer the answers you have 30 seconds left oh that is going to be a very very serious problem because you cannot transfer all those answers in 30 seconds now that is basically a good way to get introduced to the use of English I'm going to go through each part individually and explain how to do it now that was useful please give a thumbs up please subscribe tell your cats and dogs anyone you know and please leave your comments below or not but happily answer because I try to answer as many people as I can thank you so much and I'll see you later
Channel: Practice English with Paul
Views: 16,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fce, cae, exam, 'useofenglish', 'fceuseofenglish', 'caeuseofenglish'
Id: eF8O28yXO4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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