How to do Key Word Transformation questions (FCE Reading and Use of English)

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Hey so what's the hardest part in the reading and use of English exam if you thought of key word transformations or part 4 in reading a news of English it kind of looks like this then you are not alone a lot of my students have said this so today I've got this video to show you a step-by-step process to make this part super easy for you let's get started hi everyone my name is Anu from super easy FCE the best place to be for weekly tips and tricks to pass the first certificate exam don't forget to subscribe by clicking the red button down below and clicking on the bell icon to make sure that you can start learning all of my secrets today so part four has eight questions and each of these questions is worth two marks so you should definitely be practicing this part a lot a great thing about this part is that even if you get the answer a little bit wrong you could get one out of the two marks so this is one of those parts where you definitely want to write something down also this part is really repetitive at a b2 or xee level so if you've practiced this question a lot then you'll probably find that you can see some patterns the same kind of questions being asked again and again now let me show you an example question to take you through my step-by-step process for this part here's an example question it was so cold yesterday that we didn't want to do anything the word they've given you is feel we didn't space yesterday because it was very cold the first step is called cutting cut out any information that is repeated pay attention to anything that has changed as well while you're doing this so here it was cold yesterday is in both sentences so I'll go ahead and cut that out we can also get rid of we didn't it's in both sentences we can then cut out so and that in the first sentence because the new sentence uses very and because and they have the same meaning now you can focus a little bit more on the most important part in the original sentence want to do anything the second step is to look at structure after didn't I need a verb in the infinitive form and they've given me feel already so I'll just put that down now quick tip is that usually when they want you to change a verb like this they're probably checking your knowledge of phrasal verbs or verb patterns in this case want is a verb pattern it's always followed by two and an infinitive so feel is probably a bear pattern as well and it is the pattern is feel like plus verb in the ing form or a gerund it was want to do in the original sentence so it will be feel like doing in the new one once you've done this remember to cut out one to do from the original sentence actually you just saw my third step which is to add words and then cut them out cut out the relevant words in the original sentence now the reason I do this is because I need to make the two sentences exactly the same in meaning so it's important that I don't miss out any key words for example here when I cut everything that I've got so far I realize I still need to add the word anything to my new sentence and now here's the final step read the new sentence and check if it makes sense now I know what you're thinking because all my students think the same thing when I teach them this method this is too long I can't waste so much time on each question actually the more you do this it will become easier and faster also spending a little bit longer on these questions is fine because they are worth two marks each all the other questions in the use of English part of the exam are only worth one mark each so don't worry and practice a lot trust me it will help loads the other thing I should add is that this strategy does not help if you don't have enough vocabulary and grammar to pass in the first place this is not an easy way to pass without studying anything it's just a quicker way to pass if you know some of the grammar and vocabulary for a b2 level exam already okay let's try doing one together I'll tell you what to do and you can pause the video when you see this sign try it yourself on a piece of paper if you can the politicians lost the election because they had completely failed to reduce unemployment the word they've given you is there the politicians lost the election because of space unemployment the first step is to cut off anything that's similar pause the video now so here's what I got did you get this now of course you also need to check the structure has anything changed well yeah because is now followed by off so how does this change the new sentence pause here to think about what kind of words you'll need to use after off the correct answer is that the word after off has to be a noun or a noun phrase I'll probably need to change the verb in the sentence fail - a noun now we can start writing things in remember to cut each time you write something pause now to do this okay let's have a look first let's change the verb to a noun fail as a noun is failure as we won't be saying they had we can use there which is already given to you in the question this will be the same meaning as they had failed so I'll cut that off as well now I can use to reduce just like the original sentence in the new sentence so I'll just copy that down and cut it off at the top now if you're like most students you've got this as your answer but actually you've only got one of the two marks check the original sentence you haven't cut off completely this adverb changes the meaning of the sentence so you must include it in the new sentence as well now completely is an adverb and it's describing fail in the original sentence you changed fail to failure in the new sentence so to describe failure you'll need an adjective well that's quite easy just get rid of the ly at the end of completely and put it before failure now the five words that you've put are their complete failure to reduce you get one mark for their complete and the second mark for failure to reduce so really my step by step process is quite simple it's cut think write and then cut think write you do this until you've moved the meaning of all the words in the original sentence to the new sentence okay I hope this video made part 4 in the reading and use of English exam super easy for you did you like this video if yes please do give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe by clicking the red button down below if you haven't already watched my last video on planning go do that now it's super useful and I give you lots of tips that you could use today to improve your writing keep practicing and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: English To Pass
Views: 118,649
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Keywords: pass the fce exam, fce, fce exam, first certificate in english, cambridge first certificate, fce use of english, fce grammar, fce tips, fce help, learnenglish, cambridge exams, Inglés B2, Inglés para el FCE, Inglés para el First Certificate, ayuda con el B2, ayuda con el FCE, examen fce de cambridge, FCE preparación, prepararse para el b2 en inglés
Id: ZRKKjOZx5ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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