Father VS Son GAME OF S.K.A.T.E. 3 / Anything Counts!

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YouTube what's up guys we are back doing another video you don't get to go first for you game of skate anything goes and to see us first we're gonna do the old board flip okay so you can be as creative as you want in this okay and wait as wild as you want it just has to involve a skateboard that's the only rule also no cheating so two rules if you want to you leave your friends behind what do you just see you won't leave your friends behind then just dance huh no I'm good um so yes actually Ryan's been skating a bunch man he just did a more serious warehouse Wednesday but we're doing a goofy skating video he's beat me both times we played game of skate and I know this is a weird anything counts game but I'm gonna give it my all and I'm winning that isn't just not how life works I do treat you the respect funk but I got to raise you to understand that it's okay to lose losing helps you stand back up and motivate you to try again and do harder the next time it's important to know how to lose and I'm gonna make that a goal for me to actually win because I haven't won yet alright I'll see you guys first so the way the board flip works is whoever gets griptape up first when the other person does not goes first ready 1 2 3 we go again he wasn't kidding he does go first all right so anything counts see this is whatever he wants 10 a.m. right now and I don't want to do this [Music] do you think if you didn't act like a ballerina you probably would've landed that that's the point fair enough okay I'm gonna do right and here's the one that you've never done I'm gonna do a 180 baby leaf trick okay [Applause] I'm moving on from my Casper foot you know what I'm gonna do he's never done this before but I think you can do it I'm gonna do a switch drop in so right it's the same thing except they're switching feet okay is s all right my next maneuver I've got one for you right I'm gonna roll up this Bank and then do a body bury that was my call you do anything counts right now by the way guys if you enjoy what you're watching right now I do videos all of the time if you just hit the subscribe button you'll be signed up to see more videos it's free and easy and you're you're subscribed you're you're with me now and I appreciate that onward with the video though what do you call your the judge you can do double hand touches in life see that's why you redo things because that looks good I now I'm going to acting a ballerina this is exactly what it's like to be a parent body Vega he doesn't like going unneeded ly fast [Applause] I've got feet today I didn't do it at all I didn't land it oh well either way I didn't land I didn't know that was part of it but it got is new board free okay I know what he's doing this is good right and might take him a few trust now that I said that he's got to redo that right I know you would count it it was first try you're you're well you're the judge I'm gonna count that one side it really is a trick I can't believe you stuck that though that was really good all right I can I can safely say I've never actually done this trick I went way too fast do this I'm gonna deliver so many more letters to your old man how's it going back there oh wait basketball why are you getting a basketball we're playing a game of skate okay what are you doing here kid you know okay that's actually that's good I would suggest facing it next time alright my first ad and kickflip ball ten times right u-turn frontside I just want to say that we're Kate I'm your dad I don't think I've ever beat you in a game of skate on YouTube right all right I'm gonna do a drop in wearing spongebob the Spongebob had this kind of hard to hold our head [Music] okay so you're inkay [Music] it was defense that was good he locked out a little bit but it was defense all right here how would this [Music] oh my gosh has scared me Sears her I'm so sorry did you give him one your basketball shot okay stay away from me when I try this so what I did is basically it's like I don't know what it's called we call it a 360 baby leaf trick jump up and then you keep it this way that was the 180 so this Natalie that was not it but that was good right judgment yep okay all right here I got one before here's go to the box we're gonna do a switch jump to board okay it's really good dude oh yeah Ariel beautiful space to roll away right in now that's wait don't go switch it just has to use a skateboard right what do you was your call judge its anything counts yeah anything counts he he used the skateboard I think that's good can't believe I did that first are you at t that needs means I need to a super trick I don't know what a super trick is I think I'm actually gonna win a game of skate versus right it I'm gonna trying to throw the war down and make it do a flip and then I'll end it okay it did not deal with them yes okay meanwhile over here that clearly doesn't work try this one more time I think I should throw it here I think I just throw it upside down oh that did work though that is terrifying he jumped switched and landed a regular I'd like genuinely do not want to do this cuz I'm thinking about my trick I'm at a your a t anybody's game another jumper [Applause] are you kidding me all right I can't believe I did that I would think you'd have to push the way he did okay all right that was the hardest part is yeah and then push backwards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for your board on the ground and half flips and you landed okay cuz it's your last letter you try one more time look you like this look just smash it down all right we'll give me that boom half cap now push off and go like this now we'll do a redo on his first try and just give them a good push that was way better than your Ollie's you get one more try you should just right now you want to learn half caps real fast you have that that's incredible right dude you literally just did a half cap it wasn't a huge half cab I'm so proud of you man even you're falling if you are falling even though you lost that is an incredible win for you man I know you didn't win but you did a half that is the best black round trick you've ever done you know I love you buddy so I finally won well I'm sure we'll don't be another father-son game of skate he is getting so much better at skating so you can you'll eventually be giving me a run for my money to do with laser flips too crooked right you tell me I don't know but thank you guys for watching my videos all the time once a week with this guy we do a fun father-son activity and then he even has his own YouTube channel that I helped him out with right now you can check it out right in the info but thank you guys so much for watching like I said hit the subscribe but if you want to see more um that is it I will see you guys on the flippity-flop tomorrow we have a new where else Wednesday so stay tuned for that oh go to the health food section bro that's way too good a dad of a thing [Music] watch this this is not a smart idea wasn't even what I was trying [Music]
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 2,532,186
Rating: 4.8822317 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, game, of, skate, s.k.a.t.e., skateboard, skateboarding, Ryden, Andy, Andrew, Schrock, skating, revive, skateboards, force, wheels, toddler, year, old, roll, in, drop, bank, rock, and, to, fakie, boardslide, dad, kid, family, quality, cute, adorable, aw, amazing, heart, warming, funniest, hilarious, haha, action, sports, extreme, Funny, grind, belly, four, dedication, try, again, trial, error, fall, fail, lesson, push, ollie, jump, flat, finger, flip, training, unbox, unboxing
Id: Tq0OGsBoO_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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