Father VS Son GAME OF S.K.A.T.E.

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YouTube it is about time the moment has come what are we doing right we are father-son game of skate and it's gonna be weird because right and has some wacky tricks don't you so anything goes you can do anything you want but I am only gonna go a little easy on you okay I'm not gonna do like a three flip down the five stair but I'm gonna do some real tricks kickflip I might do a kickflip I might do a kickflip okay so if you don't know what skate is if you're new to this world of skateboarding it's kind of like horse okay so we're gonna figure out who goes first by playing paper Rock scissor just say riding goes first he does a trick and he lands it I have to match it where else I get a letter that's in there yeah ska teehee and if he misses the trick then this my turn to set the trick and if I land it and he has to do it or he gets a letter and the first one that has skate loses anything the one get I don't know what that meant but we are absolutely doing may perhaps Scissors shoot oh but don't do anything to undo what let's just push go get your helping career helmet low do you think it's helmets over there done do I'm alright now this matrix is two out of three and we do paper X is your shoe just so on four okay are you with me two or three though so you know I want so much nope that was definitely a kickflip track kickflip try to ollie and then with your toes make the board show some leg movement you have this okay or you have K take you to letters here you have it's okay it's my turn again alright riding I'm gonna try a full cab flip okay that's a fakie 360 kickflip like kickflip 360 you may later Fred no that's a different rate it's his turn you get to do whatever you want jump off and then kick it up and then jump back on [Applause] I know it was too fast it's my turn now but I'm gonna take his trick from him I'm gonna do the baby leak trick this is like he does it all the time [Applause] I want to say Crichton what did you even see what I did okay you almost fell dude all right okay he has cake I'm gonna I'm gonna win this how do we miss your like signature move all right I'll do an answer drop okay you know there was sloppy but I'll give it to him I was going to do I'm going back to the full cabin okay are you ready for this I think you landed that because you ran into me hey spell that was like I was just too confident I know what he's about to do and is the most terrifying thing the world I've never done it but he does it all the time he'll do it it's a Bentley dropping trick would you do that I'm pretty sure you rock to fakie back there I just lay on like this right and then lift up you did it that was the most I've felt like a child on a skateboard and then B York you got blown away like I'm better okay off the box all right I don't know why you know I actually got scares if I'm not gonna land this now but I'm saying this I'm probably not gonna win this but I was like darn if you landed it but I can ask right do the biggest one you can that was pretty big that was me what you doing now you just spider-man me you just see that you just did it like that all right what's your trick spider-man guy I got a really big trick what is it okay dude I see what you're doing if you didn't use the water you have the water bottles there it does make it cooler [Applause] Doosan that first try I wasn't expecting him to do it right there I wasn't either what does he have what does he have what is in there put that back this seems like way bigger for me because I'm taller [Applause] I don't know what's more you've laid like five tricks in a row all right this is easy I've got this [Applause] it's your best bet up was like it does a counter of it sideways he's like I hit it way too fast hey DK and it's his turn he's probably on a trick you're writing should I do the handrail what do you mean what handrail you don't think I can do it I'm doing the hetero [Applause] all right board ready what if you just nailed it if he did it I'd be so proud I'm scared for him to try this he ended up hurting me but you hit my foot you have a sir here's your skateboard yeah what what church do you want me to do well you do a bunch of the airmen trick with my body yeah you can do that I don't even have to try this I'll do a nollie front flip right okay [Applause] that was a nollie front-foot that your body was on the ground can count no no backs on ground elantris alright so your turn I can do it glide on what okay well a swordsman is out get a walk I'm thoroughly impressed he put this together in his brain he didn't do it I'm gonna skate this I'm gonna do a kickflip nose run he's trying you do realize you tried that switch right you jumped on the wrong way like you your left foot was forward yeah alright three flip it fifty I can do that were you tried again let's see it he did it I think I can do this what's that what you even say what is that the gnarly flip would you call it gnarly flip navigate it it didn't flip yours you kind of like made it flip so your something tell me thank you I'm gonna don't this is Empire Strikes Back yeah except he's I'm the teacher I think I don't know write it down so it didn't flip it is a day all right your turn you got to make it good because I'm coming out here they think God did it trick is gonna look so dumb so I go for like an angel and fly back run you lay down your butt did he put his butt oh yeah dude this is harder his butt is there welcome to my life that count be careful spread those feet out I mean he rolled on it but I mean it was probably locked out yeah are different Marie do you gonna do memory do do we have a pulse is he okay is he ticklish I heard I'm gonna do something you potential anima do a pop shuvit your Wilson later flipped it inward heel [Applause] [Music] no no no you're a teaser my god gonna do a kickflip noseslide I did not I did not do it he's back with a jump grind was really when he said yeah in the middle of it I was like okay he's not gonna lay they did do I have to say yeah yes all right dude that was good as high as I can alright you get a letter if you don't hit my head class you just hit me in the jaw I'll pull my hand down a high five I'm sorry okay let me try this [Applause] how'd you fall that's because I was gonna roll off the end and it doesn't work when you weighed 400 pounds well I leave you think you wait no now I'm at tea house to go over company this weekend that is my board not rolling off the edge how did that work for you I'm gonna do the ultimate baby Lee trick what is that the he did it by flipping everyone messed him up and he's still gonna land in it oh you did it and then jump one more try I get one more try gonna do a flip and a half and then land it okay get it two and a half I'll give a redo redo yeah you did two and a half you beat your dad congratulations you won I am NOT going to go easy on you next time it's going down okay rematch sometime all right I just have to get back up and try it again but hey I love you thank you for doing this with me I love skateboarding myself and then riding everyone so I wants to pick it up and you got a handful of moves either here's so much better these days I'm proud of you you did a new one today that jumped 5050 right there on the rail you've never done that maybe he has I don't know but um if you guys want to get into skateboarding it is the best thing ever it's so much fun it'sit's just it's really it teach - taught me what was some of the best lessons in life and it's just so much fun so we have an online skate shop the shred Cooter's calm you guys can get your own well the skate shops are over there should we go show to him let's go here it is the shred course calm we got everything you need to get a skateboard and start skating yourself it is a lot of fun right do we get fun doing this yeah what would you do well if you've got a new board what you want it of course we know she had done yeah that's one I have right now skate Royale on whatever stop it's pretty yes it is is the skate Royale but either way thank you for watching this video if you guys want to see more videos from us hit the subscribe button right down below it's free and easy and your sign them to see more and ride and you don't get that he's got to land a new trick what tricks do you hadda lands to do it yep he's been working on those tricks so we're gonna keep skating and have fun you guys have a great day and I will see you soon because I do videos all the time goodbye sir okay [Music] how did you beat me because I am in the champion you're the champion yeah well let's just see a champion dance okay well that does not seem safe to do on a test let's get down okay come on champion come on champion [Music]
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 15,567,328
Rating: 4.7236981 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, game, of, skate, s.k.a.t.e., skateboard, skateboarding, Ryden, Andy, Andrew, Schrock, skating, revive, skateboards, force, wheels, toddler, year, old, roll, in, drop, bank, rock, and, to, fakie, boardslide, dad, kid, family, quality, cute, adorable, aw, amazing, heart, warming, funniest, hilarious, haha, action, sports, extreme, Funny, grind, belly, four, dedication, try, again, trial, error, fall, fail, lesson, push, ollie, jump, flat, finger, flip, training, unbox, unboxing
Id: 0WWic04wHZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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