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father-son game a bottle for ya thanks for the interest shot Cyrus you too but what is up guys yes it is father-son game of bottle meemers him for and you might say hey there's a fifth to an already out and that's right we thought it was the fifth one last time we filmed but we skipped four yeah so we're going back in time before right now House Edition because we're quarantined right now all right rock scissors you guys first three okay one two three four Oh on four one two three four one two three four oh I can't freedom one two three four I go first that's how life works yeah I'm a crap your crow yeah like a bird that's a chicken okay okay so we only have one bottle so hopefully we don't break that or else it'll be a short game you did you cracked our other Gator a puddle oh and I got these to mess with us a little bit okay and if it's too annoying we'll take them off but watch put these on oh you know what dude but like it's like can you can we make a youtube series right there yeah look how weird that is guys and you're still really good at bomb clothing okay this is weird the film I'm not gonna I'm not gonna film with these on are you oh I'm up first all right so okay come here for my first one all right I with my glasses on I'm gonna bottle flip from here to there okay yeah oh I got three tries to remember three tries to make three tries to match but I'm gonna do it smoother than that that was weird oh I'm stoked so stupendous okay that works you even get that wobble you yeah I ran but you didn't see it flat okay well there it landed you got three tries and in the other game we filmed Game five I totally lost when I shouldn't have so this is my game all right three tries dude alright we'll take that for defense wait still my turn dude I've got a really cool one I'm gonna bottle flip through this and slide it and land over here okay dude you're actually messing with me that's like really hard I shouldn't do that your turkey classic you think you could do that all right right oh wow okay one just like throwing it at the couch you gotta like what you give you just you just got a bonus dry but yeah sorry my turn I'm gonna try that again alright three tries ready whoo okay last try dude oh my gosh how did you do that alright I'm putting my glasses on oh why am i filming this oh that did not flip at all oh oh my gosh that was close dude if you looked at that way I know like big house feet in the two heads it's affordable I'm a bee I'm a bee all right your turn what's your next shot okay we're going into my room now hey look it's my drawer oh you're doing the classic one okay hold on let me actually do it this way oh my gosh that went outside of the oh dude you're that didn't that was still cool though my turn I'm gonna do just right at it right okay let's not break this we don't want blue everywhere oh did I even film that I was like you guys are filming me dude three tries two more come on we stopped landing mine I also don't think I had my glasses on I'm gonna do a cab oh that was bad one oh it's fried ins turn you got this dude it flipped it flipped I am really bad at filming on this dresser but that was really good all right my turn I got a glasses sorry haha dude I think the next game if I lose this next game I'm gonna I'm gonna try to lose and see if I win oh I got one more chance and then I'm a bow I'm about alright where are you going next gonna we're going downstairs alright we might not come back we might finish this game downstairs because there's some really good ones in your room not bottle but land and then land on the chair back and then to their yes on my cap nope for now on to the company yep I got it I got to get a letter on you that's not gonna work the way that's right is this is me so hard I'm gonna work alright I'm just gonna switch just to a cap oh you're not gonna go back to your chair thing yeah but the ball can't roll you want me to hold the ball oh my shirt alright I'm going back to my basic camp which is risky because we can't break this bottle that was terrible one more I'm gonna have zero on the game you're doing your ball thing again I think it's a little all right what are you doing then we're gonna door in a while that's a good idea we'll catch that please okay one more time oh geez get it I've got to land something riding okay watch this I did it I did it dude you did that first stretch Oh could I please land something yeah that was good I'm gonna do the old slide to flip okay put this stool away my Karen this is hard well fine finally finally I get a letter on you that was almost insanely impressive right idea that was very good attempts but you have a B I'm gonna bottle flip onto the paper towel and you know well that happen it's your turn to do this you did that's what I did the first time alright last try Oh Bo - Bo and Dan no Spears at Bo I'm gonna go an old classic double flip bread I almost did Oh Brian's hiding behind the paper towel dude I'm on a I am on fire streak right now hey you got this though double that was pretty good your last try oh those were very good attempts your boss it is my day to finally beat him he's like a vault he's like no matter what happens he comes back in wins usually I'm all right not that utilize the table too much because I've been using it a lot I'm gonna I'm gonna cap into it I'm gonna try not to break this - yeah that's a bad noise alright your turn are you going for the door dude I think I forgot to have this on again but I missed it so it didn't matter all right do it wow you almost hit that first try okay yeah that's my journey you're gonna be a bot you think I'm gonna be a bot ya bossy is it on that's kind of hard oh there's a snake in your cabinet yeah all right yep - that was close oh my gosh you did it I am NOT getting out of this one no I'm worked about to be bought people that wasn't just a bad attempt bot - bot work BOTS what are you doing backwards no okay yeah you almost dude that was really close dang I'm gonna do it long-distance one so you just stand here okay look the Gatorade symbol that's what that is two more tries - one you are bachata one T two to tease dude I'm gonna keep the chair going and I'm gonna land it on this is to be really hard that was really close I got two more tries Oh Samantha I forgot my glasses though alright it doesn't do anything no I'll do it again I get three more tries that was so not I could have been you never you know don't let me lose this you did it perfect I did yeah you did land it it helps studying you I heading over in ridings room dude you're gonna break so much stuff this is not gonna go well that just smashed your big Lego set go get paper towel right now they're in there go that was a terrible idea and we broke the one cap we had I'm pretty sure I was saying this is a terrible idea as this happened and I'm the dad so it's on me I let him do it but it was his stuff so I don't know get all that stickiness all sticky well that's what you're doing the water right now okay so I duct-taped and put water in case it happens again we have one more try you did two on that which I filmed the first one bad yeah do it onto the keyboard this is electronic not a good idea my chair I'm gonna go back to the chair how did I do that you know land this with your glasses on sir it's hilarious that was like a good sound effect for you failing all right chair time how did I did not land this I refuse to believe [Music] dude we are both positive two more letters each oh my gosh okay backwards thank you all right that was one try way too far why don't you turn this one this way okay might be a little more realistic you almost did it that was very creative all right back here so amazing on so many levels dude that was really good oh right and you may beat me oh my gosh yeah now you got beat me one more letter what are you doing dude that's a good that's a good ender don't catch it okay you okay yeah mmm my turn chair you're switching it up yeah members I'm like I think that's a little safer than the bathroom go ahead to the carpet oh my gosh finally if you even do this ridin well that wasn't that bad bottle to bottle yeah my turn for the wind I'm gonna do do your karate shop right it's been a while for those okay two more tries no matter who wins this is a very good game alright don't break anything you did it and I have five tries to land to match four more for my new Edgar upset we're here or there oh okay this would be harder but do whatever you want to do I don't think we can get it back I got it I'm kidding do more what thank you this is vastly easier for me because I'm taller I'm doing the one you just did now what you'd Wow let's get out of these shots cuz we just nails yeah okay try it you just did a first try take my shot yep you're gonna do it on to that yeah okay all right I get five tries all right I gotta use a hammer fist yeah that was so smooth yeah that was awesome you almost did that okay so into your drawer but it has to land on that can okay okay it touch the wall yeah I did it it didn't touch haha five tries ridin I sat down you did it first try anyway they did it exactly how I didn't you know what since you stole my ender I'm just gonna take yours I'm gonna do it on top of the bed to give me a game alright that's five tries you got it dude three tries oh my gosh two tries last try dude that was yeah hey that was a good game and honestly I'm not into stealing tricks but when you stole mine I was like alright I think it's okay for me to take yours now and I think that was the best father-son game a bottle you don't think so why dude we did so many good things I know but I think we had better ones but the ones that you won now I'm in as like the best game as far as like exciting like it was at down to the last letter both of us anyone could win we both matched a lot of good shots but you're right we have done better actual bottle flips yeah but yeah there you guys go there was game of bottle for I finally won and what would you will do more when we can go out into the world again we'll do it yeah at the park because we've been meaning to do that New York New York City yeah game a bottle maybe but thank you guys for watching if you would like to see more videos from me I do videos all the time and then once a week I have an awesome father-son activity with him and last week he had a skate montage go up that was very very cool but I do videos all time so hit the subscribe button you want to see more and tomorrow we have a fun skateboarding video coming thank you guys so much for watching you guys have a great day do that has to look so weird with two glasses really now okay that makes sense - OH but dig you guys you guys have a fantastic eh I will see you soon [Music] it might be too big for ya oh cool he just stole our Gatorade bottle [Music] you
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 9,960,084
Rating: 4.768342 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, ultimate, game, of, bottle, flip, flipping, trick, shot, Andy, andrew, schrock, skateboarding, ruin, haha, lol, hilarious, double, 360, Comedy, forward, 180, full, gap, best, ever, funny, funniest, giant, big, size, sized, mega, water, wtf, impossible, tire, slide, through, one, in, million, ryden, family, life, door, box, eat, adorable, cute, taco, tacos, triple, quad, quadruple, four, times, hard, challenge, difficult, insane, bottle flip, bottle flipping, skate, skating, trampoline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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