Ninja Obstacle Game with American Ninja Warriors!

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What's up, Fun Squad? We're here at this really cool ninja gym called The Grip. And we're gonna be doing a whole bunch of crazy obstacles. If we fail them, we might have to reveal our crush. Yeah, that's right. We might have to reveal our crush. But these are our coaches, Luke and Bailey. Oh yeah! This is Bailey. She was on American Ninja Warrior Junior on TV! And today I get to be her coach. And this is Luke. He also went on American Ninja Warrior Junior too, and he's our coach. And he kissed his muscles in the TV show! We get to pick their obstacles, and if they complete them, they're good. And if they don't, we get to pick their consequence. Oooooh!!! This is gonna be awkward and funny. I get to pick Jazzy's first obstacle, and it's gonna start out easy and go to hard. Oh what's it gonna be? What's it gonna be? And Jazzy gets to do the Atomic Holds. She has to go from this first atomic hold all the way down to the dog bone. Don't worry Jazzy! You got this! You got this! Yeah! Yeah, because there's a mat under you. What? That doesn't help me at all? Three! Two! One! Go! You're doing it. One. Two down. Four. Get the dog bone! Get it! Grab it! Oooooh!!! Bailey, you get to pick what she has to do. Okay. Aww, I didn't do it. I didn't reach the last one. It was so hard, and I didn't know how to grip onto it. I'll get it next time. We choose number three for you, and it is call your crush and wish him or her happy birthday. No. Ahhhh! Oooh! Her crush is [Squeak]! She has to go to her crush's house. Yeah, they live here. She has to go to her crush's house. No! No! She has to talk to him in person! She has to talk to him in person! [Travel music] And since we're nearby my crush's house, I have to go ring the doorbell and sing happy birthday to him. Everyone hide. Ah! Oh my goodness. [Knocking] [Doorbell] Hello. Hi, Jazzy's here to see you. [Singing] Happy birthday to you! Thank you! [Singing] Happy birthday to you! I love birthdays! [Singing] Happy birthday to [Squeak]! Happy birthday to you! Good bye! Um, my birthday is in like five or six more months. Come back then. Bye! Invite me too. I will. Bye. What in the world was that? That was so embarrassing! Let's go. Come on. Let's go. Alright, Jack. It's your turn, and I'm gonna have you do The Balance. What do you mean by balance? Like one whole circle? Do the whole loop. Okay. Luke, show him how to do it. [Upbeat music] That is one circle. Here I go. I think I got this, Fun Squad. [Upbeat music] I completed it! Wooh! Ooooh! Yeah! Alright Kaden, it's your turn, and you are gonna do the Fly Wheels down there. Oh yeah. Definitely. Oh my goodness, Luke is picking the easiest ones for the boys. Why?! Like why?! This is the easiest obstacle here. [Upbeat music] Wahoo! Go Kaden! Oh look, he failed. Luke is really choosing the easy ones. And she's what she already know that is, and I think I know. Good job Kade. You passed and no consequence for you. It's my turn. It's round two. And what's it gonna be? Okay, what I had in mind for you was you were gonna do the Tilting Monkey Bars. That's easy. I've done that like a million times. Oh, now Jazzy gets an easy one. It's just like the playground if you're doing the monkey bar. Just tilting. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Three! Two! One! Go! [Fun music] Go Jazzy! Go! Come on Jazzy! You got this! Yeah Jazzy! Woo! Come on Jazzy! [Fun music] Woo!! Yay!! I'm cheering for the boys. Oh yeah. No way! Jazzy's way better. No. Ha ha ha. Boys rule! No, girls are gonna win. [Blows air] Yeah, right. Yeah they're wrong. Yeah right. It's Jack's turn, and he is gonna do the green Warp Wall. Okay, here I go! What? No! Not that one! Oh I made it! No, on the bigger one. That one's for babies. Not for every baby. Fine, I'm not worried. I could use a big one too. Jack has to do the middle wall all the way up to the green. That's 12 feet. Go Jack! Go! Come on Jack! You've got this! Yeah! Nice! That was easy. Well no consequence for me. It's my turn. Luke's trying to decide what to do. What do you think, Luke? I think you should go from the blue Fly Wheel to the Fidget Spinner to the next blue Fly Wheel. Oh no. Okay. Just three of them. Luke's gonna demonstrate for Kade, so he knows what to do. Fidget Spinner. Then to the next one. Oh nice! That looks pretty simple. No, it's not. It's not simple. I'm the only one that can do it. Three two one go! Oooh! Dang it! Okay, what's my dare? I think we're gonna make him do number five. Tell all of YouTube why you like your crush. But I don't have a crush. Tell the cutest girl you know. Ooooh! This is a hard decision. Who's the cutest girl you know? Say it to the world! I don't know. It starts with a "T" and ends with an "S". She used to be my crush. Well used to is now. Fine, whatever. I'll do with her. Well my crush is [Squeaks], and why I like her. She is cute, and I said I was going to give her chocolate. And she's just funny. And yeah. I showed her my big muscles too. It's true, and it was very weird at the moment. Okay, this is the last round, Bailey. What's gonna be? Do Flying Squirrels. Flying Squirrels. No. So since it's the last round, I had the idea of giving you the Flying Squirrels. Can I get two tries, please? Sure. Yes! I don't think she can do it. Yes, I can! Three two one go! Woo! Jazzy! Wahoo! I did it! That was amazing! Good job, Jazzy! It's your turn, Jack. Give me something you've got. Gimme, gimme. You're gonna do the Double Dipper. The Double... not the Double Dipper! The Double Dipper? Guys, I got this. This is so easy. Luke's gonna demonstrate. Okay, so that's it? Guys, the Double Dipper is super hard. I don't think Jack is make it. He's gonna get a consequence. That looks pretty simple. It's like a rollercoaster, but you hold on to it. No, it's more like a zip-line instead of a rollercoaster. [Buzzer] Oh! That was your last try! Dang it! That's so high! He gets a consequence. Ha! Hey guys, let's try the Double Dipper together! He's a monkey! A monkey in a jungle gym! Jack, we have a consequence for you. Okay. I'm ready to know it. Tell me. Alright, we picked number four: make kissy faces to your crush smashed against a window. Wait, what? You have to make kissy faces. Here, here. You stay there. Look like this. Kaden's gonna demo. We can clean it off after. That's just messed up. I don't care. You have to do it. Okay, I'm fine with that. That's not so bad. I'm taking the pictures for his crush. Hahahaha! Alright, he's done. We got that one. Hahaha! That's it. You took four. I'm glad I didn't have to do that for my crush. That was crazy embarrassing. Shhh! Guys, I'm gonna hit send. Oh no! No! No! Ahhh! Whoa! It wasn't so bad after all. Alright guys, it's my turn for Luke tell me which obstacle I need to do. I'm gonna pick the Cliffhanger. Oh! Cliffhanger? Okay. This is the Cliffhanger, and he has to go all the way to the end. Oh! He does? That looks easy! I got this! This is easy. No, it's not. I can't do it. Ah! That takes a ton of finger muscles. It's harder than it looks, Fun Squad. I cannot barely even get to one. Oooh! It's easier than it looks! Bailey, I have a challenge for you. And Luke, I have a challenge for you. Me too! You know what it is. So Luke has to make the 16 foot Warped Wall. And if you don't make it, Luke, you have to tell YouTube your crush. Luke's trying the 16 foot wall! Three two one go! Beat that wall! Beat that wall! Beat that wall! [All cheering] Okay, I have your challenge. Obviously anybody can make make it through these. Okay, Bailey you're gonna do the Rings, but there's a little twist. Anybody, like including me, can do this, you know. No, but the twist is you have to do it with two people. So you're gonna be like on one side, and I'm gonna be on one side. And we have to go together. Okay, let's do it. Three, two, one, go! [Cheering] We did it! Yeah! Take that Fun Squad! We're doing three people cuz that thing's so easy. Ready? Three, two, one, go! Hahaha! Yeah, that seems so easy. [Buzzer] Alright fail, but Bailey's challenge was easy too. Fail! What? Luke and Jack, they can easily do it. Go! I am doing a demo for him. He only has one try. Yeah. [Fun music] Don't forget like and subscribe below! And don't forget to also watch an amazing video on my channel Jazzy Skye, Jack's channel Jack Skye, and Kaden's channel Kaden Skye.
Channel: Kids Fun TV
Views: 13,302,340
Rating: 4.4820461 out of 5
Keywords: kids fun tv, fun squad, ninja, american ninja warrior, american ninja warrior jr, ninja obstacle, game, challenge, funny, crush, jazzys crush, kades crush, jacks crush, secret, secrets, jazzy skye, jack skye, kade skye, obstacle course, ninja gym, crush reveal, embarassing, secret revealed, videos for kids
Id: buWCD7hD3OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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