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you will pay for the purple playdoh monster comments who he's psychic we got four and gap dr. strange Guardians we'll get you guys wait I shouldn't snap what's up guys we are my name is Andy and this is my son Hey and we do toy videos today we're doing a super fun toy video it's a Lego video and it is infinity war as you guessed by the title and what we just said yes I'm not yet wait so yes over the table we have a bunch of Lego Marvel Avengers infinity war sets and we're gonna have our own little lego infinity war yeah this can be a lot of fun this is like the traditional turbo toy time where we open a box and tell you all about it we're just gonna go explain all the Legos how they work and then have some fun yeah get the gun no we're not because if he snapped half of the people in the universe would go away you don't think group would go to 50/50 chance alright but let's go and get this video started guys did your leg look at them all this is a ton all right so let's just start by going piece by piece and we'll just show you guys it right yeah okay well now let's start over here so first thing we're gonna talk about is the guardians of the galaxy ships I think this is called the Milano it looks different than the original Milano I don't know if it's still called the Milano I haven't done my research yet but what did we have inside and Gomorrah yeah more is in there what should she be a great fighter on the field so maybe we should get around chubby yeah yes she does let's get on that both come out look they're just flying around on a zip zoo I mean it's kind of it's you know I just made that up here they're flying around on motorcycles but what is it that's that's not a motor say there's no wheels yeah I go to fake know what to have a boy okay hover hover works hover cycle have a cycle we deal yeah here's a volunteer - awesome Phillips yes so put it on the battlefield but this is pretty cool it has a little compartment for other people to go in right in your case Drax and rocket and who else is in there usually throat next thing to think ah yes so the cool thing about this is that it actually comes in a different set it comes with four because spoiler alert he takes it in the movie yeah Thor's driving that around them are yeah we talk know right yeah no so let's see if this actually connects boom it does all right carefully pick his ship up reading I clicked it in you just broke the wing off having from the bottom okay alright yeah there it is now it's a full ship but that can always come off and someone else can fly it so yeah they got a little ship but in the movie these are huge FYI and then that is really cool you want to hear let's do it that way so it doesn't get anybody but press it on that red button press that button yeah the bad guys use that now look at this one okay right here watch we'll do a paint esthe no I wouldn't have done it if it was gonna hurt but it does shoot it pretty far and that's cool I'm gonna shoot it Brian do you know what this is from now this is part of Wakanda oh yeah who's from Wakanda ah no that's a scarred black widow Widow yeah no you got the first part right who's from Wakanda yeah Black Panther yes what she's not allowed to see it just yet that's why he didn't know but this is a little cool thing watch press this lever and see what happens writing come in come on in Santos is like you're gonna let me in really yeah see that's exactly what it's for right I don't think they would let them all in but it's got some cool things if you turn it around you see some cool things there's a little device right here watch no we'll see visions taking a snooze right there why don't you bash that in right Ruby that's pretty cool huh vision safe and sound back with the good guys and also see this little thing right there why don't you go ahead and press that in reading whoa in a game of hockey pursues it shoots a little discount so if there's any bad guys coming you know leggo disco is helps or that you play hockey it's also got these shooters up here let's try to hit the inners real fast don't hit him I hit you don't even the head I'm pretty sure I hit him in the hand buddy and then we have this little thing that makes Thor's hammer which is actually holding right now do you know what his new hammer is called yeah attack he attacks it's called storm cat Iike Stormbreaker storm of thunder storm breakers out scouring the storm thunder and then we have the biggest set of this the the sanctum which was where Doctor Strange lives on Bleecker Street so this is kind of cool it does open up he's not in the this the right universe right now buddy okay now that we got our Star Wars guys back where they belong we're gonna open it up and look at it it looks so cool look you can see Reggie's face inside there's a giant ridin in the sanctum okay we got a little fire escape right here we got the roof we got some water if you need it yeah after is that a rope where's that spider-man okay you just ripped it off all right now let's spin it around and look at all of this stuff we got dr. Strange's office we got another office with a treasure chest with a dagger inside there is some cool stuff though now watch and turn that that knob right there right or break it oh oh we figured it out anyway yeah so here's the knob on this side of it watch what's gonna happen oh good book day okay yeah and there's a spot me put it an affinity stone right there there's all someone over here why don't you push down spider-man's web thing over here is it oh you broke the window oh you actually broke it - hey on this side we have a little bed area a little bedroom we got a computer desk I think we have some boxes that say 'pete stuff so maybe this is Spiderman's area and then down here we have a pizza parlor in case you're hungry or in case anyone's hungry oh yeah how do I make this work dad you pull this lever all right let's see it pretty cool huh yep okay so now we're gonna talk about the people and we're not going to say anything about the movie the movie is actually pretty intense so if you want to see it and you're young I would ask your parents I'm not letting ride and see it just yet but it is a fantastic movie and some of the things I might say might spoil at least one aspect of it I know but not it's not a huge spoil but if you get your brain thing and you might realize something so I'm not gonna say anything I urge you if you've seen it don't spoil it in the comments below it is a very very awesome movie that if you're old enough you will appreciate and it'll get you hyped that's it that's all I'm saying let's introduce the characters all right you ready to go over the good guys won't you just point at them and tell them who they are spider-man in the iron spider outfit yeah you can kind of see what he's got going on here and in the movie it is awesome star-lord you don't well he buys a shooting YouTube thank you pankot yeah thank you sir Thor yeah and he's got the Stormbreaker axe right Falcon let's see yeah this is a really cool suit that he's got going on he can fly Goku except he would not be getting you because you're a good guy he would be blasting you with marshmallows Oh eat him there you go I was small oh do we have the Hulkbuster except who's in it this better yes he is so he's still kind of like the Hulk why he's just he's just red and metal yeah except she has blond hair now right yeah yeah there's rocket there's vision man there's iron man in the normal suit right oh you don't know who she is she's shorty this is Josh Allah's sister Black Panthers sister she's awesome dude yes you will Groot and ma who we already went over got Iron Man in his new L suit I think it's called I forget it's a really cool suit in the movie yeah look he's got a lot of stuff happening here with a bunch of energy coming out Captain America yeah Captain America he looks a little different in this movie doesn't it yes so I'm Captain America because I have a beard yeah that I would take the superhero just dad if that was if I was a superhero I'll be hard to just add that me that'd be fun Doctor Strange he's really cool in the movie okay and ridin doesn't know the bad guys as much so I'm gonna do most of them starting with coal I'm City and this guy is Q just kind of like the hall he's big and strong you don't want to mess with him Corvus glaive he is a scary bad guy really powerful but you know what who's more powerful is ebony mom you can see him right there he is creepy and scary in the movie not a bad guy you want to run into and then we have Proxima midnight who's probably the second most powerful in the children of Thanos enemies and then we got these like soldier guys I forget what they're called and I don't have the box to look it up but there's a we have four of these guys so not a huge army but they're tough there'll be a good challenge to the Avengers and I forget I think I got all the bad guys didn't I no dude I totally got all the bad guys theoden's oh the big bad guy you would not want to run into him I dare say Oh especially if he has what infinity god yes at our infinity goal that has all of the stones so I say we play a battle and this will be in the center and we're gonna try to not well I'm not gonna hit you in the face sorry we're gonna try not to let phantos get that Infinity Gauntlet are you ready the Infinity Gauntlet with all of the Infinity stones is now mine past dark you think only you can stand against me and the children of Thanos hey mr. stark I'm Tony and then flawless face so you have three people still nothing to our forces all my service is needed I've joined the bottom with my friends tree and rabbit don't forget me a captain oh they're gone or me now no no you scared Stark yeah well back up oh good shot good shot got the rest of the court is of the galaxy er here pick some tracks yeah no we don't where is he he's sleeping [Music] he's a midget Olaf Wow I did not I did not expect that twist oh my gosh Groot rocket and vision are down oh no you got one leave this to me guys he's so powerful he got the Hulk I'm going straight for Thanos I am NOT a purple play-doh monster you will pay for the purple play-doh monster comments he's psychic we got four dr. strange Guardians we'll get you guys oh dude you more get one too yes you've fallen right into my attack range be nice to live I don't want that was a close call oh wow this is really not turned out well go to count me out either okay so we got Black Panther spider-man Iron Man and hell star-lord left and then we got em any mall Proxima midnight and Thanos still yeah you gotta get that I'll take the psychic dude oh I'm not down yet did he get him yes ooh Proxima midnight got spider-man yeah everybody yes black panther now it is my charge no there's a finna go we need to get this to safety wait what how does a pop quiz I did not expect funny okay beep we trust bb-8 though right alright that was a good war what accepted everyone's unconscious they're gonna wait back up right the water man still awake yeah there you guys go that was our Lego infinity war yeah that was so much fun it's it's funny though because when we film it and everything we don't know how it's gonna come together when we put it together it's a lot more enjoyable to watch so we hope you guys enjoyed that and the Legos themselves you know I could there's a lot of cool sets yes we're of course going to get these to owners that would appreciate them we're not gonna hang onto them I might hang onto the Infinity going on Thanos so that's pretty cool what yeah maybe a few of the heroes but the majority of it we're donating so we hope you guys enjoyed this video we didn't use all the time usually we unbox stuff and show you how to use it and then we play with it but everyone said well we do these super ultimate Lego panels and action figures and a ton of fun stuff so tune in to subscribe if you want to yes we do two videos a week and we're not gonna stop we love doing this good father-son time so you guys have a great day if you want to see more and hit the subscribe button down below like I mentioned and then and then if it's nice outside which is glorious today you have a birthday party to go to but if you wasn't going to a birthday party we'd be outside because it's so nice go outside and play and if you can't do something creative that's the thing you oh you gotta get you got to eat lunch and get ready for this birthday party wha but I'll let you play with them a little bit later on maybe yep yep you know that okay but thanks for watching guys we will see you in the near future and have a good Oh did finding all the peace oh my gosh it has a my face you get my face [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 16,179,710
Rating: 4.5152664 out of 5
Keywords: avengers, infinity, war, thanos, lego, marvel, superhero, super, hero, iron, man, ryden, andy, andrew, schrock, father, son, dad, child, kid, family, matters, quality, time, toys, toy, playset, package, play, building, cool, review, fun, funny, cute, adorable, 80s, 1980s, cartoon, best, funniest, let's, lets, hilarious, 1970, 1970s, block, haha, ever, atst, rouge, one, at-st, walker, hoth, speeder, blaster, missle, laser, beam, blast, battle, showdown, epic, ultimate, captain, america, hulk, black, widow, hawkeye, avenger
Id: eHPjFExp4K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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