Father Larry Richards FLEC 2018 Saturday Session

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Aryeh don't you love it when something starts on time it's 1 o'clock exactly we're getting started the room will start to fill up as I tell you that our first speaker this afternoon is father Larry Richards hopefully you were here and heard him last night you know his little ditty right no Bible no breakfasts no Bible no bed you probably hear it in your head day in and day out whether it's the CD that you listen to in your car relevant radio EWTN or maybe like me you read his bestseller be a man he's an author he's a speaker he is an incredible motivator and someone who founded the reason for our hope which is worthy of your time so please a big floor to welcome to father Larry Richards [Applause] start there you go don't put that aside put it away nope put it away nope nope put it down I don't care in a name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit amen Lord Jesus Christ you are the king of kings and Lord of lords you who are the god of the universe we thank you for the audacity of your great humility that you the universe cannot contain give yourself to us at the Mass in the Eucharist thank you lord help us to fully receive him and do his will in Jesus name we pray amen the father suddenly spirit amen Mary Mother of Jesus good st. Joseph pray for us and then the father and the Son Holy Spirit amen I always tie my own that's why I would do exactly trust me anyway no so those five people who are Protestants bring our people who brought their Bibles please open your Bibles with me you need to get a Bible it's just a big thing the Word of God is the most important reality in our lives you know the Eucharist is Jesus present physically but the the Word of God is how God speaks to us and so often people do a lot of talking to God but they don't do a lot of listening to God and again as I said last night ignorance of the Bible is ignorant of Christ that you can't get to know Jesus unless you know him in his word so it's so important that you get a Bible and that you read it every single day and the way I love to teach people is in the morning you know you keep the Bible next to your bed stand and before you get up to go to the bathroom or anything you just sit there and you ask Jesus to oh you know it's ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your speak to your heart his word and then you just open up the word and you slowly start reading till God takes a 2x4 and whacks you on the head and then stop listening to respond and that way before the world the flesh or the devil speaks to you every day God speaks to you so it's so important that we are people who listen to God and spend his time and his word every day so the first place I want to go to because what we're gonna talk about at this talk is we're gonna talk about the Eucharist as the source and the summit of our faith the Eucharist is the source and the summit of our faith and that means last night we talked primarily about the adoration but today I want to talk about mass and make sure that we are going to be focused on the mass and we're going to Luke chapter 22 verse 15 Luke chapter 22 verse 15 now the greatest gift Christ ever gave us was the Eucharist was the mass and so here we begin here is when Jesus is starting the mass in when he's sitting down for the mass which is the Passover then he says in verse 15 of chapter 22 he says I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer so here Jesus is saying I greatly desire to be here with you at Mass the Jesus longs for us at Mass that to me you know again I wouldn't do this to you but often I'll ask people or if I'm doing a parish mission I'll say how many believe that Jesus Christ is really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament and everybody will raise their hands don't do it because I don't want to embarrass anybody but anyway because Peter won't raise his hand I'll be all upset anyway so how many people fully believe in the real presence everybody will raise their hand then I'll say and how many of you go to daily Mass and then about ten percent raise their hand and I'll say the rest of you are liars and they go oh I don't like you Father I don't like you at all you're making me feel guilty but it's give us this day our daily bread not give us this day our weekly bread that Jesus wants to feed us with his own precious body and blood and when we go to Mass what Jesus is saying I greatly desire you but do we greatly desire him years ago years and years ago before I was on the speaking circuit really big my kids was getting ordained in Rome and so I got a chance to go to Rome and while we were there the last the second the last day my classmate used to work with Mother Teresa's order you know the the missionaries of charity and so he says to me would you like to go and can celebrate Mass with me at the at their house that their convent I go I'd love to so we had to wake up like at 4 o'clock in the morning in Rome we got a bus we took the bus to the train station we got on a train we went out to the mother's convent mother was already in heaven but we got to get to there to the convent and the Mother Superior of the group met us at the door it was like 5:30 in the morning it was still dark and it was an outside courtyard with a big wooden gate so he knocked on the gate and mother came and she opened the gate and mother was so happy she was smiling from ear to ear huh now I thought how can you be so happy at 6 o'clock in the morning I don't happen to be a morning person some people don't think I'm an afternoon an evening person either but still I happen to believe in the Lord's Supper not the lord's breakfast myself but anyway so here this mother is so happy and you know I'm thinking a whole happy good morning sister good morning and we're walking through the courtyard and there's these nuns and they had about at least 30 sisters there was their postulant see and these nuns are doing their washing their clothes and the way they wash their clothes is they would sit there and they were chopping wood in their habit I'm sure mother is something sort of does that right I don't think she's here but just in case ask her when she's up here you know they're chopping the wood then they're making the nice fire and then they're carrying because they don't have running water at the these convents for Mother's Order they had the pumps you remember the pumps they still have those in Florida now anyway so she's there pumping water in these big kettles and they're carrying these kettles and putting them on top of the fire and that's how they wash they're closed every morning and these nuns were smiling from ear-to-ear ladies could you imagine washing your clothes every day that way would you be smiling from ear-to-ear oh yes Father I would Wow oh that's pretty good anyway so here they are and then we had to take our shoes off to go to Mass and so as we take our shoes off I've never said mass in my stocking feet before but you need before you can go into any of their chapels you need to be in your stocking feet you need to take your shoes off why do you need to take your shoes off you're going into holy ground this is the place where Jesus is and so I had to walk through these nuns they were all on there none of them had chairs there was only two chairs in that Chapel and that was for the weak ones called the priests but the nuns now the whole mass and so I have to walk through these nuns that are all over the place in my bare feet and up on the thing that you could do Tabernacles in the center behind the tabernacle is a big crucifix and right next to the crucifix that all Mother Teresa's Chapel says the same two words you know what they are I thirst the Jesus thirsts for us I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer he thirsts for us do we thirst for him is the question do we thirst for Jesus and then afterwards after we sat there and we got into the back we're getting vested in in the in the sacristy and a lot of the older churches still have this while the newer ones don't it really depends on the priest but it used to be all sacristy zall had the same thing written there it says Oh priests of God pray this mass as if it was your first mass pray this mass as if it was your last mass pray this mass as if it was your only mass so I tell my people at my parish and I tell everybody when I'm doing a parish mission and we're in the middle of mass I say I want to pray this Mass today as if it was your first mass pray this Mass today of it as if it was your last mass because it could be pray this Mass today as if it was your only Mass and then we sat there and we come out and we started the mass and my classmate was the main a main celebrant and I was the Kinsella Brent and Mass continues he goes up and he does the gospel and after he does the gospel he sits there and he gives a homily boy talks about Jesus but not only did he talk about Jesus he picked on me can you imagine he was sitting there making some of my you know verbal tics you know sitting there all these things and you know what the nuns did while he was picking on me they laughed hysterically there on their knees laughing at my expense and like I talked about today and the wonderful Eminence Cardinal Wuerl talked about at today also he says one of the things that we need is what joy we need to be people of joy right and they should be out if you're gonna live forever people tell your faces would you just tell them you know often when I'm doing if I'm going and talking to a place I often say the only difference between a Catholic Church and the cemetery is the people in the cemetery the dead already have dirt on top of their heads the people in the Catholic Church they all look like they're constipated a lot of times he ever sat there and constipated you know what that means I don't know but they're like like some of you right now I'm not laughing at that stuff that's disgusting that's vulgar humor Oh offer it up have love have joy be a joyful person if you're a follower of Jesus everyone should see how joyful you are that's what we should be you know some people aren't Christians because of us because when they look at and we look constipated think I don't want to look constipated all the days of my life I'm gonna do that when you and I know that when I go to judge Mass that God loves me so much that he gives up his own precious body and blood for me that should give me great joy right we should be the most joyful of all people and then after he sits there and he feeds us it's so good because then it asked to be lived so when we sat there and we held up Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament after these young the beautiful nuns were laughing at my expense when we held up Jesus and said this is my body you know what these beautiful nuns did they fell on their faces in adoration of Jesus Christ when we go to Mass do we fall on our faces before Jesus Christ huh and it doesn't matter how you do that right you know I went to Notre Dame to get a degree in liturgy can you tell so I'm a liturgy you know the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist don't you you can negotiate what a terrorist but anyway so and everybody has their own ways of how mass should be you have some people that say masses are sacrifice and we need to be not joyful we need to be just focused on Jesus um they're wrong haha and then you have the other people that sit there and say Mass is just a kumbaya moment where we hug each other and I love you you love me do we all love each other and they're wrong mass is not either/or what is mass both and it's a sacrifice it will cost God his life but it's also the place where Jesus commands us to love one another it's both and when you only focused on one and you don't focus on the other like I often tell people and I'm talking about the mass too many people go to Mass to judge people instead of even focused on Jesus right you know they're like once a person came to me years and years ago and she came up and she was extraordinary Minister Holy Communion she says father and I go yes she says can I can I not give communion to some people but why would you say that and she says because some people have dirty hands and I go oh because they work for a living instead of you who just judge for a living is that so I said if you ever do that again you ever say that again you will never give out the most prescient sacrament to anybody ever okay father sorry but when we go to Mass let's say you're a conservative or let's say you're a liberal let's just pretend that you like either one mass you like the other and when you go to a mass or you go to a priest or you go to a place that doesn't have mass the way you like to and you get mad at the priest you get mad at the way people go to communion you get bad at the people are talking to get mad the songs and you start judging everybody what do you do you commit a sacrilege the Holy Holy Mass you introduce sin to and it becomes a sacrilege because instead of loving the people God's created you to be with that Mass you go to Mass and judge them because they don't pray the way you pray and that becomes a sacrilege and so we got to know that when you and I come to Mass that God's given his life for me but I need to learn to give my life for others right and when we do this you know again I'm on EWTN you know every week I'm with the pagan dr. ray every Saturday night I know he's coming up when if he if he sneaks in here somebody tackle him do not let him near this stage I'm just telling you now anyway but I'm one of him Saturday night and every Thursday I have I recall in radio show right it's a live call-in show and so people call from all over the world well a couple of months ago maybe a year ago his guy called and he says father I go yes he goes my cousin's getting married in six months and I'm not going okay why aren't you going because he's living in sin with his girlfriend and I want him to know how terribly sinful he is I go oh is he getting married in the church well yes why said the church is gonna be there why aren't you gonna be there cuz I want him to know how sin as I said okay this what I want you to do I want you how many how many months six months I want you to fast on bread and water every Friday for six months for his conversion you know what he did he hung up on me right it's easier for us to judge each other than it is to truly love each other so let's say you go to Mass and there's someone committing sacrilege or go to Mass and there's someone it's not singing or there's a go to Mass and why the priests aren't as Orthodox as you go what you need to do before you can ever say anything because to talk about anybody to talk to them one another person would either be the sin of detraction or the sin of gossip just so you know instead of that you start fasting for their conversion now you're a follower of Jesus now you bring to mass the sacrifice of your life and the love of somebody else and see that's when the mass becomes real for us when it starts to change us it becomes life-changing instead of just something we go to the motions for huh we need to let the mass change us we go to Mass to be loved by Almighty God and does he love us He loves us so much he gives us himself but we learn while we're there this is what I want you to do for others so what's he want us to do he wants us to die for others not judge others because sometimes we go to Mass and we make it such a judgement place instead of the place of love remember I told you at last night at the mass in John 15 John John John 13 verse 34 and 35 says love one another it was told to us during the mass all people will know you're my disciples because you love one another so the mass must be the place where we experience love and we give love now after these great nuns fell on their faces and adoration I was the first time and you know you can fall on your face you can kneel down when you see Seif Communion and not fall in your face because you can be judging somebody else you can be singing and standing because you can't stand and still fall on your face spiritually it's where your heart is when you go to mass is your heart an adoration falling down before Almighty God in prayer because that's what Jesus sees your heart and if God is present in Eucharist we will lay our hearts down before him now then after I'm done with these wonderful sisters they insist that we have breakfast for us and they made us breakfast so we go over this little room and the Mother Superior it's a very small room she there was a table father NYX over there I'm over here and mother pulls up a chair and I had a cold or something and she says Oh father would you like something I said I'm fine sister I don't feel well and she goes here let me get you some honey and make you some tea and she poured the honey and Porter tea and gave me oh thank you very much sister and she's talking to us very very pleasant and then she goes and she says to my classmate father Nick cuz there's a bowl of fruit on the table and she says father would you like some fruit and I said no thank you sister and my classmate says oh I'll take up I'll take the Apple sister oh let me you don't like the peel do you father she said this the mother superior the order I think goes well not particularly let me peel it for you and so here's sister and she's cutting it and she's peeling every piece of skin off and she's handing it to my classmate like he's the Pharaoh and she's go thank you sister oh thank you system and I'm getting mad and I'm thinking you can cut your own piece of fruit don't make Mother Superior cut you a piece of fruit are you out of your mind and then behind her head I saw why she did it it was a saying for mother Teresa it says the fruit of faith is prayer the fruit of prayer is the fruit of silence is prayer the fruit of prayer is faith the fruit of faith is love the fruit of love is service the fruit of service is peace she knew that if she was gonna fall down on her face before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist she must then go and serve Jesus Christ and all the people she met when we go to Mass some people sit there and say father I go to Mass Kurtz anytime I have peace no you go to Mass you can lay down your life for him who lays down his life for you so that he can fill you with himself that you can then go out and lay down your life for other people you see what mass is about it's the place where we learn how to love it's the place where I get loved by God and so whenever you and I go to Mass we got to make sure that we love we experience that like when I told you last night I told you how to pray that's what I do with my people every day every daily Mass and every weekend Mass you ever come to Erie Pennsylvania I have a beautiful beautiful church hand car back altars side altars beautiful beautiful old church and when you come after communion I always say okay now be seated everybody sits down and I say now just let Jesus hold you for a while huh close your eyes and just say Jesus hold me put your head on his chest listen to his heartbeat every time his heart beats he says I love you I love you just let Jesus Christ love you and then for three minutes at every mass daily and Sunday the people need to let Jesus love them that way when they leave Mass they can be loved into the world you know there's only one thing people want from you and me when they see us and they say where we say we're followers of Jesus they say sir or ma'am I would like to see Jesus and our job is to show people Jesus Christ now all of us will show Jesus a show a different verified face of Jesus won't we but we're all called to show Jesus that that's what it is to be a follower of Jesus right now when we go to Mass you got a note out the beat of the bishop yeah the Cardinals eminence I'm sorry but Cardinal you know he's from Pittsburgh so am i Pittsburgh I'm just saying gods it's the or fair anyway so as we were just saying the Cardinal didn't say anything because he was being honored you know he's a very good man didn't want to pick on Jacksonville I know I know I'm not so anyway so here we are and as we're sitting there and when I go and I'm getting people ready for mass I always sit there and say do you ever realize at the Last Supper let's go away and he talked about the mystery the Cardinal did when you go to Mass when Jesus did the first mass remember he said this is my body correct now how could Jesus say this is my body when he had not yet died on the cross do-do-do-do-do-do-do how could Jesus Christ say this is my body when he had not yet died on the cross because God is an eternal Nile now and Oh W before God the world is being created now the world is ending now Jesus being born now Jesus on the cross now Jesus resurrected now Jesus ascended now the Last Supper is happening now thank you so every time we go to Mass eternity the eternal nowness of God eternity folds into time and time folds into eternity and as his Eminence said we get to glimpse heaven we enter I the veil is torn now that's but we get to enter into heaven when you go to Mass where are you going to heaven that's the point read Revelation chapter 4 it's great holy holy holy every time I go to Mass so when we go to Mass we don't retail Jesus we are there at the Last Supper now we are there at the crucifixion now so when Jesus sat there and said this is my body before the Father in God's eternity he had already been on the cross so they were receiving his true body blood soul and divinity because now had folded in the eternity had folded into that moment every time we go to Mass we are at Calvary we are at the resurrection now that's why I was a great I was done at the family days EWTN there was a young priest there great great great great great guy and we're we're getting ready to go scan celebrate a big mass with the bishop there who that bishop is from your diocese right Bishop Baker great great man anyway so we're getting ready and he looks at me in this young priest he says Larry I go up he goes my mother is always on my case about the way I say Mass I so join the crowd that's how I said just join the crowd and I said what's she on your case about and he says because she gets mad cuz I don't smile when I say Mass and I went and he says and I went and I said to her did Mary smile at the crucifixion and I said no she didn't but she sure smiled at the resurrection and Mass ladies and gentlemen is not just the crucifixion oh he's crucified at mass but we don't receive a dead piece of Jesus body do we the body blood soul and divinity that we receive every Mass is what his resurrected body his life his being the resurrected Jesus Christ he dies but we receive he who is alive I said so she smiled at the resurrection oh and then after we had mass he came running up to me he says hey Larry hey Larry it was the first time I ever smiled at Mass thank you my job is done here the reality is we should always be smiling at Mass because even when we know that this is costing him his life instead of us saying oh look what I did to Jesus and it's all about you and you feel bad about yourself and you feel guilty and you feel like garbage when Jesus dies in front of us in the Eucharist we should be grateful Wow you do that for me you love me so much that you give up everything for me Jesus thank you thank you and that should be the biggest smile on our face every time we go to Mass that here get to see Jesus at the cross giving his life but then I get to see Jesus resurrected People of God the cross is not the end it's just the beginning Christ died so he could live forever and when you and I learned that we died for others so we can live forever that's when things change we are to receive and become who we receive is that correct we're sick it didn't sound very exciting here we are to become who we receive is that correct thank you and so what that means is is that you know again people sit there and I know there's a whole theology that says that Jesus only stays with us for twenty or twenty minutes tradition holds really when did Jesus take up residence inside of you people when you got baptized he doesn't leave you right he's always there we are the Temple of the Living God is that correct so we don't know we can have the real presence in a different form yes but it doesn't mean that he's no longer with us so when you receive Communion a couple of hours ago and Jesus didn't say okay okay let's start the timer ten minutes I'm gonna be with you ten nine eight seven okay you only got one more minute come to that okay only thirty seconds you better pay attention I'm leaving you in thirty seconds 19:18 I'm gonna be gone in ten seconds nine eight seven six five okay four three two one bang I'm going to bite excuse me Jesus always lives in you and the problem with us is too often we leave Jesus in the tabernacle you need to take Jesus everywhere you are you become the presence of Jesus in the world there's a great story you might have heard of it before but I love this story and it's based on a true true experience there is a man captured in the second world war and he was thrown into a prisoner of war camp by the Japanese at the same time there was a Japanese man who sat there and was helping the Americans so that Japanese caught him too and they taught him as a traitor so they tortured him horribly right and every day when they throw him in the cell with the American the tortured Japanese man the American was a Christian had take his own food and he'd give it to the Japanese man and he would try to wash the man's wounds as best he could and he did this every day one day they had tortured the Japanese man so desperately so horribly that when they threw him back in the cell that night with the American the American knew that he was going to die so he thought I shared everything with this man but I didn't share Jesus so he knelt down next to him and he says you know you're probably gonna die tonight but if you just surrender your life to Jesus you will live forever you know what the Japanese man said to the American he said if this Jesus is anything like you I can't wait to meet him good people say that about us wives could your husband say that about you oh honey bun hmm if Jesus Christ is anything like you sweetie pie I can't wait to meet them husbands could your wives say that about you oh honey boo if Jesus Christ is anything like you I can't wait to meet him could your kids say that about you parents Oh mom dad if Jesus is anything like you I can't wait to meet them you who are wonderful nonny buns here you sisters could the people that meet you say Oh sister Mary whatever if Jesus is anything like you I can't wait to be father's could your parishioners say that about you Oh father if Jesus is anything like you I can't wait to meet him could your neighbors say that about you could your cousins say that about you could your employees say that about you Oh sir Oh ma'am if Jesus Christ is anything like you I can't wait to meet him we are called to one receive the very Eucharist the very presence of Jesus Christ is to bring the Eucharist to everybody we meet and we bring the Eucharist by bringing everybody Jesus and showing people Jesus and not ourselves see that's the point that they're asking sir or ma'am I want to meet Jesus I want to know Jesus so when they look at you and me will they see Jesus in our eyes each of us will show a different side of Jesus I stro a stronger side of Jesus I don't know and I've been very gentle with you people here so far the men know better it's like what I couldn't beat her to come up to me he says father you're much different with the men I know I'm being gentle for you it's not nice anyway but we got to be showing I usually show a stronger side of Jesus you might show a more gentle side of Jesus it doesn't take much but all of us are called to see Jesus and whenever we go and we examine our conscience at night one of the things you know these people would sit there and say I don't know I can't think of anything I've done really when you go and you do examine your conscience before you go to bed or before you go to confession ask yourself one thing who did the people see in my life today did they see me or did they see Jesus Christ every time they saw me I'm in sin because I got in the way of Jesus my job is to show people Jesus because you know most people I don't think get it some people think that being a Christian is about just following a bunch of rules you know I'll go to Mass every week I will sit there and I'll be a good person I won't have sex outside of marriage I won't commit adultery I will do everything I need to do don't little dough and at the end of my life I'm going to stand before God and say I did everything you know now you can let me go to heaven sorry and I ain't gonna work like that have you ever met a good person who can follow all the rules and thus an atheist bets you have have you ever met a Jewish man or woman who's a very good person who loves people who's caring who has a faith who prays every day if you ever met anybody like that have you ever met a Muslim like that yes that doesn't make you a Christian a Christian is one who no longer lives my favorite verse of the Bible will be ungallant on it will be on my gravestone when I die at 120 because the good die young right and on it will be Galatians chapter 2 19 and 20 Galatians chapter 2 19 and 20 used to be nineteen twenty now it's 20 for the most translations I don't know what happened there but anyway this is what it says I have been crucified with Christ so the life I live now is no longer my own Jesus Christ lives inside of me I still live my I still have my regular life yes but it's a life of faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me God is not a big cheerleader they're looking at your life going come on you can do it oh yeah messed up there you know I'm really disappointed Karl you're really messed up there too I'm very disappointed where is Jesus people here could you imagine if we start living that instead of hurry up receiving Communion the body of Christ Amen running out the door and killing each other in the parking lot can you imagine if you live that way you know as an aside when I first became pastor at my parish I told people listen I'm your pastor I've been a pastor for 17 years the same parish can you imagine these poor people they get to go right to heaven and I say I'm your pastor one thing I ask you is don't you ever insult Almighty God in my presence and I say if you ever walk out that door before the final blessing with that diary are running down your leg don't come back ain't that mean because who do we know who is the first one to leave the Last Supper so whenever you leave Master Li you're doing the Judas shuffle right you're following in the footsteps and what you're doing to Jesus is saying Jesus you're not worth my time I have more important things than you and it's like going up to the cross every time you leave mass early and spitting on the crucifix you're not worth my time Jesus I'm out of here when I decide everybody here needs a blessing don't you ever leave mass before the final blessing ever because it's a great insult to God and some of you older people I see you whispering to each other again it's an insult to God and when if you if you do that to God every week what if he does that to you if you leave Matt's five minutes before it's over every week what if he leaves your life five minutes before it's over because that's the way you treated him the mass is the source and the summit of our life we need to stay there from the beginning to the end we shouldn't become running in late fix your priorities people you be there at the beginning and you be there at the end you don't come walking in when you feel like it if you come late to Mass it's because God isn't your priority it's just that simple it just is so you've got to sit there and start taking God seriously because when you go to Mass and you go to communion let's say you come to communion and the priest or the minister of the deacon sets there and says the body of Christ what do you respond amen and what does amen mean and you believe today it's much more than I do believe it's the Amen steak what's the Amen steak amen and that means when you go to Mass when you say Amen you're saying I would stake my life on what you just said so when they say the body of Christ and you say Amen you're saying I would die professing that this is the true body true blood the divinity of Jesus Christ that's what you say is that what you mean when you go to Mass let's say for instance radical Muslims come and they go to all the doors here at Mass today and they stand all the doors at machine-guns the radical most Muslims 99.9% of Muslims are very good people but you get the radical ones that want us dead right so he's standing doors with machine guns and they say to you you know that piece that thing you had in that gold thing if you believe that that's God you stay and die if you don't believe that's God you may leave I wonder how many of you would stay and die and how many would run out the doors but every time you go to Mass you're saying I would die for the real presence of Jesus Christ this is why it's the source and the summit everything we have comes from God and where we're going he is the Alpha and the Omega he's the beginning of our life the end of our life and when you and I go to Mass when we believe with all our heart and I would stake my life and die for his real presence that I already start to live heaven today when you go to Mass you're going to heaven and when we stay there and we can go to Mass as often as we can and you should go every day if you can you should go as often as you can and when you go you sit there and you think I'm going to heaven I'm gonna receive Jesus so I can be Jesus in the world that's the point so today as I leave you I ask you to please think about and pray about the Holy Eucharist spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist as I told you last night my grandmother had a ditty and what was the duty has anybody remember every time I pass a church I stopped to make a visit so when the come time comes when I'm wheeled in you know in a casket he won't say who is it spend time with Jesus every day okay I'm gonna make you a promise I promise you that I'm gonna pray for you every day for the rest of my life twice a day I promise you okay and I ask you please please pray for me please pray cuz the devil's already asked for me he has when I was in Rome for sabbatical while the newly ordained deacons came up and says Oh father Larry Richards we all know you but you know all you celebrity priests end up in scandal thank you but it's true so I just beg you please if you have a prayer list to put me on that list to pray that I never do anything against Jesus never do any kind of scandal against Jesus or his church that I stay faithful to Jesus all the days of my life do you promise you'll pray for me and I'll pray for you I'm gonna sign books for a little bit then I got to get back in the plane so I can get to my parish tomorrow so pray let's pray for each other and one day we'll all be together with the Lord forever because when we go to Mass we become one with each other we become one with Jesus and then we bring Jesus to the world you got it you get it you're gonna live it nature no is love today and forever amen the Lord be with you may Almighty God bless keep and protect you he who is father and Son and Holy Spirit amen god bless oh no please pray for all right look at this I wish skip you think he gave a good talk right little behind the scenes I'm missing my speech somebody took it and is giving it all right I would have had to do it in crayon for you to give it did you not see the teleprompter back there for him I guess do my father really imitation you ready shut up shut up I didn't say shut up one time was very good you were very kind god bless you see you later [Applause]
Channel: Florida Eucharistic Congress - DOSAFL
Views: 27,660
Rating: 4.767313 out of 5
Id: qniicyQFTxA
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Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.