Medical Professionals Say “No” to Covid Vaccine | EWTN News In Depth September 17, 2021

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attorney steve crampton senior counsel at the thomas more society who represents the plaintiffs in this case did agree to come on our show to explain a little more about it steve what are the claims that your clients medical professionals are making essentially we're making three claims here first that the public health order in effect right here is a violation of the supremacy clause of the united states constitution because it disregards not only state law but federal statutory law and the constitution itself states can't do that second we're claiming a violation of the free exercise clause because this regulation is neither neutral nor generally applicable and does not meet the strict scrutiny analysis that the case law requires third we're claiming a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment because this regulation singles out in effect folks that have a religious uh objection to the vaccine which is the case for our 17 plaintiffs and treats them differently from for example people that have a medical uh issue with regard to the vaccine we don't even get to make a uh an application for a religious exemption under the regulations as currently structured so that's it in a nutshell basically what you're saying is if the government in any way exempts anyone it has to also exempt religious people and that's that's why you you have a claim here and why the court responded to you um let's take a step back though are you just trying to knock down all vaccine mandates altogether or is this really only about religious exemptions yeah absolutely not this is simply a modest request that the state of new york recognize and respect as federal law requires and as the law of the state of new york requires a genuine sincere religious objection to a mandate such as this vaccine mandate and it doesn't even guarantee our lawsuit wouldn't guarantee that our clients would all obtain that religious exemption but it would respect the right to apply for one that's all we're asking here for the right to try and so this is about the state of new york and not about the federal mandate that we're waiting to be issued through the department of labor so then what's next in the lawsuit the government has to prove that there's no other way for them to eradicate covet other than issuing a mandate this is the state government of new york that forces people to violate their conscience is that is that what's next that's it in a nutshell uh what we have is a deadline for the state to respond by september 22 which is next wednesday then there's a hearing if necessary if the state persists which it looks like they will in its position uh set for september the 28th the morning of the 28th and so you'll be in so we're moving fast yes moving quickly do you see any other lawsuits similar to this that will be coming up are you planning on bringing other cases well uh yes we're being contacted of course all over the country other firms are involved as well as you may know there's another lawsuit similar to this one pending in the eastern district of new york also awaiting a hearing and as you say the federal mandate is yet to be kind of spelled out for us but we're looking very closely at that too frankly it's a time in our nation like no other time i think with regard to the threats to our fundamental freedoms and we're active and looking very carefully as i say all across the country at these things and with the federal mandate coming out it does seem like it might have religious exemptions since the military and a couple of other places have received exemptions from it are you curious to see if there will be one included there is there anything you're doing to promote that well yeah we're very curious and you know given the kind of almost testing of the waters that new york has undertaken here the state of uh maine has also tried this kind of absurdity of setting aside all religious exemptions very disturbing uh incremental suggestions here that we're we're in danger of losing just all of our fundamental freedoms so when the uh federal government and the white house itself is disrespecting frankly throwing all kinds of insults at the unvaccinated it is a trend that we are watching very carefully and we think bodes real ill for what's coming we're in danger of moving from a free america to what looks like a kind of clone to red china here we'll be watching that closely thank you so much thank you appreciate it [Music] you
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Keywords: end21027, end_spot, ytsync-en
Id: VcX2zhZt-cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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