Fate Lore - The Tale of Raikou, Kintoki, Shuten and Ibaraki douji
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Channel: OtakuDaiKun
Views: 51,479
Rating: 4.9679518 out of 5
Keywords: raikou, minamoto no raikou, minamoto no yorimitsu, minamoto, yorimitsu, sakata kintoki, kintoki, gintoki, shuten douji fgo, shuten douji, shuten-douji, shuten, ibaraki, ibaraki-douji, ibaraki douji, lore, fate lore, fgo, fgo na, fate/grand order, fate grand order, grand order, rashomon, onigashima, mama raikou, fate stay night, fate, mobile game, fate/stay night, gacha, noble phantasm, otakudaikun, waifu, anime, fate extella, fate extella link, extella link, shotgun shogun, fate/extella link
Id: XRHuaeVFoS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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