Fate Lore - The Tale of Shirou Amakusa Tokisada [Fate/Apocrypha]
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Channel: OtakuDaiKun
Views: 43,817
Rating: 4.9757247 out of 5
Keywords: fate lore, lore, fgo, fate grand order, fate/grand order, grand order, fate/apocrypha, fate apocrypha, apocrypha, shirou kotomine, shirou amakusa tokisada, consort yu, bradamante, fate stay night, fate, anime, waifu, otaku, otakudaikun, manga, fgo na, fate/stay night, heavens feel, babylonia, solomon, lostbelt, voice of saint quartz, analysis, guide, scathach, tamamo, visual novel, gilgamesh, stay night, kirei kotomine, shuten douji, ruler, nasuverse, sitonai, nitocris, noble phantasm
Id: fwrw5ePXZNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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