Fate Lore - The Tale of Shiki Ryougi
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Channel: OtakuDaiKun
Views: 7,412
Rating: 4.9746838 out of 5
Keywords: ryougi shiki, shiki, ryougi, fate lore, tsiah iv, voice of saint quartz, fate grand order, fgo, fate stay night, kara no kyoukai, garden of sinners, fate extra, apocrypha, strange fake, heaven's feel, fate lore - the tale of gilgamesh, otakudaikun, arcueid lore, shiki ryougi, fate, fate/grand order, grand order, fate/stay night, stay night, tsukihime remake, melty blood type lumina, type moon, lostbelt, singularity, anime, fate grand carnival, carnival phantasm
Id: 8TbnYxlgAnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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