Fate Lore - The Tale of Katou Danzou and Fuuma Kotarou
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Channel: OtakuDaiKun
Views: 14,867
Rating: 4.9811764 out of 5
Keywords: aninews, fate, fate lore, fate/grand order, fate grand order, grand order, fgo, fgo na, shimousa, shimousa fgo, ninja, katou danzou, kato danzo, fuuma kotarou, sengoku, fate anime, fate explained, fate grand order babylonia, absolute demonic front babylonia, babylonia, babylonia anime, lost butterfly, presage flower, spring song, fate/stay night, fate stay night, stay night, heaven's feel, heavens feel, onigashima, tomoe gozen, noble phantasm, guide, mythology, otakudaikun, anime
Id: KFD_KRK-25s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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