Karna / Lancer of Red Explained - Fate Apocrypha | ABILITIES & NOBLE PHANTASMS - Part 2

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and I'm back but you didn't think this video would be out this soon did you but as I said I'm on break and put on releasing a whole lot of content so let's jump right into this video with Karnas abilities and noble phantasms but first quick I forgot to let you guys know last episode that this does cover up to episode 22 in the anime so if you haven't seen till there just click off the video so unlike Shakespeare who had only one noble phantasm and a few skills karna is stacked with four noble phantasms and more skills than I honestly feel like counting so let's start with the big guns his noble phantasms starting with the most obvious one his golden armor and golden earrings this is called kabocha and Khandala o son become armor you already know that this armor was meant to signify his godlike lineage but it was his mother who brought it into existence because she had prayed for his son to be born was something that could confirm his heritage and as such karna was born with the armor as part of his body which you already knew made him invulnerable now if you watched part one you know that the god of thunder Indra was able to steal this armor from karna but you're probably wondering that if it was part of his body then how did he even managed to rip it from his skin well for personal circumstances while karna was a child and training with the Hindu priests known as Brahmin he made a promise to himself that he would never deny a Brahmins request so when Indra had disguised himself as one karna knew that he wasn't actually a Brahmin but just the fact that he had the appearance of one meant that he had to oblige you know how these heroic spirits are once they make a contract they'll fulfill it to the best of their abilities but yeah even though karna knew that it was a trap he stole released the armor from his body and handed it over although the armor was lost during his life he still carries it with him in the Holy Grail war and it essentially has the same effects as when he was alive making him damn near and vulnerable it's a defensive type noble phantasm that protects him from pretty much all damage whether it be physical or conceptual by reducing the actual damage to around 10% of what it should if it was to have a weakness it would be that it doesn't protect the inside of his body so when vlad had fought karna and spawned the spears inside of him it actually did a fair amount of damage to him his next noble phantasm goes hand in hand with armored it plays off of the part of karna story in which he receives indras spear the amount of nobility that karna demonstrated as he handed over his armor knowing that it was a trap led to injure feeling that the only right thing to do was to give karna his spear as compensation it's known as Vasavi Shakti Oh son abide to death a spear that was so powerful that it was said to have never been handled properly not even by the Thunder God himself the spear and armor tie-in to the legend that they came from because the spear can only be summoned once karna permanently strips himself out of his armor so it's got to be pretty worth it if he's planning on giving up invulnerability to fight with this spear the power that is normally used in Karnas armor is transferred over to the spear and channeled into one attack only but my god is it a powerful attack it's said to have the ability to kill the gods themselves granting it the title of not only an anti army but also an anti divinity noble phantasm which is understandable considering it was a weapon created and used by a god I had also mentioned in part one that this man can literally spawn a son and this is exactly what happens when he enly sh'zazz attack it's almost as if the only way to survive it is to have a lot of plot armor and a convenient noble phantasm handed over that negates almost every attack but seriously that's just me being a little bit salty this attack is supposed to obliterate beats shields fortresses and bandit fields alike but if it wasn't for achilles noble phantasm that had unique properties then that fight would have been over right then and there I'm pretty sure that the only thing that counters Karnas noble phantasm is achilles noble phantasm so in a way you could say that karna is even more okay than Gilgamesh and it's not like Gilgamesh could even pull out this weapon from his Gate of Babylon since it technically never existed in the real world karna died before he could ever get to use the spear in battle so any mention of it is just myth his third is called Brahmastra Khandala o Brahma cursed me and it goes hand in hand with his mana burst skill that puts magical energy into his weapons this magical energy usually takes the form of flames that can spawn inside his body and emit outward and transfer to any weapon that he holds this noble phantasm increases the reign and area that his mana bursts skill can affect as well as provides for a projectile type explosion that is on the same scale as a nuclear bomb in order to use it though karna would have had to drop his armor and deployed the Vasavi Shakti so you won't typically see this unless it's in a final fight type situation then there's his fourth called Brahmastra or Brahma covered the earth karna opens his right eye calls upon the god Brahma and emits what's essentially a cyclops Nile laser beam from it it's a focused version of his mana burst skill where instead of emitting flames from everywhere it's channeled and projected in a small powerful burst this attack doesn't work when fighting someone who's stronger than him because as he was cursed in his Legend to die helplessly against an equal opponent the same curse limits this attack but considering that there were a few servants that are actually stronger than him at least that I know of anyways then I think he should be fine now what about his other abilities he has a skill that is directly related to being known as the hero of charity it's called the discernment of the poor and it lets him determine the true character and motives of other people so that's an interesting fact to know considering that this lets him see right through seed Rose lies and deception and determine what his true plans are meaning that if she wrote rouille had sinister intentions then karna most likely would have done something about it simply put though it's a built-in lie detector and it comes from as years of observing the people of the lower class that he was brought up with yet another example of how the legends mold a servant then it's not like karna needs it but he also has magic resistance as a standard for any Lancer class he also has the riding skill much like many of the other night class servants then he has what's called uncrowned martial arts which makes his skill and ability seem weaker than it actually is unless his true name is determined I think that's more of a skill for the game so not really relevant in the anime considering that he just freely introduces himself as if he cares whether or not people know his true name the man just wants to throw hands and a fair fight for the ages now all these skills and abilities are nice and all but if his master wasn't shiro the amount of magic that would be needed to sustain any type of fight would be monumental it's mentioned that a top-rate mage wouldn't even be able to keep Karnas basic mana bursts activated for more than 10 seconds I'm not entirely sure how viable karna would be in a normal Holy Grail war but it's still interesting to consider how each of these servants fit into their role in the show so conveniently it's like putting together the pieces of a puzzle because if you bring in someone as Opie as karna you've got to bring in someone who can support his existence and if you don't plan on having him win the war then you have to bring in someone who can counter him anyway that's Karnas capabilities in a nutshell we pretty much got to see it all in action in episode 22 so I think if you were to watch that fight over again things would make a bit more sense since we never really got anything explained to us in terms of Karnas story or strength but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you want to help decide who I cover in the next episode then go vote on the poll under the community section so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 297,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fate apocrypha, fate apocrypha lancer, fate apocrypha anime, fate apocrypha karna, karna fate, karna, karna sun god, who is karna, karna explained, lancer of red explained, lancer fate, anime, aninews, karna abilities, karna noble phantasm, karna power, karna episode 22, fate apocrypha episode 22, anime explained, karna uses noble phantasm, karna vs vlad, karna vs sieg
Id: Trs79Tb9dd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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